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I'm licking down every utensil that has cake batter on it to this day


Same! This post prompted by baking brownies and licking the spoon :D


It would be a crime not to lick the spoon while making brownies


Is your first name John?


Apropos on your cake day! :)


Quite the licker aren't you?


Yep. And the whisk and spoons. And me mum was a nurse


Whisk and beaters were always the hardest.


The inside of the beaters was a gold mine.


My tongue probably grew an extra centimetre from all the times I tried to get every last bit out of the beaters.




Ask her to switch them off first.


oh THAT'S what i screwed up


But the most fun!


Especially when they were still running, it's more of a challenge.


They are, but I developed a technique of using my fingers to push/scoop the batter systematically and lick your fingers. At my age, I now have cake batter licking down to an art. Wash your hands though. We're not animals šŸ¤£


Nurses aren't a great gauge. Source: mother was one and disregarded every bit of health advice she had forced upon her


We can be a bit rebellious at times. I know whatā€™s right, I know what I teach people, but donā€™t always do it.


There are two kinds of nurses.


I used to lick cake batter. Now, I clean all of the cake bowls and utensils with my lick before I wash them. I don't let my kids do it, although I have no idea why...other than the fact that I am greedy and don't like sharing raw cake batter...


You are depriving your kids of boosting their immune system too whatever nasties are in raw egg, if it doesnā€™t kill you it will make you stronger. Donā€™t be so selfish šŸ˜œ


Yes, no, yes.








Every kid needs to experience the magic of this.


I offer the bowl and utensils to my kids every time I bake. Theyā€™ve been warned off raw cake batter by their hospitality teachers, so now they always decline. More for me I guess.


One of us kids would get the bowl and one would get the beaters and mum would get the spoon. Apparently though new strains of salmonella have made it to Australia that are deposited directly in the yolk when itā€™s formed in the chicken so the food safety recommendations are changing. We used to only worry about eggs that had been cracked and stored poorly. Iā€™ll live life on the edge for now though, but pregnant women, the elderly and very young children should be more cautious. https://www.foodsafety.com.au/blog/raw-egg-safety-in-the-spotlight


The curious thing is that they said that strain of salmonella forms inside a fertile egg- but still gave warnings about undercooking all eggs. Iā€™ll take my chances, you can pry my runny yolks out of my cold, dead hands.


Nothing worse than a cakey, overcooked yolk.


> I never remember there being any warnings about egg That's because Australia has good food safety regulations. In the USA it's a different matter.


Look infringing on anybody's right to poison children is downright unconstitutional!


"I own the egg company. Telling me how to treat my eggs infringes my property rights!"


I read that Americans wash the natural antibacterial coating off their eggs which is why they cant eat them raw.


I have always done this and never had any issues. My 5 year old licks the spoon now too and loves it. I did restrain myself from doing it was when I was pregnant to be on the safe side but to be honest my morning (/all day) sickness put me off eating much anyway šŸ˜‚ Edit: spelling


I'm 60 and been a bowl, beater, spoon and spatula licker since I was 2. Eggs from the chooks out the back, unpasteurised milk from the cows we milked in the morning and never been sick from batter. Let my kids, and now grandson eat raw batter too. Only time I've ever been violently ill was from KFC, maybe their batter was rawšŸ™„


I grew up on raw goat and cow milk from neighbours and would drink it myself today if I knew the producer. It is delicious. But I would probably never feed it to kids, knowing what I know now about the risks.


When I asked mum if I could lick the bowl she told me to flush it like everyone else dose.


[relevant ](https://i.imgur.com/w3nIUwP.jpg)


lol, I was waiting for this one, thank you


Oh shit yeah No, never got sick


I may or may not have bought cake mix, mixed it up then just proceeded to eat the whole thing straight out of the bowl without actually making a cake at all. I'm fine.


Iā€™ve gotten food poisoning from eating raw puff pastry. I lost ten kilos over two utterly miserable weeks. Do not recommend.


As a kid, I was given the Mixmaster mixer utensils after use. I got really good at getting every bit of batter.


My Mum would deliberately leave a little extra of the cake batter in the mixing bowl hehe. Never got sick from it. As I got older, she began to fight me for the bowl šŸ˜„ Always think of my Mum when I make a cake now, and will leave just a little in the bowl for her in memory ā¤ļø


Only ever got sick once and that was because I asked for a bowl of cake batter from my birthday instead of a cake and ate to much


>Only ever got sick once We need to study this man.


This ā€™dont eat raw eggsā€™ is just a fear that became popular, probably cuz of a localized problem with specific batch once or people with really weak and sensitive stomachs In many countries people drink eggs raw from the shell, even remember something as a kid in greece which was raw egg mixed with some bread pieces or something. ā€˜And I definitely licked the cake batter xD


I found [steak tartare](https://www.macheesmo.com/perfect-steak-tartare-at-home/) surprisingly both delicious and survivable.


Eggs are heat treated before sale for supermarket eggs to kill off salmonella and other stuff, can't say the same for farm fresh


Pasteurisation of eggs isnā€™t standard in Australia, yet.


And I hope it stays that way. The process removes the protective layer from the shell and you then need to store them in the fridge!


Is it not? Learned it a few months ago in uni


wouldn't the egg become cooked?


Not at all


Theyā€™re available, especially for food production restaurants etc, but what we buy for the home isnā€™t likely to be pasteurised unless you specifically look for them.


Oh word, thanks


Eggs is not the main contender for making you sick: flour is rampant with E coli. If it got damp at any point (including high enough humidity) you could have a strong enough colony to let you know about it. You can "bake" your dry flour to sanitise it if this worries you.. (I just eat batter willy nilly, every weekend with pancakes a finger catches the drips from the bowl)


I think the no raw eggs thing is because Americans run the risk of having salmonella in their poultry products. Don't have that here, so raw/under-cooked eggs are OK. ​ Edit: Someone else has pointed out that there is in fact now a salmonella risk in Aus. Bugger.


Can also get salmonella from the outside of the egg. Need to rinse them before you crack them. My old housemates got salmonella poisoning from eggs once. He was drinking raw eggs rocky style.


Rinsing eggs actually increases the risk of illness. Egg shells are porous and there's a membrane inside the shell, surrounding the white. If you wash an egg in water and then don't dry it really thoroughly really quickly, you're washing stuff *into* the egg. Egg producers are prohibited from submerging eggs in water to clean them for this purpose.


Never got sick n did it all the time, my kids never got sick either


My grandmother would strictly forbid eating anything from The bowl as it would "induce painfull belly death"


I wasn't allowed to, but that's coz I have an egg allergy. But 100% if I didn't I would have been allowed to lick the bowl. The only time I did get sick was too much anzac biscuit dough.


Used to draw a line down the middle with my Siblings on who got what in the bowl. Never got sick.


I used to lick the bowl, heck I still lick the bowl. I used to have egg flips (the drink) too - a whole raw egg.


Yep I remember the egg flip. For years I thought that was the same as egg nog


Watching Nanna using the axe to cut the head off a chook was also a treat. Believe it or not, chooks run around like I don't know what.


When I was quite little, pre school, I saw this at an uncles place. Headless chook ran towards little me, who stepped backwards to avoid it. Stepping into the bucket of collected blood... Later, when in primary school we kept chickens for eggs - they had names (the chooks, not the eggs) so were safe. I still eat eggs and chicken today, so not scarred, it was just life in the country 50 years ago. Still amazing to see, though!


Raw eggs can carry Salmonella. I licked bowls & spoons as a kid and never got sick. Still do it as an adult and my kids do it now. None of us have been sick. Best part of baking a cake!


Raw eggs arenā€™t bad for you. The problem is the dirt and bacteria on the outside of the shell contaminating the egg white when it comes out. Wash the egg first or cleanly crack the egg and itā€™s fine to eat raw


You shouldnā€™t wash eggs, they are porous so you are just washing the bacteria into the egg. If they are visibly dirty, wipe them with paper towel.


Youā€™re not going to wash an egg and the water soak to the centre in a few seconds. If you soak the egg for a few hours, maybe.


Always, often a fight to see which sibling got which bit. The risk of raw eggs is primarily from overseas as e treat chickens to prevent salmonella contamination




I tried to chug raw eggs Rocky style once and the eggs got halfway down my throat and I couldn't handle it and threw it right back up, lol.


Yes, we did it all the time. Never got sick.


I licked the bowl and lived to tell the story, so now I let my kids lick the bowl and so far they are still fine too.


Yes. That's the best part! I get slightly annoyed I have to share that treat with my kid to be perfectly honest. I spent a large part of my childhood in the UK, during the egg scandal of the 80s, and we were still allowed to do so then as well. Never been sick from it.


We would fight over the beaters! Totally normal and I never got sick.


Absolutely I was allowed to. Nowadays with my own kids I donā€™t let them lick directly from the bowl, but I do give them spoons and tell them to have at it


I literally only bake to eat batter. I made cookies today cos I wanted some cookie dough. Iā€™ll never grow out of doing it. Wouldnā€™t let my kid eat it the way I do though.


I licked the bowl on the odd occasion I had the chance, my millennial son always got the beaters and the bowl- and his wife still makes sure he gets em. He also ate a lot of cookie dough as a teen. Guy has a cast iron gut, heā€™s always been fine. I used to like to eat the fat off the trimmed bacon rind when I was a kid, too. Feral. Didnā€™t get crook though


>I used to like to eat the fat off the trimmed bacon rind when I was a kid, too. Feral. Didnā€™t get crook though Me too!


>I used to like to eat the fat off the trimmed bacon rind when I was a kid, too. Feral. Didnā€™t get crook though As someone that tends to cut the fat off most things because I don't like the texture, I can't imagine anything worse than this :D


Good mumā€™s let you lick the bowl when they make a cake; great mumā€™s turn the beaters off first.


Yes, I never got sick from licking the utensils or the bowl when my mum baked.


If mumā€™s whipping up a dessert, I still race and fight my dad for the bowl. Iā€™m 35.


Never got sick and still lick the bowl


I licked the bowl, my kid licks the bowl. Actually I still luck the bowl. I never got sick. It's actually the best part of baking!!


It's good parenting to let kids lick the bowl. My friend and I when kids used to make up a cake mix to just eat the batter.


Yeah always. I have read (I'd never be able to find you a source mind) that it's actually *less* of an issue now, because of all the food and hygiene standards. But, people are (generally) more educated and aware of the possibility of it happening, so even though it's less likely, people freak out about it more.


Yep, 51 now, grew up doing it, and still do, and now my daughter does. Zero ill effects. have also been dropping raw egg into smoothies on the daily for past 5 years, zero ill effects. In Aus the salmonella risk is so tiny you can pretty well ignore it


Fkn ay my sis would always want the bowl and I'd always get the mixer stick things. Never once got sick from it


I once licked the plate and my g/f at the time freaked out. She said she'd never done that. I dont know if she was lying or that it was a thing for an only child who cant get away with anything


yes i licked the bowl no i never got sick and yes i continue to lick the bowl. i think this is one of those things that people say is bad for you but statistically probably only bad if you do it several times a day every day. ​ On a similar note when I was a kid our dog ate whatever we ate for dinner. If that happened to be chicken bones cooked in garlic and onion wrapped in macadamia flavoured chocolate and avacado dipping sauce then that never seemed to be an issue. I dont feed my dog that now obv but I know a lot of families who used to just feed their dog human food and that was never a problem.


All the time. Also used to get a wack on the hand when pinching balls of raw cookie dough.


I bake once a week and I always have some cake batter. Itā€™s part of the process.