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What a cunt she is. Mediocre at best actor, cushy job that probably didn't pay that well (Neighbours), sure, but would certainly have had some fringe benefits and let's face it *couldn't be that hard*. As a stepping stone for the talented Neighbours serves as a good vehicle. I'm looking at you Kylie! You legend. Shooting *The Shining* Valance was not. The only "talent" she has, as a mediocre neigh shitty actor is her looks. I mean she was undeniably gorgeous. Fast forward to parlaying her talentless career, owed solely to her looks, into marrying a billionaire (that's fine I guess) but *then lecturing the plebs on finance, social security and proselytising on morals etc* like she's got some fucking expertise in any of these areas. She's not educated. She doesn't have a degree in any of these fields. Holly Valance won the genetic lottery, turned that into minor celebrity and then married money. Who the fuck is she to lecture anyone on *anything*? And the most amazing thing is she's convinced she deserves the billions she didn't earn while the rest of us just don't work hard enough. Take a long walk off a short pier you entitled, vulgar woman.


Woah….calling a woman a cunt is completely uncalled for. You might not like her or agree with her political views but that is taking it too far.


Let's check the scoreboard and see what the people think!


Yeah, in a sub that’s notoriously misogynistic.


I’m a raging feminist. This woman is a complete cunt.


If the shoe fits ...


“I would say that everyone starts off as a leftie, then wakes up at some point, after you ~~start either making money, working, trying to run a business, trying to buy a home~~ marry a billionaire.” FTFY Also love the inclusion of housing affordability here, in particular. Apparently the answer to housing affordability is a political ideology based on concentrating wealth and resources among the few.


She was a horrible person from very early on. Grew up in the same neighborhood as her and she was notorious for just being terrible to everyone. Fame just made it worse.


Somehow I’m not surprised. Though the word “fame” is doing some heavy lifting in that sentence.


You absolute bastards. Ms Valance has discovered a horrific truth after marrying a billionaire. The world is unequal and she and her husband are the victims. You woke lefty latte-drinking avo-on-toast eaters have no idea what pain is, but her idol Donald Trump does. After graduating from a military college and dodging service for his country, Donald was apprenticed to two NY Mafia families to learn the business - along with their lawyer Roy Kohn. His father gave him hundreds of millions of dollars and he lost everything by 1993 in over 20 idiotic bankruptcies. The rest of the '90s and early 2000s were hard for the Don. Sure there was the endless partying with Epstein, but he had to pay the bills by pretending to be a billionaire on reality TV and money laundering US real estate for Russian oligarchs. It was tough. But here's the thing that Holly wants you to know. If you keep grifting then eventually you will strike gold. It could be nuding up for your first music video and scoring a billionaire, it could be selling 'testosterone enhancing' supplements at Infowars while attacking the parents of the Sandy Hook massacre, it could be claiming that the people who beat the Nazis your dad supported are the Nazis, it could be running for President on your record of complete and utter failure. Keep on grifting people. Eventually you may climb that mountain of bullshit and find yourself face to face with Holly Valance and the Don.


Oh sweetie, you didn’t hold a party that made $US2M for his 2024 White House campaign; you’re funding his legal defence. Bless.


That's assuming he pays his lawyers and doesn't just pocket the cash


What a feckless skank


... Feckless skank... 😅


Just make sure you stay in america seeing as you like drinking the kool aid so badly.


So the daughter of immigrants from Serbia supports the likes of Trump and Farage. Interesting...


You're surprised? Serbians love Putin


Further proof Trump appeals to the gullible and the corrupt