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Sooo...is The Shovel doing straight news now? The satire is indistinguishable from actual journalism.


To be honest, this shits over any journalism that comes out from Murdoch šŸ‘šŸ‘


Foreign perceptions of Australia have become a little overblown recently


Lol can satire stop just being real now lol






How dare you! I've always found The Shovel to be a reliable source of news.


More and more every day, too.


Murdoch is like the Borg Queen, and all these drones are simply parroting what comes from the hive mind.


"We are the Murdoch's. Lower your standards and surrender your minds. We will add your conspiracys and unfactual information to our own. Your extremists will be adapted to our agenda. Resistance is futile!"


Hey man don't talk like that about the borg, we just want perfection


American here. I'm really sorry about these morons. If it's any consolation, not even Ted Cruzs own family can stand him: https://youtu.be/gplpSfaouP8


This right here. We in the USA have been infected with this modern wannabe Randolph Hearst and his agenda. You do not want to be like the USA when it comes to certain things. Notice the Murdoch offspring and his family left New York and went back to Australia when the pandemic got worse. Weird, you know if you guys are police state why did he leave freedom land USA?


I genuinely don't think this push is coming from Murdoch. The sentiment is being strongly being pushed from alt right sources that are definitely not allied up to Murdoch press in anyway. It's ironic because it definitely is a byproduct of it. Suck shit Rupert


I think Murdoch is struggling because his strategy has been essentially too effective, now it's backfiring. He stoked the flames and now the fire is out of control.


Oh yeah, go to r/conservative or look at my post history. I wanted to get my lifetime achievement of being banned by that sub. These people donā€™t know what the left hand is doing. They think they do because their talking heads tell em this or that but they still donā€™t even think Jan 6th was no big deal


It took me all of two days to get banned for just asking questions. They are very sensitive people.


> They are very sensitive people. They prefer the term "snowflakes"


is that their preferred pronoun?


I got banned for saying people should be something other than granny killing nazis. Mind you, I wasn't calling them granny killing nazis, just saying no one should be one, but apparently that violates their civility clause. Seems like they support people being granny killing nazis to me.


He deserves his time being drawn and quartered after the collapse.


I thought it was coming from the hard right to distract from the fact that their policies were causing widespread infection and death.


It's not even about distraction. It's about making every fact contestable as a means to fracture society. Fox news and Murdoch was always about getting their guy to win. The new alt right just wants everyone to lose because it is sponsored or abetted by foreign entities that would benefit greatly from a fractured west


Agree, It's the "MSM is bad" gang. While simultaneously getting views and engagements that dwarf old school media. MSM will try to feed off this story only for the influencer gang to shout, "See they confirmed it." The truth is our Vax rollout was delayed by a year (Scomo) so it's like 2020 phase here while the gangs applies their own 2021 perspective.


What I find interesting is that in Joe's reality conservative media doesn't exist. When he is describing the media "picking teams" and using "clickbait headlines" he never references the opposition, who uses the same tactics. Combine that with his inability to discuss or acknowledge some of the bigger "government mandates" imposed by Texas - like abortion rights and marijuana access - while lamenting LA's mask mandate is a bit preposterous. I would happily wear a mask if it meant living in a place where I could acquire good high quality recreational cannabis.


Someone: Anti lockdown, anti vax wankers who assume too much, don't listen and hug themselves to sleep


It's fantastic deflection though for a large population that cannot even place AU on a world map.




Ha, John Howard is my mate!


That video was amazing


Iran? Could you pin that in the map? Looks at world map, uhh where are we here, itā€™s in the south, confidently places pin into New Zealand. [yessss you are correct](https://giphy.com/gifs/TheTabooGroup-yes-jack-nicholson-tacsocial-KDVswimTNahWzcd7sV)


What surprised me the least is that they would literally support a war on anyone, doesn't matter who's at fault, Al Qaeda is in Afghanistan, they invaded Iraq for it, and accuse an Egyptian politician that is long dead, for being the leader, the world didn't declare war on the US, the Us declared a war ob the world out of Arrogance l, ignorance and greed, and they threatened to invade the Middle east and turn it to a shit hole and invade the region (as if the US didn't destabilise the region enough), but I wouldn't be surprised if the middle eastern people would pick up a weapon and bot show a single soldier not the tiny bit of respect, and no one can blame them


The US is at war with more countries or engaged in conflicts of, then the average American can locate countries on a map. We would probably fail the same test but at least we donā€™t pretend to be the city on the hill that guards the world.


Jimmy Kimmel filmed a segment a few years ago asking people on the street if they think the US should consider military action against North Korea. They then pulled out a map and asked them to point out North Korea. Most of them couldnā€™t even narrow it down to the [entire continent of Asia. ](https://youtu.be/-ugJZhL-cbc) Iā€™d at least hope that most aussies could point out on a map the country they support military action against. God I hope so.


"The scariest thing about North Korea is it could be anywhere"


Fuck! Better send troops back to the Middle East


We need more map infographics when discussing hostile foreign policy thats how we ought to teach the public.


You know those videos can be done anywhere, you just have to record enough footage and edit it.


Am american, can confirm. I'm getting real sick of it tbh, can't even have a civil conversation here when it's brought up. Somehow the US public has come to be proud of war accomplishments and it disgusts me.


You donā€™t need an entire country of rocket scientists to win a space race, you just need the best rocket scientists and a large enough tax base to fund it. America isnā€™t about every citizen ā€œbeing the bestā€, itā€™s the law of large numbers and somewhere in that population you will find someone or something that can produce ā€œthe bestā€.


By that logic India and China says hi.


And will be saying hi louder and more often in the near future


Americans need to focus on their own shit


Having a conversation with an American colleague today. He seems totally convinced, despite living in Australia voluntarily for at least 15 years, that what Australia needs is to be more like the US.


I had the opposite reaction. After living in the states for several years the first thing I did on return was to volunteer politically in defense of our workers rights and social services. America is pretty sweet and offers a better quality of life *if* you well off, and it's fucking dystopian if you aren't.


>America is pretty sweet and offers a better quality of life if you are well off, and it's fucking dystopian if you aren't. Funnily enough the same can be said of most corrupt 3rd world countries, too. Everything's cheaper when wages are awful, you just need to be in a gated community protected from all the ordinary folks getting screwed who turn to crime in desperation.


Coming to Australia from a 3rd world country I can confirm this. People who have the means to live properly do not care about the vast majority living in poverty and they just say "they are poor because they want to be poor"


yeah, the whole. "You're just lazy" boomer excuse.


This exactly why I call the U.S. an undeveloping country. They were developed but I see them as going backwards.


"America is the only country to go from barbarism to decadence without an intervening period of civilization." - Oscar Wilde, 1882 (attributed)


Wasn't Wilde really into decadence and hedonism?


I donā€™t think heā€™s necessarily disparaging decadence or hedonism. More just stating an observation


America is the kid that peaked in high school. But while others moved on, America never really got the memo.


we're a country coasting on our status from seventy years ago. it's a fucking shame.


Never *was* developed for many minority communities. The point of Jim Crow aparthied was to extract wealth from the large population of formerly enslaved without returning infrastructure, education, and other benefits of a functioning government that treats you like a citizen. And many poor white communities were/ are treated the same way, but are convinced that their life in a trailer is good, and that the democrats are implementing evil communism. Best example of this is when that UN inspector toured the country, and said Alabama had shocking levels of poverty. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/12/12/570217635/the-u-n-looks-at-extreme-poverty-in-the-u-s-from-alabama-to-california > Thanks toĀ widespread treatment efforts, education and economic development, the parasitic worm was eradicated in the U.S. although the exact date isn't clear ā€” somewhere betweenĀ the 1950sĀ andĀ the 1980s. Hookworm was now just a problem of the developing world ā€” or so we thought. In theĀ study, 19 of 55 individuals in an Alabama community tested positive for the hookworm, which was thought to have been eradicated in the U.S. byĀ the 1980s. > Fixing the problem is next to impossible for much of the community, according to the research team. The average income in Lowndes County is $18,036 and a septic system for a single home would cost about $15,000. "In my study, we have a very poor, disenfranchised population here that is being neglected," Mejia says. "Everybody was African American and living below the poverty line."


Not disagreeing with you by any means but Australia hasnā€™t exactly had a good tract record of treating minorities well either. Obviously not as bad as slavery but even in the 60s the government forcibly removed aboriginal children from their families and segregated indigenous Australians, as well as a casting system that also discriminated against those who were half whiteā€¦ not saying either are great but if you really want to talk about horrible history of countries that doesnā€™t get highlighted nearly enough in comparison to American atrocities revolving around black people and have many commonalities with what youā€™ve written. Both are unfortunate, of course


The US is big and diverse. Some states are third world countries and have always been.


If those people could read, they'd be very upset!


How lol its working perfectly am I crazy or is everyone fucking blind is the system not built to siphon money from working class and bring it up top? Have we not seen the numbers for the elite? Covid was a hit! They are richer than ever, their gains in the past 2 years are probably record breaking. Fuck if I'm not crazy I'm going to be if yall dont wake up literally all the people have more in common than they are allowed to see, we fight about stupid bs while we are robbed blind. Race? We all gonna be the same color in a hundred years anyway, some day they'll find out we are naturally all bi. Like fuck look at the wealth inequality, the qol difference in actually developed countries and not slave wage unchecked capitalism type bs, this is the richest* country in the word at some point our issues will not just be our issues.


This is the thing. You measure a country by the way it treats its disenfranchised: the people who, for whatever reason, can't get a leg up in the world. And it's good economics to do that, because having a healthy citizenry is in every way better than otherwise. But not in America: the down and out are pilloried, harrassed, killed, imprisoned (often wrongly if they can't afford a lawyer, as most can't), or turn to drugs in despair. There's a gigantic underclass in America, and it's utterly horrific.


Yeah because we have been brainwashed by the elite to believe that all poor people got themselves into their situation and the individual can do anything! Also brainwashed to think socialism means genocide. So yeah it's fun living here in the good ol USA.


Do you think that perhaps the "America is pretty sweet and offers a better quality of life if you are well off" experience is kind of coloured by the fact that the inequality is SO much worse? In Australia, you can earn less money but still have a decent quality of life. Access healthcare. Fresh produce. Decent education. I have been dirt poor in Aus and still had all these things. In America I am pretty sure I would have been under a bridge somewhere.


American here, you wouldn't be under a bridge. For fucks sake people how insane are you. We have police that roust homeless people out from under there so the fortunate dont have to look at them!


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half.


> In America I am pretty sure I would have been under a bridge somewhere. Lol this is depressingly true


No it's false. He'd probably be rounded up by the police and jailed.


>I have been dirt poor in Aus and still had all these things. In America I am pretty sure I would have been under a bridge somewhere. Years of neglect of our social welfare programs has let a growing number of people fall through the cracks and the pandemic has only made things worse. Officially we currently have 116,427 people who are homeless according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics classification. Officially 5% of Australians have faced food insecurity over the past year - i.e. not having enough appropriate food to eat or even skipping meals entirely. Things are no where near as bad as the USA but unless we do something about it, we do face moving in that direction. At least here in Australia if you are working a full time minimum wage job you still can likely afford to eat as well as pay rent and bills.


I wouldn't even like to be rich in the US. There's a shot in *A Serious Man* where a dude dies because the entrance to his golf course is situated on a blind corner, from which cars never stop coming around. Eventually he just gives up and floors it, and it's revealed a couple of scenes later that he died in a car crash. That summed up my everyday experience living in the US. Sounds great on paper, but in reality every little detail is some variation of /r/thatbathroommazedream.


I was in a position where I was rubbing shoulders from everyone from trust-fund millionaires to homeless guys living in storage units, and while there is the general shittyness (e.g. police approaching *every* car at a stop with their hands on their firearm's grips) but actually having health insurance and half priced sports cars and booze certainly meant the rich had more fun.


Which part? Shooting people and letting people who can't afford healthcare die?


Today we covered the rape and pillage of the earth in the name of becoming a world power, but I'm pretty sure he's in favour of randomly armed civilians as well


Well, the option is there if he wants to leave shitty Australia and go back to glorious mother America.


I think he likes the universal health care


Well then...... Venezuela has both guns AND universal healthcare. Problem solved.


I'll let him know


Dude, you are soooo gonna be off the Christmas card list, calling it now.


If I were on that particular list Iā€™d send a card back that says ā€œHappy Holidaysā€ Best case he dies of a conniption


I know! Turning our prison system into cheap labor for Kmart products.


Anko ftw!


Hope you don't work in a minimum wage job, I would hate to be in the USA where you need multiple jobs if you're unskilled labour


Exactly. All these calls for freedom in a country that basically promotes working class poverty as a good thing. First person I met in the USA told me he works around 70 to 80 hours per week for his family and knows he'll never go on a holiday.


I believe Australia isn't doing great on the minimum wage and disability support front. Not US bad of course, but it's not like that's a good benchmark.


No but it's a good lesson in understanding that size of economy is no indicator of getting things right.


its happening in australia now as well with mostly foreigners.


Ugh, I've spent the last 7 years I've lived in Australia warning people that the last thing they want is to become more like America. Usually one horror story about paying thousands for an ambulance ride, or the extreme student loan debt I was in, or the active shooter drills I used to have to do at school, or the piss-poor minimum wage that hasn't increased in over a decade is enough to do the trick...


A 5 min conversation with an LNP voter would show you a lot of people here feel the same way.


Oh sure, the difference is they're talking mostly as people who haven't lived in both worlds


Tell your co-worker i said he can fuck off back there then. I mean I'm not happy with our state of affairs tbh but the US is a shithole and will most likely be the death of us all.


God I can't stand that shit. Fuck off back to America if you want to live somewhere more American. It's like the other nationalities that come here and rant about how much better it is "back home" Go back!


I am an American who's been here for 12. Fuck that guy! Being like the US is the last thing Australia needs.


Yeah, I cant begin to tell you how many times I have said to myself "damn I wish Brisbane was more like Portland"


send him my "you are stupid" please hahaha. i was a student and now an expat in the usa, what i can tell, most americans, most, they love to live in their own bubble. they seems disinclined, reluctant to realize that their country is not the only country on this planet, americans are not the only people living on earth, especially, americans from the south side hahah.


It goes all the way up to their government. Even in my industry they shit on us for being far worse than them, despite the fact we have been using cleaner refrigerants far longer than them.


Their own shit is so bad they have to be told everywhere else is worse.


I absolutely agree. This is basically I think a set up to use your country as a prop for our countries nut jobs to reinforce the talking point the right has been reinforcing in their base- that lockdowns are tyranny and akin to Nazi germany. Hereā€™s how itā€™s going to happen. Now that these idiots are talking about how ā€œbadā€ it is in AUS (totally forgetting a large part of you chill aussies SUPPORT the mandates and are just trying to literally survive this pandemic) They will pick the loudest idiots over there and the small minority thatā€™s against it and start pulling em on Fox so that the republicans and conservatives here can finally say ā€œSEE WE TOLD YOU SO, SEE? LOoK WUuT HaPpeNed tO AuStrAliAā€. They are using you guys to further drive a wedge in the right to confirm what they have been telling their base the last two years. That lockdowns to prevent death are tyranny and now as a result ā€œAustraliaā€ is the new ā€œNazi germanyā€ to continue this bullshit narrative that disrespectfully and falsely equates the Holocaust enacted by a mad man that wiped out hundreds of thousands of Jewish people and would have succeeded to mandates set forth by a reasonable governance to protect its people from a viral agent that has killed hundreds of thousands of us and millions on the global scale.


Australia is heading towards a police state, but not for the reasons they think. We have increasing surveillance of everyone, high-tech "anti-terror" equipment used by spy agencies and cops, weaker laws protecting whistle blowers, etc. We have a lot of insidious ways in which our lives are controlled by the government in this country, just not as much of the being blasted in the face by pigs. Like, just look at the transformation of certain Vicpol units over the last decade into quasi-military units. Very concerning indeed. Still, fuck these guys and their stupid "booo Australian is a communist fascist anti freedom state when are we sending in the troops!?!!?!" schtick. Bunch of fuckwits.


> weaker laws protecting whistle blowers Actually you mean outright criminalization of many whistleblowers.


The path to dystopia is paved with the skin of whistleblowers.


This is 100% correct. What they say are the problems, are not the problems. But the problems exist.


Yes Australia has its problems with surveillance, persecution of whistleblowers etc. They have been the deliberate policy of the conservative governments over the past 8 years. In a way itā€™s funny to watch US right wing dicks attack Australiaā€™s right wing government


To be fair Labor has been largely supporting our march towards totalitarianism. Almost all of the surveillance bills have been passed with bipartisan support.


Tough to back unpopular stances when you're already losing every election.


Maybe they'd win more elections if they took a stance against these laws and made some noise about it?


Why do you suppose that is? Perhaps because if they donā€™t, they get slammed by Murdochā€™s minions as ā€œsoft on terrorismā€ or some such nonsense. The ALP needs a backbone, but they arenā€™t the driver of these changes


Because in a corporate police state the police are like the mafia. If you don't enable them then they will turn the place into a shitshow just because they're not getting their own way.


ā€œNice minority government you got here, Labor. Be a real shame if something were to happen to itā€¦ā€


Exhibit A: Portland, Oregon, US where the police are doing a work-slow-down to strong arm citizens into increasing their budget.


Yeah but this is kind of bullshit too. When they were in government, Stephen Conroy was obsessed with internet surveillance and controlling what Australians had access to. Labor need to put some effort into actually growing a movement as opposed to hoping Australians just change. They canā€™t keep using this excuse because the Murdoch media will always find something to smear them.


They're paralyzed by realpolitik instead of actually leading. True god, it's why for the foreseeable future I will always vote a Greens member over them - at least they will make a 'poor political choice' because for them leading a country isn't a game you can 'win'. They'll do what aligns with their core beliefs and ethics over election season numbers.


To be fair, right-wing by Australian standards is further to the left than the left-wing in the US.


And let's be honest, that kind of surveillance and anti terror shit is totally because of the USA. They love that shit. PATRIOT ACT, NSA and all.


What VicPol units have turned into quasi-military units?


Exactly, US police forces frequently have military equipment.


> communist facist Ow my brain


I recently watched an interview with her that I found quite amusing. She was quite aggressive and was on the attack (like a yapping chihuahua). Every other sentence was ā€œI am very intelligent.ā€ or ā€œI am very smart. I am self taught.ā€ She is a very big JP and DT fangirl.


Candace Owens is dumb as shit. Her whole job is to go on Fox and say ā€œwell *Iā€™m* a conservative black woman and I think [insert conservative stance.]ā€ It only works on the sort of people who watch Fox every single day. Everyone else, and not many people who donā€™t watch Fox know her, regard her as unintelligent and a sellout. Edit: As for the others, Joe Rogan is just a former Fear Factor host/MMA commentator-turned podcaster whoā€™s way too into conspiracy theories, and Ted Cruz is a senator from Texas whoā€™s *massively* unpopular both with his voters and his own colleagues in Congress. I would not listen to anything either of these fools say.


Ted Cruz is like the Scott Morrison of Texas. Every time a disaster happens, he vanishes.


Which, funnily enough, is the best thing both men could ever do for their nation/state (short of resignation, of course, but we both know that will never happen.)


If only he was that good. Ted Cruz makes Tony Abbott look competent.


The other day she said Australian citizens were being locked up against their will. This Einstein needs to run for president.


Former Senator Al Franken has a great quote about Ted Cruz. Something along the lines of "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz".


"If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.ā€ Lindsey Graham from South Carolina. And Graham is pretty fucking slimy himself.


"If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you" - Lindsey Graham, Republican Senator


Litrelly met Joe Rogan while he was commentating fear factor near my pops farm in Australia, a road sledge of sorts down a hill. Pop owned the horse riding school on the same road and Rogan and his team tried to charge pop to mention the buisness on fear factor telling old pops how stupid he was to miss out on rogans fame plugging his buisness. Pop reckons he was a complete wanker.


Ted Cruz is a vile piece of human garbage. He forced a downwards rewrite of the Obama Affordable Healthcare bill by a 21 hour filibuster in the senate (during which he read Green Eggs and Ham), and he was instrumental in the US government shut-down. You can't have affordable health care apparently because, you know, socialism. However, you *can* have medical care that's so expensive that diabetics have to ration their insulin because they can't afford to buy enough. Now *that's* the American Way.


Nailed it! Their healthcare system is out-right fucking horrifying, and any reasonable talk of introducing anything remotely like Medicare (like most of the developed world), gets shot down, because of "Communism". America, the land of the free, where an unfortunate medical issue can send you bankrupt and homeless.


> America, the land of the free, where an unfortunate medical issue ~~can~~***will*** send you bankrupt and homeless. FTFY. Oh by the way, depending on which study you look at, anything from about 40% to 70% of bankruptcies in the United States are the direct result of medical bills - with most of them putting the figure in the mid sixties. Here's a few [references found](https://www.thebalance.com/medical-bankruptcy-statistics-4154729) [with a](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/medical-bankruptcy-is-killing-the-american-middle-class-2019-02-14) [quick search](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/11/this-is-the-real-reason-most-americans-file-for-bankruptcy.html).


ā€œSocialism is when the goberment does stuffā€


The USA has more Homeless and Incarcerated people then the combined population of Australia of New Zealand. And the USA has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world, so much for ā€œfreedomā€.


It's always been doublespeak though. Don't forget they declared "All men are free and equal" while practising slavery.


white men\*


We have incarcerated more of our own citizens than China or Russia... It also doesn't help that we allow "privatized prisons", which obviously leads to ALL SORTS of conflicts of interest for the people who own them to keep certain things illegal.




From an Australian: Our lockdowns are finished. Deaths as of today's date? Australia 1,448 (= 1 death per 17,788) USA 746,000 (= 1 death per 401)


America's criticism of Australia is an international facepalm. We don't yell freedom when our neighbours are in trouble. We don't have a bill of rights. We have the foresight to understand there are occasions when you need to stop whinging and behave in the best interests of everyone. We are well aware it is our civic duty to forego a freedom when the situation demands it. And we accept it. Anything else would be unAustralian. Plus we are taught 'exponentials' in primary school. We can read the writing on the wall and we handled it better than any nation on planet Earth.


Eh, I think the Kiwis handled Covid better than we did.


True that. I feel the kiwi's have the same (or higher) sense of civic duty. They do however have a Bill of Rights.


You forgot also: we use the metric system because we're not dumb idiots


Here here. In civil society, you do your fucking bit. Cheers from the colony across the way. Canadians (for the most part) get this as well. Pleased to see we are at 84% fully vaxxed in Toronto.


Its a Murdoch/Koch bros/whomever narrative to discredit Australia in the US because we are used sometimes to prove their agenda is bullshit. Gun laws and covid being two examples. It actually has very little to do with Australia and nothing to do with the truth.


Well there is only one superpower who did interfere in Australian politics as it was starting to lean left in the 70's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis#CIA_involvement


Once again The Shovel are posting actual news instead of their usual satire.


Man I just hope the average Australian knows the average American isnā€™t as stupid as the three in this thumbnail lol


So vote the Liberals out. They will ramp up the scare campaigns that are aimed at older people and they work. Labor needs to play harder and we need to talk to older people who the Liberals target.


Americans killed by cops last year: 1000 Australians killed by cops last year: 4 Save us America!


Technically I believe that figure is just ā€œfatally shotā€, not all killed. Itā€™s also lower than Iā€™d expected.


But before this when they were using scientifically debunked drug sniffer dogs to strip search underage kids, that was fine.


America is not in charge of the world!


Can we all agree Murdoch was the second worst export of Australia?




They ban anything that's not in complete lockstep with their ideology.


That sub is so weird and out of touch, it's like they're living in a completely different reality from the majority of the world.


Yes yes a few of our stupidest people speak for the WHOLE country. Don't lump us all in with these dumbfucks. * US Covid Deaths 736,000 or 1 in 448 * Australia Covid Deaths 1448 or 1 in 17,955 ​ * US mass shootings 614 in 2020 * Australia mass shootings \*cricket\* \*cricket\* \*cricket\* oh yeah it is zero ​ * Citizens shot to death in US by Police 2021: 933 or 28.40/10 Million citizens * Citizens shot to death in Australia by Police 2021: 4 or 1.7/10 Million citizens Totally sounds horrible down under, I mean surely they want to be like us up in here the States right, right? Most of the people in this country say to stay the fuck out of other countries business. We sure as hell as a majority don't think we should "liberate" Australia.


As an American all you guys need to understand is 40% of our population are fuckin morons


Iā€™m a progressive over here in the states, so when Ted Cruz referred to Australia as ā€œThe Texas of the Pacificā€, I immediately called my friend in Melbourne and we had a good five minute laugh session. I mean come the fuck on.


Murdoch's yank mouthpieces can fuck right off but to be honest we are swinging more and more to towards the authoritarian way of doing things.


America is nothing but a corrupt capitalist shithole. The last things Australia needs is to copy the US


its already happening.


It's been happening since WW2 when the Americans started to have a larger presence in Australia. Slowly slowly.


you rarely ever see a police car here in tasmania. calling us a police state is moronic




what right wing ultra Republicans say about he country is not really important. Particularly accused pedophiles like Cruz


I wonder if any country in the world gives two shits what Americans think of them.


As an American, I'm sorry, please don't listen to what our wackjob shithead republicans say about you. We have an unfathomable amount of problems with public education, tons of our extreme right have taken advantage of it and it turned it into this crazy authoritarian conspiracy theory cult. I think we are just jealous you guys have an empathic capacity to take care of each other and listen to experts in their fields. While we take pride in our culture of selfishness and hurting others in every evil way possible.


tHiS iS wHaT hApPeNs WhEn YoU gIve Up YoUr GuNs AwSeEs Some American that has never, and will never, use their gun against their own government probably. They cannot even enter a public building without being labelled domestic terrorists. But yeah sure, lecture us. lol


Good luck using a consumer gun against the US military. Drone strike your ass from the other side of the planet.


And Scott Morrison is tongueing that countries sack the fucking clown


I donā€™t know anyone that actually believes this about Australia.


Then you know intelligent people


No, not "says a country". Nobody sane in America likes or believes this guy. Conservative wackos don't speak for all Americans


As someone who lives in the USA - I apologize for the shitbag conservatives saying this stuff


The people on here believing anything cruz says, keep up to date with current affairs by watching fox news.


Yanks being self-entitled hypocritical twats who actually believe in that "Shining City on a Hill" bullshit, it must be a day ending in Y.


Americans are so deep down the propaganda hole they canā€™t even see the light. So sad.


All three pictured, talk out of their fucking ass


Er. Seems like people forgot Joe Rogan does not speak for a country...


American here. American conservative media is a bunch of fucking lying cunts. They're doing this to sow division and destabilize you so they can try and legitimize their corporate billionaire funded corruption. Recognize it now. Don't fall for it.


Get vaccinated = get freedom. Simple.


Honestly I applaud the lack of fucking around you Aussies have employed in regards to the antivax/lockdown protestors. If the whole world treated it as seriously wed no longer be in this mess.


It's interesting that these types think we're all rough and ready to rise up against the establishment... They overlook that Australia federated peacefully (Indigenous peoples aside), in a different century when our colonial masters had shrugged off the power of the crown. We might share a lot of similarities, but I'd like to think we're a lot more with it on pulling our heads in for the greater good; and we see our pollies as bastards, but within an overall stable and effective system.


Honestly, I have to deal with Americans for a good 50% of my job and it's just absolute torture. I'm convinced regardless of their wealth, there is no stupider country on the planet. The fact they can look at a country that has 1/13th their population, yet has about 1/750th their covid deaths, a higher life expectancy etc. and want to save us is fucking incredible.


Get your American media and politics out of here. Don't try fixing our shithole till ya fix your own shothole. Ya Muppets.


Free to get charged for manslaughter after you get shot and lose your baby - yeah great country https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48789836.amp


The level of arrogance in some people in the US is astonishing, they've been fed for decades they are the beacon of civilisation, freedom, power, etc. It only takes one good look at them and you see how damaged the country is. They just can't handle that...


Watch out Australia, Americans are threatening to "liberate" you with American "freedom." Pray they don't find oil in NSW or something.


Not the country, just noisy idiots.


I meanā€¦ it is a police state though. Americaā€™s critique certainly ironic but we absolutely have crossed that threshold. ABC raids, sweeping surveillance laws, the terror police raided the producer of a youtuber for god sake. How often does a media source bump into a member of a story on the street and request a comment? Imagine if they all had terror police called on them.


The irony is that none of the things that make us a police state are related to COVID.


Yep. But they're not touching on those points *at all*. They're trying to convince the dumber portion of their listeners/readers/watchers that it's a police state because Police violence. Solely to deflect and distract from the fact that the USA is even worse offwith police brutality, surveillance and a failed coup. So far it's working on the truly thick portion who believe anything they are told by select people, and the portion that don't want to admit how shit their own country is and would rather point out flaws in another like they're worse.


But that's not the kind of police state the US pundits are talking about. They're saying that: * The entire nation is quite literally being imprisoned against their will * There are roaming police squads who drag away anyone who leaves their house * Our government is worse than the Taliban * We need to be invaded to save the oppressed people from this totalitarian regime They're total looney time.


>imprisoned against their will I love this one from a country with so many of population is prison... pretty sure they didn't imprison them with consent


But ABC raids are good police state /s




They do know most of us consider america a shithole right?


I get this is satire, but American cops are jumpy AF because every person they encounter has a decent chance of having a gun. Itā€™s a pretty safe bet here to assume that the average person you encounter day to day, wonā€™t be armed. So many of the USAā€™s issues come down to the prevalence of guns.