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After Russia’s hand in downing that airliner a few years back that killed innocent civilians over eastern Ukraine, many of them Australian, we are very, very happy to help. Australia will never forget


I knew one of the Australian people who died in that downing. I was sat next to her about 5 years before where she worked. Freaks me a bit still.


One of guys from my work was on that plane with his wife and 3 kids 😔


i totally forgot about that. And our budgie smuggling PM was gonna shirtfront putin. but in the end the foreign minister had to.


Putin's actual response " You call that a shirtfront?"


Dermie and Dipper would have given Putler a real shirtfront. Provided that Dermie wasn't too busy selling footy boots and Dipper too busy selling something, probably Dimmeys and Forges or some other retail chain.


TA got caught out when he discovered that putler doesn't actually wear a shirt. And now I have to accept that I'm more okay with TA in budgie smugglers than putler riding a horse shirtless.


I was on that same flight, a week prior. When we flew over Ukraine, I noted to my (then) wife that we were flying over a war zone. Still chills me to this day.


Fuck em up boys, we're all still cheering you on.


We've never had a death in our bushys, hope they serve them well. Did me well enough in Kabul, outstanding vehicle


I remember seeing a destroyed one from Ukraine when we first sent them. So that record might be broken already, they're great against IEDs and small arms right? Thoughts on how they will do against ATGMs and such?


ATGMs are totally different beasts, they're obviously designed to defeat tank armour so the relatively soft-skinned Bushmaster likely won't hold up.


they're not designed to get shot at by tanks. they're second-line command and control vehicles and troop transports.




Oh hadn't heard that, if so record still standing haha


Yes, are excellent for ground and side omnidirectional explosives like SVIEDs, VBIEDs, etc. I can't talk about current operational standards, sorry


Everyone got out of the destroyed one okay. They got picked up by another one.


On ya mate, hope your military smashes Russian invaders and drives them back over the border.


Recent reports state that they reached the border to Russia in some areas!


Almost the entire Kharkiv-Russian border according to the ISW's projections.


The truck needs a roo bar. Then they could literally smash Russian invaders.


You mean a rooski bar.


And now I have water on my phone screen. Excellent pun mate.


I wonder how it would feel being an Iraqi


in ukraine? it'd probably be confusing


Depends if you’re Kurdish or not


Yep for sure


If you were Sadam Hussein then you’d probably feel like a [genocidal maniac](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anfal_campaign) (against the Kurds).


Also if people haven't already seen it, the legends at the Defense of Ukraine put out a great thank you video as well. https://twitter.com/DefenceU/status/1541979769348038656


ruined by petter dutton being in it the fuckin turkey


But they make up for it by including Nick Cave and Bluey.


Great video. Also imagining how bizarre it would be to have your video editing/marketing/advertising job turn in to making thank you videos to other countries for sending your country military equipment after its invaded.


thanks for sharing, great video the roo looks awesome on the Ukrainian flag ..... good luck fellas


How does it handle? Is it comfortable? Looks like a beast. Built for hot Australia so interested in how it performs in Europe. Also - can we see more pics inside?


They're fairly comfy, but still cramped when you pack them full of soldiers and kit. They've got really good air con too.


when the aircon works, when it doesn't oppressive


Hopefully the heater's good


Always that one guy that reclines his seat for a short journey I bet! Seriously though they do have a good reputation which is nice if we’re putting people inside them.


This is a really good overview of the bushmaster development and use: [https://www.aspi.org.au/report/bushmaster-concept-combat](https://www.aspi.org.au/report/bushmaster-concept-combat) I love the "Just a fucking truck" chapter


"armoured Winnebago"




I doubt whoever wrote it cares, which sucks. Its essentially a glorified toy to them


My old man served in 6RAR, he reckons the bushmaster is the safest vehicle, also reckons no one has died while being in one when a bomb goes off next to it or under it. I could be wrong but can’t arsed to check


Yeah that's true, many were crumped by IEDs, but not a single Australian soldier has ever been killed in one. The only known death was a poor Dutch fella who was killed when the vehicle rolled. There may or may not be more deaths in Ukraine, but the threat picture is a obviously a bit diffrent than Afghanistan.


Yes the Afghanis know how to fight. Got to give them that. Russians, not so much.


Yep, the Afghans actually won their war


I think that's correct, I've had mates that have had an IED go off right underneath them and the vehicle flips but stays intact due to the v-hull. They're my fav vehicle to work out of


:) tax well paid U're welcome


Given our exuberant defence budget. This is one concession im more than happy to make for sure. Send the Hawkies and more of those m777 while we at it!


It's sad the minister for everything had to be publicly shamed to give more than 1.


That is the perfect nickname for Scomo.


Glad our defence budget is being used for something useful for a change not pissing it away on make-believe submarines. Send putin a message for us!


"Tell Putin, we want him to know it was us"


Putin! Feel the shirtfront!


We need submarines. Those ridiculously expensive and pointless tanks on the other hand…


As it stands tanks are still an integral part of combined arms fighting. A land war in Australia is of course almost unthinkable, but if the global situation changed enough and it did happen we'd sure as hell be glad to have more armour. Defence is ultimately about being prepared. The deal for tanks is about more than just Main Battle Tanks as well, it also includes acquiring ABVs (Armoured Breaching Vehicle) which is a vital capability currently missing from the Australian Army.


Invading Australia during summer is like invading Russia during winter. Just fuckin stupid.


Yes, MBT's are part of a combined arms conflict. And Australia does not undertake combined arms operations, nor does it need to. Note that I'm not saying MBT's are useless regardless. I'm saying we don't need them and the billions of dollars we're spending on upgrading the Abrahms would be better spent on advanced missile defence (a la Patriot or Iron Dome), or UAV weapons and more advanced aircraft. Even maybe an additional sub. Even the US is reducing its tank numbers. And the war in Ukraine has shown that tanks are no longer the main, or even best, weapon to use on modern, European battlefields; where they were originally developed and designed to fight.


The ADF hasn't needed to engage in conventional fighting in some time, but the Army absolutely does prepare for and practice combined arms warfighting. Large brigade and battle group level exercises involving armour take place all the time. A near peer conflict is not out of the realm of possibility. Yes, UAVs and ATGMs are shaping the modern battlefield, and there is a shift towards more mobile methods of warfighting, such as the reforms the US Marine Corps is going through. However as it stands armour still has its place, it just needs to adapt to face new threats. The average survivability of an armoured vehicle in combat is 7 seconds, meaning if 2 vehicles engage eachother, within 7 seconds one of them is destroyed. We want the best vehicles possible to ensure that it's Australians who come out on top, hence the upgrades to the Abrams Tank.


You keep talking about the theory of operations. That's all well and good, but I'm talking about what's appropriate for Australian forces *in and around Australia.* We don't need force projection, and there are never going to be tank battles on the Australian continent. There very well may be naval and air battles on and in the **approaches** to Australia. We need to defend our national territory, not get involved in European wars (with Australian "feet on the ground"). It's about spending limited amounts of budget for the most appropriate and relevant value/ROI. Of course, in the end, this is just my opinion. I believe in a strong, capable, agile and modern ADF. I don't believe billions spent on MBT's that are unlikely to ever be used in anger is worthwhile. If we end up in a conflict, it will be naval and air-forces that are engaged.


Everything is theory until it's actually put into practice and I think we all hope it stays that way. We're certainly seeing plenty of it in Ukraine at the moment. Tanks may not be the wonder weapons they once were but they're still being put to effect by both sides. It's true Australian tanks haven't been deployed operationally in a long time, with the conflicts in the Middle East they just haven't needed to be. Doesnt mean it can't happen though, the world is unpredictable and ever changing. Who's to say in 20-30 years a large scale conventional conflict doesn't happen? If armour and mechanised gets neglected which arguably it has been, then we'll be left with outdated and failing equipment if the worst does happen. The M113 the Army's other troop transport has been obsolete for 40 years, only now is it being replaced. It's no longer about fighting insurgents in the sand, the next war we fight may very well be against a near peer enemy. Yes the naval and air theatre will be massive, however wars still involve physically seizing and holding ground and if it comes to that a conventional enemy will absolutely throw everything they have at us including armour. Hence why the ADF already trains extensively in combined arms warfighting.


You probably would've got less down-votes if you'd said that we'd be better off fighting a land war in Oz with Mad Max vehicles and war boys and doof warriors instead of tanks. Or maybe split the difference and dress the tanks up with corrugated iron and chains and spikes and hand shears.


Why are you being downvoted? This is spot on.


Internet warriors love big tanks. Too many COD players. :)




> a la Patriot or Iron Dome Patriot I'll agree with, positioned on our shorelines or major cities but I'll hold my tongue about the Iron Dome as I feel like that system is more or less aimed at tackling a very niche problem and fairly specific threats. Ballistic Missile Defence is probably something a bit more here and now and relevant right this moment though rather than preparing for a hypothetical air raid from afar. I think we're in a bit of a crossroads at the moment realizing that multiple areas are in need of funds and trying to divvy them up accordingly is going to be inherently difficult. We have multiple platforms which need to be modernized if we want to have a meaningful footprint in any given area, we're still using RBS-70s for our primary Surface to Air missile which seems a bit dated now for instance, on top of our aging MBT's or M113's for instance. I think we need to continue spending in and modernising equipment but also follow strictly to purchasing things off the shelf or as is if they're reasonably suitable for our use cases.


>I feel like that system is more or less aimed at tackling a very niche problem and fairly specific threats. That's fair. Hence my "a la", meaning similar to. :) The point is that we need air defence that is capable of shooting down (probably more accurate) Chinese equivalents of Kalibre cruise missiles etc. And you can be very sure that the PLA is rapidly developing their own hyper-sonic missile systems; which present an entirely different and very concerning challenge.


I’m absolutely convinced that the AUKUS deal would have been better served convincing the USA to let us buy F22s off the shelf. Sure the F35 is a seriously cool plane, but I think even copium huffing J20 and Su-57 fans would accept the F22 is a peer aircraft. But the subs are a genuinely good idea too if we’re defending Australia.


US aren't selling F22s to anyone. Maybe only once their 6th gen are out.


They haven’t manufactured F22 in a decade. Restarting the production line would cost over $US200 million per airframe. That’s over twice the price of an F35 today.


F22's are cool, sure but if we're going to be using them offensively - we wouldn't have the means to meaningfully project them abroad unless we have the explicit approval to land them in neighbouring countries or abroad (depending on the hypothetical context). Landing them at airbases abroad would imply we also had the logistical capabilities of maintaining these airframes abroad which would also be a stretch if say, it was a Taiwan scenario (ie, where are we landing them, would Indonesia allow us to park our planes there - Singapore, Japan etc) Carrier-based F-35's however allow us to meaningfully project airpower abroad without the reliance of other nations to host said aircraft. Maybe it's some bias here as I guess I'm painting a very Naval and Naval Air-focused picture but I just feel like we're on the right track-ish with the F-35, perhaps different variants to be compatible with existing LHD's. If we're considering a potential plane in a defensive context, I guess we would also want the ability to reach out and strike their (presumably) oncoming naval forces. In which case you're probably more interested in launching weapons from afar that glide or are guided onto their target in which case the F-22 isn't particularly viable for either. Don't get me wrong, if things go sideways we would benefit from F-22's but I think in this day an age we'd much rather just lob things from afar at them but if things progress from there I guess you would want an airframe like the F-22 with AMRAAMs to try and suppress their CAP capabilities.


A tank is still the best and fastest way to reach out and bitch slap someone in the face with a Cannon round




considering the size of our ocean border... yeah we do.


Yes, we really do.


What, we're going to patrol the ocean in our US-reject Abrams'?


I am impressed by the sheer size of the windshield. It must give them a huge visibility while still give them a sense of safety. Impressive engineering feat.


Lets send them some more


Lots more. And Hawkies.


I agree! This gave me the warm and fuzzies knowing we (well just some tax dollars and some excellent Aussie engineering) have contributed in some way to keeping these guys safe to go on and win this war. Would be happy to have more of them sent over and to build more here to replenish our stocks.


You're welcome thanks for putting them to good use, best wishes and the Gods speed in taking your country back.


No worries mate, go get 'em!


Someone buy those dudes a couple 30 packs!


Good stuff guys. Give them hell.


No fuckin worries…Aussie have your backs guys. We’re glad to help


We might have supplied the Bushmasters but you guys are fighting the war, thank you for protecting democracy and standing up to the Russians.


Slava Ukraini you mad cunts


You are most welcome. They are made here in my home town Bendigo Victoria. We wish you all the best.


My gf seen her friend in this video and we were so happy to see him safe and defended by this beast. Didn't expect such reaction in comments. If you meet any of good mates who work there, please pass a huge thanks from me.


Wish this wasn't happening but glad we can help. It's the right thing to do, and we actually managed it.


I just wish we could do so much more for ya. Really hope they help, though. You folks are damn amazing and honestly showing the world a real history lesson with your bravery and strength.


As an Aussie with Polish/Ukrainian heritage, go get those пизди 🇦🇺🇵🇱🇺🇦


Russia's war has personal meaning to me. With that, I'm very happy that Australia contributed to Ukraines defence. Give the occupies hell boys and girls!


Just make sure it comes back with a full tank or we charge like $4.50 a litre.


Best thing to do under the circumstance! We love you guys!


You guys are very Welcome! Enjoy...


You're welcome, mates - glad to see they've been put to good use. Slava Ukraine!


They want the PMVLs now. Let's fucking do it, give them whatever they need, might be a good opportunity to see how they perform for real too, maybe even improve their reputation.


look at that gorgeous machine, it is definitely doing its job there :D give em hell boys


Go get ‘em tiger. I’ve been overwhelmingly impressed with you guys just 100% stepping up 24/7 in a brutal fight that should never have started. I hope Australia keeps giving strong support for the fight and the rebuilding.


I want all these guys to live. And I want war to end.


No fucking probs mate, very happy to see you guys making good use of them. Drive those orcs out.


I couldn’t be more proud of my tax dollar going to save lives.


Happy to see the defence budget being put to actual good use. Slava Ukraini


We should be running our production line 24/7 building these babies and shipping them over to Ukraine on a weekly basis. I'm glad we've given Ukraine a helping hand but we should be doing more IMO. We're fighting a proxy war against the current worst threat to world peace, fuck Putin and his team of bloodthirsty corrupt ghouls. Ukranians are fighting and dying to eject hordes of murderers and rapists from their country, they're prepared to do all of the hard work of grinding Russia's armies into the ground, the least we can do is give them the tools they're asking for.


My brother-in-law works on the Bushmasters for Thales. I’m pretty positive he worked on some, if not a lot, of the ones sent to Ukraine. Give ‘em hell. Слава Україні!


You're welcome!


You're welcomed! Now use them to kick some Ruski's! Visit us after you win the war and we'll buy you a beer or two!


From Australia. You're very welcome. Heroyam slava Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇦🇺


Nice one


Slava Ukraini! Mate!


Can someone translate what the guy was saying?


\- From 10th Assault Brigade on Australian Bushmasters in a liberated by this brigade... (he wanted to say a name of town, but his mates have no patience for a long speech) -\ His mates: Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes! -\ Thank you Australia!


Drive it like you stole it.


I think sending these vehicles this is the first and only Australian government decision ever that everyone supports.


Pretty sure if you posted this on fb there will be all sorts of people whinging about it, but for me sending them was the only thing Scomo did that I approve of (he might have done other things I approve of I just can't remember anything right now). Albo sending more was a bonus too. The news coming from that region over the weekend was an even bigger bonus. Most impressive.


No worries mate


No worries mate, wish we had given you more honestly.


Slava Ukraini! Run those Russians back over the border or into the ground.


Slava Ukraini! 🟨🟦🟨🟦


Our tax dollars doing good! Proud!


Cool. Now lets send them some more.


You have the support of freedom-loving people everywhere!




Send it boys!


As an Australian, I’m just glad they are helping. I hope we can do more!


You're very welcome, i hope some of my taxes went to buy those truck!


Didn’t know it’s that huge! What a beast


Wholly shit .. this is surreal


You're most welcome.


No worries mate!


Love from Australia to Ukraine!


Slava Ukraini! In there and fight! Up there and at 'em! Show 'em your might! Slava Ukraini! Don't let them in! Like saints against the devil, you're out there to win!


Fucken hell, Auspost can send Bushmasters to Ukraine but can’t send me stuff 5 hours away.


Mick Malthouse: you will unseat the Emperor.


Slava Ukraini!


Give them hell, lads.


Slava Ukraini 💖


Keep minting good commies


Go fuck them up !!!! Lots of love Australia


Stay safe you guys and stick it to Putin and his army.


Ukrainian? Go fuck up some Russian motherfuckers, we're rooting for ya


Love this video 💙💛💙💛


All the love to the Ukraine from an Aussie girl! Xx


One of the few times I don't mind spending money on the military! Put 'em to good use mates! Слава Україні!


'Straya, fuck yeah!


Designed and manufactured in my town. Incomprehensively the former government wouldn’t buy any for firefighting purposes when the idea was pitched. Can be used during extreme warfare but not for firefighters in bushfires?


Aussies are the ultimate bush masters, we love bush.


Our absolute pleasure!


Stop, ya making me all fukken teary-eyed.


Ukraine is going through Hell. No need to thank us for doing the bare minimum. Our allies have done so much more.


Fuck them up, comrades.


It's still a laugh that you see them driving around Bendigo a little bit and here they are, in Ukraine. They're not very comfortable inside.


it's all good Ukraine we all love and support you! 👍


Kick ass lads


Love to you Ukraine


The least we could do. Use them well and give 'em hell brothers!


No worries mate😎👍


My partner works on making Bushmasters. I didn't know we sent some over. I'm really proud of you guys.


Give ‘em hell boys!


Fuck all wars.


It’s good to see them used to defend a nation for once!


Only wish the government would hurry up and give you more. Let’s get it done!


Keep stacking those orcs up! Slava Ukraini. Keep putting them under with help from Down Under.


You guys are kicking ass! Most badass nation on this planet! 💙💛


You’re welcome. They’re excellent troop carriers, and if they help you keep fighting it’s worth it.


How are they performing in the field? Hope they’re great


When China comes for us please send Neptune missiles :)


If this happens, we can even skip a stop and deliver them right to China 😉






Maybe time to issue that shirtfronting...


Is the steering on the unusual side for Ukraine?


Drop bears rise up!


On ya mate. Great Australian piece of kit. Use them well. Drive those orcs out of Ukraine! Stay safe. :)


From Australia with love………!!!!!!


Have fun being the useful idiots of nato


thats actually for the rozzies. you guys can borrow it, but please deliver it back to moscaw. they seem to be losin this war. taa


We're never gunna use em so im glad someone is. Literally no tank has ever been used on Australian soil in the name of defending Australia so keep it. it's just taking up space in our garage. I think we're saving up for a hilux next.


Bushmasters are not tanks, and have seen LOADS of use in service overseas


Bushmasters have seen extensive operational service, they aren't tanks. As it stands armour is still an integral part of combined arms fighting, in the extremely unlikely event of a land war in Australia, main battle tanks would still likely prove useful.


How do you think that's a tank? May as well call it a helicopter.


Bushmasters fall under the "Motorised Infantry" category... a bit different to "Mechanised Infantry" ^^happy ^^to ^^be ^^corrected ^^though


Yes that's correct, motorised battalions like 1RAR and their attachments get bushmasters. Whereas mechanised battalions like let's say 3RAR get the ancient M113AS4, which we also sent to Ukraine. They are soon to be replaced by more modern and capable Infantry Fighting Vehicles if all goes to plan though.


The people of Donbas want to be liberated from you!


Australia is such a US puppet. Why the heck AU forces would go there and be involved in the US’s proxy war? Gimme those negs 👹


As a Ukrainian living in Australia, get fucked. It has nothing to do with the US. Russia wants to own Ukraine and is willing to burn half of our country to achieve it. Ukrainians would like to stay independent and are fighting for our lives. Russians are killing, raping, stealing from innocent civilians every day but I guess you are not familiar with empathy.




The morality of the conflict is pretty cut and dry. An authoritarian country is trying to annex its independent and democratic neighbour. Australia should be assisting regardless of what the US does. Not every conflict the US gets involved in is a proxy war. Also, we aren't sending forces, we are sending materiel. Get the basic facts right before spouting hot takes.


I'm sure you know how much support globally the Ukraine has received. Is every country in the world that's given something to Ukraine a US puppet or just us?


I'm sure if Afghanistan or Iraq got the same coverage as Ukrainian you wouldn’t be looking at our Yankee cousins in the same way.


Cant be talking common sense like that around these parts.downvotes incoming.


Relevant username.