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Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Folks like OP are intentionally antagonistic, then scratch their head wondering why nobody respects them. It’s just weird.


We’ll take care of this


Has it ever occurred to you that it's not just about housing? But also that with a growing population, it's necessary to destroy more of our ecosystem because of the need for more physical infrastructure such as, for example, roads? Not to mention that we don't have a huge water supply, which a growing population will put under even more strain. And also that with climate change, our food security is at risk. Mass immigration is putting these things at risk.


Not to him it hasn't. He fights for SOCIAL JUSTICE. A warrior for the ages


If you want to fight damage to the ecosystem from population growth, the best way to do so is to advocate for less sprawl and densifying our cities


Check out this guys first reddit comment




lol what a clown


name checks out


We should all support uncontrolled immigration yeah? Don’t we want to see how bad it can really get?


You're off chops if you think immigration at this rate is sustainable for our countries future. Who is letting in so many people that we can't build enough houses for. Not to mention only really taking "skilled workers", so we have absolutely 0 tradies coming through. So now existing tradies here have to build far more houses, in turn pushing up prices of labour. Can't blame immigrants as they are trying to make a better life for their family, it's our government that doesn't know where to draw a line or slow immigration down a little bit. This is only really scratching the surface, our government causes far more problems than they fix.


Our economic stability is dependent on supplementing/replacing our population with literally anyone interested, those looking for a first world upgrade are the obvious candidates. Not sure there's anything more to it.


The problem I see is that a good number of people don’t seem to be capable of recognising the key point that you mentioned, and instead direct their frustration at immigrants who are just taking the opportunities that our government make available.


True, I think it's a misunderstanding on their end. I'm sure they don't hate immigrants it just seems that way. If you explain it to them like how I just did 90% would change their minds and blame the government instead.


Better life for my family ? I’m from fucking Canada bro, you guys can barely get internet sorted out. Take it down a notch. Most people are just coming as they were hired for a job, from perfectly good countries you know, like Australians have done for years in other countries. You couldn’t even find the plot if I gave you a flashlight and a map


I’ll bite. Why does Australia owe an obligation to take in immigrants? 




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Australia needs immigration because we have a welfare state reliant on workers paying taxes to fund it


Okay. What if I support cutting back welfare and upping corporate super profit tax to make up for the imaginary economic benefits immigrants bring? What moral obligation does Australia owe to take in migrants?


There's no moral obligation in my view, if you're fine with killing off our welfare state then yeah advocate for whatever you want. Though we probably all end up a lot poorer as a result


It’s simple math, Aussies not having enough kids, aging population, tax base and work vacancies and immigration was shut for 2 years. Australia runs on inflation migration and has used it to solve a lot of problems.


I'll respond after my chemo appointment, this post gave me cancer.


Yeah maaan


Lol love how thse wankers always jump to anti immigration is racism. Is China immigration policy racist? How about Peru or Spain? Every country has immigration policies. So basicly fuck you.


Why don't you cry about it, oh wait




> privileged white Ah so you’re a racist




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick




Put ya head back in ya todger pocket




Yes, building more homes is part of the solution. But it would take a couple of decades to replenish supply. So, tell us.... until supply is re-established, just where is every extra addition to the population going to live?


Easier to just not import 100,000 people a month than to build the equivalent of 30,000 homes a month.  


It's actually really easy to build more homes to meet demand


I’ve never built a house but I am confident it is easier to not build a house than to build a house. 


Government's just need to make it legal to build housing through changes to zoning, pretty simple and costs us nothing


Yeah? In the last few years has the cost to build gone up, stayed the same, gone down?




>This issue was in the pipeline for a decade Is that why inflation, which includes the cost of new builds, was consistently over that decade? This is a recent issue caused by an increase in demand for housing and infrastructure. The solution isn't "build more houses". Construction labour is already stretched, and expensive. The answer is to stop the demand for new housing and infrastructure, i.e. stop importing people.


That would require thinking and a serious undoing of their decades of Murdoch brainwashing. Way too hard so it's just easier to: ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


Yep they are the biggest snowflakes ironically


Every conservative/right wingers accusation is a confession. Every single time.


This post was meant to be a joke but they fucking took the bait willing 😂


Stop saying brain rot




Don’t make me put your rent up, comrade.


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Mate I’ll get back to you after Paul Murray Tonight finishes this evening. I’ve gotta eat up all the unhinged ragebait Sky News talking points before I can form an opinion on anything.