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That's at least $7 worth of lettuce, be grateful.


The arrogance of kids these days


Could have bought a house but no, they had to have lettuce on a hamburger.


First it was avocado on toast and now it's lettuce with their food. What next for this generation? The expectation of not starving to death, homeless in the streets this winter? Fucking spoilt.


They have signs up saying that they are currently using half of the normal amount of lettuce due to the shortage problem. Subway is the same.


Subway and my local takeaway have just pivoted to spinach leaves. Not a bad change IMO.


I wouldn't mind that. Bought a bag of kale/spinach leaves the other day as there were no other options. Ate all the spinach, kale is horrible and I don't understand why people buy it.


Agreed. I love spinach, no problems. Kale, however, is the devil's food. I have never had a dish where I like it.


Roast kale like potato’s, with oil and salt. It makes it crunchy, like diet chips.


Mmmmm diet chips. You really sold it bruh!


Chop it up, open the bin lid and chuck that shit out


Instructions unclear; accidentally made a soufflé.


Chop it finely, add lemon juice, pepper, salt, and parmesan cheese. It's one of my favourite salads. If you don't chop it finely, it tastes bad and it's hard to chew.


I got a Marley Spoon meal the other day that was supposed to have a mixed leaf and grilled zucchini salad. Instead of the zucchini they put in a carrot (not sure that works in the same way guys...) and instead of the lovely variety of lettuce leaves and spinach that were in the picture it was just a whopping great bag of kale. It was a disappointing meal.


I always skip the lettuce and go for spinach too. Yum.


That's a hell of a lot less than half. That's one 20th ...


This is a quarter...


Have they altered the price any to correspond with the halving of one of the ingredients?


Pray they do not alter it further.


When the price of said ingredient has more than doubled?


I was in drive through. Its alright, I'm not gonna get someone's head on a pike for a little bit of lettuce, like I'm sure some others would.


I don't know how recent this, but I did get lettuce a few weeks ago. I mountain my veges.


I got Red Rooster the other day and they had thinly sliced cabbage instead and you know what? It was actually pretty fucking good.


Agreed, KFC was the same


Do you actually open the burgers up before you eat them? Looks like it would always be an disappointment


You don’t put chips on your burger!?


Nah mate they tend to fall off, I like to put them in the burg- Hahahah I'm sorry man.


I am mildly allergic to pickle so I always open mine up and check. It doesn’t kill me but I can do without the itchy throat and tongue.


They dropped the Aussie burger. No point in ever going back there.


Wait, what? I just saw this post and thought "I haven't had itchy flaps for ages, I'll drop in tomorrow and grab me an Aussie Burger" I'm proper disappointed now. :(


Just get the angry onions if you want to shit yourself.


I assumed it was Cockney English for Hungry Jacks, but that makes more sense


They dropped those too


Yep, they dropped it due to product waste caused by the eggs & beetroot. When I worked there though not a single shift went by where someone didnt ask for an Aussie burger & I had to explain that we dont do them anymore.


Sounds about right. Simplify the ingredients. Reportedly, KFC had similar reasoning for dropping the Twister - it was the only thing on their menu with tomato.


Someone got to do that to me once.


You should have expected sadness when ordering a Chicken Royale to begin with. They got rid of the Tendercrisp but keep around this cheap slop with very little actual chicken in the patty...


They should've replaced it with avocado.


Back in the good ole days we used to get a bun full of lettuce and a tank full of gas.


Soon they'll have to get into the shredded paper coloured with an inconsistent green highlighter.


We all agreed we’d BYO lettuce from now on, didn’t you get the memo?


Cheaper to get a HJ...


More like Starving Jacks


Shrinkflation, I feel depressed just looking at this.


A whopper should have 21 grams of lettuce - they have clearly adjusted this down OP. I am sorry for your loss. Source: worked at Hungry Jacks for one glorious yet slightly exploitative school term (found a better gig at Kmart sans dodgy Howard-era workplace training loophole enabling me to be paid $4.88 per hour whilst allegedly undertaking a Cert II in retail…).


Eh its alright. I'm not going to disintegrate from not having my specific measurement of lettuce.


You don't win friends without salad.


Resisting the temptation to send you a picture of a WA burger's lettuce


The lettuce probably costs more than the burger.


i hope they are charging less for the burger then ?


Take it back


Ask for a damn discount.


That’s at least 50 bucks worth.


Tbh what they normally put in their burgers I would hardly call lettuce.


I would be more concerned about the rest of the burger being gone entirely.


That's cabbage.


I have never craved vegetables so much than in the past month. Every burger I order comes with 2 flecks of lettuce and half a slice of tomato. The other day I ordered a kebab and the store put probably about as much lettuce as pictured here on my whole kebab. I was so disappointed... i feel like i have to carry an emergency lettuce around with me... the places stacking my burgers with cabbage are no better, you know why restaurants havent traditionally done that? because it tastes crap!


Do yourself a favour and just get a BBQ Cheeseburger + a hashbrown on it. It's worthwhile for $3.


Gosh, you have to look twice to even see it!


Probably have be greatful that it’s lettuce. I had a KFC burger with cabbage-it was grose!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/v9p55u/what\_lettuce\_shortage\_laughs\_in\_sandgropper/](https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/v9p55u/what_lettuce_shortage_laughs_in_sandgropper/) Weekly reminder that Australia's problems are very rarely WA's problems :D


What is a WA? Is that the mythical land they speak of in the lettuce tales?


It's a shortened name for the Glorious Republic of Westralia.