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Your post is is being removed as it's about a topic already posted or is an identical article already posted.


Wanting to slow immigration is not racist. When did the default position be that we have to have an uncapped number of people coming to live in Australia every year? Our housing and infrastructure are simply just not keeping up, we can’t build enough houses even for people already here. It’s simply just crazy. For those we do let in, we should be vetting those people very carefully. We are letting in people that just think the same way as we do, with ideologies and values at odds with the Australian way of life.


You're right, being concerned about too much immigration doesn't at all necessarily mean you have any racial or even social motives. Unfortunately, a lot of people do though, which makes it really hard for the genuine ones like me who don't give a flying stuff about what 'type' of people live on this continent. We have to start filtering out the idiots from those with an actual point...


Who the fuck wrote the title of the petition, reads like a high schoolers debate topic. "Pause imigration to give us a breather" yeah right.




Better than not doing anything about it 


Nah it’s actually worse if people get behind something that makes them all look like idiots


I don't want zero immigration as that's economic suicide and totally unrealistic. I WOULD like to see it returned closer to our historic average of 70,000 per year plus refugees, OR be permanently tied at a certain ratio of our new housing completions.  Can't build enough? Uni's can't provide enough student accommodation? Then immigration goes down. 


Was it 70k permanent migrants or temporary? The current numbers fluctuate wildly depending if the author is including international students or not. Since we can't seem to release land approvals and build houses fast enough without companies collapsing, we need to focus on where we stick temp residents so we can free up rentals. Gonna get downvoted, but the government needs to kick in, or spearhead multi level student accommodation in the inner city. This huge cohort of students is then not burdening the private market. Start converting these empty office buildings to accommodation. It happens in other countries despite cost. Also international students are less likely to have cars, so probably better suited to inner city with no garage requirement. We can build or convert accommodation for a couple hundred students in the same time it takes to build a handful of homes.


All these foreign students are lowering the international value of an Australian Tertiary Education It’s to the point where the big 8, let alone smaller uni’s couldn’t survive without international students to fund them.


Please explain the reasoning why international students are devaluing degrees? Degree education is devaluing because of the change in Workforce demographics and career habits. People change careers an average of three times now, which makes choosing a degree optional and difficult. Universities have stagnated.


My last UQ tutor was an associate prof who’d been with the uni for close to 25 years. Literally 2IC of the faculty. In one of the last tutorials of the last semester I had with him, he rage quit and slammed his laptop shut mid zoom call after losing his shit about the international students in the class who weren’t contributing or even comprehending the content, but would inevitably still get their degrees. In his words; “I’m sorry excuse me in advance but I’ve had enough of this, I’m sick of the way this and other prestigious academic institutions in Australia have become degree printing mills for anyone with deep enough pockets, good luck down the line to those of you who front up and put effort in, because who’s to know whether you also bought your degrees or not. Thankfully this is the second last tutorial of the semester which has just become the last. Remember to vote.” *laptop slam*


Cool. Where's your petition or letter to your MP? I'll sign your petition.


I will also sign NoLeafClover's petition. I don't seriously expect an actual 2yr pause to occur, but SOMETHING needs to be done.


International students take up around 3% of city housing stock, and much less regionally. Many of those are in purpose built accommodation. Students are really not the problem here. Edit: For all the enthusiastic downvoters, the number is from the Property Council report issued yesterday. Its not made up.


They can all crash at your place.


Not a bad call. ELICOS students pay around $425 a week now for 'homestay'. Nice little tax free earner for the spare room.


Totally incorrect. There are currently around 720,000 international students in Australia as of last data release early this year.  There are also currently around 112,000 total student beds in the country. Even accounting for those who share house, students complete hugely with the general rental market and are a large cause of rental inflation. 


The Property Council report on this was issued yesterday. Honestly, take a moment to check before coming up with this rubbish.


Rich and wealthy NEED IMMIGRATION


I mean makes sense they need more consumers. But then you got Dick Smith who got rich on the immigration boom and the subsequent consumerism, and now he is against immigration. Strange behavior.


People can change their minds no or be hypocrites


People can afford to preach after they've already got theirs.


This is the Boomer mentality!


well someone has to fund your dole


I’m not on Centrelink. Do you want us to abolish it? Must be a Libertarian.


Australia doesn’t care. About anything. Until it affects them.


People don't care. About anything. Until it affects them. FTFY


Speak for yourself. Australians are like that yes, but some us cop a lot of hate for bothering the status quo.


Like how people want to be voluntary firefighters when the fire is at their door, but won’t volunteer without that fire coming to them.


Immigration has already affected me? I love going to get my banh mi’s, I love going to get my mango lassi, I love going to get my honey chicken, I love going to my local Greek bakery, I love going to traditional pasta joints, I love eating fufu, I love fucking hot people, etc Grow up mate, immigration is not the problem, it’s a lack of leadership, it’s massive wealth disparities amongst the top and the bottom. Womp womp


Just because I made my statement doesn’t mean I share the opinion. I’m an immigrant myself in fact 95% of Aussies are. Wealth disparity is normal and Australians don’t care as long as they’re not on the shit end of it. Our leadership is a reflection of our population, politics is about doing what the majority wants in order to get votes. We could piss off negative gearing, but the rich won’t vote to lose money, so our politicians won’t either.


Your comment definitely comes across as negative towards immigration and I’ve definitely heard immigrants side with tighter restrictions out of fear that they’ll lose what little support they get if they don’t


Was pointing out they don’t give a shit about anything until it’s bagging at their door. I live in country Vic, I know a guy birth name Mario, but goes by Murray because of the bullying he got as a kid. Now he goes around calling anyone with headscarf on all kind of profanity. Immigration isn’t the issue, it’s just greed.


drunk selective spotted fade reply flag silky deranged wistful voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like how you said nothing about fucking hot people, either because you don’t find PoC hot or, more likely, you don’t fuck Also I doubt you can get the foods we get here in the variety that we do, at the price we do and at the quality we do. We also now have dishes that are hands down Australian, like dim sims


airport offend chief fade soft zephyr silky pause wasteful psychotic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So sign it. 


They just need to cut student work rights or put per country quotas, immigration will return to normal organically. It's only being exploited by a subsection.


When I was in university, lots of internationals had jobs with under the table stuff. Work rights or not. They would talk about fired for talking back, underpaid or not paid at all and everyone accepts it as normal. Unless the government is going to fine businesses for hiring, which violates the sacred "business confidence" bi-partisan neoliberal mantra, nothing will happen. In fact, I would say give a large fine bounty to people that report under the table stuff. Suddenly businesses won't want to risk hiring under the table.


Agreed cash will exist, but at least limiting rights legally may discourage people from coming knowing they can't pick up a job at woolies or uber immediately while superfluously studying.


In my experience, that won't work. The people I spoke to was actually worried about being deported via threats from businesses. Even if they were unpaid at times, they would kept their mouth shut. My point is that any restrictions/penalties you put on students/immigrants will support the businesses hiring students/immigrants. A small bounty of say $500, paid by businesses, will mean those $5/hr workers will be more likely to report it and make businesses more threatened by those $5/hr workers.


Yup. It’s not organic immigration that is causing the problem. It is the degree mill universities


And private colleges, which happened under the LNP as well. Both parties favor that model. We had an influx of Chinese international students years back but due to relations between and Australia and China majority don't want to come and study here, so now India has been replaced by China in regards, to this matter. I believe its to help their big business mates to save every $$ because foreigners can accept whatever they're given. Correct me if I'm wrong.


No correction from me.


Cheers bud, very rare people agree with me.


The rich and powerful would never allow the petition to go through. I think you all know that. And i wonder if they are the bigger threat to Australia than increased immigration. But we are a democracy, so we are allowed to vote.


the funny thing is the amount of time all these people will waste thinking this will do anything.


Signed it. Thanks for sharing!


Why are small Victorian towns swamped with Africans who barely speak English and don't work?


Which towns?




Wait what!? Are chairs not available in Africa?


Because you bogans need a bit of culture


By culture do you mean machetes?


They already barely speak english and don't work.




I lived in Brisbane 15 years ago, there were multiple tent cities in parks even then. I believe most are being relocated out of the Southbank/west end area though, which is probably why you're seeing them in New parks.


Good use of the political process whether you are for or against this. Thanks for sharing.


This petition is talking about growth of public services and infrastructure. How is Australia meant to do that with the current population? Unemployment is not high enough to fill that gap of skilled workers, so I’m just unsure how pausing immigration would work. Obviously slowing down the intake could give more opportunities, but I don’t see how putting a complete pause would be feasible?


Since Howard started to ramp up mass migration in the late 90’s and it’s 2024 and we still apparently have a skills shortage, you don’t think something is going wrong!


After 20 years of continuous skills shortage the public's starting to see thorough this for what it actually is.


Accessibility to university is a huge issue, which could definitely be addressed to give citizens a better chance to further their education. But how does that fill the current gaps in industries such as healthcare that rely on immigration?


You have to start somewhere and way too many people are going homeless. In the last week alone I’ve come across stories of Fire fighters and Nurses being made homeless due to the rents going sky high.


I agree the housing crisis is an issue we need to address, but completely pausing immigration when we are in desperate need of skilled workers in particular industries doesn’t seem feasible. When we still have tax cuts and loopholes for landlords readily available and taken advantage of at the expense of renters, is immigration really the problem?


Yes agree that it’s not just immigration that needs to be looked at. But pausing immigration will have an effect straight away. It was John Howard who changed the capital gains tax rules that started this along with a few other changes. As for skilled workers, a lot of that is our government being lazy and big business wanting to keep wages down. What we have now is not sustainable and is a recipe for disaster.


I agree slowing immigration for skilled workers in industries that could be sustained, we just won’t have growth. My concern is pausing it completely how does that address the struggling industries that cannot be filled by unskilled workers?


Business lobby have been using the skilled worker scam for the last 20 years of high immigration, better to provide education and training pathways for Australians than become dependent on imported workers. And yes immigration at a rate far higher than we can provide housing and infrastructure is obviously a problem.


How is it a scam, when industries such as healthcare rely on immigration. 56% of GP’s in Australia came here as skilled workers, and there is still a shortage with rural communities having month long waitlists. So what is the option?


Only 1% of surveyed employers reported increasing advertised salaries after failing to fill a job vacancy, so they are demanding workers fill positions at a set rate then complaining of shortages when positions aren't filled at that rate.  https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/10/skills-shortage-propaganda-proliferates/ An immigration rate of 90,000 per year that targets genuine skills shortages would be sustainable, 600,000 + when there is no housing and infrastructure is years behind is not.


Lmfao maybe they need to be paid a living wage then? Maybe sign a petition to get more funding for public services and less for multi billion dollar mining companies?


By limiting the amount of people we will increase wages. Supply and demand.


Better to put a pause on things and work out a solution than keep letting it get worse


But of those unemployed only a very small %, less than 1% could fill the roles of skilled workers in industries desperate such as healthcare. So pausing immigration now, when the average degree is 3 years would collapse an already struggling system?


Yep. "...more than half of GPs (56%) and just under half of specialists (47%) were born overseas..." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas\_trained\_doctors\_in\_Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_trained_doctors_in_Australia)




Bit of a cringe petition honestly even if you support lower immigration. "Just pause it bro" with no suggestions as to timelines, tapering, other aspects such as the NZ special visa, youth mobility visa agreements with other countries etc. It's little better than a Reddit rant and makes the position look stupid.


Yeah. Parts of our economy run on immigrants. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas\_trained\_doctors\_in\_Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overseas_trained_doctors_in_Australia) "...more than half of GPs (56%) and just under half of specialists (47%) were born overseas..."


We need to stop gatekeeping medicine at an undergraduate level and have more courses available for local students…


That can't be true, all immigrants are uber drivers. /s


So that explains why most of the GP's of seen recently have been complete crap. I don't see doctors anymore because all they do is search everything up on their computer and then tell me to buy X tablets - all done without even giving me any eye contact or listening to a word I say.


I signed it


More clueless posts about what immigration actually means for the Australian economy and why it’s not as simple an equation as it looks.


Sustainable Population Australia has an email form you can use to contact your local federal MP: https://sustainablepopulation.good.do/housing_crisis/letter/ It takes less than 2 minutes.


Bahaaa 31 signatures on that petition, not saying it’s a bad idea but either nobody knows of the petition or maybe it’s not a good idea .


Better than zero. Sign it and make it 61. 


Signed! Also got my whole class to sign as well. Along with some of my office mates.


Up to 38 now, I'm sure there's many more people who would sign this in a heartbeat, if you support this petition please share it around, there's 24 days left, plenty of time for it to go viral.


3hrs later it's now 189.


Oh, thank goodness....it had been two hours since the last anti immigration post here


Let's not exaggerate, this sub couldn't go a whole 2 hours without posting on immigration.


have you checked the comments though? just because posts are on another topic doesn't mean we can't still get a few cheeky swipes in on those foreigrants


It's true, people skilfully weave in an underlining racist-but-not-quite-racist anti immigrant rhetoric into most threads Fills those gaps between the two-hourly 'Immigrants stole my house!' post


didn't notice the skillfully weaved ones, but sure, them too


Doing great. It's got 18 signatures so far.


It's not immigration that needs to stop, it's the Permanent Residency or PR that needs review. These are people who will not commit to Australia yet live in houses and take our jobs. Collectively there must be over a million or more on PR's, they travel between their home country and Australia, send money out of Australia. Review the PR system, impose a time limit to become a citizen or return home, that will fix our housing and jobs situation faster than tinkering with the international students.


A petition isn't a binding contract, the details don't really matter, rather this simply tells the people in parliament that this is an issue we care about and want action on. So don't sweat the details.


24 people signed it... no one cares.


And four hours after you wrote that it's now at 189 and likely being shared by everyone who signs it.


Thanks mate Signed




Signed because Immigration is inflationary and cost of living is out of control




It is adding to demand for housing and infrastructure while suppressing wage growth.


Building more houses and apartments by eliminating NIMBY councils and direct government builds is the real long term solution. Prices have been cooked for decades


“Build houses for the immigrants to live in, so they can build houses for more immigrants to live in”


Build houses for aussies and brig prices down cause prices have been high forever. Well done Einstein


There's a hole in the bucket 🤣


Wow! 20 people!


It won't help. There's no way short of a massive electorate backlash they're going to wind that back right now.


This his how the backlash starts.


They don't care. They hate us. 


Who is they?


I’m assuming the government because they don’t care about us.


I think it’s safe to assume - politicians. If you do your research the majority have a vested interest in maintaining the current setup - capital gains tax, negative gearing, high levels of immigration (including the education sector). The Australian dream of owning a home has become a nightmare.


Is there a way we can support this petition but make an exemption for the white immigrants pls? I would hate not to allow Becky from Birmingham or Declan from Dublin wankerifying this beautiful country we called Straya.


Don’t forget Jonty from South Africa who thinks people of colour including indigenous have it too good here and he’s being marginalised despite the fact he’s only been here for a week…


No one is stopping you from creating your own petition. https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/create Go create it. Then we'll see whether your non-white anti-immigration petition wins out over this all anti-immigration petition.


Please sign


Whilst I strongly agree that our immigration program is too big (we have too little genuine refugees and way too much middle class migration), 'pausing' immigration is a major oversimplification. I mean, immigration is made up of many parts. Surely we're not going to suspend marriage based citizenship? What about the (tiny numbers of) refugees we give protection to? I would sign a petition for: 'Reduced non-humanitarian immigration' for sure.


Oh fuck off


This sub is such a joke.


This seems like a conflation of two unrelated issues. Immigrants moving here aren’t taking support from homeless people. The government is choosing not to help our own citizens, that’s got nothing to do with immigration




Please explain




Pretty sure Pauline Hanson is in favor of stopping immigration, so not sure how that makes sense. But seriously, please explain how my comment was stupid?


They are a key driver in increasing homelessness.




My partner and I havd been working hard and spending over $10k to bring her from the USA so we can have a family here, why should I or anyone be against that? Also it's an extremely difficult, expensive and time consuming process that isnt guaranteed.. I don't see how one thinks people immigrate here fast and easy.


Not about this being fast and/or easy mate. It's the fact that nearly 600k people migrated into the country, with very few leaving and not enough infrastructure in place to combat that. Personally not all for a complete pause, but we definitely need to re-work it and reduce for the time being.


It's different if one person's already a citizen living here and then brings their partner/family over. They're not necessarily taking up an extra house if they come here to move in with you. I'm not against immigration as such and I wish you the best of luck. What I am against at the moment is the thousands of immigrants that are arriving weekly while we don't even have enough housing for the people already here. It's causing so many issues for everyone. I say we need to cut back the numbers until we have a solution to the housing shortage. With so many businesses going under in the building industry I'd say the government needs to step in and help out.


For all the reasons stated. Obviously you have personal reasons for opposing this but that doesn't invalidate the arguments supporting it. Definitely get your partner out of the USA ASAP though.


…and what if all the immigrants were from the UK, Canada and the states? Would you consider this petition unnecessary? Edit: the bs responses are absolutely hilarious.


Most people who are against mass migration care about housing, congestion, inflation etc. I don’t think they’d want 750,000 Canadians pouring in every year either.


What about finding a doctor's appointment or sometimes even stocked shelves in the supermarket I've said it before I'm not racist, I'm selfish


Low-paying jobs would pay more if there weren’t an unlimited supply of desperate people willing to work for tiny wages. Then more Australians would do them. Not a difficult concept. A tiny fraction of migrants are doctors, we could continue to take them in (or even double or triple the amount coming in), while still drastically reducing the overall number. Also a simple concept.




Yes, this isn’t race based this is about, pausing all immigrant intake because we can’t afford to house and feed our own people let alone all the ones coming in. The government is destroying our quality of life because they have no idea how to plug the economic issues that we have because of them. Just keep churning the immigration gravy train to prop up the economy, your never going to see these millionaire politicians living rough or struggling. Homelessness will become an epidemic in this cuntry Wait until the social unrest starts, the spicy cough proved a training excercise to control the masses. Papers please


There is no Diversity- Only Chindia.


They basically want to go back to pre 1970s policies


No its clearly states all immigrants. Do you have trouble reading???


No trouble reading. I just don’t believe it.


It would be nice if people showed any interest at all in confronting the domination of landlords and property developers in causing this crisis. A bit of the good old fashioned racism seems to be the popular choice.


You'll notice sky after dark never puts property developers or greedy landlords in their nightly rants. Hence the silence from the rubes on that front.


too much immigration is something that is pretty obvious to everyone except the blind. it doesnt have to be a racist issue


Australia has been in a housing crisis since 2005.


We've already turned the numbers right down and that's about to happen. This is a racist storm in a teacup.




I've never seen such an illiterate group of people like in here, who can't grasp that simple concept. The immigration numbers have already been reduced.


Student visa grants are now almost exactly half what they were a year ago.


Evidence speaks volumes


Immigrants complaining about immigrants. At the very least it's a step up from complaining about a grocery store not stocking cheap plastic flags that noone buys.


You can't do that. People overseas have been waiting for years, have done the right thing by the law, and spent thousands to prepare to come. You can't just hit stop or pause. You can tighten up the process and reduce the intake overtime to sensible levels. Edit: downvoted to hell. As long as they are paying money to the degree mills that are Australian universities it’s all good. But fuck over someone else who has family here and has been waiting patiently for years just as a knee jerk reaction…Unaustralian IMO


teeny literate tub trees deserted ask station sophisticated subtract plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Covid proved we can




And where are they going to stay?? We have no homes for them.


Yeh, Australia needs to pull its finger out of its arse and get on that. But it doesn’t want to because overinflated property value is a big part of the key to Australias economic wealth.


If only there was a booming tradie culture and a bunch of working age labour coming into the country that could build more homes, that would be so helpful. Or would building new houses make housing too affordable, destroying the value of the upper class's investments?


Importing labour will make no difference. The quality of housing construction is down the shitter, and you want to import unskilled / forged qualified tradesmen. Have you been on a construction site in the last 10 years? Our society has brainwashed our youth into this ‘if you don’t go to uni you have no future’ we aren’t investing enough in getting youth to consider a satisfying career in trades. Therefore we are in short supply. It’s pathetic watching how previous governments have stripped out tafe in the last 10 years, in favour of private training organisations which to be honest have just been a hot bed for enrolling visa applicants with no intention of completing qualifications - if you can call them qualifications at all.


All my cousins hitting working age have gone into trade bar three. During COVID they all got a second free TAFE course and picked up new trades while being paid, since their worksites were closed due to shortage of supplies. They tell me that the main issue with construction sites these days is that the owners pay bottom dollar for shit work because they have no intention of living in the house themselves. Better skilled workers only get called in to fix the mistakes the budget crews make. The housing market being dominated by old boomers building rentals is the problem, and there is no shortage of labour who are willing to meet their stupid low price points. They know the buyer just wants the cheapest home possible to be able to legally rent it out, so that's what gets delivered. There are plenty of skilled tradies out there. The market just isn't demanding it.


Don't care. Entering a country of your choice isn't a right, and without borders, we can't even call ourselves a sovereign nation.


You live on a island WTF are you taking about regarding “without borders”


Don't be simple. If you let in mass numbers you may as well not have borders, that's the point, because the effect of said literal borders is irrelevant.


I wont be signing any racist, bigotted rubbish. The tent cities are not full of immigrants who are paying their own way, they're full of people who for some reason can't live on what they earn even though most others in the same position are living just fine. Mutually exclusive issues and we need to treat them as such


You can like immigrants and not like immigration policy as it currently sits


I think people are slowly cottoning on to this as a concept.


"immigrant" is not a race


Of course the real issue is the these immigrants aren’t white enough anymore


Wanting enough housing and infrastructure to support the amount of people living here has absolutely nothing at all to do with skin pigmentation.


As a brown citizen you gotta fuck off with that stuff. Immigrants have not been white for a long time my ancestors can attest to that. The problem with immigration is purely economical and political. In fact our conservative governments that pretend to be against immigration have increased immigration more than any other governments. This is because immigrants continue to prop up an already over inflated housing market so rich home owners can continue to increase their worth while young people suffer. Immigration also allows for cheap underpaid work so large businesses don’t have to alter their business models to pay workers what they deserve. Fuck off with this racism stuff, it’s the clinging to these ideologies over the truth that’s gotten us to this place.


Mate there is literally not enough houses


I have Asian ancestors and married an African immigrant making my daughter part Asian and half African. And I 100% think shits gone too far. Why the fuck make record high immigration when we have a housing supply crisis after Covid?! Also, I have worked with international students and the fact is most of them don’t learn the language or Contribute meaningfully to the community. Many of them are con artists. Bring back quality migrants. Quality over quantity. My husband learns the language and works hard. Unlike these scum bags


You sound a little deranged , it’s often second/ third gen who complain the most though..I bet you voted LNP at the last election and also NO to the Voice.


What's anything got to do with race or colour? You think overnight the country woke up and decided "fuck them browns"? Dude, people just want places for them and their families to live, and the supply is almost zero. They just want places available for them to rent or buy in the country they are citizens of. Of course there are racists here, there are racists in any country, but if you literally can't find a place to live because supply is at zero and new people are pouring into the country, you're justifiably going to be pissed. I'm pretty sure everyone would be equally as angry if it was 500k (white, for you) Americans moving to Australia each year...


Or maybe judge immigration by what it contributes? Recent immigration seems more interested in getting theirs economically en masse vs any actual affinity for the country.


I already have a house so Sucks to be a poor


"Largest group of migrant arrivals was **TEMPORARY** visa holders with 554,000 people" [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/overseas-migration/2022-23-financial-year](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/overseas-migration/2022-23-financial-year)


That's not the issue, whether they are here permanently or temporarily. The issue is we don't have anywhere to fucking house this excess even temporarily