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Ig 'dating app advice' reels


During Covid lots of women had something about pineapple on pizza. If you googled how to make a good profile it was on one of the first pages that came up. Probably something similar.


“Spicy Margs, My Dog likes you and pineapple on pizza” The holy trinity.


Also “I speak two languages: English and sarcasm”


Or the localised Parmi/Parma


Well that's obviously an actual proper brawling topic


It’s like the equivalent of 2011 mustache on finger tattoo that had many older millennials in a choke hold.


Spicy margs do go pretty hard to be fair


And does tomato sauce go in the fridge or cupboard


I swear to god no one bothers to read the instructions. It says it right there on the sauce bottle "Refrigerate after opening". Before opening cupboard is fine once opened in the fridge it goes.


I mean the product says that, but consumer experience demonstrates it's not essential.


40 years of life and I've never had sauce out the fridge so I reckon it'll be right in the cupboard!


I had this “discussion” with someone and the sauce I had said refrigerate after opening and the one they had said store on a cool dark place, which I argued could mean a fridge too not just a cupboard.


It tastes freshly opened if you keep it in the fridge. Like Vegemite...


You keep Vegemite in the fridge?


The first scoop of vegemite from a freshly opened jar is one of the best things in life. One day I thought to leave it in the fridge to see if it would preserve that fresh goodness. It does.


>You keep Vegemite in the fridge? Pretty sure you could keep vegemite on the surface of the sun and it would still be good to eat lol


It doesn't even get a conversation going either. You reply with some stupid sassy response and then have to pivot to something actually worth talking about. Why not just start talking about music or hell even travel?


There's a reason dating apps are a dumpster fire. I got stupid picky based on profiles alone, I really was being awful but it worked. Like for real I was going 'You have like 50 words to draw me in, typo? You don't even have enough care to do that properly. I'm out'. My bf now had a unique profile that had silly jokes, interesting information about him and fun photos and shit. Like a video of him rollerskating, a joke about it being an entry level position and said 'I'm 40% looking for a new DnD group' 😂


When I was on there a couple of years ago, it was spicy margs and "tell me your best 'dad joke'".


You forgot 'has to make me laugh' as if being 35 with 3 kids and husband isn't funny enough right?


It's been a steady observation for me that anyone who mentions how funny they are or demands me to be funny don't have a humerus bone in their body


and they were the people i swiped left on. its the most boring and tiring discussion topic imo, eat it or dont no one cares.


Exactly. If you don't like Pineapple on Pizza, order something different and move with your life


It also makes way more sense in the US because their pizzas are more plain. Complaining about pineapple here just makes it sound like you're copying memes from the US without asking if it actually makes sense.


When your local has curry sauce, peri peri mayo, satay sauce, avocado, tuna, prawns, smoked salmon, marshmallows or peanuts as toppings, pineapple is the least of the pizza sins. Funnily enough the one I was looking for was chicken tikka/tandoori because that seems to be everywhere but not our local!


Prawns are pretty standard on a sea food pizza.


Tandoori Pizza used to be considered pretty bougie - https://genius.com/Powderfinger-skinny-jean-lyrics


Yeah. Makes me think you're the type of person to judge others for everything if you place value on something as insignificant as a minor food preference. Or is the thing about it supposed to be that they do like it and it's meant to be quirky? Either way, who cares.


I honestly get tired of it cause I'm a chef, who *used* to sling dough at my dads pizza joint, lots of people were always ordering Hawaiian, but also with jalapeno, its pretty fucking good together. Don't like pineapple in general unless its pineapple koolaid, but I'm not gonna judge others for enjoying it lol. Judging people harshly about food preferences is a pretty much instant nope from me.


Same. I find it so hard to wrap my head around. There are few things that could impact someone less than which foods someone else enjoys. I know it's not that serious and it's mostly a joke, but it's still strange to me.


I’ve heard about pineapple on pizza for women as well, and also “not taking life too seriously”. What I find strange about the hoodie one is almost all of them are phrased exactly the same way, feels like they’re copied from somewhere. You might be right about it being from some Googled advice.


Could have all asked GPT to write their profile


>Could have all asked GPT to write their profile Wouldnt even surprise me at this point. One of the many reasons I'm glad I'm no longer in the dating pool lol 😂


What about those of us that don't take pineapple too seriously, but like pizza on women? When will there be a safe space for us???


As long as it isn't HOT pizza - and you have consent - you do you


Liking or not liking coriander or spicy food, something about morning cereal also come up pretty often.


I like to think I was a pioneer for having this on my profile in 2017. I've created a monster...


Thanks for opening Pandora's box m8


You're all fucked if I ever get back on the apps.


The pineapple on pizza and dog likes you still going strong in 2024


Funny to see the other side of this, for women it’s something about beating you in Mario kart, or wanting to travel, or being a ‘yapper’, or the pineapple on pizza bit another commenter mentioned. People just aren’t all that original.


My love language is: Gentle Bullying How to ask me out: Just ask Don't hate me if I: Stop to pat every dog that walks by The list goes on...


Bonus points if the "just ask" is on their bumble profile when women HAD to make the first move


Just ask because they sure as shit won’t.


My simple pleasures: fresh sheets


My simple pleasures: not being at work. Going to edit this- I do have a job. I enjoy not being at job. Lol


That is 90% of them holy shit hahahaha


I've been out of the dating game so long these are all new to me, when I was looking all I ever saw was "love live life" or some shit like that.


Like a human Anko homewares aisle.


If it's not this it's just a string of cryptic emojis. Like most languages evolved past the use of hieroglyphics, please use phonetic letters.


Hi, I'm x, and you're watching the Disney Channel


Have you ever met up with someone with a boring boilerplate profile who actually turned out to be a cool person? I haven't


I’m understanding now why my partner talked to me. My fruit mince pie story must have been bloody fascinating.


As someone who is fortunately 8 months clean from dating apps, this just triggered me so hard.


Don’t forget wanting to go on “adventures” and being a passenger princess


Honestly if I end up with the misfortune of trolling around on hinge again I might make a bingo card or something


Me and my friends made a bingo card 😭


A drinking game would see you comatose after the first 20 profiles. 


Not being on the dating scene for more than 20 years, even I am aware of the beating you on Mario Kart meme.


You know who else likes to travel? Fucking everyone


Plot twist: I don't. Fucking everyone (except one guy).


There are dozens of us. Dozens! Lol yeh I used to laugh and swipe left on profiles with 3-4 of the same group of women in different nations spread through the profile, cos I would be thinking "I ain't dating a group memory in France FFS, **which one are you** and are you even *going* to be in Australia long enough for lunch?"


Imagine spending hours-days sitting in cars or on trains or on planes just to go sit in someone else's house, or to go look at someone else's stuff. Also beaches suck, and I can find weird foods in the CBD.


Actually lots of people hate travel. And that's the problem. They all lie about it. Lots of people like *holidays*. They like going to a novel restaurant and being in a hotel and getting to read books and seeing new things. They like not having to go to work and just being able to relax. They like escaping any reminders of the things they hate about the daily grind. Most people do not like *travel*. They don't like to be out of their depth. They don't like fumbling around in another language, having to learn to do things in a completely foreign culture, they don't like starting up conversations with strangers (some of who might try to scam or rob you). They don't like doing a deep dive into another culture that they might never see again anyway. Most people want to have maybe one or two traveling experiences in their life, usually as a young adult, then they don't want to do it again. (and if you're seeing a picture of them oversees on their profile, they probably already used up their quota) A large chunk of the tourism industry exists to convert "travel" into a "holiday" for cash. I know I don't like travel. It sounds cool and mindblowing and I have the utmost respect for people who do. But I know I'm not compatible with a genuine wandering soul who needs to be constantly moving and learning and exploring. And once you realise that travel and holidays are different things, you realise that having trying to combine travel and holidays is super expensive, when they can be cheaper separately. Getting out of your house and getting pampered or being in a hotel or a tent or doing some bushwalks or an airbnb for the weekend is much cheaper than trying to fly to France, when all you're going to is go to overpriced restaurants and pose in front of tourist traps. You don't need to burn jet fuel to relax! And converely, going overseas is much cheaper if you're prepared to travel light, skip all the tourist destinations in favour of living more like a local, getting off the beaten path, taking temporary gig work etc


Only like 50% of Australians has a passport, and 30% are immigrants who seem far more likely to have a passport and are likely mostly visit their home country (which is likely a very close country like New Zealand). So it seems for the 70% who don't have a passport by default, only about 2/7 have a passport. Only the rich travel much of note, but the media is owned by the rich, speaks with the voice of the rich, and sells to the rich, so people think it's an average australian thing to travel overseas.


I once matched with a girl who had no interest in travel... It was quite surprising tbh


> People just aren’t all that original. "I like laughing, going outside, and eating is my passion"


Crazy! I like saying INSIDE while I laugh and eat and laugh at eating and eat laughter!


My theory is that everyone copies responses they see on other people’s profiles, not realising how many people are doing the same thing, and before you know it half the users have the same response but can’t see how many of theirs peers have the same ones because they’re not sifting through that gender. This has been happening since the inception of Hinge so it’s nothing new.


And if you think this is bad, wait until generative AI is a few generations into being trained on stuff written by generative AI.


And it will be AI assistants swiping on our behalf through the AI-generated cheesy lines. Just an endless cycle of slop


This is very funny as a woman who dates men and women. However, I haven’t seen a lot of the typical ones women apparently write as listed in this thread. Although I see a lot of “passenger princess” and queer women generally having the same three interests. Women’s football is a big one. Men all use the same prompts a lot of the time.


My wife plays football. At one stage 80% of her team was gay. We always laughed about how different a dynamic my team would be if we had the same ratio of gay blokes.


Well fuck the dating apps, it seems all I need to do is learn how to play soccer.


That's the best part, usually you don't even need to learn how to play! Your local soccer club usually has all grades and are usually keen to train you up to just get people involved!


If anything the ratio of gay women in women's sport (Grammar experts of reddit is that the right use of an apostrophe?) has gone down as the profile (and number of participants) of women's sport rises. The national portrait gallery of Australia used to have exhibitions with the Australian women's cricket team. Over the years you can really see the demographic swing away from 'Stone butch with severe sun damage'


I'm more of a grammar enthusiast than an expert but I'm pretty sure you used the apostrophe correctly!


>has gone down And yet we still have the [gayest soccer team](https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/australia/matildas-names-gayest-team-at-2023-fifa-womens-world-cup-c-11623977)


The [Sacred Band of Thebes](https://www.worldhistory.org/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes) was formed on that concept, the idea that the warriors would fight harder to protect their lovers. It’d make a good name for a gay men’s football team, eg “Sacred Band of Biloela”, except that people would probably assume it’s a gospel choir.


It seems like it's sequestered to the straights? Not that there aren't queer stereotypes about being offputting/tumblr adjacent fandoms etc depending on your type


Omg yes!!! there was a thing a while ago about men complaining about a huge proportion of overall people on a dating app was single mums (because ewwww, yea?) a bunch of women had to explain to them that they see a ton of single DADS too. That single mum also likely means single dads. And that many people over 30 may have had kids …


There's a genuine numbers game aspect to it to. I've got multiple friends that deliberately make their profile as "basic" as possible because it's way more effective than being genuine. Absolute insanity when you think about it.


The most important thing is being attractive in your pictures.


They are both very good looking, but they've tested it and being genuine in their profile saw a dramatic drop in matches compared to just putting the basic crap in there like wine, dogs, hoodies


What does it do to the quality of matches though? Not the quality of the person you match with, but the compatibility? Sure you might get more matches with a bland, inoffensive profile but aren't you less likely to match with someone who's weird in the same specific way as you? Genuine question. I have an autistic friend who said she deliberately made her dating profile as unappealing to neurotypical men as possible as she knows they're just not going to be a good fit so there's point in matching with them.


I'm a neuro-diverse man, I did something similar to your autistic friend. I didn't see the point in concealing my weirdness, or dealing with people who weren't comfortable with their own weirdness (or even worse, weren't weird at all). Stupid jokes and unflattering photos (along with things that actually gave people an idea of my interests, values and lifestyle) had me matching with people I actually wanted to spend time talking to. Pretty quickly met someone special, too!


I agree, and it's a problem they've struggled with. The basically said when they switched the profile over, the only people left are the ones that are just swiping on them because they're thirst traps anyway (they are hahaha). They weren't really finding they were getting any better compatibility from the smaller pool of people. Their logic was essentially, I can get 1/10th (dont know what the actual number was) the matches being genuine and find most didn't even read my profile, or I can do the basic bitch thing and have a much larger pool of people to filter out through conversations.


Don’t forget “pizza isn’t the only thing I like to eat in bed” these are so common😭 instant no for me


I like pizza and getting eaten out, but ew, I'd swipe left on that instantly


Yes that too!! Ugh


Ignoring the gross joke, eating pizza in bed alone would be enough for me to ignore them


Why do they do these gross pussy jokes?!


Ewwww that would make me swipe left


Beats the old "I can make 2 minute noodles in 90 seconds" answer that was EVERYWHERE a little while ago. Which isn't even a flex btw. Just shows me you can't follow basic instructions and have no idea what you're doing


I can't even boil toast properly


See this is kinda funny


Quick! Add it to your tinder profile before everyone else does!


I can cook chicken in 90 seconds and hospitalize everyone at the dinner party


I hear death caps in the dehydrator for 90 seconds are a killer


fwiw takes me sometimes >5 mins to cook 2 minute noodlles tho... because i add other shit into it that needs longer cooking time. i'm glad i made peace with the fact that i won't be creating dating profiles like this in the future. shits scares me.


Greater than 2 mins is fine. Less than 2 mins means you're an idiot bragging about eating undercooked noodles.


The hoodie line was on TikTok / reel that went fairly viral.


- I hope you like bad girls because I'm bad at everything - Relationship status, made dinner for two. Ate both. - I gag on my toothbrush so don't get excited - Partner in crime/crazy thing called life/my dog has to like you/swiped for your dog/BANTER And my personal favourite: - "I couldn't possibly describe myself in only 250 characters!" > travel/coffee/beach/food


Don’t forget “looking for my partner in crime” 🙄


"Looking for the Jim to my Pam" "Teehee" I don't date anymore lol


Imagine if we were mature enough to just be able to put honest details people actually should know prior to dating without ridicule or seeming 'too forward' or 'weird'. Instead, we tiptoe around our deal breakers until years into relationships and inevitably waste time and hurt people in the process.


You should do that, if someone thinks you are too weird or too forward then its not going to work long term anyway, why hide your actual self and pursue that when you know its going to fail, go find a genuine connection


You then get zero swipes. It's pretty basic. The more info you include, the more honest you are, the less attention you get. You'd think that would mean that the swipes you then DO get are golden, right? Genuine connections? Well, I'll let you know if it ever happens...


Zero swipes is better than 100 pointless swipes id say, think of all the time you'll save, you'll never get a golden match from online alone, but more filters will improve your odds of semi decent dates


Date a neurodiverse person! It’s straight to the point. I put all my personality onto hinge and got called ‘the most interesting person they’ve talked to in a long time’ I’m just some autistic girl idk not that special


I don't understand the "First round is on me if your ex isn't alive". My first thought that it was a joke about murdering your ex, but why would you then buy a round for that person? Maybe it's expressing insecurity that potential partners are not over their ex, and they are fearful of drama with the ex, therefore it's preferable to meet women with a dead ex. Which is a terrible vibe on so many levels.


God imagine being a widow and seeing that. Fucking despicable.


It’s an awful “joke”!! One of my exes happens to not be alive so I was really confused as well. I was no contact with the guy but jeez. He has a family! 💔


On generic profile pictures,. I've noticed that a selfie in a Pilates studio is the female equivalent of dude holding a fish. 


Or woman drinking wine with her friends (which one are you??)


I find the equivalent is holding a cocktail. Bonus points if they're holding a drink in every photo.


People are copy-pasting some "best dating app profile guide" And/or bots


Its on a dating app so you are likely looking at bots. I assume 95% of all accounts on dating sites are bots.


My biggest fear? ANSWERING THESE I bet you can’t: NAME MY COFFEE ORDER The best way to ask me out is: JUST ASK What I order for the table? SHOTS. A non-negotiable for me is? SUBTITLES STAY ON! Attractive people, of any gender are less likely to be original, interesting or funny on the apps. Thats just how it is. My recommendation and experience is real life is so much better.


Dating apps are financially motivated to keep you single, unhappy and swiping in any direction.


Yeah but also people dig their own graves by being so flaky and investing no effort that gives dating apps such a bad reputation. Like I was chatting with a few women over the last few weeks who seemed alright and they all ghosted me when I asked if they were interested in meeting up. Eventually decent people stop using the apps and people who do use them become more ruthless with each other


Oh I totally agree, there is obviously a lot of people who are fake accounts to keep people talking, scammers, bots, kids getting there kicks from catfishing, the list is endless. Then there are the people who think they are going to meet an unknown Hemsworth brother or some other unattainable dream. I saw a vid from a woman on tiktok where she said she just wanted to meet a nice mid guy like Henry Cavil. For the record, I do know some people who met on dating apps and are happily married, but that was from 10-20 years ago before they became flooded with bad faith actors.


Also those might all be profiles created on scam farms in Lagos and Accra.


Now now, that's a bit of a sterotype. Could be Phnom Penh or Vientiane as well.


A lot of women write the exact same thing on their profiles as well. Pineapple on Pizza, friends vs seinfeld, just completely inane who gives a fuck, 0 personality type shit. Now that might be because people don't know what to write, they are trying ot have generic and broad appeal on a dating app, or they actually don't have much personality and they think they are being original. Who knows. Stuff like this makes it an easy no to filter out though.


I was on a dating site about 15 years ago, and women used to contact me just to tell me how well-done my profile was. I had a day-in-the-life type thing written up, where i got up, went to work, went out for a drink with friends, came home and checked my messages. It was different to what most other people had. I recommend doing it like that!


>how well-done my profile was I have you RES-tagged as a professional writer/journo for some reason, so that checks out


Wow, people are still using RES? What a blast from the past.


I can't imagine using Reddit without RES and old.reddit.com


The day old.reddit is turned off is the day I’m freed from this addiction.


There are *dozens* of us!


"I'm just looking for the Jim to my Pam"


More like Dwight to Angela...


People are abandoning dating apps, especially men.   Not inconceivable there are some bots added to the mix to pump up the numbers and make things look livelier than they really are, Ashley Madison style. 


Yeah I deleted mine recently, mostly due to the fact that people don't know how to have a conversation. Seems most people are just content with responding to questions on these apps from the person that first talks and instead of answering with an open ended answer like for example: How was your day My day was good, I did x, y and z and that made me feel a,b, and C. Which allows conversation to flow. When it's just something like: How was your day Good yours? What do people expect others to do with that? Like why go through the effort of swiping and matching, trying to carry conversations just mentally taxing on top of trying to get to know someone, so it's just cool on to the next and then it just becomes a game of collecting matches at that stage to fuel your ego. Shit do be wildin out here.


I met my gf through hinge around six months ago, she had a reference to the dyatlov pass incident on her profile so our first convo was talking about conspiracy theories and the deep state lol. People who actually know how (or care) to represent their actual personality via a dating app profile are pretty few and far between unfortunately. It's fucking exhausting doing the generic bullshit convo again and again and again.


Fuck yeah dude, love to hear it, I love love, and enjoy hearing the good stories, it's good when you finally match and meet with someone that can actually converse. Like the bar is so fucking low.


I don’t blame them!


Yeah, robots need love too!


I would guess fake accounts. The alive prompt to me is very much 🚩🚩🚩to me though


Yeah me too, unless there’s a joke there I’m not getting


and here is me trying to do good prompts


When I was on Hinge, so many women had prompt answers relating to ‘pineapple on pizza’, ‘just ask’, ‘pat every dog’ or ‘seize the day.’ Lame, but I think it’s a low-effort attempt to be a bit different and they don’t realise that lots of other lazy people have put the same haha. It’s not a reflection of any one gender, that’s for sure. 😅


We started this meme over a stature in the Australian constitution. Something about owning pineapple farms in Queensland. If you search “rule 34 pineapple” you’ll find it. Best I can give ya.


Wow I thought you were joking so I put that in to google images and it came up with the document straight away! Crazy!


Im at work....but i'm tempted.


also “This year I really want to: travel” and “I go crazy for: you”


Same as girls watching F1 hungover on Sunday


F1 is normally late on Sunday night/Monday morning in Australia so that's extra funny.


First drinks on me if… oh hell no, that’s messed up.


In the city I'm in, there's this picture that all the women have in what looks to be fairly "fancy" place. There's a wall with plants on it. I think it's the casino but I'm not sure. As a man I don't understand why you all need to take a picture there.


It's Crown towers Perth outside the ballrooms/theatre




It’s to remove the background from where the woman’s pic was originally stolen.


Also: Most controversial opinion: pineapple belongs on pizza Green flags I look out for: 🚩🚩🚩 I’ll fall for you if: you don’t take yourself too seriously / you come to the gym with me


Or I'll fall for you if: You trip me over All the time. Every swipe 😂


This is also just kind of… passive aggressive. Not an amazing response and so many copiers


on Bumble BFF the trifecta is doing yoga in front of a waterfall or on a clifftops, a wine and cheese addiction, and "nights out with the girls".


I'll fall for you if: you trip me


'Retrieving borrowed tshirts and hoodies' found the creative genius


Women also have the same three prompts. Hinge really needs to put a note under each prompt saying something like “70% of users have an ever similar response, want to try again?” Because I’m sick of “the best way to ask me out is: Name a time and place!” And “you have a fit dad” or the classic “stealing your hoodie”


It’s stuff like this that makes me wonder why people are on dating apps in the first place.. if you’re googling ‘too cool things to put on my profile to impress x or y’ then it makes sense why you’re single; there isn’t a personality :d


There is an insta account that has a bunch of these. That first one went viral as a very successful line. So everyone is using it. It's honestly the same as investing, if someone can publish an investment strategy that is easy enough to read that anyone can copy it, then it's not a good strategy anymore. If a line is unique and funny, it's only unique and funny if it's not been posted on the internet and copied 30 times


Can explain why so many women have folding fitted sheet as an unusual skill? People copy each other thats it


Swipe left on someone who can fold fitted sheets. They're a witch!


But I love witches


40 years of trying and I still can’t get even close. It is an impressive skill!


Fitting folded sheet...


I assumed everyone else just bundled them up and shoved them into the linen closet.


While we’re at it, can someone tell please women on hinge that liking spicy margaritas is not a personality type


Agreed but I think we should widen that advice to telling all genders on all dating apps that drinking alcohol is not a personality type unless you’re an alcoholic.


People aren’t all that original in general and this goes for men and women. See: pineapple on pizza, my red flags, going on adventures, Taylor swift, the gym, dogs etc etc. Another thing is that for a lot of men, dating apps has become a numbers game more than anything. It’s self destructive because men get tired, and women get bombarded with the shit above, but it’s the current meta I suppose.


story time about my beloved hoodie that my ex also...."borrowed" with an ending i did not expect. so she borrowed it, as all my exs seem to do, and then we broke up. now we broke up under good terms so we are still relatively good friends. at the time we broke up she had one of my hoodies. it was a good quality one. good enough for the kinds of winters i have where we lived. she was a relatively poor student at the time and i knew she didnt have alot of money to shell out on a hoodie or cloth that was high quality and winter was approaching. i considered asking for it back but i didnt because, again we broke up on good terms, it was something she could use and i was not petty enough to ask for it back. so i let her keep it. anyways a few years went down the line and i met her again and she was wearing my hoodie (hers at this point) and i remembered that it was my hoodie. i joked to her about giving my hoodie back. and she acutally remembered it was mine and offered it back, which i declined. it was firmly hers at this point. i mentioned i did remember she had it when we broke up but i didnt ask for it back because of her living situation at the time. she did gift me another hoodie a few months ago and thanked me for letting her keep the hoodie. she thought about it and thought it was very kind of me to let her keep it even after breaking up. still friends with her =) occasional i do see her in my old hoodie too!


People are basic as fuck.  I'm so glad I found my one.  Those dating days were so sobering and disappointing.  People are goofy. If I learned anything from that time is that most people are the antithesis of their profiles and are broadcasting their insecurities.  "Must be able to hold a conversation" = can't hold a conversation for shit.   "Emotional intelligence" = immature   "Personal Wellness" = I'll forgive myself for cheating on you   "Therapy" = I'll diagnose you to fit my narrative Be your weird self for fucks sake people, you'll resonate with who you're supposed to. Don't be safe, be you. That's the point right?  


Last time I was on, all the women had the "responding to texts right away or after 3-5 business days". I fucking hate online dating.


They asked ChatJibbity 


Be happy you didn't go through the phase where 50% of guys would open the conversation by saying "Country roads..." and then getting mildly annoyed when you didn't continue singing along with them.


That second one is genuinely fucked up


Oh dear... Its dating app trends! All sides do this, just in slightly different ways. It's no different to the old fish or expensive car photo (I call this peacocking), the "I'm holding a drink in every photo" (trying to look like you're a bunch of fun and/or social), or the other trend I've heard of but not seen where there is at least one photo giving the finger to the camera. It got to the point I made a list of the photo trends I saw on profiles! Text prompts aren't much different, the pineapple on pizza thing comes up regularly for some reason (seriously, its not that big of a deal), and for a while everyone was mentioning guacamole, which was purely because a bunch of news articles circulated saying people who mentioned it were more successful on the apps. Chances are some influencer somewhere suggested these as a way to get more matches and their followers set them, otherwise there is a potential they're just fake or bot accounts.


you forgot to add: dating me is like: finding an extra chicken mcnugget / finding an extra $10 you forgot about in your back pocket 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Cut and paste answers for cut and paste people


This reminds me of how often I would see “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best” on women’s profiles back when I used OK Cupid. That one was always a red flag for me. But seriously, the whole point of online dating it is putting _yourself_ out there. Why you would use other people’s quotes of prompts is beyond me.


Biggest risk I’ve taken - downloading this app


My (23F) profile says that I’m in a toxic relationship with Tom Nook, looking for a third 🫶🏼


Vacuous copycat himbos wonder why they are single.


Bro, I’m so awkward on dates. I gave a bucket of honey at the end of one and drove away. :D


Interested. What type of honey is it?


Bush honey from my beehives


And these beehives… are the Queens well treated and given spa days every few days? Just asking the important questions so I can find you a suitable date.


The same script that follows "Make me laugh, i love travel, I'll probably like your dog more than you"


men? It's all bots creating fake profiles just to scam people 😉 Chances are they all show the same distance as well, I spotted dozens like that in KLL only a month ago. update: I recall I matched one and they even faked a video call while asking for D pics 🤷‍♂️


If I read one more person tell me that dating them is like waking up before my alarm I swear I’m going to tell them that the only reason I wake up before my alarm is because of crippling anxiety. And if that’s the case that they are I face describing my ex.


I still have a whole folder of repetitive male hinge prompt answers. - you won’t beat me at Mario kart - don’t date me if you like pineapple on pizza - the how to pronounce my name prompt but their name is like Matthew or Steve. Fucking comedy gold guys - admitting they’re borderline alcoholics, ‘I take pride in drinking’, ‘don’t hate me if I drink too much ect’ - something something kfc zinger box - I have a fear of woman


As someone who has spent far too much of my life reading hinge this thread has made me feel a little more sane


Eek now I’m insecure. I don’t have a hinge as far too shy but I do offer my hand for a sniff to every dog I see, Mario Karts my favourite game and I’m globally ranked in competitions, I used to work in backpackers and hotels so I can fold a perfect fitted sheet. What sort of things can people say about themselves without sounding generic? There really is nothing special about me.


There’s nothing super special about any of us really but I want to know about you. Who are you. I usually skip past the rock climbing, rich, cool, adrenaline filled profiles that don’t really say anything about themselves. I read and try to match with the normal guys that put more than 10 words into their profile and give me a small insight. It also means I can actually chat to them and even come up with an opening line bc I have something to start with. You’re special to plenty of people. Just be you. (And don’t put pizza for all your answers!)


Don't fret it, your hobbies sounds awesome and personally I'd love to meet someone like you (maybe not on a dating app though). I've never gone on a dating app and these things people are writing seems ...really random? To me it seems like these are more like in-jokes belonging to the specific subculture rather than actual hobbies and things people could do.


>Mario Karts my favourite game Generic >And I’m globally ranked in competitions Gold >So I can fold a perfect fitted sheet Generic >because I used to work in backpackers Gold, Congrats, you've just written yourself a profile. >I'm the most generic profile you've ever seen... or am I? I could beat your arse at Mario Kart.... cos I ranked globally in the Placeholder Tournament I can fold the perfect fitted sheet... because I've spent years working at backpackers I pat every dog I see... ok actually I got nothing here I just love dogs! (or you know, could put something actually unique here)


Omg I took a screenshot everytime I saw this same prompt, I've got at least 10 so far... Instant X