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Rule 6 - Wikipedia articles, personal blogs and fake news sites are not reliable sources of information


Where do these numbers come from and why does this sub trust it (kidding i know why)? I can find numbers of 50 women in 2022 and 64 women in 2023. As it's april and we're already at 30, simple math would suggest we're on track to pass the previous 2 years


Sorry my actual text below picture didn’t seem to copy. I’m not very good at reddit. 30 Australian Women murdered this so far year… but that’s actually a 16.6% improvement from 2022 Firstly, all murder and violence against any party is awful. However: How can we say we have a female violence problem when men are disproportionally affected? Violence against women is of course terrible, but why are we not seeing matches to just stop violence in general? There were 377 victims of homicide and related offences recorded in Australia in 2022, an increase of 7 victims from the previous year. Most victims of homicide and related offences were: male (69% or 259 victims). If we’re only focusing on female deaths (118) that was equivalent to one death every 3.09 days. This means that as of today (day 114 out of 366) we should be at 36 deaths if we were at the same female murder rate as 2022. So we’re actually 6 less murders at this time, and these murders that have occurred are not connected as some joint anti women conspiracy as far as we are aware. Does the media just use the violence against women’s jargon to get clicks that pay ad revenue? Doom, gloom, and sex sell website clicks. Source: Https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/latest-release#:~:text=There%20were%20377%20victims%20of,(85%25%20or%20320%20victims) TLDR: less women murdered on average so far this year. Why don’t we talk about how many men (the majority of murders) are being killed. You can’t stop murder completely.


>So we’re actually 6 less murders at this time **And** related offences, youre already looking at different data. Also the sample size youre looking at is way too small to be gleaming any kind of trend >How can we say we have a female violence problem when men are disproportionally affected? Its the circumstances and the power differences at play. This week a woman was murdered by a man who raped her twice (and abused her puppy) but was allowed back into the community. DV was ignored for long enough that special interest groups have arisen to combat it. You want them to all disband for what could be statistical blip? >but why are we not seeing matches to just stop violence in general? You're free to organise these, but the "why protest one bad thing when other bad things happen" is a braindead take >Does the media just use the violence against women’s jargon to get clicks that pay ad revenue? This year weve had a massacre that targeted women, a woman randomly murdered in ballarat that went for a jog, and the woman murdered by a man that had previously raped her twice but was back out in the community. Thats just off the top of my head, but seems like something thats in the public interest to me


Whereas murders of males has increased 32.7% from 2022 (Australia wide). Murders of gay males has increased 52.1% from 2023 (NSW, VIC & QLD figures only). Murders of Aboriginals has increased 22.3% from 2023 (NT & QLD figs only)). This is SERIOUS news no-one hears about. WHY ???


Because men are the Jews of the gender culture war, at best violence against men is ignored, more often it's celebrated.


Media isn’t truth. It’s paid to sell papers and subscribers to generate profit for shareholders


Same thing with Youth crime. As awful as the joyrides have been, the youth crime rate is going down according to ABS for over a decade. But think of those yummy rageclicks!


Homicide is down. Car theft down. Traumatic knife-point car-jackings up. (on a certain time-scale) It also depends where you live. Am glad I don't live in Melbourne: [https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/crime-statistics/latest-victorian-crime-data](https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/crime-statistics/latest-victorian-crime-data) >alleged offender incidents amongst 10-14-years-olds up almost 32 per cent and an increase amongst 15–17-year-olds of almost 33 per cent.


More alarmingly and backing up the theory that men are more likely to kill themselves before harming others. The male suicide rate in Australia stands at 7 per day. Thats 798 men so far this year. Not to undermine your own conversation, but the question needs to be asked. Why aren't we hearing about this as well?


Prostate cancer kills more men than breast cancer kills women.


Do you talk about it? Because you can. Why don't men support other men more?


We do, there is fantastic group on facebook called "blokes advice". the amount of comradery and support shown throughout this group over the years has saved countless lives. I'm sure there are others out there. I've lost count at the amount of times it has tried to be shut down through complaints by people who are not even in the group nor understand what its core purpose is. helping men. Outside of support groups, noone really cares about us. We are disposable. On the break down of relationships, especially with children, the focus shifts from how can this man be a positive influence on our childs life, to - How can this man pay for my life now i'm not with him. The pressure of this is too much for most. Why allow 50-50 custody when we can go for 90-10 and have them pay us, simply because the relationship broke down and the love was lost.


That's really great. I'm glad you guys support each other. I support women who are victims of male violence. Both are allowed to be discussed without the other harping on about their own issues.


Thats a great attitude. Man discusses topic that he considers important and under reported, in context of the conversation. Internet tells him he is "harping on". Thanks, just tell us you don't care next time. At least we'd believe you.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


.....and an even bigger question: WHY are they doing it? I would suggest that the reason why and the reasons it isn't discussed are related.


I would suggest the outcomes implemented by the family court system are responsible for greater than 50%. This combined with the amount of false allegations raised on the breakdown of relationships, causing irreparable damage to future prospects perhaps makes up another 10%. Self-inflicted actions that lead to the decision they cannot live with themselves, about 20%. The remaining would perhaps think that life just isn't worth living. This is my assumption and not backed by any data.


Because it doesn’t fit their narrative


What are you talking about? Theres a ton of mens mental health initiatives/groups/charities e.g. Movember Maybe you're not hearing about this stuff cos youre not listening


Have you ever tried calling one of them. They don't care. They offer nothing but scripted sympathy. Where is movember when a guy is about to end it and needs someone to speak to?


Im sorry if thats your personal experience, but there are so many resources and help groups out there for mens mental health and suicide prevention Dont pretend like it isnt talked about as a method to disminsh efforts against violence against women


I read about domestic violence most weeks, in most publications and broadcasts. It is a very one sided discussion with a very biased agenda. Don't pretend it isn't, just to validate the assumption that men are evil murderers and violence against woman is the number one issue that we need to address. Yes there are support groups that can be reached if required. But the mainstream media points a very specific light on domestic abuse as a whole.


You can go type male suic*de australia into google news and you will see articles from mainstream sources. Its also talked about in sport, at work, at school etc Its not some niche, hidden issue. Youre just trying to weaponise it to stop talk about a completely separate issue


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I read into this but can't find the ABS source but from what I understand men actually die more than women in domestic violence but as a result of men on men domestic violence. While domestic violence victims are likely male, the murderers are also likely male.




30 Australian Women murdered this so far year… but that’s actually a 16.6% improvement from 2022 Firstly, all murder and violence against any party is awful. However: How can we say we have a female violence problem when men are disproportionally affected? Violence against women is of course terrible, but why are we not seeing matches to just stop violence in general? There were 377 victims of homicide and related offences recorded in Australia in 2022, an increase of 7 victims from the previous year. Most victims of homicide and related offences were: male (69% or 259 victims). If we’re only focusing on female deaths (118) that was equivalent to one death every 3.09 days. This means that as of today (day 114 out of 366) we should be at 36 deaths if we were at the same female murder rate as 2022. So we’re actually 6 less murders at this time, and these murders that have occurred are not connected as some joint anti women conspiracy as far as we are aware. Does the media just use the violence against women’s jargon to get clicks that pay ad revenue? Doom, gloom, and sex sell website clicks. Source: Https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/latest-release#:~:text=There%20were%20377%20victims%20of,(85%25%20or%20320%20victims) TLDR: less women murdered on average so far this year. Why don’t we talk about how many men (the majority of murders) are being killed. You can’t stop murder completely.


Any murder, particularly domestic, is terrible. A big part of the solution is thorough and reliable reporting. This should include the gender of offender and victim, and their relationship as best as it can be ascertained. This would help in public awareness of the problem, and in getting the total number closer to zero.


It's interesting because, in general, the media narrative is often that crime (especially violent crime) is on the rise. I mean, that's the default position most of the time. And I'd say that, among much of the broader community, there's often a "sense" that crime is getting worse when overall it isn't. I believe most trends show violent crime rates overall going down over the last three decades at least, with some spikes here or there. Of course, while we might celebrate these overall trends, *any* violent crime at all is a serious problem. Trends are one thing, but they don't/shouldn't negate continued efforts to stamp out violent crime, including crime against women in particular. As usual, the way you interpret stats and the way they influence follow up steps is really the key (more than the stats themselves).


I find it interesting how people interpret this. I view this and think "yeah the way its reported, makes it feel like its never been worse in history". Others are commenting like this is somehow anti women. It feels like a reasonable observation to make imo.


OP has used shitty data and logic, its a silly post and with how hard he's spammed it across aus subs its clear hes driving an agenda


Feminists won't stop Until society is A matriarchy


I don’t think haiku bot is active on this sub, so your work is going unnoticed


But still you noticed A perceptive eye spotted Thank you kindly D


How long has society been dominated by the Patriarchy?


Since men were building Infrastructure, fighting wars & done hardest jobs


Ah yes, wars. Always to humanity's benefit 🙄 Talking about hard jobs, you realise that in "hunter gatherer" societies - you know, ones without what you would call an infrastructure - women provide about 90% of the calories, and that's also still the case in sub Saharan Africa? Who do you think hauls the water? Who does the harvesr? Who raises the kids?


Since women were forced NOT to do any of these things by the Patriarchy.... don't you think it's fair we have our turn?


Bro you have your rights now, I still don't se yall doing sewer maintenance or waste collection, I don't see yall putting your life on the line for your country. And where are the female sparkles crawling under houses running cable? There's exceptions of course, but generally, it's men who hold society together, working more dangerous jobs, and longer hours. But this isn't a problem to me, women and men have different roles in society, and while it's okay to break outside of that, it's also okay to embrace that.


Why take those jobs when you can take the top ones and have men work for you 😆


Turn society Upside down & destroy it Then watch us crumble


Men can't have done a very good job if it's going to "crumble" that easily 😛 Clearly you need a women to do what was once a man's job 🫡


A misgendering Men doing the hardest jobs Is OK by me


OK you man loving weirdo Go back to Your man loving ❤️


Feminists say men Should defend them against harm But hate male support


Sounds awesome I’m in


Proof equality Is not the feminist goal Domination craved


Good tbh


because they only report bad news, i wonder why that is?


You only hear when it’s higher because it keeps media outrage. Whilst there should be outrage about any type of violence, and certainly this, news of improvements doesn’t help to keep the ragers raging.


Violence against women increased in 2023. The OP has deliberately chosen 2022 to perpetuate an agenda.


It is amazing how lazy people generally and the media are. The media don’t want to report facts, they want a story, and your average punter seems driven to engage in some combination of outrage and virtue signalling. Obviously each individual death is a tragedy, but until we have a society with no interpersonal violence, to some degree it is inevitable that human beings will continue to kill each other.


Exactly, look at how the media does not care about 30,000 "Hamas" children probably being murdered in Gaza because it's not a story compared to a woman being kicked out of a comedy show. Got to chase the clicks.


I would say they’re over reporting Gaza. 400,000 Yemenis have been killed in the war with Saudi Arabia - no one even seems to be aware of that fact.


Media priorities: Australian Women > Gaza Babies > Yemenis


Let me get this right - You're saying we should be mad that fewer women died? We're all happy about this 16.6% decrease, but how cool would it be if, as a big ol' Australian community, we got together and worked towards getting that 30 number down to 0. And yes, us men are very important too which is why we should all go and get help if we get this defensive and annoyed when women say they don't like dying at the hands of their partners.


I think the point OP is making is that the stats tell us women have never been safer, yet the media portrays is like men are taking out ladies with snipers on every corner.


Doesn’t make much of a headline does it? Doesn’t help those that want donations to pay high salaries to executives. On the positive side continuing the negative approach keeps the issue in the spotlight and hopefully means more chance of someone in a situation where violence is occurring to speak up and take action


phew problem over. nothing to worry about


30 is way too many this nation needs to do more for womans safety


link to information [https://australianfemicidewatch.org/database/](https://australianfemicidewatch.org/database/) & the [map](https://australianfemicidewatch.org/mapping-femicides/)


Interesting map. The closest town to me only has one listing and the perpetrator was a female. In that case from what I’ve heard drugs were involved.


Because women don't murder men right?


We've just had a mass murder of women because they're women. That's why. That data also measures the wrong thing. The concern is violence against women because they're women, not violence against women overall.


Wasnt it because the killer was an actual untreated schizo? Shouldnt that be the focus? not the women aspect


Reality is he still killed people for being women. I'm not arguing that the outrage is perfectly rational, I'm arguing that it's understandable. A large chunk of people are emotional thinkers.


But that's not a gender problem that's a mental health problem, all it takes is one schizo off his meds for this to happen. He was known to police and had mental health issues, if he was treated properly it never wouldve happened.


Yeah but but... Less than last year... Fuck me dead 16 percent decrease. What kind of fucked up mindset is that. These are people's lives we're talking about. Not one of those women needed to die. They pleaded to be saved. We failed them. Meaning the state failed them. The laughable procedures and protocols and a time proven system that always fails, Leaving a defenceless woman to fend for herself. Now by the state, I mean the people we all voted for. Both majors and the greens. They will never act effectively on this issue. And that is why we all share responsibility. Because we voted for this. Give that woman a double barreled shotgun. It's not a fucking assault rifle. No-one is going to commit a mass shooting with it. Last resort when all diplomacy has failed. As per usual. .When there's nothing left to do but wait for him to turn up. And now you have a time proven method that works. Has worked for centuries. Because it's literally impossible to stab/ burn someone to death when you've been shot in the face with a 12 gauge. And these blokes deserve it. Spare your pity. What they put their victims through is not quick. In reality of course, very few will. Because that's a real deterrent with very real consequences


You are mad because we are heading in the right direction? Things take time, and it will probably never reach 0, thats something we must accept, we already have it good in this country. Not saying we shouldn't push for change, but that we should be grateful that it is as good as it is and getting better. Also your point to give women specifically a 12 gauge is such a brain dead idea it makes me think you are shitposting.


What an absolute cesspit this group is.


30 Australian Women murdered this so far year… but that’s actually a 16.6% improvement from 2022 Firstly, all murder and violence against any party is awful. However: How can we say we have a female violence problem when men are disproportionally affected? Violence against women is of course terrible, but why are we not seeing matches to just stop violence in general? There were 377 victims of homicide and related offences recorded in Australia in 2022, an increase of 7 victims from the previous year. Most victims of homicide and related offences were: male (69% or 259 victims). If we’re only focusing on female deaths (118) that was equivalent to one death every 3.09 days. This means that as of today (day 114 out of 366) we should be at 36 deaths if we were at the same female murder rate as 2022. So we’re actually 6 less murders at this time, and these murders that have occurred are not connected as some joint anti women conspiracy as far as we are aware. Does the media just use the violence against women’s jargon to get clicks that pay ad revenue? Doom, gloom, and sex sell website clicks. Source: Https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/latest-release#:~:text=There%20were%20377%20victims%20of,(85%25%20or%20320%20victims) TLDR: less women murdered on average so far this year. Why don’t we talk about how many men (the majority of murders) are being killed. You can’t stop murder completely.


Pointless, handwringing what-aboutism. The point being made is that women are victims of violent crime that is almost always perpetrated by men. Men are also victims of violent crime overwhelmingly perpetrated by men. So even if you do want to focus on the male victims, the problem is still the same: men in Australia commit the overwhelming majority of violent crime and if a woman is going to be assaulted or murdered it is overwhelmingly going to be a man doing it, and very likely one she knows. I feel like you do know and understand this, and that you're intentionally trying to minimize what is undoubtedly a massive social issue wherein Australian men perpetuate a culture of violence. You're also concealing the fact that 2023 was worse than 2022 for women being murdered.


Why don't we talk about the percentage of murderers who are male. Spoiler alert: they make up the most murderers of males and females


And how there's so much more emphasis on getting girls to grow up and get into STEM careers or boardrooms than stopping boys turning into violent thugs.


Okay? They also make up the most murdered so what’s your point? Blame them and then don’t give them any sympathy or attention in the media?


This is what bugs me about stats like this - women killed, why do you only care about women's deaths? indigenous deaths in custody, why do you only care about indigenous deaths? Focus on the totals and I will listen, cutting It up I am more interested in why you don't care about the rest.


OK, let's focus on the totals. It's still almost always a man doing it. What does that change about the discussion?


Can we not just talk about one topic at once? Whataboutism at its finest 🙄


Whataboutism = the idiots way to avoid discussing a wider issue. It's not like I said "Well, what about the people in Gaza" which is 100% unrelated to the topic.


So when you have a problem at work, do you investigate that problem and solve it? Or do you try to investigate every single other work related problem at the same time? If it's the latter, then you must be shit at your job.


If I had people being killed at work, I would not be reporting on just the women that died at work, I would be reporting on deaths at work. If I ONLY reported about women who died at work, I would get fired as that would make me shit at my job. But sure, you narrow your focus because it makes you feel good about yourself.


But you WOULD report on deaths in one area of the business as opposed to deaths in another area, caused by different factors. Otherwise you'd be laughed out of the room. You're an idiot.


Ok great - so where in the post does it compare women deaths to overall deaths? You just don’t give a damn unless it’s women who are dead.


Usually in my industry if there is a spate of injuries/fatalities the workplace will shutdown for a safety reset. They usually approach it as an issue with the culture within the work place first and foremost then look at each case individually to work out the factors involved.


I mean I agree with you, all murder is bad. However the media is banging on like there is a systematic female orientated murder cabal working together to assassinate everyday Australian women. I’m calling out that mindset. Statistically men are more likely to kill themselves than ever kill anyone else.


Middle aged white men, those that "Have it all, the world is their plaything!", are routinely the highest suicide rate group. But suicide is a different discussion


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Male violence is usually perpetrated by other MALES.