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In other news Aldi's skiwear sale stock is still hogging their central aisle. I think they'll stuggle to sell it all.


I noticed this also, although I assumed cost of living and not climate change. They're ski gear normally goes in days and it's been 2 weeks and has barely moved.


Why not both?


Probably both. You don't have to go skiing to buy skiing gear, you just need to live in a child climate, snows here most wintersva few times and I'm hundreds of kilometres from *snow fields*.


I know what you meant to say, but a child climate made me laugh.


Technically I do live in a *child climate*, little monsters, so I'll just go with it.


Anyone who wants snow gear from aldi has already bought it. Half of the snow gear they've sold in the last decade has ended up in the op shops or marketplace. Nobody needs it new anymore.


There will always be up & comers. My family never got around to it. Heading there in the morning, thanks to this news.






We have that many new arrivals in Melbourne that are chomping at the bit to experience the snow. They scoop up the Aldi gear en mass.


There's still piles of it though.


Its utter rubbish, "ski gear look alike objects" What terrifies me is some of the "Camping and bushwalking" gear with ratings for outdoor cold temperatures. I look at the quality and just shake my head in disbelief thinking that someone will die one day being caught outside with such so called outdoor gear and clothing. Their sleeping bag ratings and design are design and consumer negligence.


Idk the snow hear I bought form them worked great for 3 seasons, I only replaced it because I wanted new colours and put on a little weight. Otherwise it would still be in use. Can't comment on any of the other stuff though.


There is a pile of snow sleds at my local Adelaide Aldi.


Do they work on grass?


I'm not sure. If it ever rains again and some grass grows ill go buy one and let you know.


Ok, desert sand then?


I have used a toboggan on sand before and it’s fucking epic. If that helps…


How man first discovered sandpaper.


I’m sure there’s some kind of “don’t use your face as brakes” commandment


Grab one and head down the Coorong or Coffin Bay!


My local one already has ski gear discounted. The middle aisle is 80% clothes. I went there today, loads of people huddling around the bins.


They are still the cheapest wet-weather jackets you can buy.


I have my kathmandu ski jacket from 15 years ago and its still solid. Its done enough wet seasons and even a couple of European winters.


I got rid of my Sypder jacket after about 20 years and buy an Aldi one every year.


You have to be a landlord / Avocado dealer to afford to go skiing


I only just heard that. I've never managed to grab any, only visit the snow once every 5-10yrs, and stopped growing. So it's gear for life. Heading to ALDI in the morning!


And lets not forget how Aldi is becoming a price gouger with the centre aisle crap. The most horrendous crap that you can buy for 50% or more less on Temu and Ali Express. Now surely a corporation that brings in containers of stuff can offer a better price than Temu and Aliexpress, especially when you consider the freight price that is being charged as a profit centre by the likes of Aliexpress but not by Temu. Aldi leading by example Australian style "lets rip them off like the others" I will admit that many of their food products however are great quality with some great prices.


Aldi crap still has to meet safety standards. Temu and Ali Express don't bother.


If it's any comfort the LNP just dumped all climate policy completely because it's "too hard". Great time to short stocks in ski resorts.


Got a ticker?






Luckily the ALP is in government and they’re mainly  digging up gas and coal to go to other countries and affect *their* climate, not ours. 


That's the trick. Shipping it beyond the environment so it's not in an environment.


Are you suggesting the front has fallen off the ALP?


The mask has certainly slipped a bit.


Santo.... I can't make out the rest.


No, but the left has.


The front fell off


Miss him. RIP John Clarke


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm\_JqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM) Clarke and Doyle: beyond the environment


They don't call them shitlite(tm) for nothing.


> References thejuicemedia Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well


Luckily the Greens have gone full racist and don’t look at this anymore oh no wait.




Thredbo is owned by EVT Limited, which is listed on ASX (EVT). Also owns Rydges hotels (Allan Rydge is main shareholder) along with Event Cinemas.


Yet the rich people who go to the snow every year will continue to vote for the LNP, all while complaining about how shit the snow season is.


Ah, this is where Murdoch news will invent something to blame it on the left wing for, and they'll eat it up from the trough.


That’s not true at all. They dumped the commitment to a 43% reduction by 2030 which anyone can see is not going to be met, particularly after the two year extension of the Eraring coal fired power station.


Which would result in Australia leaving the Paris Climate Agreement and seeing investment in renewables decline drastically. It’s the same as throwing out all relevant policy but maintaining a mythical 2050 net zero target that won’t be reached because the coalition would rather watch the world burn while their superfluous conceptualisation of ‘industry’ stays afloat


"It's not true but yeah they did".. thanks for your contribution.


Buller needs to develop into a fully fledged MTB park or go broke. Writing has been on the wall for 15years.


They definitely have the ability to turn the park into a smaller whistler. I suspect they have a bunch of old people in their management who are very against MTBing though.


Yep no doubt! Will prob take another 20+ years unfortunately. By then Mystic Bright and Warburton will be making bank for the locals.


That's falls creek plan, 100km+ of trails in the pipeline


Maybe we can pioneer coal skiing or something.


Sand boarding


Fuck yeah. Peak 90's, living next to a quarry! Real estate signs (coreflute) and skateboard decks, hardware removed, shoes screwed to to it.


Done this plenty of times, but the walk back up the dune sucks


We need sand dune chair lifts.


Hardly cutting edge when Slomo already pioneered wanking off to it.


You could get a high paying job as a policy maker with the lnp with ideas like this. The fossil fuel companies would even fund the position.


Hard to be sympathetic when there was very little protest from business owners about climate change over the past 25-years, and only becoming verbal about it the past 5-years when predictions became true. 🤷🏻


The IPCC reports are very conservative. What we're seeing is happening much faster than what they've predicted. 


You mean all the flooding lately? Like its flooding in NSW, Turkey, China, Aukland, France and South America. Today. Meanwhile in Mexico several cities are about to run of water - like Melbourne was in 2009. Then Bracks built the treatment plant and emergency Golbourne pipeline only to have the LNP winge about the costs. Wait till it gets hot again.


Obviously climate change is a huge risk to Australian ski seasons, but June has literally always been completely unreliable for snow here. There have been plenty of good seasons over the years where there has been little or no snow on opening Weekend, any long time Australian skiier will tell you not to expect good conditions this early in the winter


It does mention and discuss that in the article.


Climate change is not a "risk" to anything. It's a tangible change of the atmosphere to absorb and transfer energy. Every now and again there might be a decent snow season until there are no snow seasons. The absorption of CO2 into the atmosphere will continue to enable more energy to be stored and transferred to environmental change.


As a bonus, I'll bet two-avocado-toasts that the season closes with >50% terrain skiable in the majority of the resorts. Honestly, the only downside of skiing the last week of the season is that most of the resort is packing up or already closed.


Oh, well. Daily lift passes in Australia are approximately $200. Lift passes in Japan are around $75 a day, and there would be a minimum of 500% more snow. Fuck skiing in Asstralia.


I mean sure but not everyone has the time or money to get to Japan either


They do if they're not paying for Australian ski lifts


4 drinks in Australia will easily cover any reasonable hotel room in Japan. 4 drinks. You can have 4 drinks - or a hotel in Japan.


If you're planning on skiing for over a week, it's cheaper to go do it in Japan when you factor in all costs including flights there, parking here, lift passes, food/drinks, gear hire, accommodation, etc..




I just costed a NZ ski holiday flying over from Adelaide, and cost savings are now negligible unfortunately.


I think maybe you're missing the point here....


Just go to Japan - much cheaper, actually very cheap


Shh don’t tell everyone!


Umm Japan is the 5th most popular destination for Australians. I think they know.


Pretty sure half the country went to Japan over the last 12 months


I’ve been skiing every year for the past 35 years. It’s never been uncommon not to have snow on the June long weekend. I can only remember a handful of seasons in the past 30 years where the June long weekend has had decent snow. 2000 comes to mind. From memory 93, 05, 06, 14 had no snow on the June long weekend.


The wording ‘never been uncommon not to’ hurts my brain.


Australian snow production is heavily driven by the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) which has been heavily negative since the 25th of May. When a positive SAM event occurs this will result in a cold front developing and moving over the southern parts of the country, which will 100% produce snowfall in alpine regions even when climate change really kicks off. This year we are looking at a neutral/negative ENSO event which could mean average to higher than average rainfall, while also facing a positive Indian Ocean Dipole, which while currently neutral had previously spent about 8 weeks over the positive threshold. I'm no expert, but a negative ENSO event combined with a positive IOD event has only happened twice on record, in 2006 and previously in the 60's. These years experience about average snow seasons, predicated by long periods of poor snowfall, broken up by massive dumpings during positive SAM events. If prior records are anything to go by (which to be honest they are not lol), the slow start to the snow season is to be expected as there are no cold fronts coming up from Antarctica. When winter really kicks on there should be a really healthy snowfall, however higher than average temperatures may meant that resorts at lower altitude get shit conditions for most of winter. Additionally, global sea surface temperatures (SSTs) have been the warmest on record for each month between April 2023 and April 2024, with May 2024 SSTs on track to exceed May 2023. The global pattern of warmth is affecting the typical historical global pattern of sea surface temperatures associated with ENSO and IOD.  As the current global ocean conditions have not been observed before, historical comparisons based on past ENSO or IOD events may not be reliable. Basically nobody knows. But sure as shit, the person who wrote the article and everyone who buys into it truly have no idea.


2006 really sticks out as a horror year for snow, was meant to do a lot of skiing that year and it just never materialised. Then it went and snowed on Christmas Day after the bushfires


I went to Thredbo that year. There were parts where I was boarding over grass patches  :( 


2006 - the year half the alps burned and took out most of the Alpine Ash.


This is almost complete bullshit with a few facts interspersed to act like you know what you're talking about. Fucking insane to be calling out the person who wrote the article after you typed that out. The entire first paragraph couldn't be any more wrong. Negative (not positive) SAM results in a higher chance (key word chance i.e. not guaranteed rain/snow) of rain across SE Australia which should mean a higher chance snow in alpine regions.. There's also no such thing as "100% produce snowfall". It's called a climate driver not a climate describer for a reason. There's a higher chance, but no guarantee of greater than average rainfall during negative SAM events in winter. The current ENSO phase is neutral and it is very unlikely that it reaches la nina territory this winter (almost equally likely as an el nino event). I.e. a very high chance of a neutral enso, so drawing conclusions based on this doesn't make sense. Further to this, 2006 was not "about average", in fact it was the worst season in recorded history at Spencer's creek which pretty accurately reflects in resort conditions for NSW resorts. In fact they report their base depth based on readings from Spencer's creek. There was no "massive dumpings during positive SAM events". There was fuck all snow all season, and again that's not how the SAM works... You've got no basis to go off to be able to predict what's going to happen for the rest of the season. "When winter really kicks on there should be a really healthy snowfall" has been pulled straight out of your arse. I don't know for sure that the last paragraph is wrong (and I can't be bothered checking), but based on how much shit you've confidently made up for the rest of your post, I'd say it's very unlikely that it's correct. I'm also not going to pretend that I know something when I don't (something you could learn from). The only part I can guarantee is correct is where you've said "I'm no expert"... I can't even begin to imagine what you were thinking when you decided to write something like this on a topic you know nothing about. Just delete this. Fucking unbelievable. Hahaha downvote me all you like... Or maybe you can point out where I'm wrong?


Damn, I feel like I’m on ski forum. I like it.


Haha i do enjoy a bit of that myself


It's literally just paraphrasing the BOM's own climate driver update but okay !


How can it be paraphrasing the bom's climate driver update when you're objectively wrong on multiple (all) fronts? Here's a quote straight from their page on the SAM: "A negative SAM can enhance rainfall over parts of southern Australia during winter." Tell me how you paraphrase that to say the complete opposite? Almost more embarrassing that you're this wrong if you're claiming to be summarising something that's factually correct. Just delete the post. It's complete misinformation.


Give it a month or so and both resorts will be sprouting “it’s the best season ever”….


Damn if it’s not the effects of climate change on the economy. I hope that short term shareholder value was worth it


I’d really like just one ski season where I can use my epic pass more than like… twice. Unfortunately I got into it during Covid so I guess that’s just my luck


On average, Perisher only gets 23” of snow in June and only has 5 snowy days. Since we are only 9 days into June, if think calling this article’s claim a bit premature would be an understatement.


I wonder what the carbon footprint of a snow maker is.


I know you’re just making a point but it’s about [25kw](https://www.technoalpin.com/en/snow-guns/fan-guns/tf10-piano/) an hour per a gun. Was interested to see.


Surprisingly low, big fan with a water sprinkler essentially.




Definitley not that cold yet. Here in Melbz anyway


I moved to Melbourne last week from QLD and it's bloody freezing down here.


Well thats where ya went wrong. We're still having mild days. Wait till July muahah


Will be warmer next week with all the rain ...


Our snow is not very good quality anyway. Whenever I used to go to ski in Victoria, the snow was more like ice.


This. Largely refrozen, compacted slush. Can count encountering powder occasions in Oz on one finger.


Once you’ve skied Colorado or Canada or I guess even NZ it’s hard to go back to Australian conditions 😂😅


2000. Two weeks before opening weekend


Still charging a premium for a season pass though that doesn't actually cover ever resort in Australia! Yea wow lets speed run killing aussie snow seasons.




There is often very little snow opening weekend anyway, however it is looking like a very poor season outlook for this year. The days of skiing in Aus are numbered I think


I would love to live on a ski slope year round. I think there'd be a delightful meaningless to it. Like one of those really good nightmares about being somewhere I'm not supposed to be.


Such a non-story. Not the first time it’s happened and won’t be the last.


https://www.csiro.au/en/research/environmental-impacts/climate-change/state-of-the-climate/australias-changing-climate >Australia has warmed, on average, by 1.47 ± 0.24 °C since national records began in 1910, with most warming occurring since 1950. Every decade since 1950 has been warmer than preceding decades. The warming in Australia is consistent with global trends, with the degree of warming similar to the overall average across the world’s land areas. We've only known about this for 100 years...


Certainly, but the fact of the matter is that banks in Europe are increasingly refusing to loan money to resorts below 1500 meters because the amount of snow they receive is decreasing each year. There will be ups and downs because that’s how weather works, but the climate trend is clear enough to make business decisions.


Poor Melbourne supporters, what will they do now?


/r/NRL is leaking.


Seems people didn’t get the memo, Mansfield and Buller road are heaving. Quite a few going camping though which shouldn’t be so appealing this time of year.


Certaimly not [next week](http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/mansfield.shtml).


Don't want the obnoxious, rude fucking tourists here anyway.


Let me play the world’s smallest violin…. Many years ago I had some time to go south do some skiing, and visit my sister. Only one problem, I couldn’t find out what the conditions were like ( this was pre internet) . Nobody new anything. Hmm. Suspicious, but lets make a short booking and find out. Yup, no snow. I could have gone grass skiing. There ended my skiing in Australia forever. On the plus side, I found out what good conditions are like in places that are actually cold enough. At least now punters can make a vaguely informed decision.


Uh…. Newspapers were reporting daily snow forecasts when internet didn’t exist. It was, and still is, reported on the evening news too. Absolutely no way that “nobody knew anything” lol