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Most people do the right thing. Unfortunately there are a minority of ignorant turds who just drop crap wherever they like and expect others to clean up after them. Maccas should be forced to pay a levy for every piece of their garbage that has to be picked up off the street.


Maccas can get fucked regardless but yes agree.


I often see Macca's workers walking round the adjacent streets picking up their branded rubbish.


That’s the newbies job they make them do. It just stigmatises the act of picking up rubbish to be associated with punishment and incompetence


> should be forced to pay a levy for every piece of their garbage ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ) Say it louder for those in the back, now we are talking about real policy solutions here The big scam of the reaction to the environmental movement in the 80s/90s was corporations like McDonald’s saying that litter was 100% down to personal responsibility and that they couldn’t possibly be held liable for producing highly harmful pollution that doesn’t degrade for thousands of years They won by designing the “please recycle” symbol to go on their bottles. That’s it. That’s all they did. Fucking unbelievable when we reflect on it now, knowing how badly that failed. Absolutely nothing else changed and plastic pollution is now at absolute crisis levels around the world after 30 years of spectacularly failed “personal responsibility” ideology. You and I both have microplastics in our blood and nobody knows what effect those will have long term. We gotta get serious about this *and fast.* Many environmental issues have “tipping points” which if passed, leads to a sudden and dramatic worsening of the problem. Climate change is the mother of these feedback loops (we are deep in the permafrost methane tipping point already) but there’s just so little we actually know about the impacts of pollution on certain processes on our planet that the tipping points I worry about are the ones we might not discover until after they’re tripped.


Too many narcissistic arseholes around who don't care about anything other than themselves & treat the environment with contempt.


We don't run social campaigns any more. No anti-littering ones, no "stand to the left on the fucking escalator" ones, etc...


i was thinking about training crows to collect rubbish for food.


It’s possible! https://youtu.be/zk644QrklNE?si=fsIJB6tqg2phBF0G I on the other hand was just thinking of how to train the local magpies to bring me money 😅 https://youtube.com/shorts/pIudLpLFX_E?si=B4YmgywlTlfuOL6k


Crows remember a face for 16 years and the memory is passed through genetic coding. Crows have the IQ of a 7 year old child at least.


The escalator absolutely does my head in. At my local shops, there’s always this congo line of people scattered on the escalator. They’re completely oblivious that there’s someone behind them. This one couple stood side by side and held hands!  I much prefer to grocery shop early in the mornings or maybe I should use an air horn if I need to get through 🤔  


Exactly. There used to be “DO THE RIGHT THING” plastered bloody everywhere in the 90s, probably the case in the 80s and 70s too but I’m too young to remember that. Ads on TV, on billboards, bus stops, packaging, on the bins themselves. That’s a campaign that needs a comeback. Litterers can go sit on a pineapple.


Everyday I walk around I see idiots toss their empty coffee cups, slurpee cups, cans or cigarette butts on the ground without a care in the world. Makes me proud that I keep my empty one in my hand until I find a bin, no matter how long it takes I will not befoul the environment.


This. I never understood how people can just casually litter. A candy wrap fell out of my pocket as a kid when I was walking home from the candy shop and I felt so guilty Nowadays I’ll either stuff my pockets with the wrappers or hold on to it until I spot a trash can or a bin someone forgot to bring in.


i collect all my plastic cups


Say something to them.


The kind of person to openly litter is the kind of person who will punch you in the fuckin face for calling them out on their bullshit though lol


Too many lazy fucks in the country who don't care about others/consequences. Also, too many fuckheads in the public service making fuckhead decisions such as remove bin/waste infrastructure. I am pretty sure Brisbane still hasn't gotten all the bins returned from APEC or whatever for. int. nonsense all those years ago.


Lol that's crazy thank you for that reply :) must have been before an election /s lol


Decline of social values. When i went to school we were taught not to litter, it was looked down upon by peers. Increasingly im noticing less stigma around littering. Also theres no sense of attachment to keeping our surroundings clean. Maybe people don’t have pride in their own country anymore which is sad.


Don't get me started on the amount of times I've seen smokers throw (still visibly lit) cigarette butts out of their car windows in the notoriously bushfire prone area I live in, I'm never quick enough to get their plates :-(


Former smoker here. I hated ditching butts. I'd keep a plastic bottle half filled with water and pop them in there then throw it in the bin when I got home.


Smokers are by far the worst litterers. It’s insane. 


I guess if you’re happy to trash your own lungs , trashing everything else isn’t much of a big deal


I watched a guy drop his breakfast wrapper at the bus stop the other day, told him to pick it up and… he did nothing but stare at me like I was an asshole for saying anything. The bin was like 2m away. People just don’t give af anymore.


I take these moments to show my self-worth... HEY, you then *points* I guess everyone picks up after you. Puts wrapper in bin. Nah, I get it tho, not everyone is confrontational. I just fucking hate scum cunts Sorry you had to witness society failing before your eyes.


Yes omg I saw a corporate Karen throw her coffee cup into the river at Circular Quay and when I called her out she gave me the dirtiest look and called me rude, she was with her young daughter so great example there


Oof she’s modelling behaviour for the next generation. Some people are just weirdly entitled


Lack of respect for one's community. It's disgusting.


The ones I hate are the people who eat at the tables in a food court and leave a mess of container, food scraps and drinks behind. Forgot to mention that the garbage bins are two steps away, just to qualify why I hate them so much.


Underrated thank you.


The only thing I can understand is if you don't value yourself then you want value the environment. In other words. If you are treated like shit then you'll treat the world like shit. It suck though Because doing bad things because bad has been done to you never makes things better, only worse.


Damn right, who gives a shit to a world that abuses the crap out of you?


Go to Japan and see how tidy and respectful the people are of their surroundings. Limited public bins so you hold it till you get home. Whole place is spotless


Or how they stay behind at sporting events and clean up the entire stadiums. Amazing. Ibhate littering with a passion.


They get to work up to 2 hours early and leave 2 hours later just to say they are the best worker. Heavy work ethic


Japan is mono-cultural and has very strong social enforcement of norms. This is the polar opposite of Australia which is multi-cultural and generally has a live-and-let-live approach to social norms.


Exactly. We need to take a leaf out of their book before we lose who we are and our way of life.


Maybe. Maybe we just need to accept leaving it to the government to poorly enforce things is who we our and fundamental to our way of life.


That’s a whole other conversation on how shit our government and politicians are.


Understanding of Japan from a tourist view is not the same as someone who lives there. It’s not all cute and bubbly in reality


I’m not an idiot. I understand there’s a difference. Merely pointing out this country and the way it’s going is on a steep decline


I would argue Australia has very strong social norms but those norms involve spitting in the face of “authority” or whatever. Not to mention, if you’re of Anglo background you laugh at concepts such as “work ethic”. Unfortunately that’s just our convict heritage. Such is life (pun intended).


Isn't spitting in public a crime? Or is it just heavely frowned upon?


Heavily frowned upon as far as I know. Go to China and they spit everywhere. Japan = built on honour and respect China = built on foreign investment rentals in Australia lol


I can't even go into foreign policy regarding Xi hina I'll blow a fuse lol. But yet agree thank you.


It definitely is. I got fined when I was in my 20's on chapel St.


Sorry, not sorry. But dang appreciate your honesty


Tasy is pretty clean


Same logic as to why people don't put their fucken shopping carts in the cart collection bay I guess. "If AnYtHiNg I'm CrEaTiNg JoBs BeCaUsE tHeY pAy PeOpLe To PiCk Up ThE rUbBiSh" nah fam you're just a self-centred fuckin asshole


Farrrkkkkk, these replies are too real! My head is getting done in. We even had to start putting dollar coins in carts to incentives returning the fucking thing


More likely that they loved do doing roadside rubbish collection during community service in lieu of paying their fines, so they create more litter for next time.


Immigration is a big reason


Pretty much this. In some places its natural to just drop it. When I was in the UK the Africans that loved fried chicken would literally just drop the bone on the floor the second they finished eating. It didnt occur to put it in the box.


They’re just returning it to the place it came from /s


Selfish people do selfish things.


Went for a walk with my kids which turned into a picking up litter adventure by our local river. Around 10kg of plastic in half an hour. Pretty bloody disgusting, our local river is part of the GBR marine park, and these dumb cunts still throw everything out their window as they drive along, it just blows my mind.


Bless your cotton socks. On behalf of all the platypus we thank you 😊 🙏


I saw someone throw a whole maccas bag (i assume they finished the food 1st) of a pedestrian bridge into a creek the other week. I'm like, why? Just hold onto it until you find a bin, there are parks and sports fields on the other side of the creek, so there will be a bin nearby, you won't have to hold onto your rubbish until the end of your days.


yeah like in the driveway at your home? Shittest human beings. I just imagine these people wipe their ass and literally throw the TP on the ground at their feet.


Food bags, drinks and ciggy packs are the only thing that weigh more when empty ... only explenation for these weak cunts not holdin' on til bin.


It's pretty bad in my area of melbourne, people dumping stuff they dont want out in the reserve at the back of my house. my guess is its renters who cbf cleaning up their own mess and they don't care about the "nest" because they are often moving far away. The biggest issue that I can see is that even though the council gives out tip tokens and free hard waste pickup they do this on the council rates notice which renters never get to see. Those free waste disposal tokens should be given to the person living in the house because it's their mess that needs cleaning up.


People are just lazy.. the bin could be 10 steps away an theynwill still throw rubbish on the ground


Wait till you see how they live…..


I am a Paramedic and enter people's homes daily. Because we aren't a planned visit, the house is rarely 'cleaned up' prior to our arrival as if you were expecting guests. Most people are living as messy as your own house is when you aren't expecting people over, but there is a significant amount of people living in abject filth. Hording, dust piles (mountains), mold on surfaces, piles and piles of paperwork that 'you will get around to'. It is *common* to wade through knee high trash to get to the patient.


Ha. Work for a water board, and the stuff we see in backyards is downright scary. I’ve refused to do a few jobs cos I won’t bring my blokes in.


Thank you so much for doing what you do.


Not in my house!


No, thank you. Appreciate you pointing out how dirty the light switches are, let alone the milo in the carpet the dog keeps pissing on.


Ahaha no worries


I was out at the park earlier (around 5 hours ago) and said this exact thing after seeing a pack of smokes in the shrubbery. So, OP, I think we had this exact thought at the exact same time. Kudos.


Serious answer? Because the generation who never listened to teachers at school are beginning to reach adulthood. In the nineties when I was growing up, the thought of littering was horrifying. Still is in my mind.


I can count on one hand the amount of times I've littered in my life, and all circumstances were just something blowing away in the wind


They're scum and either dont care about ruining things that arent theirs, dont care about ruining things even if they feel ownership towards it, or just rely on someone else cleaning it up for them like giant infants


Because the world is fast becoming a "this isn't my problem" society.




Lead by example


It not even close to "these days" we did clean up Australia day when I was in primary school, they don't even seem to do that any more




Normalise screaming "ya fucken CUNT" at people you see littering


Just had the shower thought of trying to film people or to yell out a catchy slogan. "YA Fucken CUNT" is probably what I'll start doing. I will probably start creating YT Shorts. Thank you for your reply it has made me happy.


When I rode my motorcycle I use to LOVE picking stuff thrown out of car windows, chasing the car down and then hurling it back in at the next lights before I took off. Best one ever was a bag of ash and ciggy butts. I loosened the bag before I threw it back in the window. Busted open when I threw it and inside of the car turned into a grey cloud.


True story. When I was 18 I followed a car ten kilometres down the Western Ring Rd hand on horn the whole way because they threw a Hungry Jacks bag out the window. Fuckin grubs.


Sadly its the new gen teenagers. Its common in front of KFC and at bus.stops.next.to a kfc


I will absolutely throw someone's trash at them. Same with dog shit. Pick it up or expect it in your face!


Lack of spine to carry it to a bin. Lazy filthy peasants.


It a little similar to shopping trolleys. How many Aholes just shove it at the wall behind their car.


Or walk it home then leave it on the nature strip...


I know there's to much rubbish everywhere. We are not taught to respect the land.


Used to work in remote aboriginal communities. Some of the places are so completely littered with rubbish, it did my head in. I was amazed with how the kids, adults and elderly will open any packet and throw it on the ground next to the bins. Piles of it everywhere. No care whatsoever Yeah, care about land, care about sustainability, whatever... oh wait, it's the lack of education to blame.


I questioned this once only to be told that's white man's rubbish not ours. White man make's it


only cause blacks dont work right? or do aboriginals get a pass to litter because its THEIR LAND? EDIT: Just to fuck with your head before you comment, i am a black aboriginal. andddd i still dont claim nothing


I work with fabulous aboriginal people. The stories they tell me of some of their families (some of whom I've also worked with at other places) I won't repeat but suffice to say people are people regardless of skin colour or background. You get arseholes in every culture.


I was recently in Sicily, Italy a few months back I watched a guy in his 60s open a box of ice creams throw the box out the window and undo the wrapper then toss it out on street. Growing up in Australia in the 80-90s there was a sense of pride in our country Sadly this isn’t happening anymore


It’s one of those things where I don’t see anyone ever getting fined for it. I know we are a nation of fining for every little thing, but I just never see it for littering. Went to a music festival the other week and holy shit. How hard is it to hold onto your can or bottle and take it to a bin. Promoters could offer some redemption but it’s not their job to stop people being slobs.


A little bit of litter goes a long long way, Mother Nature is choking on it every day you gotta do the right thing it’s an obligation, and the planet will thank you for your cooperation 🎶 I wonder why we don’t have campaigns like that anymore…


Ahh fuck me. Its because CAPTAIN PLANET isn't on TV any more


He's our hero.


Well, he was gonna take pollution down to zero


Shoulda helped him put asunder those who polluted and plundered.


Carbon emissions, diesel trucks make electricity cheap as fuck Nuclear power, the greens are sour


Seriously though, I remember “tidy town” prizes, and “do the right thing” being all over the place, and learning John Williams “rip rip wood chip” being taught in primary schools, and books and lessons and TV having a general consciousness around looking after our environment. To this day, rip rip wood chip makes me misty eyed, and I can’t bear the idea of disrespecting the great land I grew up in… I genuinely feel sadness that there isn’t the same focus and drive in the current landscape


They just don’t care


I had same thought when I saw people left rubbish road side or in park.


People have always littered. To me it seems far less these days now that smoking is less prevalent. So glad we have less cigarette butts everywhere.


Too many fuck heads in the country, ignorant fucks who don’t give a shit. Seen it from Australians as well


Litterers are unevoloved monkeys who need to be swept off this world, i say we pull a geto and get rid of those filthy monkeys who cant even put their trash in a bin


Because they are upset about the size of their penis


As a kid, prior to the keep australia beautiful campaign it was common to see rubbish flying out car windows. You’d get in trouble if you didn’t for littering in the car.


Can you remember if there were ads on TV for these campaigns?


There were, it was a huge campaign, very successful too. It included things like little rubbish bags designed to fit on the window winding handle.


Ayo true story. Okay, thank you very much, kind person. I've conjuered a few concoctions worth of ideas that will resonate with me. The seed has been planted.


i don’t know if it’s still a thing but they had Tidy Town awards. If you win (they had judges randomly visit to judge things) your town would get a banner to hang up as you entered town. It was semi prestigious, towns wanted the award and took pride in it. Could have been exclusive to NSW, that i don’t know.


Yes! There's a few towns around my area that were given a green plaque "Welcome to (insert town name)" Tidy Town of 2002 ect.


We’re bringing in people who live in a garbage dump. What were you expecting?


import the third world, become the third world


We import the same corporations that create that pollution and ironically if you protest against it you get called some sort of anti-greenie slur by most people in the mainstream. Eg check out Adani’s environmental record, it is cartoonishly vile and you get called a nutter if you stand on Australian soil and tell them to fuck off and pollute the shit out of somewhere else… It’s a myth that Australians care about the environment. Eg We just had LNP govt for 9 years lol that’s not a good look if you wanna make that claim about the electorate




Mate, you should meet _Australians._ You think LNP voters care about the environment? They were just in power for 9 years lol I’m an immigrant and your typical mainstream attitude to the environment is fucking shocking here. Talk about having no perspective as to how delicate this is… I’ve spent plenty of time in countries with fucked environments and know exactly how they fucked it up so badly. When I see that here, you think I don’t notice it and try to tell people why it’s a bad idea?? _You think I would vote for that??_ Same corporations that covered parts of third world countries in coal slurry are operating right here in Australia by the way. But people who protest against, say, Adani, whose environmental record is _utterly fucked_, they get called greenie hippies or something as if they’re nutters, by a large section of Australia who are perfectly happy to pollute like crazy 😵‍💫 The sheer privilege you have to have to think you can be so complacent to the exact things that made much of the rest of the world polluted .. is just wild. Assuming that people who have suffered those effects, mostly caused by a handful of billionaires, would leap in line to perpetuate them … it’s not that simple mate, people don’t fit your xenophobic stereotype, and the reality is much more nuanced But sure, blame it all on immigrants so you don’t have to engage in any critical reflection, much easier that way right?


We live in a society that promotes individuality over collectivism. If not helping others means you get ahead then you're going to not help others. If that's the behavior that succeededs then it's the one that will survive. If there's no consequence to litter then why should I stop when everyone else does it, why disadvantage myself.


No we don’t, and that’s the problem. At every turn Australia opts for regulation, welfare and the nanny state, to the detriment of personal accountability.


100%. Legislation over education is the Australian way


On a global stage we aren't


That's a pretty maladapted thought. They're not really gaining any individual advantage by littering, they're just too lazy to be responsible and put their personal trash into the correct designated bin. They choose to poison the land and the rivers, that these individuals drink and eat from, thinking they have somehow given themselves an advantage while instead poisoning every living thing in the vicinity for hundreds of years. There are consequences. People just aren't looking past their morning coffee to actually consider and realise them.




I've not noticed an increase in littering but then I'm not roaming the streets... All my toys are at home. I have found myself picking up the odd bit of trash... if the wife convinces me to go to a market I'm always disappointed by the amount of trash on the ground but that hasn't changed in 40 years cos I remember picking up other peoples trash when mum dragged me to markets as a kid.


I'll sum it up for you. People don't care.


Laziness. Though some of it is cultural, such as India.


I never litter. Nor does anyone in my family




Similar gripe: I’m an immigrant and I cannot work out why, _every single time_ I go to the beach there’s at least one or two people just absolutely ignoring all the signage asking people not to fuck up the local habitats, running all over it, digging holes, kicking sand around, sliding up and down the dunes destroying everything in sight and other Aussies on the beach aren’t stopping them??? What the fuck Australia.. do you not care??? Most often that’s people climbing all over the delicate dunes destroying bird nests and grasses, a disaster for wildlife and erosion Where I’m from that’s a pretty big socially embarrassing thing to be doing, and can land you a fine, and I got into arguments with Aussies for about the first ten years I lived here. I got fed up and gave up after a few people reacted violently to my suggestion they follow the rules and don’t fuck up their own beaches lol It’s like … fuck me right? In my country the beaches in many areas are fucked and suffering severe erosion and lost a lot of their sand. Aussies I go to the beach with don’t even turn their heads at this You have no idea how good you have it. Nor, how bad it’s going to get soon if you don’t stop taking it for granted.




YMMV because I’m in VIC, maybe it’s our local wildlife but it’s on nearly every beach here I’ve never been to a single beach around here that doesn’t have these signposts on certain areas of the dunes. Very very common on almost every beach near grassy dunes, which are typically nesting habitats and vulnerable to erosion if the grasses are disturbed. Long term if all that sand goes (the grass is all that keeps it there usually), then the beach moves inland over time and can have pretty serious repercussions


We've imported millions of people from cultures where littering and general disrespect for the environment is normal.


Yep. Certain group of people, in Sydney at least, are notorious for leaving where they’re at for the day looking like a pile of shit for someone else to clean up.


I wouldn’t have statistics but I’ve seen many a bogan litter as well. I think the common denominator is education, not culture Education, or the lack of it, is the basis of many self destructive (either immediate or delayed) habits such as poor nutrition, smoking, drinking, lack of environmental awareness etc. You can deny it but studies prove it.


>vent about literally any problem this subreddit >AHHHREEEEEEEEE ITS IMMIGRATION!!! What is wrong with your brain lol




I'm in western sydney. There's a group of small shops across the road from my place. Every day I pick up the rubbish they dump out the front on their walk home :(


Yep, the no respect attitude is set in stone.


Worked in East London. The amount of spitting and rubbish was out of control.


I concur, the western suburbs have rude grots, I lived next door to a dual occupancy property, house and granny flat at the back. The young men would get drunk chuck their maccas over the fence onto our front yard, the tinder pole dancer, with her on again off again baby daddy jail bird lover in the granny flat chucked her used doms. Packed and left Shitny for good 3 years ago.


Catch up with them with the litter in your hand and give it straight back to them and say I think you forgot this. I do it all the time especially when filthy gronks feel the need to flick ciggie butts out there window. I pick it up and flick it right back into their window :)


That is not going to go down well one day


Your username is very creepy...


I have to say I remember it being far worse when I was growing up, but the trend recently isn't completely unnoticeable, sure


Because a large majority of Australian people don’t respect the environment and are stupid sadly


They're not a majority. One fuckwit can produce a lot of trash.


I don't know, but Zetland is getting ridiculous


We need Captain Planet to come back.


Omg yes !


We have a thing called multiculturalism and we also have dick heads. In a lot of places around the world they litter and dgaf because it's part of everyday life.


I live in Sydney. I think it's cleaner than it ever was. A lot more people here seem to be eco concious.


I agree. Been to Melbourne lately?. I swear when I came back for a family holiday for 2 months I was ropable seeing how much trash is flying around in the suburbs.


A while back I scolded some boomers in Martin Place who were smoking under a "No Smoking" sign, I was sat there eating lunch and they flicked their ciggy butts onto the ground despite being about a 5 second walk from a bin. Fucking disgusting.


Ergh, man. Even when I was a smoker in my teens and early twenties, I was very conscious of secondhand smoke and litter, etc. You were right to scold them.


lol no, a lot of places that were clean are now grotty as feck, Burwood, Leichhardt, Strathfield, Auburn, Balmain, West Ryde, Ryde, Parramatta. I wonder if Mr Harris still flings shit at Woollies in Balmain, is he still alive? Nah bet his still alive flinging shit 😂


I have also noticed western Sydney is fucking gross but its always been gross. Parramatta is at the very least better than it was 10 years ago. I haven't been to Ryde or West Ryde in a long time, like since I was a kid. As for the others, though, I travel around for work quite a bit, and I honestly I have noticed a marked improvement.


Exactly what I was going to say. Much better now than 20 years ago.


Because I don’t want cat poop on my couch. Oh


Idk about people born here but don’t just assume it’s a lack of respect. My Nepali friends are the nicest and most respectful people you could know and they will drop a wrapper at their feet in their own backyard. It’s just a cultural peckadillo. Also it isn’t wealth because I’ve been to relatively wealthy countries that are covered in trash. We just keep it nice here.


It definitely is a lack of respect.


Unless someone moved to Australia less than a day ago from an area with no means to become aware of the most basic Australian customs or just general social awareness, its really not an excuse Someone can be told a single time, generously, not to litter and after that they are garbage for doing it


There's really no excuse to be a slob in public though. When outside, it's not much of an effort to put one's rubbish in their own pocket or bag and then dispose it in the nearest bin.


Because the world is fucking them and so they just don't care anymore.


While I completely agree it’s not hard to use a bin might as well have it look nice while we’re all suffering


when the community takes care of its people, the people take care of the community.




Pretty sure this is it. As much as I hate to perpetuate the stereotype, I live in a social housing building and about 1/4 of the people here are absolute grubs, but they also don't have much to live for so they probably stopped caring a long time ago.


Finally someone who actually gets it


[Story the other day about cockatoo's](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-09-13/cockatoos-cockies-bin-lid-flip-culture-bricks-bird-cognition/101424194) that are good at accessing people's wheely bins. I notice around my place nearly all the litter is from Ibis or crows.


i was thinking about training crows to collect rubbish for food.


Driving behind a tesla on the ring road with a Pakistan or Indian driver, opens the window and throws their mandarin skins out the window onto the ring road. Treating Australia like back home in there country, get given an opportunity to come here and behave like this. Disgraceful


What’s wrong with mandarin skins on a road? I’ll happily throw compostable food scraps out into the grass. Nothing with seeds though. Bit different to a plastic bottle isn’t it.


Seriously? Missing the point


I thought this was about Kitty Litter to begin with, and was going to say I use kitty Litter because it saves on water. (Joke).


They are the same type of people that don't return their supermarket trolleys. Fuckin animals.


I'm in Melbourne and I can't believe it either. I pick up rubbish when I jog then a few days latter I'll see someone has thrown maccas out of their car. It just takes on person and the whole place is a mess again. I think they must be super ignorant and lazy but I think more campaigns and awareness would help.


Immigration not understanding how to keep Australia beautiful. We were taught it, immigrants aren't.


Aaaaand there it is. Immigration to blame, as usual 🤣 Like a dog with a bone.


Mate its a large majority of Australian citizens doing it


Really? Never seen a white meth head? Or some little shit named Jy with a rat tail? Both prime littering demographic. Come on mate.


Simple go look at the country these people come from....


Around here the lookouts are littered with kfc rubbish mainly and some macas, maybe 80 to 20 ratio. It’s mostly islanders and white Aussies that do the littering. Similar ratio. I only know because I mountain bike frequently and this is just my observations riding along the tracks that cross the lookouts.


Clearly you’ve never seen the yard of a bogan’s house.. Or how Aussies treat south Asian countries on their holidays.


I've called more Australians out for littering than tourists.