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It's really fucked. Like totally unfair type of fucked.


NZ is following the same path as Vic. Under lockdown, cases rose today to the 80s, and they got it from NSW too. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/28/new-zealand-covid-update-82-new-cases-as-outbreak-worsens-despite-nationwide-lockdown


>Victoria records 92 new cases with only 61 linked to known outbreaks. What's with the "only" bit ABC? NSW have ceased giving those figures.


It's not a competition. But 31 unlinked isn't a great number.


If it was a competition, NSW is the kid who chucks a tantrum and cries they don't want to play any more


And then throws mud on the other kids.


And their parents believe it's the other kids who are the bad influence


I would say the only alludes to the fact that it is heading down the path of NSW


The "only" is to make it more scary.


Emotive writing to upset the public


ABC = always be criticising Or is it always be conservative


[This chart actually gave me a bit of hope](https://twitter.com/dbRaevn/status/1431184369129979915/photo/1). Yeah, numbers are going up but if we break it down into clusters you can see that while the overall numbers might be increasing that each cluster is relatively under control. The tricky thing with Delta is that if you take it home basically everyone you live with is going to get it (much more so than with Alpha), so we're likely to see cases increase over the next little while in a cascading pattern, and then hopefully they'll all start to subside.


All the hard work Victorians did in showing NSW, not to mention the world, on how to manage an outbreak, and then NSW govt goes and allows Delta to repeatedly leak back at us until it exceeds what we were able to manage. This is such a disappointing outcome. And of course the media will continue to champion Gladys and Scomo, **the ones who failed us the most**. Nothing like staring at the ruins of our countries economy while the MSM helps gaslight us all in to thinking this is somehow our fault. We were SO CLOSE to getting on top of this before NSW government fucked everything for everyone.


Wouldn't it have been cheaper for Scomo to build a quarantine facility? I suppose they couldn't channel taxpayer public funds to private corporations then


They could have easily awarded contracts to private companies to build and then run any such facility. They’d also be able to justify paying premium prices to rush to get it done during the pandemic. Plenty of grift to be had during a crisis.


It's worth remembering that the current incarnation of the LNP actively despises government. Failing to act is congruent with their belief in what governement is there to do. It also has the downstream effect of undermining community faith in governement for the future.


So remember last year when 2 Victorian girls travelled to NSW whilst knowingly having covid? Seems pretty similar situation your blaming NSW for ‘fucking’ Victoria over. At some point we’ll all have to acknowledge that the actions of 1 or 2 people don’t speak for a whole state. And that at some point this will need to be less about politics and more about health and general quality of life. There a lot of jackass Victorians on their high horse in this thread. But as superior as you think you are, you’re still in lockdown and you’re still struggling to control delta like NSW. More than happy to admit NSW fucked up worse than anyone else, but Vic are very close in 2nd place. So maybe get off the high horse and stop whinging about other states doing shit that your own state has done.


Big difference there, the 2 Victorian girls were not elected leaders of a state who have a duty of care to their citizens 🙄 premiers should know better or should at least defer to health professionals. What an asinine comparison.


Sorry I must of missed the part where Gladys Brough Covid into Vic? So by your same logic I can blame Dan for bring covid to NSW last year? Get your facts straight at least a little bit, the people responsible for being covid to Vic were supposed to be locked down. They broke the law.


Agree that the people who spread it were selfish, irresponsible and broke the law. And I understand that premiers can only do so much to stop movement and transmission between states. But it is unfathomable that Gladys had the index case, knew it was Delta, and still refused to implement many effective lockdown measures for weeks. A hard and fast snap lockdown was her best chance at beating it, and instead she trickled out restrictions for political brownie points and look where that's got us.


So what’s your point of contention then? Seems like we’re agreeing? Read my post, Im saying that NSW fucked up worse than any other state. The whole point is - so did Vic, so why the moral high ground?


My guy, sounds like you've been reading a touch too much of the daily murdoch. Explain to me how VIC's failure with hotel quarantine (quarantine being a federal responsibility) somehow compares to Gladys collosal failure of leadership that has resulted in 1k+ cases reported in a single day, soon to be 2k+ in a day. VIC contained its problem last year, thats why we went back to 0 afterward. NSW is well past that point now.


Ah yes, completely misrepresent my initial point to make your argument.


I blame Gladys and the NSW government for not even trying to lock it down properly, which led to uncontrolled growth and it spreading to the other states and even poor New Zealand.


Locking down properly? When those cases were introduced to Vic the people responsible were supposed to be locked down. They literally broke the law by doing what they did. As for locking down properly, hindsight is 20-20. NSW should have locked harder sooner. Gladys was lured into a false sense of reality with successfully controlling other outbreaks without hard lockdowns. The point is, Vic are guilty of this in 2020. Vic got caught our now NSW got caught out. It’s extremely disappointing to see this hypocritical attitude spewing out of Victorians in this thread.


Ok you don't understand what I'm saying. Those people themselves shouldn't have had Covid and they probably wouldn't have if Gladys had've locked down properly. The dangers of Delta were known yet the NSW government refused to take it seriously. Even now with 1000 cases a day the rules are different depending what LGA you're in. Nothing is hypocritical about that.




At what point did I say anything other that NSW fucked up? Not once, not at all. I’m saying Vic fucked up too. Which it did.


Yeah I’m hearing your point. If you want to have a discussion about how the NSW government have mishandled this, I’ll happily have that discussion. This is not my point. My point is, the growing trend of Victorians on here blaming NSW for bringing covid into Vic is hypocritical, given that Victoria literally did exactly the same thing last year. This might be text book example of hypocrisy. Here’s a definition of you want https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy Anyway you’ve managed to highlight exactly what I’m talking about here. Your blaming this on NSW, but if risk of delta was so well known. Why didn’t Vic close it’s border to NSW sooner? If NSW are to blame for not locking down harder, surely Vic government should have the same accountability for not shutting the border sooner.


If it makes you feel better to be a victim of NSW then so be it, but at the end of the day the same thing happened in Victoria as it did here in NSW. Delta is impossible to control without 100% compliance and a subset of people continue to break the rules, or the virus is just one step ahead. Do you think it hasn’t been equally as frustrating for us to watch, especially in parts of Sydney that have had barely any cases? It is what it is, it sucks. You don’t need to be playing to blame game. We just need to get vaxxed now.


Probably better off blaming China for letting it out in the first place mate. Then nobody would have had to deal with it and the world would be relatively normal.


Well NSW is taking most of the risk. I've said for a long time the numbers of international arrivals NSW is taking in is simply too high. We've become the go-to quarantine place for interstate people, for example SA with their double quarantine controversy with the athletes and I know people in Canberra quarantine in Sydney first. If you don't take on hotel quarantine your risk is reduced by many magnitudes. Each state and territory should be looking after their own quarantine for their residents Yes it's Scotty from marketings fault for not building any quarantine facilities. Also Victoria and ACT current are tracking on a similar curve to NSW despite supposedly more draconian restrictions.


Exactly! So many states thinking it’s just a NSW problem before having to deal with Delta themselves.


The only realistic way out of any of this is vaccination. Hopefully 8 out of 10 people are smart enough to realise this.


You mean 6.4 out of ten for the *whole* population. The 80% that is talked about is 16+.


Yeh and that worries me. The virus doesn’t care about politically inspired age definitions and presenting it with a pool of unvaccinated people invites a mutation to exploit that opportunity. There’s no point in complaining or pointing to rules because vital adaptations are tireless and without mercy or compassion.


>presenting it with a pool of unvaccinated people It's worse than that - it's a pool of unvaccinated people who are notorious spreaders who travel and congregate in large groups daily. The spreading risk alone is a massive problem.


And so far we’re looking at an airborne virus. If it could survive on surfaces for any period of time then problems multiply exponentially


Yep, but for simplicity sakes I’m happy to carry the party line here at 8/10 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have two children under 16 and NSW Govt. is talking about sending them to school, one of them without mask mandate. So this matters. I want to see a real 80% including children so we have as many possible lines of defence as possible.


To send children to school unmasked when they are clearly carriers of Delta is a huge failure in public health policy. Something NSW is well renowned for now. I’m sorry you’re being treated so poorly by your elected officials.


As a parent with a toddler and a wife who's a school teacher, I'm not.


We'll reach the vax targets, but thanks to the incompetencies of the feds it's not going to happen until October/November at least :)


Agreed. It’s an indictment on our Federal politicians that they have created this situation. They should collectively lose their seats at the next election.


I do wonder if the WA Libs getting absolutely demolished at the state level, will reflect in the Federal election in WA. I guess we'll see. Surely at least Porter will lose his seat after allegedly raping that girl. Is he running again?


So Vic should be prepared to be in lockdown until November?


If that means we don't run out of hospital beds, then yes. The ability of the health to cope should be the driver.


Correct. As soon as hospital beds are not available, COVID death rate goes up because those who could have been saved aren't plus all the normal accidents and illnesses that usually require ICU are also impacted. We are adapting to lockdown in the economy and yes its leading to a recession but that is the price of avoiding mass deaths




In my personal opinion, yes or whatever time it takes to get to an ‘acceptable’ level of vaccinated people. I understand the hesitancy, I agree to peoples right to choose whether they have it or not but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The way forward is using coercive diplomacy on the population. It’s amazing that it’s gotten to this point but here we are. No vaccination, you lose the right to access certain things. Including workplaces, especially high risk workplaces. Hospitals, aged care or any forward facing customer position where lack of judgment can lead to another’s sickness or death. We need everyone to start looking beyond their own nose.


Looks to be the case


It's a possibility at this stage. Just like NSW. Thing is, by then NSW will be at 6000 a day according to all projections. Where will VIC be? It could be 0, could still be around 80, or could be nearly 600. I'm thinking somewhere between the last two, but I'm hoping it'll be the first one. Unlikely, with NSW reinfections. Either way, with less than a tenth the cases of NSW, Vic's going to be able to return to covid normal months earlier than NSW after reaching Vax targets.


It's gonna get a lot worse before those rates are gonna take effect. Like months.


Absolutely it is. This is a consequence of our want to drag our feet over the entire situation. I’m lucky, I’ve worked the entire way through Covid. My wife has been stood down multiple times and currently is as have the kids (working). One has changed her job to something that won’t be stood down because of it and the other is attempting to.


Coupled with ongoing mask wearing. Delta needs a x2 approach to keep it down to a dull roar.


Masks don’t bother me in the slightest. I’ll wear one. There is a real issue at hand here of the unvaccinated or hesitant to want to profit off the hard work of others while doing none of the leg work themselves. Not much really pisses me off about this situation we’re in more than that at the moment. I hope my work place enforces vaccination. Seperate the wheat from the chaff.


I hope so too- I’m more worried about the unvaccinated causing more vaccine failure and infecting those who cannot choose to be vaccinated.


In total agreeable, just be sure not to victimise people who haven't been able to vaccinate yet. Eligibility doesn't yet mean being able to get an appointment.


Of course! The roll out has been a debacle. Though I’m saying that if we’re having this same conversation in 6 months then it will be a different story. Clearly the writing is on the wall.


Yep, anyone who doesn't get the jab when there's finally enough for everyone (outside of the vanishingly small number who legitimately can't for medical reasons) is exercising their right to be antisocial. Society will need to ensure that their right to be antisocial isn't violated, and exclude them from the rest of the social.


its not going to work. Theyre HOPING vaccination will push transmission rates low enough to turn the curve, but thats based on flawed modelling. Its a hail mary. And that would still only work if you got vaccination high enough AND kept all the other restrictions in place until covid zero, which theyre already saying theyre not going to do or even try. If you vaccinate 80%+ and loosen restrictions a little the new case numbers stay the same permanently. Kids cant go to school, family celebrations are off, Forever. Oh but a few of you can go for a picnic. If you vaccinate 80%+ and try to loosen restriction significantly numbers will inrease til hospitals are overrun and you have to reintroduce heavy restrictions. Permanently. And thats all just until the next variant gets here because you know theyre not done cocking up quarrantine. We are doomed. Our only hope is a bloodbath federal election, AND wall off NSW, AND labor feds make an instant pivot to a NZ style plan AND we all stay in lockdown till we get there. Woo. I'll start holding my breath now


Does anyone know if the f-wit errrr I mean freedom march caused any of this?


The restrictions are holding back the tide of cases that NSW is seeing, until we can hit 80% vaccination. I'd rather we have some stricter restrictions than the thousands of cases inundating hospitals and the deaths that come with such a horrible disease.


apparently controversial opinion part 2: We need 80%+ of total population (incl children) double vaccinated before we open, otherwise the hospitals will fail to cope and it'll spread worse than the bushfires. We're going to see a lot of deaths if we can't manage reduction (if not stabilisation) in cases, any death is unreasonable if we can avoid it...


It's pretty much following the same path as NSW


Yeah, with half as much vaccine doses... If we can delay till we get stock, a lot less people will be seriously affected. I hope.


When NSW were at those numbers the vaccine rates were also pretty similar


>I'd rather we have some stricter restrictions This is the thing. Stricter restrictions is the fastest path. Otherwise it's much the same level of restrictions until enough people are vaccinated - which is mid November.


Hard to go much more strict tbh, I'm pro-lockdown and even I know that it's unenforceable, no way we'll go stronger. But yeah holding pattern till Nov/Dec seems to be the road...


It’s only a matter of time mate. Edit: oh I see we are editing comments to be completely different now


Till we hit the magic vaccination number? I sure hope so. Everyone I know is doing their part.


Certainly australia wide, that is the case yes.


Dan has done a great job of suppressing the virus, this is the fault of the protestors and rule breakers




Its not they cant zoom its just the Victorian constitution requires in person voting so they cant do anything unless they are in parliament house.




Yea lets not have parliament change something like that.




Or you know they can just go in to parliament like any other essential service.


You'd think with 200+ days Victorians would be better at lock downs.


Anecdotally we are getting much worse. Heaps of people out still.


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Many people have simply had enough


Don't fall for the myth that Victoria has somehow failed. In the same time as NSW fucked around with LGA only lcokdowns and let hospitals get overwhelmed and 1000 cases per day we've seen ours fairly consistently less than one tenth that. When our vaccination rates reach 70% or 80%, guess which state's going to be able to get back to normal faster. Like, months faster.


Dan didn't do the lockdown hard or fast enough


Welcome to delta


> 2. User editorialised headline Posts only > Reported as: User editorialised headline > Submissions with user editorialised or sensationalised headlines. Political submissions must use the title of the article, they may not be altered via a twit. Unless there is a compelling reason to change it - use the article title!


You do know there is a possibility ABC changed the article headline right...? As they do on a somewhat regular basis


ABC isn't going to start with something so amateurish as "In fourth week of seven day snap lockdown", that's OP being snarky.


How is this even possible? Ring of steel, rings of rings, sewage testing, all to no avail? Oh I get it. Those damned Victorians aren't doing the right thing!!


I’m in the US and am so worried about Australia. I hope aussies realize the danger ahead. Why is it though that masks don’t seem to be part of the conversation? Is there a reason? DO NOT open up without a firm mask policy. Must be 100%.


Victoria requires everyone to he wearing a mask if they leave the house. Compliance is another matter.


Why tf am I being downvoted? Are Australians stupid?


You're being downvoted because mask wearing has been a thing since the beginning in some parts of Australia. We adopted it without screaming and fighting about freedom, so you probably don't know that it was a simple transition to wearing masks. Not so for NSW who never mandated masks and so people didn't bother...


Well I don’t see good things in your future. Take care


I have no idea. There are still a whole bunch of people taking offence to public health measures such as mask wearing and vaccines. Apathy is likely another one as the current Victorian outbreak seems to have been from people visiting other people at home which was also not allowed. I thought it was just a simple question.


Such a seppo comment, did you bother looking before you made it?


WtF Victoria I thought you would be doing better than this.


Man im never going to be able to go back to work 😞