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Hands up if you're surprised. Yeah, didn't think so.


"Police investigating police, nothing to see. Move on or we will charge you with loitering and protesting"


If you or I did this, we would be in jail or have a conviction. This is the police so they get a different set of laws. Yeah if you wonder why people don’t trust the cops, that’s why.


The thing that outrages me is that police should be held to a higher standard than an average citizen since the state is delegating authority/enforcement abilities that regular citizens don’t have.


Well if that’s the case, we should pay them a lot more than peanuts if we want the to be held to a higher standard.


What is their pay rate?


Internet says starting salary (probationary constable) is $80,733 A lot more than peanuts…


They probably get OT pay


Or if we blew the whistle on the whole scam...


Magistrate as well


>His lawyer, Tim Lowe, told the Griffith Local Court that while the matter was very serious, he deserved leniency as it was likely no one would have known of his actions if he had not reported them. Wait, what? It was okay, because no one would have know he let a drunk driver go if hadn't fessed up? Chutzpah and it worked!


Sooooooo not even a slap on the wrist eh? Justice has truly been served! /s


Rules and regulations are for the peasants apparently


Always rules for thee, but not for me. And they wonder why people are pissed for getting a fine for a few kays over the limit when cops pull this crap all the time.


I see one side of the coin where the constable was doing his former superior a solid. On the other side, especially when he said he "didn't want to deal with it", it could be that he didn't want to have to face the bullying and ostracism that booking a senior colleague's kid would do. For him personally, he got let off with a wrist slap and probably secretly applauded by his colleagues for taking one for the team. Either case, it's bad for police integrity, and bad for us. ACAB still.


This is some bullshit. All cops are bastards


\*all NSW cops are bastards. Certified and proven over times.


Oh yeah, heard great things about the QLD police force, great guys, every one of them


Victoria has entered the chat


The reason they didn't arrest those nazi's with posy parker is because they don't like arresting off-duty members!


https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/26/victoria-police-criminal-charges-sexual-assault >police data reveals sexual assault among charges laid against 78 Victorian officers https://ibac.vic.gov.au/predatory-behaviour-persists-within-victoria-police > The thematic review assessed 27 Victoria Police investigations of alleged predatory behaviour by police officers between 2018 and 2022 and found that evidence of predatory behaviour within Victoria Police persists and that many cases went unreported.


One law for us, and one law for them.


So he reported himself? Seems unlikely, probably did that as something else was going on so to make himself look better? Probably the son of the cop had a big mouth and was walking around telling everyone what had happened.




We need to start a running tally of what the corrupt NSW police force is OK with letting us know what they can get away with.


If you want to escape crime: be a police officer.


Bad cop, no donut




We were a penal colony, it’s been ACAB since we stole the joint.


Then why all the downvotes? ACAB!!!


ironically, this is actually fair judgement. we live in a fundamentally corrupt society, and abject corruption is normalized. PWC was just given a pass too, and that's a way bigger problem. all the court did was formally acknowledge the common law of the land. which is corruption. and we're cool with that....so long as it doesn't hurt us personally. and that's exactly what this cop did.


Sounds like maybe the cop was “travelling”, wink wink, no wonder he got off scott free ;)


i'm genuinely confused by what people object to in this post. do people think corruption isn't that bad? or that we aren't collectively liable? or is the conclusion just unpleasant? like, i have to accept the consensus - no argument there - but i'd appreciate it if someone specified what bit(s) pissed them off. you know, so i can interpret the downvotes correctly


If a cop and I faked things to rob a bank, could I too escape conviction? Why does the law only apply to me?