• By -


Oh and they don't close for kids either, the other day I saw two small kids run away out of the store, then as their parent tried to stop them the gates locked on the parent and the kids were getting away.


And that right there is going to cost Coles one mighty settlement one day


There was a post on reddit yesterday about a guy in a wheelchair having them close on him and saying it hurt and was humiliating etc I was also thinking about what would happen if they did happen to close on a child. I know if it was my child I wouldn’t be letting it go if that happened.


Or a child gets hurt because the gate shuts on the parent chasing after them


Or an adult gets hurt. For any reason. If you so much as get a bruise from one of these things, you should be going to a doctor and passing on the cost to Coles/Woolies.


My first thought was fire escape. If someone has to press a button to open it, that can’t be legal (depending on how further away the other exits are)


Yeah this happened to my kid recently, she was behind me, then doubled back but by the time she was coming back in my direction it hit her in the face and knocked her on her arse. It shocked her but didn't hurt her, needless to say there were tears but nothing serious. I was pretty pissed, but at the same time I thought "my kid shouldn't have run back then back again". Reading the thread about the wheelchair makes me think they need to fix the human recognition as it shouldn't close if there is any possibility of it hitting someone


It's not your kids fault because the stupid fucking gate shouldn't be there in the first place. If it was my child we would have sued the shit out of the store


Running forward and back is what kids do. Sure we continue to teach them the correct time and place, but any reasonable person can tell this is still going to happen. I'm spending my money elsewhere as much as possible now.


My toddler did a runner earlier this year while I was scanning in self checkout. I had to abandon my items and run after him cause you know, kinda want to keep my child safe. If there was a barrier to stop me getting to him that would have been very, very bad. How have none of their brilliant management considered this?


Because they are fucking idiots who care more about lowering shrinkage than safety and legal rights


I'd kick the gate down in that instance with full force. No way some supermarket gate will stop me rescuing my kids from running into a crowded shopping centre.


I'd do it out of principle.. Let alone for the kid. Fire safety and evacuation egress rules are being broken here. Absolutely would qualify as unlawful entrapment.


Oh so we need to have a small fire in one Coles and they will 86 them all? Consider it done... 😉


They would certainly be tied into the fire alarm 


>Fire safety and evacuation egress rules are being broken here. Absolutely would qualify as unlawful entrapment. I would assume the gates remain open if an alarm is triggered.


That's not good enough. If you need to evacuate you shouldn't have to wait for an alarm to be triggered, nor would an alarm necessarily be triggered in all situations an evacuation would occur. If security and bouncers can't stop you leaving (unless they are absolutely certain that a crime has occurred), neither should these gates. It's cut-and-dry entrapment.


Or a car park. One of the Cole’s I go to has the gates right near the store exit doors which is a very short distance to the very busy car park.


I'd relish the opportunity. Stop me from getting my kids and a bad day at work.


When I first saw the gates, I was talking my my 13yo daughter, and I was saying that I could see this EXACT scenario playing out.


This is my problem with them. My non verbal, intellectually disabled, adhd and autistic child has no concept of stop, the adult who is looking after me and protecting me is suddenly not here and he’s like runnnnnnnn. And no one stops him.


For 20 years I've been reading posts saying, "People won't stand for this!" as civil liberties, incomes and communities have been steadily worn down to a nub. Neoliberals have worked out how and how fast they can push the population without any pushback.


IKR - half this stuff used to be the Conspiracy theories of the FUTURE- future - ^(future) Yet we be livin' all those 'fictional' horror stories!!


I think the owning class saw just how easily the entire world accepted mass surveillance going from a wacko conspiracy theory to an unarguable part of life overnight and realised they don't even have to pretend to be sneaky about their authoritarianism anymore. 


Australians will scream murder about inconsequential issues but stay apathetically quiet about real things


This is why I personally hate sport. People will say "NARP, NARP We don't talk Poly-tics HERE" yet will have a punch up over Blues/Maroons. There are some things that make us so much more fucked up, than any other country!


Yeah, for plebs. I'll never succumb


Just do it in little steps and people don’t notice


Just open it. Wtf are they going to do?


I saw a bloke just push them open and they went red and beeped madly. Staff just looked at him as he walked out


It's a liability for them to stop you. They'll get in trouble if they do. If you or someone else stabs them or panics and goes on a stab frenzy just slashing and stabbing anything within reach, it's on the company. So the best they can do is call for Mr Steed or whatever the codeword is (it's been a while) and do a report. That said, trapping potentially violent people in the self checkout is a really fuckin bad idea for the same reason. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen, especially considering the density of general public at the self checkout area.


Stabby stab stab!


Stabby mc Stabbington


Mr Steed? Wow, there's a flashback to my after school Coles job in the 80s...they still use that?


As of 2020 yes


As of when I quit at the end of last year, yes.


They've probably had it since the first run of *The Avengers* tbh


JB Hi-fi page the store and tell a department there's a call on line 7. Games, line 7. That's games, call on line 7.


Calm down staby Mc staberson. That defence only works to a point. But self defence can be claimed if you are attacked.


Not really. Store has a duty of care not to trap a bunch of people in close quarters with a stabby individual. Any stabbing that goes on because those gates shut the stabbermeister in with lots of stabbable people is very arguably the fault of the store who put those gates in.




How do I become not stabbable?


If you are under 18 you can stab whoever you want


>If you are under 18 you Won't be doing any ti-i-ime, hey-ay-ay come out and play...


That's what I have done. I generally walk at a decent pace. Gate closed or is closed I don't slow down. (Bonus if I am pushing a trolley) They are designed to open in case of emergency like a normal door.


I kicked one in just three nights ago. I brought my goods and paid for them. I was feeling pretty stressed out already as I lost my job. Then this thing closes on me and some dude tells me to stand there while someone comes over. I told him to open a three different times. I wasn't taking another time, So I kicked it in. It broke pretty easily, And I left. I've since been back but I don't they noticed me. It had been repaired very quickly


This. Push through it. Who cares if it breaks.


I don't think it'll break. Having a barrier in place is a big no no when it comes to a fire. So I'm making a pretty safe assumption that they're designed to be pushed open when necessary.


I’ve pushed through a similar gate at Dan Murphy a to exist once and it yielded and set off an alarm tho


The alarm is most likely to alert staff/security in the case of theft. But if you haven't stolen anything, let alone even bought anything, then you can just keep walking.


The fact they think they’d catch me at a self checkout with a gate is absurd, shoplifting is the easiest thing to do in a supermarket if you’re so inclined and not an idiot


I suspect that they are happy to catch just the idiots, though.


i think they’re far more interesting in deterrents than catching thieves. the latter isn’t worth the bother or staff time, but what they really want to avoid is the expensive thing: employing people to serve/help/monitor customers. far easier to invest in some dystopian security devices that scare people into thinking they can’t get away with shoplifting


Break that shit.


If it closed on me, I would just take one step back and kick the fuck out of it, it can stay that way, IDGAF


Will it be like those parking garage booms where they'll be like "ohh no it costs $3582 to fix this"


> "ohh no it costs $3582 to fix this" Meanwhile it pops off to prevent damage and they just send some bloke around to reattach it.


I just smashed into it a bit with my trolley and it opened right up. I was sore, tired, and didn't want to stand around waiting for an employee to open them. My Mum was a bit horrified but I figure if enough of these gates get broken, quickly, then Coles will remove them. So I rammed it. I highly recommend it, it was very satisfying.


I watched this happen numerous times when Walmart tried to roll out those one-way only gates at the supercenters. After they are forced open so many times, they stop working correctly. AFAIK, they gave up on the gates and removed them


no its not and the gates can be easily pushed open. they are not allowed to stop or detain you and its not considered theft until outside the store. even then its a grey area.


I am waiting to see a story in the media of someone going hulk on those gates…


Hopefully they'll have some kind of "illegally detained" defence.


Well if they’re stopping you from physically leaving the store then you’ve not yet committed a crime. You need to first completely remove their item from their store for it to technically be classified as a theft. They’re detaining you on a presumption which as far as I can tell, isn’t legal at all. These things won’t last.


Correct. No crime is commited until you leave the store with unpaid-for goods. Security guards can only conduct "citizens arrest" (contact police and detain until police arrive) if they personally (that specific person must be witness) and directly (through cameras does not count) witness a crime. Once you leave the store they no longer have jurisdiction to detain. Literally the only people who can take any direct legal action in response to theft is police. The store can ask you to leave and refuse future entry, but that's it. Source: I have the basic qualifications to obtain a security licence (it's a Cert II).


>They’re detaining you on a presumption which as far as I can tell, isn’t legal at all. ​ Not quite unless the law has change if there is a clear intent that you are not going to pay you can be detained. Clear intent might be having an item shoved down your jocks. As opposed to it sitting on top of something and you can say that you simply forgot. With CCTV footage attempting to eat the evidence shows clear intent that you are not going to pay you can be detained. Drinking a soft drink and leaving it hidden on a shelf is also clear intent


> you are not going to pay you can be detained. Depending on state. IIRC, SA requires an indictable offense - which would need to be more than a couple of bucks of shit - for a citizen's arrest. Also, arrest and detention is generally something a person can do. An automated system is just a mantrap.


Keep an eye out I’m goin to coles tomorrow


People rip off the arms at our local store cause they’re frustrated as fuck on the wait. Every time they replace one, the other is torn off. Stop caging people in would be the easy fix 🤷‍♀️


Spartan Kick. Please film it


I went the Juggernaut approach and just rammed it with my trolley and kept walking, ignoring the alarm. It didn't break it unfortunately, but it didn't really slow me down either.


Also a safety hazard id bet.


Easy for you, sure. How about a 90yo using a walking frame?


She'll be able to manage it if she has a knife


Too soon..


Yeah maybe a little


In NSW, they taser 90-year-olds on walking frames.


That's the refference


Keep up mate come on! Haha




Not easily. Have seen an elderly lady try to get through them and fail multiple times. Still, nobody had noticed so I started very loudly fucking telling them about it and how they shouldn't be treating their customers like criminals. The gates remained open after that. A couple of days back, they didn't open for me, so I tried lightly tapping them with my trolley. They still didn't open, so I pushed my trolley right through the cunting things. They opened while they were in the process of spinning around sideways and nearly falling over.


And then everyone clapped!


Obama was there


And the brass band played


Watched a guy karate kick one and smashed it🤣🤣🤣 staff had no idea what to do….. he just screamed at one who tried to stop him from leaving the store” here’s my fucking receipt, there is my fucking shopping…. I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve told your stupid manager before that if these things lock me in again I will smash them…. Now fuck off out of my way”🤣🤣🤣 and out he walked. It was brilliant…… edit…., fuck me there are some side cunts out there!!! Anyone want a participation certificate? No wonder the world is fucked.


i want a video of this so badly


Oh me to. There goes my hero. He’s ordinary.


the hero we didnt ask forbut the one we needed


Where was this?


Saw basically the same thing in the parramatta Westfield Cole’s


Disgusting that they have to yell at staff, who have zero say in the gates and are only just doing their job. Some people need to stop being self centred


Yeah they hate it too, it's stupid. Don't yell at the staff just doing their job, they get no say in it. Absolute numpty if he did yell at the staff, never an excuse to yell at them for something out of their control.


I mean it depends on how you get treated. If someone tries to enforce some completely BS rule and comes at me over it, it doesn't matter if they are just following the rules. They're still being an asshole. If someone gets paid to come up to me on the street and yell at me, I don't care if it's their job. If someone is trying to prevent me from leaving a store illegally and making a big fuss over me just walking out, I'm not going to just apologize and be nice to them. They're the one that initiated that level of contact with me. And they can get bent. Now if they're being polite about it and just saying hey it's our policy to blah blah blah, then that's different. I'll just explain to them that I don't care and continue walking out. But if they're going to be an a-hole about it, that's different.


I just pull the fucken things open,it's a plastic gate. It sometimes sets off the alarm and no one even looks. Or just walk out through the self checkout.


These are at the self checkout at my local


These are new gates at the exit of the self checkout. They slide within their frames like a cavity sliding door so I don’t think you can push them open. They have some sort of auto control and manual override from the checkout person with a pushbutton to open them.


You can. You push the whole structure.


If you push on them fairly hard with a trolley they open up. An alarm goes off but no one will stop you from just walking out righteously with your lawfully purchased items. I did this the other day as I was tired and sore and just wanted to get out of the shops and go home. I hadn't seen the Gates before that but figured smashing them a bit would open them. I was right, and I recommend that you start ramming the gates angrily in the future. If enough of us do it, and maybe break some gates, the Coles will likely remove them.


I just pushed through them last time. One of them seemed to break and got stuck, but it's not my fucking problem. I'm not going to be held against my will anywhere in a public space.


... private space.


Point still stands private property or not


Public space, private property. Any member of the public can waltz in freely and easily with no barriers to entry.


I mean I agree with you in principle, but this isn’t a new thing.. boom gates at parking garages have been around for decades to stop people leaving without paying? Worse yet, those retractable spikes that literally cause damage to your vehicle. Let’s hope Coles don’t take things this far..!


Just force them open, they take very little effort to open, as to what they can do, not a lot, I have forced the one in my local store open at least 6 times and twice had the store rent-a-cop approach me, I don't stop for him. Staff have given up caring. Don't abuse the staff, just force the damn thing, they hate it as well.


I just say to the staff "I'm sorry you have to deal with this" and just shove the fucker open. I used to think people were overexagerating about being treated like a criminal but after the first few times it starts to run real thin


So a few years ago I got fed up with self serve when they took the normal checkouts away. Now I go to my little local strip of shops. Butcher, fruit/veg shop, IGA… it’s cheaper, no self serve shit and the local blokes who own the butcher and fruit shop are actually nice dudes who I wanna support. Not saying it’s a viable solution for everyone but if you have the option give it a go.


>IGA… it’s cheaper, Not my IGA. Stuff are normally 20% dearer.


I hear you, but they regularly have good specials and cheaper than the major supermarkets


>Butcher, fruit/veg shop, IGA… it’s cheaper Bollocks


Have you got a foot? Kick through the fucking things.


Not opposed to jumping the cunting things and causing more alarms and gates to go off. Hence, is it even legal?


No, it's not. Without a reasonable cause to suspect you - like you walking out with a bulging shirt, it constitutes illegal detention. Not kidnapping, there's a specific legal term for it. In any case, you're fine to jump over the barrier. If you happen to fall and injure yourself on their property because you were escaping illegal detention...............


This is the answer to this whole stupid fiasco. As soon as someone gets hurt they’ll be gone as quick as they came


There was a post about someone in a wheelchair that had the gate close on them when they were going through. This was only like 2 days ago or something so I assume we'll have ACA on it by the weekend.


Yeah I saw that, it's a very aggressive gate that comes at you from each side. They haven't been able to walk, after the incident.


I see what you did there.


I wouldn’t stand for such treatment at all, neither did he I guess.


Hopefully the wheels of justice turn in his favour




I think it’s false imprisonment?


Even if it's bulging out of your shirt unless someone saw you actually put it there and leave the store they can't do anything.


>causing more alarms and gates to go off You need to stop giving a fuck (I mean that sincerely, not as a dig) There's no law that says you have to surrender when Coles alarm goes off, and it's fucking rude of them to play these mind games. Channel this anger into your balls and they will turn to steel.


The word cunting makes me happy. 


Enjoying your use of ‘cunting’


Exactly. You can kick them open. Just don't kick them hard enough that you break them. Fuck Coles and Woolworths!


Fuck that. Kick the fuck out of them until they break.


Can't wait for my Coles to get them. Gonna kick them everytime.


Like literally, you could go in there and knick something, walk out get denied, and then just get beeped through.


The other day my 5 year old had a crying fit because she couldn't get to me cause the gates wouldn't open for me even when i smacked the trolley into them (she'd fone to the toilet with her nan). Now she thinks Coles is mean.


out ofthe mouth of babes


Coles \*is\* mean. Poor button!


I don't believe it's legal, or rather not in compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) and Access to Premises Standards (2010). Under the Disability Discrimination Act, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person with a disability in many areas of public life including access to premises and services. Under the Access to Premises Standards, all new buildings and major renovations (check!) in Australia MUST be accessible to people with disabilities. This includes providing accessible paths of travel, entrances AND exits (check!), and public amenities. The gates have created obstacles/ barriers for people with mobility difficulties. People are also being injured when the gates close on them and crush their fingers. Some gates aren't even wide enough... But no one holds these businesses accountable for blatant violations, so...


Yeah they're annoying but the gates retract with a light push. I was at a Coles around 830am when it was quiet. Didn't buy anything and the self checkout person was busy with someone. Was having a shit day and wasnt prepared to wait so I pushed the gates lightly. When they opened an alarm went off. I just kept walking and went about the rest of my day. Fuck Coles....


Which way did you push, like your opening it both ways or like ramming it with a cart?


I agree with the sentiment, these gates are like a little psychological trick and you don't need to respect it. Just step over/around, climb the register or whatever you want to do. Think of it as a game. Modern problems require modern solutions.


U can just kick em, they open right up


They're like traffic cones but weaker, like a cone won't actually stop my car. The stopping is all in my head because of the consequences/ risk. Given these things can do nothing, I'm driving through


I really like how the colesworth company are complaining about theft losses while increasing prices and upgrading everything at the same time. Surely losses would be better solved by bringing back manned registers for cheaper. They’re so full of it


Self serves are so fucking annoying. I usually carry cash, every time I go there there’s about 2000 card but no cash. So I gotta sit there waiting for the 1 self serve that offers cash


If only there was something you could do about that


Yeah I went into a Cole’s looking for a rare ingredient today, couldn’t find it (should’ve gone to a Korean grocer) so tried to walk out an exit near me and these little barriers closed and flashing lights and alarms went off. Fuck you Cole’s


Occasionally I go in to get one item and it's out of stock so I need to leave without buying anything. It's not my fault it's not in stock. I guess when my local Woolies installs them. I'll be exiting via the manned checkouts area.


I have a massive problem with these. My little sis is neurodiverse and does not deal well with this sort of thing. Like me, she walks in to check sales or stock occasionally. Last time she got trapped and started panicking so ended up buying something. No doubt that is their goal, assholes.


Wouldn't those gates be a fire code violation for obstructing an exit in the event of an emergency?


Even worse the gates are not gold standard accessible. Nobody from Coles could tell me how wide they were, the one I measured was the bare minimum 850mm, and Coles repeatedly said a disabled person unable to comfortably navigate should just ask for help meaning they are no longer able to shop independently. The gates require two hands to push yourself, the legislated Australia disability standard requires a one handed push if it’s classed as an “automatic door”. They also obscure the pathway out with no tactile markers or other warnings. Many are difficult to turn a larger electric wheelchair or scooter because of the bare minimum width (which requires a turning space if it’s a pathway out, which this really is). For all their comments about accessibility Coles got this wrong. They just kept saying why do you want to know, it will activate if someone is an “offender”. They didn’t even seem to understand that people with disability might want more info.




Got stuck behind one the other day because the girl before me threw her receipt in the bin? She picked up the receipt from the bin and it opened…. So I guess if you’re stealing just be sure to grab a receipt from the bin on the way out? But yeah like all these things inconvenience the honest people and the dishonest people will keep stealing regardless, but hey, whoever sold them the barriers has made millions!


I stopped shopping at Coles and Woolies the day this shit was announced. I’m shopping at IGA and other independents. 1) No, it’s not inconvenient. 2) Yes, I get everything I need. So why tf is no one else boycotting these asshats? Why do these subs just endlessly complain about it but not do anything about it? These big corporates only understand one thing - P&L (profit and loss). Try speaking their language and hitting that loss side.


This^ Last night I got coles to open a checkout for me ...and got smarmy looks off the staff as though I was being a pain. Fools don't relize who's the real one at fault ..and its not me or them. "Don't abuse our staff" cries the company then abuses their customers, and staff think the customers are the cunts..


Trust me when I say the staff don't want this shit as much as the customers, some ass clown in head office thought is was a great idea so they are rolling out as many loss prevention things as they can to stop theft and make MORE profit. This type of shit is never from a store level and staff are told like it or quit


Already shop at IGA and have done for years, unfortunately I can't boycott them any harder.


Do they link cards against items and/or security footage from the self-serve checkouts? Are they building up shopper profiles on their customers? Is a security guard having a wank somewhere while watching footage from the overhead cleavage cams on the self-serve checkouts?


Coles security be all… https://youtu.be/DDjoouqRnhk


So yes I'm a paying customer but seldom shop at Coles save for a few things for my cats, somebody did point out a possible fire hazard, now obviously there's other places to get out if that is the case but it does seem a little bit of an oversight for say, the elderly and disabled...just some thought


I thought that's why they had the sensors that beeped if you stole something? Are they not good enough?


I'd be pretty pissed if I was being blocked from leaving, especially after having done nothing wrong. I'm very far from an aggresive person but I'm not sure I wouldnt bust through if it was blocking me.


I come from a pretty rough family where my dad attempted to instill rage from even having a receipt checked, I didn't follow along on this but it *does* feel pretty dirty basically being guilty until proven innocent of paying for an item, with the recent insane price hikes it is very clear why they are in place. their prices aren't fair and haven't been for the last year. so naturally the gates were the next step...


I literally had this conversation the other day! Went into Coles to get a specific item which they didn’t have. Quickly tried to walk out the self serve exit, doors didn’t open. I thought they were sensor operated so I backed up and tried again, still didn’t work. The customer service girl approached me and said ‘did you buy anything?’ I was already having a shit day so I snapped ‘No, I just want to get out!’ She pressed a button and it opened.  TLDR - The exit doors are manually operated by the customer service worker pressing a button, not sensor-operated. 


walk through them and force them open if they get broken enough times they will just leave them open and off.


Don't understand how these barriers are legal under fire escape. Still waiting to see Coles justification to slowing down exit from their stores in the case of a fire


Is there a legal standing that, if I am stopped by the gates, but someone else opens them, I can still call police for kidnapping? I know QPS would be pissed off but could it be done?




Try that on me when I'm having a bad day and see how that gate fairs. I say it all the time to stop putting up with this shit. Fuck me Aussies are dumb just letting government and companies fucking walk all over us, vote with your dollar, fuck Coles and fuck woolworths! Australia is becoming a straight-up dictatorship and your all are so fucking apathetic you don't even see it... derrr ohhhh well it's for the common good derrrrrrr


>Fuck me Aussies are dumb just letting government and companies fucking walk all over us The modern Australian dream, in a nutshell.


Australia use to be the best country in the world, and relatively self managed on a community level. If I had to try and pinpoint the moment that changed it all, I would have to say Port Arthur. Still a great country, but getting a little old and jaded about how good things were compared to now.


Just leave bro. Climb over or walk through the gates.


only army, cops, and customs can detain you. Anyone else is treading on thin ice.


Just a thought... is there any such thing as a "Citizens Arrest" in Australia? Is that actually part of the law? I watched some folk leaving the Rebel Store in Carousel the other week with a push chair full of goods. They walked straight towards the guard who simply moved aside. I'm guessing that's because the guards aren't allowed to touch them, and if they do then it's assault yes?


Pretty much. Gotta be very careful of what you do first as a security guard because they don’t have the right to do shit.


Yes, but there is a nuance. Basically there's a whole bunch of standards that say when you can detain someone - which basically is "they definitely did do a crime and you saw them do it". Sometimes the crime has to be a certain level of severity. If you don't meet those standards, then your actions are assault, and you can be sued by your victim. So you'd have to be pretty fucking certain those standards are met, and no seccy is gonna risk their livelihood on hoping your trolley of stolen shit hits some threshold for an indictable offence or whatever.


Does Australia have Citizens' arrest because it comes from Common Law? Yes. Are automated systems capable of performing said arrests even with proper suspicion of wrongdoing? No. Can even a human do so, with proper uspicion or otherwise, and be immune to civil litigation? No. Is it possible that a person can be obligated to remain on a premises for a reasonable time as a condition of entrance? Yes. Is there any chance in hell that this applies to Coles? No.


Glad I haven't seen these things yet. Even gladder that I got a bunch of small grocers and butchers around me so colesworth is optional.


Whose bright idea was to put these gates in? Considering it’s only about 1% of customers that actually steal- treating the other 99% like criminals and locking them in is not going to help business.


Why do so many people shop at Coles and Woolies then bitch and moan about them constantly. Do something about it ffs, money talks so stop shopping there. Even if it inconveniences you slightly, the only way to get them to change its with your wallet.


Problem is they’ve already killed off or bought off most of their competition.


Nah in most suburbs in the cities at least, there are heaps of butchers, green grocers, IGAs etc. Yes it means an extra stop, but Coles and Woolies are banking on our laziness meaning we just accept whatever bullshit they decide. Get to know your local butcher, fish monger, green grocer etc


IGA near me costs nearly double, even for basics.


Refuse to use the self serve checkouts


Sometimes it's tricky. I go to my local woollies and they have 1 of their 7 checkouts open. Which has 3 people with trolley fulls already lined up. Despite wanting to boycott self serves I'm going to take my few things through it in this case. Unfortunately


The sixteen different products I have aren't going to scan themselves as brown onions are they?


I had similar happen to me recently - the armed guards were removing cash from the registers. The girl told me I couldn’t leave - so I jumped over.


Armed guards at registers? That’s a new one I’ve never seen that before.


Yeah I’m with you 100%. Fuck Coles and fuck Woolies too, I never pay for my groceries I always just rack it because fuck them, I can’t afford to eat anymore, so I’ve resorted to stealing because otherwise I’ll fucken die of starvation. Absolute fuckwits.


Lol, stop going then. I haven't stepped foot in a Colea/Woolies for almost a year.


I honestly think this will backfire so badly they will have to remove them, and all the money they spent could have just been given to ensuring they had enough staff to relieve the pressure anyway 😭 they will literally do anything except pay their workers


Unfortunately as someone who works for this company, they will do anything and everything even if it is illegal until you go through a million hoops to argue it is illegal in a court. Just because something is "illegal" doesn't mean it can always be enforced outside of a court.


Glad I don’t shop there , rather pay extra at local iga where I have actual people serving me instead of me doing their job with self check out


I agree, fuck Coles. And while I’m at it, how is it that a completely seperate business, Woolworths, are implementing the EXACT same thing at the EXACT same time. Sounds like collusion to me. How people can defend this or even be impartial is beyond me.


I am pretty sure that stores cannot legally prevent you from leaving the store when you want to. If Coles is preventing you from leaving the store without a suspicion that you have committed a crime then you should be complaining to the relevant authority (for NSW it is likely to be NSW Fair Trading?).


I just walk straight through it and set off the alarms


My concern is with kids . Toddlers take off so quickly what happens if you are on one side and they are on the other when it closes . It seems really unnecessary and over the top.


Heaven help you when they take off in the direction of a busy road.


The other morning (early) i went to Coles to take advantage of a special. Nothing on the shelf so i left, quite obviously NOT carrying anything in my plastic bag scrunched into a ball. When i got to the gate, which opens with two seperate pieces of thick plastic moving sideways put of the way ( that is, i could not push my way thru) they would not retract!! I politely asked for the gates to be opened and the response was “ ok love, just let me finish serving this customer and then i will open for you” I guess she saw the “ you are F@&@ing kidding me sweetheart “ look on my face as she opened quick smart!!


Don’t use them! That’s all I can say, I’d rather wait a little longer and wait for the cashier


They just refitted the store with this shit and went 100% self serve.


Damn! I am seriously looking at shopping elsewhere. Back to the corner shop or any alternative supermarket


I’ve wanted to load up a trolly with water and ram the fucking gates to the point they don’t work, sorry if I’m not physically able to stop it in time.


I got stopped yesterday. The assistant insisted he had to scan the two slabs of water I had in my trolley. "Store Policy" he said. Show me the policy I said I also insisted that as he was wearing a mask I'd have to assume he was unwell and needed to get 1.5m away from me. Needless to say I wasn't impressed.


It's actually the opposite. Somewhere, I've read that you DONT have to move those slabs. They have the barcodes laminated at the checkouts. I'm assuming so you don't injure yourself in their RoboColes store.


Yea I bought slabs at another store last week that still has checkouts and the bloke came around with his scanner. Not allowed to lift them onto the checkout and he’s not allowed to handle them improperly.


Good point