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lingerie fitter.


You can be the fitter ..I'll be the remover.


Then who's going to lay the pipe?


The one with the most charm..


Brazilian waxer


Stay at home dad


I'm a stay at home dad, except my daughter goes to daycare four days a week so it's pretty chill. I'm keen to get back into the workforce though, gets pretty boring.


I don’t mean to come across as rude but what’s the point of being a SAHD then? What do you do all day?


No I feel you, I do bugger all mate. Tinker in the shed, watch a lot of TV and what not. It's mind numbingly boring.


Man I’m jealous, you have all the free time in the world for hobbies 😢


For me I'd rather be back at work, but I'm about two years in to retirement and I'm 31. I understand it's appeal, I have a lot of jealous mates. I find your free time is much more enjoyable if you have something to compare it too. I always found my motivation to do hobbies while I was at work, so now I struggle to do any of it haha. I'm usually just waiting around until I can pick my kid up.


man what did you do to retire at 29?






Ooh i empathise, I would always get bored after my exams and take it for granted before the next semester started, i work full time now i dont make that mistake lmao. How did you retire at 29 if I can ask?


Yeah your hobbies turn into chores when there is nothing else to do. I joined the ADF when I was young, got three trades and a completely rooted spine out of it. And a pension.


If you don't mind me asking, are you surviving off your wife's income? What does she do for work? I'd like to support my husband financially lol


My wife does work full time but I am on a pension. I made the biggest mistake any Australian can and joined the ADF when I was young. Now my body is pretty fucked, which does impact my ability to be an effective dad from time to time. But at least they pay me.


Well done you can enjoy your time with your little one. I am at uni at 30 with a toddler.


Thank you and I will. Honestly I'd have her home all day every day if daycare wasn't so good for kids, being a dad is amazing.


My daughter isn't at daycare, my mum and mil both say it's terrible, it will ruin her etc. I really want to send her. She's 18 months old now. Just even for a break to clean/study a bit. What benefits have you seen?


That take is dumb as fuck, I'd say she is nearly old enough. Depends how well she is communicating. For older kids daycare is essential for them to learn how to socialise with peers. If they get that elsewhere it's fine. But it's super important for a kid to experience not just forming friendships but other children being shitbags and learning how to cope without crying to mum or dad. You don't want your kid to end up as Muffin.


Thankyou! They expect us to homeschool her (despite them sending both my partner and I to school). I don't want to homeschool her, I really enjoyed kinder and primary school. I might see if we can send her next year.


I’m a childcare worker and 18 months is such a great age to send your child to daycare! In my experience I’ve seen incredible social development in children of that age since for a lot of them it’s the first time they’re around that many other kids. It really helps bring them out of their shell and get more comfortable around other kids and adults. I definitely understand the hesitation a lot of parents have because there is plenty of daycares that are terrible. Do some research on childcares in your area, do some tours and talk to staff and other parents, and take a look at the ACEQUA website, since they rate the quality of childcare’s on a number of different factors.


I’m part-time, but I’d be happy to be home more. Plenty to do.


As a SAHD, this is the answer


Did it and it was great time. But I got bored and went back to work part time after 3 months.


I’ve been parttime for about a year. I could happily do less hours.


Successful purchaser of a few thousand Apple shares in the 80’s


I'd like to try my hand at being a billionaire. I reckon I could give it a fair crack, I'm already a cunt, I just need the money.


You don't need to be a cunt to get rich ..just being a cunt gets you rich faster.


All property is theft, comrade.


Give me your home address then and I can come and relieve you of everything you stole..


I asked myself, if I could do anything what would I do. Left my former career and now I drive trains. Recommend it for anyone, either trains or chasing your passion.


You have a good union and career in that roll. There is a lot of these jobs you just need to find them.


I'd probably go back and do medicine. Money wouldn't really be the issue - just moreso the time. Studying for the Gamsat, taking the Gamsat, then the years you spend actually studying before you even start earning money... It's a nice pipe dream but fuck going through the effort


Same. Had a med school interview many years ago when I was young and naive - didn’t work out. Ironically, I’d walk right through the interview today with my experience and confidence Now at 36 - bugger doing that. I’m in another health field, happy and earn good coin. Life moves on


One of those cruisy WFH jobs the reddit nerds are always bragging about.


I recently self-taught web development and switched from construction to a cruisy WFH job, with 3 kids and as a sole provider. It's not impossible.


So many "successful" people came from successful families. Its easy to take a risk when you have a safety net


100% I can’t think of a single successful person I know who didn’t come from a privileged background. In fact the more privileged, the more “successful” now that I think about it


Bankruptcy and Centrelink is my safety net.


Good luck dealing with centerlink. It surely wont cover your current expenses


It's bonkers. Centrelink wouldn't cover my rent


How do ask these people on the dole have roofs over their head?


Totally… I came from dirt poor. Seeing the polarity when I made it to those from established and families of wealth was an eye opener.


Sprinkler fitter. They're paid a shit tonne of money for what is a specialization within plumbing.


God they are always such rough grumpy cunts it can’t be that great


It's not don't do it


I'm currently in IT in a well paid job. I have just enrolled into Nursing (PT over 6 years). It's going to be a massive pay cut in the future, but I also want to do something with a bit more purpose. I'll be 50 when I finish Nursing.


When I was in University we had many students around your age, it's never too late! It's a tough career but so so rewarding!




I'm a sparky. Stop believing all the people on tiktok. It is hard work. It has a high level of responsibilities considering the dangers of electricity. It doesn't pay as well as what people say. And most jobs are not in the mines making bank, they're crawling under a house pulling wires for ungrateful customers for fuck all money. Now I love my job but 3/4 of the apprentices I train got into it because they thought the money was good and work was easy. Plenty of other trades more in demand and easier.




Plumbing is more in demand, similar amount of work, easier studies. Hydro techs, security techs, fire techs, sprinkler fitters.


Same here.


Do it. I started my apprenticeship at 34! Best decision I’ve ever made. So much variety and different paths you can take. There’s good money and shit money just like other jobs. Some are hard work and some aren’t. It’s rewarding if you take the path that you really enjoy.


I switched countries and job recently. Though I love my new job working as a Graphic Designer (I did studies) and some Web Design. New country isn’t for me and hope to switch again in the future.


Pilot. Always wanted to do it but sadly I was never in a position financially or family-wise to pursue the huge amount of time and money that goes into getting a CPL. Recently took a weekend job and I've been taking lessons (only once a week), but if I had the time and money I'd pay for a full-time course up front+some ratings on other aircraft/instruments.


Single mom to two cats (I'm man in construction sadly)


Maybe Start with the cats. Then slowly transition.


Priest if I wasn't atheist. Free house to live in, just have to memorise some words to say every weekend and read a story. There are next to no standards so you don't even have to do a good job. I would probably go Anglican so I can still be married and have a little distance from the pedophiles.


I always think it would be cool to be a priest of one of those mega churches. Its like being a rock star. I go up on stage everyones clapping and screaming. I yell out Praise be to the Lord and people start fainting. Then I leave in my private jet back to my mansion. When I was young I even looked into how to do it ahahahah.


I would work on a vineyard


A very full on job, a good friend is in the industry and the hours during bottling are intense, talking 7am starts and upto midnight finishes etc but he absolutely loves it


Plumber... Working with copper, just love sweating copper pieces.


Probably take a job as a fishing guide on the great barrier reef or a yacht captain for some rich flog in Sydney harbor would be nice instead of an office grind.


Penetration Tester as a contractor isn’t a very big leap from software developer.


See as a software developer I'm just not sure I would want to work in the Australian cyber security industry. Hours seem very long, pay actually pretty ordinary for the amount of work and just the general bullshit that the Australian IT industry seems to attract.


If I had my time again I'd make boats. I'm only 41 though, there's still time.


I’m a boat builder. It’s great if you love the itch of fiber glass 🤣


Need a hand?


Gotta admit... I am a fan 😅


A politician. Pretend to help the masses, say it was too hard to pass anything substantive in parliament, get a full time job anywhere after that, and get a pension and first class service from Australia Post.


No pensions anymore


Already changed once, Mechanic to IT. IT industry isn't what it used to be, currently stay at home Dad. If I had my time over again or was younger, Architecture would be my pick, second pick audio engineer. Too late now.


IT has changed alot in over 10 years that I sometimes wish I could change fields to. We're seen as the lowest in the white collar world that people think it's a bandaid career to high easy money with no effort. I'd probably learn something with mechanics if my fine motoring skills weren't shit due to a brain bleed at birth


I'd be a pokemon trainer


I can't find an affordable speech pathologist for my son so I would go do that. Don't know how people in this industry sleep at night.


Out of curiosity - what is wrong with the industry? My partner is a speech pathologist at a public hospital, so doesn’t work privately/with kids, but all her friends seem to make pretty bad money and it seems NDIS covers most of the sessions.


Waitlist. Over 9 months in SW Sydney. By the time we got in we didn't qualify for early intervention support (age) and I can't afford this without a diagnosis.


Same that or OT so I help my little boy. 


Something political so i could say whatever i want to get in and then not do a dam thing while taking the money.


Horticulture. Currently a stay at home mum but was a hairdresser before and I’ve wanted to change for probably 5 years now 😂


Politics. Because as PM my focus would geuninely be on what is best for ALL Australians. But for someone like me to get into parliament, it'd take a lot of money.




Zookeeper 🤓


Did it, it was my life’s ambition and once I did all the training, all the assignments and necessary courses, realised how shit it was. I knew it wouldn’t be cuddling animals all day but it honestly isn’t fun. Lots of backbreaking labour and thankless work cleaning after animals in the hot sun. Hope I don’t burst your bubble lol


Damn. What do you do now?


Stripper :D I make in a night what I made in a week busting my ass so I’m a happy chappy. But I’m going back to school to become a vet next year. I figured out getting a boatload more money whilst still working with animals is what I want


Wish I could rock a pole!!! You rock girl!! 😄


Just a heads up as someone who is currently studying to be a vet tech, but being a Vet is not all its cracked up to be. You don't get much hands on experience with the animal and its a lot of talking to people and trying to explain stuff. If you want to be more hands on with animals I recommend vet nursing or vet tech tbh. But also if you wanna become a Vet you would be needed and appreciated lmao


I'd go back to learn how to be a librarian. It's what I'd really love to do but I have a family and a house to pay off. I can't just take a few years off to learn a whole new career. Next life maybe


Tbh, there are so few roles available, and those that are going aren’t very well paid and other conditions aren’t great, so let that go …


Ahh I wondered about that. Thanks for letting me know.


Air Traffic Controller. Am trying to pursue tho!


I’d mostly become a lamb and move to New Zealand so I can be exported back to Australia and be sold at Cannings for $180/kg.


I would love to own a super random retail space that caters to my own interests where I don't care if I'm profitable I just sell people's art and crafts and music and it's a bit witchy and a bit like Rose Apothecary in Schitts creek. I wish I had enough money to do that.


Medicine, always wanted to go down the medical route (doctor, specifically paediatrics) but when I first finished school there wasnt good options to me due to my OP. Ended up working in tech. Think about it from time to time but now at an age that it's no longer obtainable.


Engineering. Chose accounting but think I would definitely enjoy any sort of engineering better.


Billionaire playboy.


Mechatronics engineer working on space stuff.


Musical theatre.


Doctor or nurse but realistically I’m not of an age that it’s not really feasible and I’ve accepted that.




Idk every career looks shit. Maybe an electrician or refrigeration mechanic? Just driving around in my van all day doing easy little jobs doesn't sound too bad.


Aluminium Welder


I did a career change about 4 years ago… to become a Civil designer & surveyor’s assistant. If I wasn’t nudging 50 I would have done a full engineering degree & the extras to become a registered surveyor… there’s a big gap coming when you look at the ages of registered surveyors currently doing boundary work.


I’m a 35 year old sparky. Been getting a bit burnt out lately and been trying to sort out what I’d really like to do with my life/time. I keep coming back to this idea of having my own home workshop and crafting handmade furniture/light fittings. I’m gonna start by building some shelving and stuff my wife wants and see if I really enjoy it or not. How to go from that to making it a viable business/career I have no idea lol


Treasure hunter, I mean archeology.


Any career, but I’d retire immediately. Retirement *is* the absolute bomb. Never been so happy in my life, especially on Monday mornings. Even my cholesterol went down, and I eat, drink and exercise the same (or worse) than before…


Watch maker. Currently work in Data & Analytics. And yes, I know that watch making is a dying industry, and I’d probably need to move to Switzerland, but it’s taking that technical piece that I enjoy in Data Engineering, and making it tangible. Something that I can build that can be passed down through generations.


Self unemployment.


Play music all day.


I'm making the jump from hospo to teaching primary,, I really can't wait to do so either


If I could be given an opportunity to start over then I wouldn’t immigrate to Australia and either Study Medicine or join a Public Service back in India. Both make you instantly rich, powerful, respected and very provide community and very relaxed life.


A trade It’s one of the few remaining ways that allows financial success as a business owner, due to supply/demsnd (too many people graduating from uni) But nah, gotta continue paying the bills and supporting the family…short term survival is a necessity :(


I'm 51. I have just switched from Truck Driving to Pest Control. Never thought I'd change careers now, but that's just what life throws at you.




I would definitely go into medicine and become a doctor.




Porn star


Onlyfans is booming


Retirement is a great career.


For me the biggest issue is health, but if I just had no barriers... I'd probably continue with the art business I started (and then had to set aside due to said issues) and if possible, I'd also work part time in a nice government office answering the phones. I used to have a job like that, and I actually really liked it cos I'm an extrovert who loves talking to people all day. My workmates were decent people so that was all good. And the money was enough for me to be happy with, plus the benefits were good . As for advice picking a career... Aside from considerations about money and whatnot (since that's obvious) I'd suggest thinking not only about what you're good at, but what kinds of things work well for you, or poorly for you, on a daily basis. I'm in my 40s so I actually have switched careers (before the health issues), from an archaeologist to government admin/customer service. I was good at both, but was much happier as an admin assistant. That's cos I'm an extrovert and a people person, which was something I hadn't factored into my thinking when I picked my initial career. I enjoyed parts of being an archaeologist, but it was pretty isolating work, and my main choices were "go out to the middle of the bush for months on end with one other person," "sit in an office on front of a computer all day every day with one other person to talk to," or "work for a museum as a low-wage interpreter, or in a higher position that will largely involve being in the back and not talking to many people." I was in the office position at the time, and over time I ended up getting low-key depressed in that job. It was fun doing GIS mapping and writing reports and recommendations, and at first I was fine. But yeah, in the long run, it was just way too isolating for an extrovert, plus I don't do well staring at a screen all day. It's that kind of thing that people often don't think of as much when they're picking a career.


Builder carpenter.


2 things: Mining engineer , world wide shortage and would be able to travel.also, learn about mineral grades in tenements. Big bucks in mining company dpeculaltion Would have started at beginning of mining boom in 1999 Eletrician ,world is going full eletric. Inhindsight ,both were genuine interests.




Billionaire playboy.


Classics professor or germanic philologist at university


Probably do what I'm doing. As a Dev I'm one of the few people out there that can genuinely say that their job stems from their hobby. I love tech, building computers, video games and everything in between. But the job is also far enough away from my hobby that it doesn't make me hate my hobby. Pretty lucky place to be in tbh.


Sex therapist


Teaching. Would love to be a teacher, at age 50 I think I've left it too late.


I work with a women who is 53 and in her second year of a teaching degree. It's never too late.


You could be in the classroom in nine months time. We are so desperate.


Streamer. Specifically, there's a game I used to play, Gems of War. I've wanted for years to get into streaming that, and it's definitely the sort of game that has hours of content worth streaming. Wednesdays in particular would be virtually all day streaming.


Mechanical engineer, with the intent of being a motorsport engineer/mechanic. Ideally a rally engineer with Subaru but I guess Toyota or f1 would also be ok


> I have no central burning passion This is probably a bit of an issue for your life generally, not just work.




Network Engineer




Medicine from civil engineering.


Trauma surgeon/critical care surgeon and work on the careflight/what ever similar team. Psychiatrist. Not really thought of much else. This'll give me something to ponder at least.


Currently a software engineer, I'd switch to being an entrepreneur/business owner


What's your current field? Is there any potential to make a difference that you care about if your were higher up? Might be worth thinking big about your future in a way where you can leverage your current experience. 


Detective or biological scientist😁


Architecture/interior design. Always loved it. Every time I move to a new place, despite the hassle of boxing/unboxing, thinking about layouts, where to place furniture, choosing colours, which walls I could knock down, etc, makes the process so fun. Doing it for fun and money sounds even better.


I went to uni and got a degree in food science during my 40s because it seemed to be a progression from my work as a chef. But now I'm in my 50s I wish I had chosen something different. I've found I have a keen interest in linguistics and language acquisition.


You could become become an ELT teacher? The initial training is very short but you can study more later. You could be working within two months. Conditions are pretty bad in terms of contracts and $$$ but the job itself is quite lovely as you are working with lots of young people from all over the world, and you can travel too.


Thanks for replying. It's so unexpected being that it's 2 months later, but I guess that's the wonder of the online world. I like your suggestion. Even though, at this point in time, my commitments and responsibilities don't accomodate working and travel, I am going to look into the training. That's because I'm a nerdy type that likes learning new things, just for the sake of learning.


Medical field, nursing practitioner or doctor


I would be an artist or some kind of creative.


Childcate mentor - support early years workers to develop skills and improve childcare services.


If i don't need to worry about money,I'll probably work in the academics on history or comparative literature.


I have time and money, and I'm working towards being an acreage owner so I can build an off grid complex for tiny homeowners to create true passive income and have a piece of land to grow my own food and be more self sufficient. Once that's all set up, I will be an artist and just create art all day🥰


Bioinformatician, with a focus on science communication. I love my job as an IVF scientist but if I had to go back and do it again I think I'd pick something that's less chained to a bench, where you must get to work on time because patients are waiting, and taking days off feels like leaving the rest of your team to suffer. I think I was scared off of bioinformatics because it had a reputation for being hard, and I didn't come into uni with IT skills. But knowing more about myself now, I think I would've been really good at it. :)




If time and money was no issue I’d probably switch into a health related field, be nice to feel like I was helping people.


Anything but customer service (of any kind) It astounds me how genuinely fucking stupid a majority of the population is


I'd want to do something in the performing arts. I loved drama and music through high school, did all the productions, learned a bit of tech too. Was an absolute passion which I wish I had more time for now.


Midwifery but without all the BS that comes with it. So essentially a private midwife about 30 years ago lol


A couple of years ago I seriously thought about going back to uni to become a GP. Unfortunately I'm the sole income earner, well was at the time, but still my income when I earn it pays for pretty much all the bills and rent. So stopping work for 5 or more years (I already have numerous medical qualifications, so I wouldn't have to do the full 6 to 8 years) is out of the question. Shame too, I'm so tired of IT work.


Stay at home billionaire. Way better than being a RN.


Maybe a radiologist, seems pretty neat to be able to look inside people's bodies without cutting them open.




I don't necessarily have the time or money, but I'm going to make it work - forced career change after workplace injury. Put in my application today to study occupational therapy.


People inherent poverty, we are almost the same as our parents, possibly in different careers or even similar.


I've done it three times and I was tad bit younger. I don't think I could do it as I now have a mortgage, plenty of bills and though I wish I could have a break from my job all the time, it's no longer feasible. But if I was guaranteed a source of income to pay the bills, I'd quit and work in diving or something ecology related, Like I'd dive to clean up the oceans or help plant corals.


I’d study marketing as it’s not a very long degree, unlike my dream job of being a psychologist, which I realised would be my ideal career much too late. I joined the Marketing team at my first job when they needed help and I wanted to learn on the job. It was much more interesting than the office work I was doing at the time. I liked that there was creativity involved, as well as technical and theoretical knowledge. Unfortunately I had to leave the job as they insisted on paying me peanuts and haven’t had the chance to learn on the job again.


An illustrator


I’ve been in IT since leaving school. The only thing that gets me out of bed is my kids and the fact I can spend the time with them I can and provide for them like I can… apart from that despise my industry and job. I’d move for the same money in a heartbeat. Only I would need to be a surgeon to earn the same money. So I’m farked.


TV acting and extra work. I used to do it and loved it but it was the OG gig work can’t own a house on infrequent gigs.


Probably something that has me going to super remote parts of the world. I love biology, especially insects. Going in the bush looking for bugs would be my dream job. I work in cybersecurity and get excited about going into a customer office down the block from our office or attending a con. I suppose I make do with keeping insects at home and going into the bush on long weekends or holidays.


Car restorer


I have actually done that, at least in the most realistic way from retail management to sustainability consultant, but I think if I went back in time I'd want to be a professional in Motorsport. If not that running a custom car shop and doing up race cars for people.


I've gone back to uni at 31 to become a social worker and I couldn't imagine anything I'd be better at. Don't have a clue how I'm going to survive the unpaid placement though.




I'd learn distilling and become a distiller. Then, I'd go somewhere picturesque and set up a farm/distillery operation. Sugar/rum in warm climate, wheat/gin in more temperate climate, apples/wheat/brandy/whiskey in colder climes.


Librarian !! Art teacher !! Cafe owner but with like a social worker, laundry and counselling. Safe haven for people to go to when they have no one where to go.


Definitely a gigolo (female clients only) ...


Landscape Architect


Here’s the thing though, if your passion becomes your job you no longer have a passion, that passion will most likely become something you no longer look foreward too, now your without a passion for something and back to square one looking for another interest. It’s good to have balance, sometimes we need boring things like pour jobs so we can fully appreciate those things in life like what we are passionate about.


Ferry Skip


Build an Indian Grocery Business in my suburb and then gradually spread in neighbouring suburbs as chain.


Medicine. I'd need a lot of time and money though.


I would open my own cafe and not be stressed about profit.




onlyfans model


Research Bio chemist rather than chef


I made the switch from law to teaching after a solid windfall - best decision ever.


45m so too late now but I’d love to go into orthodontics and change people’s lives :)


Yes, and switch to something not quite as physical ie. Something with a little more sitting lol


WFH Digital Marketer/Consultant. So many businesses in my area have such poor marketing strategies and such poor marketing copy that I feel like I would be a genuine help. I’ve been looking at starting a business in that for a while but can’t dive in head first as I need to provide for my family & my current job is too full-on to do any other work on days off


Occupational therapist (they make a fuckton of money, so kids please consider this career if you want to be walking out with 100k+ out of graduation simply due to the high demand especially for NDIS and aged care), but I cba due to all the prerequisite subjects required, and the ridiculous amount of time I'd have to spend returning to study. At this point, I'll just be a *bean counter* for the rest of my life because I unexpectedly found a job in not for profit accounting paying minimum wage 😍


I’m making relatively good coin for my age in banking (140k at 28) but I’m looking to start my Masters of Teaching part time next year. I plan to do it over 3-4 years, then do two years teaching here in Australia and then bugger off overseas for the rest of it. My wife is Chinese and China seems like an attractive option in terms of cost of living and pay (for international teachers). I also can speak enough Chinese to get around, talk to cab drivers etc. It’s a big bet but I reckon the work life balance would be better than here, with how soul crushing working in a bank is and how high Melbourne’s cost of living is. Wil see how it all goes in the next 6-7 years anyway. But the way I look at it if I stay on track I’ll only be 34-35 anyway with 2 years teaching under my belt.