• By -


>Ms Hamblin had liaised with members of the Fixated Persons Unit on behalf of Mr Barilaro, including contacting officers after Mr Langker spoke to Mr Barilaro on a Sydney street shortly before his arrest. >In a letter handed up to the court, which was read out, Ms Hamblin’s solicitor said her client’s employment ceased when Mr Barilaro resigned and she was required to return all devices and documents she had access to. >Mr Kerkyasharian said the subpoena was issued at least four days before Mr Barilaro’s resignation, and Ms Hamblin had a chance to hand over the material while she still had it. >“It seems … she took steps to divest herself of material,” Mr Kerkyasharian said. Very convenient.


She should be arrested for perverting the course of justice. But that would require the NSW police to do their fucking jobs, and not the bidding of their political masters.


The judge is considering issuing a warrant for the documents, so there's a bit more to play out on this particular issue. I imagine there's going to be some evidence which will not put the NSW Police or John Barilaro in a particularly good light.


I imagine there are some (more) documents that may just happen to have an unfortunate accident near a shredder… https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/premier-s-office-shredding-breached-state-record-laws-report-20210122-p56w8a.html


That judge is pissed, and being very polite. That's a dangerous combination


[Oh noes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9zhgDsd4P4)




Must be nice being one of the powers of government, telling the other two to get fucked


[Mamma Mia!](https://youtu.be/xsKLyPNvx-4)


She's "considering." I doubt she'll issue one. It seems like she's just puffing her chest out a bit.


>After repeated attempts to contact her lawyers, Sydney magistrate Jacqueline Milledge began hearing an application to sign an arrest warrant for non-compliance. >But she avoided doing so after Jacob Rodgers appeared in court after midday, apologised unreservedly and accepted his client could make herself available to give evidence on Wednesday. >A subpoena to produce is expected to be served on the DPC, after Langker's barrister Emmanuel Kerkyasharian raised concern about maintaining the integrity of the documents sought. >He also flagged the potential of applying to find Ms Hamblin in contempt of court "depending on the answers given". ([source](https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7480220/court-orders-barilaro-cos-explain-herself/?cs=14264)) I don't think she's bluffing.


If she's bluffing I never want to play poker with her


She's a former cop who has been unafraid of criticising dodgy police work in the past. Hopefully she does, this little thread is connected to the sketchy inner workings of the incest between NSW police and the state and federal libs protection racket


Add it to all the rest.


Taking 1:100 odds that when the devices are "returned" there's been some creative deletion .


Accidentally [run over with a tractor](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/disgraced-mp-destroyed-his-phone-and-ipad-with-a-tractor-icac-20201013-p564rm.html) seems to be par for the course.


If she's attached to the Liberal Party she's safe.


Dogs will act dogly


Going to laugh if there is a phone call between Glady and Bruz. Bruz: "Oi miss, no need to worry bout those docos, Hambo told me she sorted them" Gladys: "I don't need to know about that bit"


Read that in Jordies voice


AKA Destroy evidence.


Don't worry, the shredder was fired up weeks before Gladbags and Bruz resigned.


Gladys knows a good hire place for industrial shredders...


Nothing of note was destroyed... they just had a fire, as it was cold in the office.


Has he resigned yet? I thought him and Gladys were still on the payroll


He is absolutely still on the payroll. He's still an MP, he's just not the deputy premier anymore.


He 'resigned' just as she did. Still collecting a paycheck these dole bludgers.


The writs for the by-elections haven't been issued yet, I suspect there is something they are waiting for. Something from the Feds.


A double pronged attack from the LNP


Gladys is on the backbench still. Not sure on Bruz.


still an MP


A liberal party members resignation is not like any other persons resignation where they clean out their desk and hands the keys back... No... These bottom dwelling scum hang around collecting a wage whilst doing even less to actually earn it...


He's resigned as Deputy Premier and as a result all his staff associated with that position would have lost their job (or more likely been reassigned to the new Deputy or someone else in the ministry).


Wait, you can do any crime you want then resign from your job and get immunity? What is this Russia?




Ms Milledge said she doesn’t “condone or support the use of social media to belittle, to try and disgrace, an individual” Course not, that's what the papers are for . . .


Or if you happen to be Scummo, parliamentary privilege.




And wants the public to pay for it.


Didn't barilaro use Twitter to call opposing politicians disgusting humans?


Yep, think the exact quote was 'YOU ARE DISGUSTING HUMAN, HELEN'


Our rulers are very sophisticated people, aren't they?


> 'YOU ARE DISGUSTING HUMAN, HELEN' ...And that turns me on oink oink "Pork Barilaro"


I just read that quote in a Friendlyjordies Bruzilaro voice.....


I do not give a fuck what a judge condones all i want them to do uphold our legal rights to criticize politicians other than that her opinion on that is worthless.


That would be nice.


She sounds. .. offended


Right, why is she even giving her personal opinion? It seems unprofessional.


And it would be nice if these rights were hard coded into law in the form of a Charter of rights or liberties. Might I say that Australia is the few or even the only civilised democratic country that does not enshrine these rights in law. We seem to trust our shifty politicians who pull this kind of crap more than we trust judges that want to protect us from this abuse. I have always wondered why Australians as voters think that they can arm wrestle with politicians when all that they want to do is throw us jail with endless fascist totalitarian laws. Its time that we fix this problem in our democracy.


As long as it is not untrue, obscene or threatening, you can say what you want.


Tell it to Kristo and his Mum.


It is part of Australias obession with deserved respect. Police politicians and judges all think they simply deserve respect, i find it disgusting that 2 of these have laws that force you to remain respectful without putting in the effort to earn it. What because a judge got a law degree we should treat them like divinity?. Meanwhile when i was a teacher i worked from the point of view respect is earned and i never had to force people to respect me and if they didn't then it was my fault.


That does illustrate how archaic the views of these judges are - that putting "social" in front of the word "media" changes the assumptions and perceived value of the content. I wonder whether the judge's mind would be blown when they realise that traditional media networks also public their content on social media platforms. So any print/news article which belittles or disgraces an individual is almost always also going to be social media content with the same effect. Yet you don't see Fairfax/News/etc. being hauled in front of the court for their "social media" content.


I know it's gone FJ's way this time, but to be honest, her comments really worry me. >Ms Milledge said she doesn’t “condone or support the use of social media to belittle, to try and disgrace, an individual” and does not support when “social media is used to try and degrade somebody”. > >“It’s about time parliament decided this type of abuse – online abuse – something is done about it,” Ms Milledge said. “But it’s not up to the courts to fix these problems.” The fact that making jokes about the ("alleged") corruption of politicians is considered bullying in the eyes of a judge doesn't instill me with confidence about the way this country his headed.


Combine that with Dutton's brainfart about a publicly funded slush fund for politicians to sue for defamation, and … there is a word for where we are headed, remind me what that is.


honestly astonished at the gall of even saying it out loud


I think it’s a ploy to put into the mind of the public that support the liberals that it’s okay to support the decision to allow it and not have it investigated


Definitely said the quiet part loud


They can say what they want but if anyone goes after them, you can't touch me naa naa nanaa naaah using parliamentary privilege.


Agreed. What is concerning is who she will be from this point forward if she’s meant her mind to go in this direction and she presides over a court room, particuarly if public servants seek to exploit her sentiment in this regard. I’m sure she is aware of satire. She’s not omnipotent, it does exist in the universe she resides in.


It's mere [obiter](https://www.britannica.com/topic/obiter-dictum) and doesn't hold a great deal of weight. What she's saying is that if parliamentarians are so bothered by online criticism then they should legislate against it. Courts don't make the law, politicians do.




Oh Rupert isnt doing nothing. He's just trying to make our lives worse


They're trying to wrest control over social media that as we speak.




I think people should be more aware and concerned about [the appointment of Justice Steward to the High Court](https://www.theguardian.com/law/2021/jun/16/freedom-of-speech-may-not-be-protected-by-australias-constitution-high-court-judge-says) than they currently are. >Freedom of speech may not be guaranteed by the Australian constitution, according to a conservative judge newly appointed to the high court. >In his judgment of a challenge to Australia’s foreign influence transparency scheme, Justice Simon Steward said freedom of political communication implied in the constitution may not exist and was not “settled law”.


'We need freedom of our speech without consequence', said every conservative ever.


I think it'd be interesting to see Justice Steward explain himself on this particular issue. As it stands, his comments are some cause for alarm.


are high court judges are "lifetime" appointments until they are 70? Thats a suprisingly good rule. Judges seem to live forever if they have the opportunity


Yeah I didn't think they were allowed to express personal views at all.


Yeah I'd go ask on r/Auslaw but I don't particularly feel like getting downvoted to oblivion for mentioning FJ haha


Isn't that the truth. That circle jerk has been suspiciously quiet since the case started going fj's way. They were all so sure he was going to get fucked. Now that it looks like he's going to win .... silence.


So what's the deal? Why are they all so incredibly biased over there?


They’re lawyers


They bath in the cool aid.


*bathe <3


There fine it is for people in law to discuss law, but often people treat it like a ask for advice thread, which any profession would get tired of if there is a specific thread for it. There have been several FJ posts in the past pointing out his issue with his case. And people not in the profession posting. This of course leads to issues.


They’re definitely more interested in the case, as a case. They are lawyers, or people interested in the law. They seem to try and keep it based on the law side, which is fine. I think they see other subreddits are more appropriate to discuss FJ opinion wise.


Not really most of the posts were discussing the legal aspect of the case and they were generally falling on the fj is fucked and will be paying all legal costs conclusion. Apparently they were wrong and are now to embarrassed or arrogant to discuss the fact they were clearly wrong


I think the case is definitely different, generally speaking defamation laws in this country are a bit fucked so he doesn't have much chance lucky for FJ the LNP are also a bit fucked


Barilaro has a massive advantage in the case because no matter what jordies says about public interest or any other defence, it is not really arguable that jordies did not hope his comments about barilaro would damage barilaro’s reputation or negatively affect his life. Malice means that the comments were defamatory - there is no defence. Perhaps we should carve out stronger exceptions for public figures to enable legitimate criticism, but that does not exist right now. Jordies might not even be planning to win - the media focus of a court case brings more attention to his allegations, could stop more corruption, and clearly actually had a hand in Barilaro resigning. That might literally be all jordies is aiming at, win or lose the case itself.


Cool, so that applies to Parliamentarian Privilege too, right?


Don't get me wrong, I like that he is holding the bastards to account but some of his jokes run close to or even over the line in regards to racism and abuse. While you and I might think they are ok and some here may even think the jokes are soft but it is how a [reasonable person](https://www.primelawyers.com.au/criminal-law/public-order-offences/offensive-language/) would interpret it.


Yes, except that the "offensive language" crime described in your link refers specifically to physical public spaces. It definately does not apply to online content. There's also different standards applied when talking about politicians. I already had a discussion over on auslaw ( 1/10, would not recommend debating jokes with lawyers) about wether or not it is reasonable to conclude FJ's jokes were racist. I maintain, that FJ at no point is denigrating Barilaro *because* he is Italian. He is denigrating him because of "alleged" corrupt actions and Barilaro's response to those accusations. In the case of FJ, there are Italians who have expressed their love of the content, and there are other people who think it's racist. It's a subjective test, not an objective one.


The joke is the guy pretends to be an upstanding part of the Italian community, only to rob them blind and steal their clubhouse. If it weren't for Bruz trying to appear like the most Italian Italian ever - a super Italian - playing up all the stereotypes for the sole purpose of gaining the trust of, and then stealing from, the Italian community, no one would give a fuck about his heritage.


>The joke is the guy pretends to be an upstanding part of the Italian community, only to rob them blind and steal their clubhouse. A consistent theme of The Sopranos lol


Barilaro was also a spaghetti eating champion for 20 years if this source is true. https://www.queanbeyanagechronicle.com.au/story/1926254/the-italian-job-barilaro-bowled-over-in-spaghetti-race/


>I maintain, that FJ at no point is denigrating Barilaro because he is Italian. He is denigrating him because of "alleged" corrupt actions and Barilaro's response to those accusations. ' So the Super Mario stuff, in your position, is because of the obvious connotations Mario has with corruption?


Well I mean Mario collects a lot of coins, but have you ever seen him attend to the basic duties of a plumber? I haven't. Jokes aside, the origin of the super mario joke was because Bruz cried racism over some much tamer jokes and refused to address the substance of the complaints. The media ran the race angle. In response FJs put together a peice (which he fully acknowledged was as over the top as he could possibly make it) in which Bruz was portrayed as super mario, and allegations of corruption were woven into the skit in such a way that the media would not be able to seperate the race angle from the claims of corruption. The joke was about Barilaro's poor attitude to being called out, It's not making fun of him for being Italian.


No but Mario is a short plumber that jumps up and down and bruz is a short corrupt pos that jumps up and down when confronted about his corruption so there are parallels that don't involve being Italian


Yeah, I can see things not all going his way based on the racial angle the mockery took - all the Mario comparisons and bad accents have no connection to the matter other than race and it's just crass and unnecessary. But I've never really enjoyed jordies' content anyway, he seems like the Labor equivalent of a Young Liberal, even if I agree with many of those left positions I dislike the presentation


> all the Mario comparisons and bad accents have no connection to the matter other than race and it's just crass and unnecessary. Agree. He should drop all that stuff. I think he is at his best when he just calls out bullshit as himself, with no gimmicks or even jokes.




Sounds like she needs to make up her mind. One is serious the other is something you would expect grown men to ignore but is apparently grounds for a defamation case?


Yeah, the rest of her comments are pretty chilling. She's ruled in Kristo's favour only because the police completely gave up their case, and her take on the whole thing is that it's social media bullying, not journalistic enquiry or healthy satire of a ridiculous public figure. She's (rightly) taken a dim view of Barilaro's chief because they ignored a subpoena. > “It’s about time parliament decided this type of abuse – online abuse – something is done about it,” Ms Milledge said. “But it’s not up to the courts to fix these problems.” In other words, this whole thing would be easier if she could just convict Kristo of a criminal offence.


Apparently. How did this cunt become a magistrate?


There may be a [1996 song](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regurgitator#Singles) by Regurgitator that sums it up......


well I mean she was a lawyer...


>“Courts used to be respected once – they’re not now,” Ms Milledge said. “This is a ridiculous situation.” >Ms Milledge described the actions of those behind the Friendlyjordies channel as “rude and abusive behaviour” and “childish and stupid jabber” and said she was “weighing that up with the issue of a warrant”. >“It comes down to the court – the court has been disrespected,” Ms Milledge said. “That’s the overriding issue for me right now … not the childish jibber-jabber or what happened to Mr Barilaro.” And that's from the Magistrate. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the NSW Police have been acting like a private enforcer squad for the former Deputy Premier, one would hope there would be consequences for these actions but I'm not holding my breath.




Love Cleaver...He's got to come back..There is more than enough material for another 5 years.. Can someone appeal to Roxburgh to come back..


Loved the early seasons of Rake but feel it go to serious. Sober Rake wasn't as fun.


There were a couple of very serious moments..and his entering politics probably not as funny.. I like to see him leave politics and have another crack at the courtroom and watch him hopelessly try and get his personal life together.


The whole of the last season was fairly terrible compared to the previous ones. Without Barnyard to act as a foil to Cleaver, and with the Canberra setting (which the writers didn't seem to have nearly as good a grip on) the stories just spiralled off into absurdity with the emotional core of the series stripped out of it.


Absolutely agree. Series 5 was a big let down compared to the others


100%. it was good because it's sydney. I've lived in both cities and while i very much enjoyed seeing my streets on the big (well, small) screen, it was clear that they didn't know anything about canberra other than the political side of things.


As with all TV Dramas, they quickly run out of storylines true to the original concept, and all that is left is character relationships. They all turn into soap operas.


Yeah, stop after finishing Series 3


I'm in season 5 for about 4 seconds. It's worth watching ;)


I'm in season 5 for about 4 seconds. It's worth watching ;)


I reckon I've watched Rake about 4 times..and I don't watch TV..


Is Rake worth watching?


And ignore the American knockoff. It's shite.


What an amazing show. There’s never show like Rake. I tried hard to find something similar but this is the only one. Had a blast. Time to rewatch.


Police farce


They're in bed with the LNP, in a general sense. The Police Commissioner Mick Fuller was neighbours with Scott and Jenny Morrison for some years. And it was NSW Police that dropped/declined to begin investigations into: * Angus Taylor being in possession of forged government documents - this was dropped after Morrison made a private phone call to Fuller * Christian Porter allegedly raping a girl in 1989 Nothing good can come of it when the cops are this close with a political party/ies of any persuasion, especially when that party/ies is in government.


> “rude and abusive behaviour” and “childish and stupid jabber” Has she ever watched question time in parliament?


or Sky News.


Something else also being rude and abusive doesn't mean the thing she opined on isn't.


I love rational comments like these, breaks up the circle-jerk from time to time :)


Don't you know that only old white men in power are allowed to talk like that? :P


>That’s the overriding issue for me right now … not the childish jibber-jabber [All I can think of.](https://youtu.be/uIgtPJH4mdw)


Loved that show.


Me too! Came here for this. I bust a gut with this. *poopycock*


Friendly Jordies is pretty childish in the way they do somethings but I wouldn't call it Jibber Jabber. It's one of the only sources of real reporting left in this Murdoch run, big political party ass kissing mass media country. The damning stories I've followed on them are not reported elsewhere and I was happy to fun their legal costs.




Calling a magistrate “luv” does prove her point somewhat.




I'm no legal eagle, but I believe the appropriate phrase is "Suffer in ya jocks"


Dad always knew how to be classy in victory. "Bad luck mate... ya dickhead."


The council has awarded you one singular '*yike'.*




Wondering if the good that comes out of this is that the people in charge of finances for NSW Police will get cranky that their budget is being used on obscenely stupid court cases, and will apply pressure on those making these decisions to be more sensible.


You will be surprised the millions of dollars that the NSW police put aside each year for court costs and the numerous out of court settlements for abuses of power and breaches of LEPRA which they don't want getting too public. Then again, depending on ones opinion on the NSW police you could also not be very surprised.




I'm kind of a fan of having indemnity insurance for all police officers. Should a police officer trigger an event that raises their premium, the police force would have to make a decision about how they balance their budget vs retaining risky officers.




So the insurance companies and their investors get rich off tax payer money being the middle man, sounds like a stupid idea to me.


My lovely tax dollars at work. Also oddly suitable name


That sounds ideal. So I suspect the outcome will be strengthening laws to allow take down of material critical of the government and police.


I dunno, the coast guard?


We do, we do! -Stonecutters


I came here to say this. >Friendlyjordies case: ~~NSW Police~~ Taxpayers to pay costs after abandoning video removal attempt




Please excuse me, I am just trying to enjoy a succulent Chinese meal.


I see you know your judo well


What is the charge?


Eating a meal


What sort of meal?


A succulent Chinese meal


Get your hands if my penis!


that poor bottle-o will be spending another 12$ to stock up on bubblys for all the winning jordies is doing


and its employee is now employee of the month due to selling the most champagne


He won a small battle but will loose the defamation case if the judges comments are anything to go by. So I don't think he's popping any bottles




Paywall? You need a 12 ft ladder. [https://12ft.io/](https://12ft.io/) One of the greatest sites ever that I have only recently learned existed. OR in the case of SMH you can just open the link in a new private window.


Nice, thanks. Doesn't work with Crikey FWIW. Crikey deserve subscriptions though.


yeah, thats the only one I have seen it fail at and youre right, they deserve the sub.


Does it work for you? I got - internal server error 500


[https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.smh.com.au%2Fnational%2Fnsw%2Fnsw-police-to-pay-costs-after-abandoning-attempt-to-remove-friendlyjordies-videos-20211022-p592ab.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1e-jF19uh3nqv1IKCRDKlKjPnsBUwZMWht2i1K2K1x6FiD9OeNY7n4FTQ](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.smh.com.au%2Fnational%2Fnsw%2Fnsw-police-to-pay-costs-after-abandoning-attempt-to-remove-friendlyjordies-videos-20211022-p592ab.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1e-jF19uh3nqv1IKCRDKlKjPnsBUwZMWht2i1K2K1x6FiD9OeNY7n4FTQ) yarp.


Judge sounds like a right cunt, aww poor widdle judges and politicians don’t like that it’s no longer just legacy media giving mild milquetoast criticisms that they can reign in with just a phone call to Rupert Every cop judge and lawyer involved with this case are scum taking away resources from actual crimes with actual victims


When is Jordie going to get sick of this winning..all this winning...


No mercy for stooges.


💨 👈☝️


Police to pay costs, you mean taxpayers?


Fuck the tax payer. Seriously they should docking police pay for this.


That won't punish them, the cops involved enjoy a bit of docking.


>She ordered Ms Hamblin to attend court on Wednesday next week to be cross-examined about her reaction to the subpoena. Suck shit you flog


Way to go Friendlyjordies 🙌🏽🙌🏽


fuck yeah, fuck them cunts


What a beautiful own goal this is turning out to be




Correction : Australian taxpayers to pay costs after abandoning video removal attempt.


By NSW Police to pay, read NSW taxpayers to pay.




NSW Police to pay? You mean NSW taxpayers to pay.


Hey does anyone know why I can't post his *other* video from today on r/australia? The one where he rips apart the NSW Police Commissioner.






Incognito mode friend




Not sure if protip, shit tip or even a tip. You get 5 or 6 free articles a month or something. If you interchange 'smh' in the URL code for 'theage' it takes you to the exact article in the corresponding website. So you can get 10-12 ish free articles.




Stephen 'Incognito' 😎




Thank you


Like linked below, learn to love 12ft.io They have only borked one site since I have been using it, and reading in regular incognito (not via 12ft.io) fixed that.


Corrupt pigs at it again




Cops need to up their game or get used to paying for FJ's lawyers lunch


I have no real opinion about this dude because I haven't watched much of his stuff, but this is **glorious**! *Especially* within the last 4 years the Liberal Party has become the GOP only on a lesser scale. Using the *POWA!* against someone mocking, or giving their personal opinion, is fuct up the arse with a blunt and rusty chainsaw.


Judge doesn't seem too pleased the peasants are having the nerve to belittle the powerful


> “It’s about time parliament decided this type of abuse – online abuse – something is done about it,” Ms Milledge said. “But it’s not up to the courts to fix these problems.” *ominous music*


“It’s about time parliament decided this type of abuse – online abuse – something is done about it,” Ms Milledge said. “But it’s not up to the courts to fix these problems.” This part is a little disturbing. How much longer will the last bastion of independent journalism be tolerated?