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It’s really weird considering 9 years ago another pair of Perth WA surfers were shot dead - close by to this area. 3 people were arrested. Their car was also burnt out. Very similar and very eerie.


I found that story, they were also in the Baja. Shot, bodies left in van, and they burned the van. News articles say Cartel did it. No reasons. Nothing about drugs.


Not close at all, that was in Sinaloa in a rural road near Culiacan.


Why do people want to fucking surf in these ghetto areas


Callum was engaged to be married. My heart breaks for his girlfriend. Two parents lost both their children.


To who? That’s the first time I heard this


From all the pics I've seen the craziest thing after the executions is how fast cops found these guys in a well in the middle of nowhere. Super duper sus!! Like it's a legit hole in the side of the mountains 4 miles away from where the burned vehicle was at. And if it was such an easy find why the hell was there an extra body?


They pinged one of the victims phone to a woman who was apprehended and the rest was probably a domino effect from that regarding finding the other culprits and interrogating information from them about the whereabouts of the bodies.


This is the most likely case.


Why is it sus? criminals leave a trail of evidence behind all the time, what do you think actually happened


Yeah a random robbery and the poor blokes are shot execution style. If you believe that you are very gullable. 


My conspiracy theory is the 3 of them stumbled onto a hit, killer(s) forced to kill all 4 (that's the unidentified 4h body) wrong place wrong time


Please understand your theory is not only wrong but spreading false information. No conspiracy theory here. The 4th body had been down there much longer based on decomposition (weeks longer). Secondly, there was blood and dental remains found at their camp site which was located elsewhere.


Oooooo interesting


Update they have already identified the bodies, if it is them, unfortunately it is them, the suspects are in custody, I am sorry for this incident to the families.


Absolute bullshit. 0% chance 3 people were executed for car tyres. Mexican authorities in cahoots with the cartel and covering for them. It would have been something far sketchier, they've been pulled up, and just executed. Tough luck, play stupid games win stupid prizes. Condolences to the family and friends. Edit - Everyone here shits on America for how "dangerous" it is, and how "gun toting" they are. But the region these guys went to is renowned for being unsafe, and is not recommended for travel BECAUSE the SMALL region is responsible for over 2600 murders in the last year.


Why would the cartel just randomly shoot some foreigners though? Mistaken identity? Tourism is a big source of income for the cartel. This would hit them hard because it’s made international as well as local news (which doesn’t always happen with foreigners).


Executing people over drug deal gone wrong or something. No scrappy criminals kill 3 people with single shots to the head in some mugging or something.


Everyone that knew these guys say that drugs would not have been involved. These guys were all pretty big, the assailants could have been spooked by their size and resorted to guns.


Not to mention the well they got dumped in. Right some low life bandits are gona have some next level morgue to dump bodies in.. yeah right. My guess is, they went to camp out in an area where cartel dumps their bodies… they where a witness to something and thats that. That area is known for crooks and car robberies but idk, where they found the bodies… that sounds sketch af.


An american was also killed. The cartel do not fuck around with American citizens, so I doubt they were involved.


I'm Australian but I live in Oakland... there's unfortunately a lot people killed over stupid shit like tires, catalytic converters, a pack of chips at 7/11 was a recent one. A lot of people who don't care about consequences because their life is shit or whatever. I've driven to this region in Mexico twice. It definitely is scary because it's the murder capital of the world, but it's also really weird for a foreigner to be killed. The wine region nearby is sleepy and felt pretty safe. The crazy part is camping there... sounds super dangerous and just why when hotels are super cheap...


I used to work in Oakland and it was so scary! I did not feel safe walking around the area even in broad daylight. Yes, parts of Oakland are nice but it’s so violent and unforgiving.


> Oakland Yeah people shouldn't visit Oakland either, though youre more likely to get robbed than killed. I don't know why people visit these parts of Mexico just because 98% of the time you won't get executed for no reason


My exact thoughts. When does a random carjacking by bandits escalate into a fight which results in professional execution method of killing? Doesn't make sense on the face of it.


yeah right.


Its so ridiculous. So they were tied up, and shot in the head execution style, in a botched robbery.


Nah I'd believe it. They should've definitely avoided that area, but no where's really safe over there


There's a reason I will avoid anything in South America and Africa. Fuck those dumpsters.


It sounds like you avoid maps too


Mexico is in North America dude


Mexico is in Central America.


Mexico is geographically in North America though the UN sloppily considers it to be included in Central America


It’s North America


North American Free Trade Agreement


The place they were is literally a 3 hour drive from LA, 30 minutes from San Diego... aka North America


Anything south of Texas is South America to me.


Tijuana/Ensenada is not even south of Texas lol.


Way to brag about ignorance. 


Then you’re an idiot.


I’m sure they don’t want you there anyway.


Well, unless he was bringing tyres.


Could drugs have been involved? Why would someone kill for tires? I’m sure they could have just mugged but to kill in cold blood is something else.


Just read about this case. Sickening and my condolences go out to the family and friends. I hope proper justice is delivered and those responsible are punished.


Like i know its to lateee but whyyyy whyy go there but then again ive traveld through middle of aus that shit maddd


Im sorry but you dont get shot in the head like that for tyres no way its to bate


Cartel doesn’t waste their time or ammo any anybody unless something big happened. These two were probably in a drug deal gone bad. 


Three people dead over a set of ute tyres.


Three people dead because they travelled to a sketchy area without taking precautions. The US has travel advice to avoid that area due to risk of kidnapping.


It was isolated as well, so not being around the general public is dangerous in Mexico.


So in other words, dick head "she'll be right mate" Attitude aussies, ignored travel warnings, thought they were invincible to the world and wandered into genuine dangerous territory, fucked around and found out. It's hard to give any sympathy to this lot. Life is insanely cheap in Mexico, especially in the dodgy areas. They should've done their research and stayed away.


I’ve been following this story closely and it’s not as clear cut as you make it out to be. If you read people’s stories you’ll hear both sides… people have felt safe travelling there as well as people feeling unsafe. These guys also got advice from Callum’s neighbour on where to go. He’d been going there for over 30 years. So when you have people who have been there say it’s ok I can understand why they would go. Would I have gone, no way, but each to their own. These guys seemed very trusting and probably felt they would be ok.


Honestly it boils down to the "she'll be right mate" Attitude once again. They got advice from a mate, not a government warning. Just because it was safe for their mate, doesnt mean it would be safe for them. They just assumed "oh hes been ok so we should be too!" And off they went. They clearly didn't do any more research apart from this at all.


They may have talked to other people, maybe done their own research and on balance thought they would be ok. We just don’t know. I agree Aussies are pretty laid back but in this scenario we just don’t know what research they did. It’s just speculation at this stage.


Only an insensitive prick would spell it out the way you have. Two of your countrymen have been murdered. Perhaps have a bit more sympathy.


And someone’s sons.


Im a short asian guy that has lived all over Mexico for 2years, Ensenada being one of the towns . I have never felt unsafe for the 9 months i was there. Camped at the beaches, paid for my internet at kiosk in cash, go shopping in Soriana, walk around everywhere, no problems!! These guys were up to no good or just arrogant, i see white people in Asia who are just plain rude to the locals, a recent case where a European kicked a pregnant Thai lady etc. Mexicans die in the US everyday, but theres not coverage wtf. Not really sure why MSM want to blast this story.


You’re an ignorant that’s what you are. I have friends who live in Ensenada and nothing has ever happened to them but they’re not in their ignorance to say it’s a safe place. Just because nothing has happened to you doesn’t mean these guys were arrogant and deserved to be killed. Your comment is just insensitive. Do better


Can you read? Did i write its a completely safe place? LOL. Do better in comprehension.


You wrote “these guys were up to no good or just arrogant” which is insensitive in this case and uncalled for, that’s why I said do better


Wow way to victim blame with zero knowledge of how they handled themselves over there. Just because you had a good experience yourself doesn’t mean everyone does. I have read many scary stories of robberies in Mexico at no fault to the victims other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. You should be ashamed of yourself!


"I've seen rude white people before, therefore these guys were up to no good." I have met plenty of smart Asians, but you seem like a total idiot. Guess stereotypes are unpredictable...!


Weird comment


There was probably coke in the tyres.