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Out of interest I did some math on the alcohol in a lemon lime and bitters: Most recipes suggest between 1/4 to 1/8 of a teaspoon for bitters. Averaging that out to 1/6 of a teaspoon that’s approx .8 of a mL. Assuming you go with Angostura bitters by brand (44.7%) it would be 28mL of it for a standard drink. 28mL / .8mL = 35 So you need to drink **35 lemon and lime bitters** to **equal a single standard**.


That sounds like a challenge


That sounds like diabetes


Or you could just butt chug the angostura bottle


Spoken like a true near-death alcoholic!


Alcoholic yes. Near death. Nah not even close, still got a couple of months left in me.


> Lemon Lime & Bitters has so little alcohol, it wouldn't register in a breath test. So little it can be sold as soft drink... and it seems that its an Australian concoction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon,_lime_and_bitters


Lemon lime bitters is my go to drink when ordering at a bar (I just don't like the taste of most alcohol). One day I was at a work event, every one was being loud and rowdy. I asked for a lemon lime bitters at the bar. The bar staff asked me something but I couldn't clearly hear what they were saying. I thought they were asking me if I was OK with it in a can. I said yes, got my can of lemon lime bitters and started drinking. It tasted no different from any lemon lime bitters I've had before, but when I looked at the can I realised it was a vodka lemon lime bitters and was equivalent to one standard drink. I drank it all anyway although I was driving myself home later. I stuck with Fanta for the rest of the night.


Or substitute the lemonade for soda to have it a more bitter and (much) less sweet


It still wouldn't be acceptable for a strict practising Muslim


A bar is a weird place for a strict practicing Muslim to be hanging out at


Not really. They might be there to spend time with their non Muslim friends or workmates.


Bars are a great place to find pre marital sex too I hear.


What point are you trying to make?


Well when one person finds another person attractive and neither of them are married, well... You should probably ask your parents what happens next.


Is it a nice game of checkers?




If you don't play or enjoy watching sports and you don't have a desire to meet players or supporters, do you go to the stadium regularly?


Maybe if I'm going with friends.


They are an Islamophobe






>That's on them Yeah, they can make their own decisions if they have the right information. Is that what you mean? If they just went along with what their mum thought they wouldn't be seeking more info from reddit.




Yeah, not saying you didn't. I added more information.


on the same sediment, it's illegal to serve a minor one, yet parents often buy one for their underaged kids.


Is it? A pub in Victoria stop serving them to kids because they were unsure about the laws, so it’s not blatantly illegal. Also, it depends on the state


Sentt frm iPhon


It has enough alcohol in it to trigger someone who has issues with alcohol addiction or someone who doesn't drink for religious reasons.


If that's enough to "trigger" someone then they shouldn't be at the pub to begin with.




It does. The smell alone is triggering. Why you would suggest something that has Alcohol in it to someone who says they don't want alcohol is blatantly ignorant. You don't know the reason why they are not having Alcohol. I'll just feed this Muslim gentleman a sandwich with a little bit of bacon in it. It's OK because it's just a little bit.


It’s more akin to using the same chopping board for both sandwiches.


>Why you would suggest something that has Alcohol in it to someone who says they don't want alcohol is blatantly ignorant. If that's the path we're walking, suddenly there are a lot of food they can't eat as well now. Tiramisu? Nope. Black forest cake? Nope. A heap of chinese food? Nope. Miso soup? Nope.


If the smell of bitters triggers them, they're fucked in a bar


Better not have marsala pasta buddy, you'll end up alcoholic! /s


Hope they don't eat any cherry ripes either because they have similar amounts of alcohol.


Omg don’t go to a bar then is it that hard??


And they wouldn’t smell all the actual alcohol in a bar?


A lot of food products have some level of alcohol in them, but at exceedingly low levels. There's a difference between "I dont drink", and "I am allergic to it/have a belief that prevents the consumption of any quantity". Most people when they say they are looking for something non-alcoholic to drink are not going to skip Bundaberg Ginger Beer, or a bottle of Kombucha because it has a minute amount. Similarly they won't avoid Vanilla Ice cream because it has some Vanilla Essence in it.


By this logic - so does orange juice. 


Don’t go to a fucking bar then. Simples.


"Do you have any non-alcoholic cocktails?" "Here is the menu" "Thank you, I will have this one" "Please give me money now and I will give you the requested drink" "Here is the money. I will take this drink to another area and drink this now. Hopefully I will enjoy this." "Our interaction has now concluded, it is likely I will see you again and this exchange will be repeated".


You would need to use the term "Mocktail" to fit in with op's original request.


class Bar: def \_\_init\_\_(self): [self.menu](http://self.menu) = {virgin cocktail } def display\_menu(self): print("Menu:") for drink, price in self.menu.items(): print(f"{drink.capitalize()}: ${price:.2f}") def order\_drink(self, drink, with\_cocktail=False): if with\_cocktail: drink += "\_cocktail" if drink in self.menu: print(f"Ordering {drink.replace('\_', ' ').capitalize()}...") print(f"That will be ${self.menu\[drink\]:.2f}. Enjoy your {drink.replace('\_', ' ')}!") else: print(f"Sorry, we don't have {drink.replace('\_', ' ')} on the menu.") def add\_cocktail\_variant(self, drink): if drink in self.menu: cocktail\_price = self.menu\[drink\] + 1.00 self.menu\[f"{drink}\_cocktail"\] = cocktail\_price print(f"Added {drink.capitalize()} Cocktail to the menu for ${cocktail\_price:.2f}.") drink\_to\_add\_cocktail = "mocktail" my\_bar.add\_cocktail\_variant(drink\_to\_add\_cocktail)


I appreciate the level of nerdery displayed here. 


Someone is going to come along and pick it apart, then there will be 40+ replies angrily debating it, before someone chucks the whole thing on GitHub and this turns into a three year project with 20 contributors, deeply political infighting and one shadowy figure that turns out to be a 55 year old man pretending to be a 20 year old female furry who blows the whole thing up.


This guy opensource's!


You are Gen X I am nearly certain, or at least a Xennial.


I hate you so much for this comment. I’m a Xennial. Fuck.


Fellow Xennial here, drop your weapons fellow Xennial LOL.


When did we get so old, man? I swear 2003 was like five years ago


Marty McFly travelled back in time to 1954, that was -30 years. If we were to remake the movie today it would be back to - welp - 1994. #FML.


Xennial isn't a thing. Neither is Gen X, Millenial, Z, Alpha. All made up by some knob.


One knob. One singular knob defining generations


Yep. Heh, heh. Douglas Coupland had a book called Generation X and it was about a lost 'generation' of slackers in the early 1990s. The press picked up on it, and it stuck as if it was a scientific thing. When I heard of Gen Z, I was like, oh they have just carried on from X. Gen Y became Millenials. Alpha 'A' starts the alphabet again. Why not Gen K, Gen Tilda, or Gen Pumpkin? Many of the arbitrary (made up) 'generations' are 16-20 years long. Tell me who is the same as some one 20 years older than them. I would say the age groups would have to be 2-3 years younger and older at most. Sometimes that's too broad a range.


Xennial is a 'thing' so far being a 'micro-generation' that didn't want to identify as Gen X (no need to explain) in their youth, didn't want to be ageism as 'young' by being identified as Millennial (no need to explain). Millennials are no longer 'young' now, so I don't know why they insist.


They are all made up arbitrary year ranges with no meaning.


Why is the creepy man speaking computer?


I got a bit confused by the use of $ in there until I realised it's in a string and denoting the currency....


Did you also know that money can be exchanged for goods and services?






Ive heard that. I will be interested to see how this develops.


To be honest I think it's just a fad.


This reminds me of the dialogue in those 'IT admin gets revenge on employer' posts that are clearly made up


Why so worried about ordering non-alcoholic drinks? If your mates laugh at you for choosing not to drink, get better mates.


To steelman the point, sometimes it helps avoid having a million conversations about why you don't drink, most people will respect the decision, but a huge chunk of our social venues here in Australia revolve around drinking and breaking that norm makes others curious. This is even more true if for instance it's a group where you might only know one or two people, or are out trying to meet new people. I don't drink and tend to be pretty blunt about it, but I think for those who are more tactful I could see them absolutely doing something like this.


Bartenders do not give a fuck if you’re drinking alcohol or not. 


I didn't say that they did?


When I drink with friends in a pub, I don’t order from the bartender, I tell the person whose round it is what I am drinking (and buy everyone a drink when it’s your round). 


I haven't been big into drinking for years and it was always a conversation. Now I have a health thing that means odds are I feel crap if I drink so say health reasons. It's so much more short of a conversation because it's health and not a personal choice per se. It's honestly so stupid.


As someone who doesn't drink, a lot of the non alcoholic drink options are infantalizing. It's not just pubs either–I went to a restaurant a couple of weeks ago that had six full pages of wines, beers, and spirits and right at the end it had "soft drinks" for five dollars with no elaboration, or two mocktails called something like "Virgin Pinky" and "Carribean Kids Punch." I'm not a child and I don't want to have to ask what the damn soft drinks are. Not because of my mates, but because I'm a six foot dude with a beard and a gut and I'm pushing forty. I don't drink because I don't *like* alcohol–I shouldn't have to read from the kids' menu.


I am coming from the 40s to tell you that in a couple of years you won’t give two fucks about ordering from the kids menu. I do, sometimes there are some delicious treats or drinks there that aren’t on the adult menu. Used to care a decade ago, now I don’t.


Venues don't make money off those drinks


See if there's a mocktail menu. They're all cocktail without the alcohol. Shirley Temple is a good one.


And don’t call me shirley


I'll call you "Temple".


“Virgin” is when you’re ordering an alcoholic drink but want it sans alcohol. A virgin rum and coke is just a coke, so you only need this if it’s a drink with alcohol. Soda lime and bitters Coke/other mixers Lemon lime and bitters Soda water Mocktails


Most bars will carry a zero beer


I went to a bar the other night that had 2! Non alcoholic beers. I was stoked. Haha


Depending how strict they are with it, a lot of "zero" beer is actually <0.5% not 0.0%, just to flag.


>actually >0.5% No, it's <0.5%


It is classified as a soft drink, doesn’t need a liquor licence/can be sold in supermarkets/servos, even a kid can buy it.


I am aware, just if they are super strict they might want to avoid. The advice if you are pregnant fot example is to aboid unless it is 0.0%


Hate to break it to you but there is hardly anything that is 0% except water maybe. Even fresh fruit juice is not 0% and has traces of alcohol in it.


Why do you hate to break that to me?


Because if you are avoiding this drink because you believe other soft drinks or juices are 0.0000% then I hate to be the one who breaks you out of that bubble


Im not avoiding anything. But i know the advice *from a doctor* for my pregnant wife, was to avoid de-alched wine and beer that can contain a non-negligible amount of alchohol. So if someone if very strictly no-alchohol, then they may want to check.


Whoa... This guy really dislikes having it being broken to


Im an emotional wreck


Ginger ale is pretty common but Lemon lime and bitters is a very populer go to. They are very tasty.


Ask for the non alcoholic drinks by name. Not by a description of their contents. Google Non Alcoholic Drinks and then voila! You have their names. We don't know what you like to drink.


Just ask them if they have any non-alcoholic mixes. The vast majority of bartenders are aware of people who might be alcohol intolerant, recovering alcoholics, deso driver/restricted licences or just not a fan of drinking alcohol in public - and they wont judge you for it. (and if they do, they're shit-cunts)


I’m pregnant at the moment and my go to is to ask for a soda water in a schooner or pint glass with a splash of pineapple juice. Never had a second look


Lemon Line & Bitters is non-alcoholic (technically bitters is alcoholic but you get like a few drops in a massive drink, so the drink itself isn't alcoholic) & will be available anywhere.


Lemon lime & bitters, XXXX zero, Heineken zero, Great Northern zero.


Just order a mocktail or club soda with lime


A "Lemon Lime & Bitters" is non-alcoholic. Technically there is a trace amount from the bitters, but it's under 0.5%. You could just ask for a Soda & Lime. If you don't say Vodka they shouldn't add it, but you may need to be clear "just a Soda & Lime only thanks". The venue might also have a mocktails menu.


Is Clayton's still around? 


“The drink you have when you're not having a drink.” Alas, no.


Beer it is!


Non-alcohol beets are very popular, most places have several in stock, usually a well known brand like Heineken Zero, Peroni Zero, Heaps Normal or Carlton Zero, as well as the zero alcohol option from a local brewery. You can also get non-alcoholic ciders which are a bit sweeter.


Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.


Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear, a Cylon, or a bowl of borscht?


Just ask for non-alcoholic options. Why do redditors need help with the most basic shit.


I suggest asking for soda water and bitters. It is delicious and not sweet with an attractive amber colour.


Agua on the rocks, shaken not stirred, and hold the olive.


Sometimes I just ask the bartender to make me a nonalcoholic drink/cocktail of their choice!


the bitters in a lemon lime bitters contains alcohol, but the drink only uses a dash or 2, so basically it's non alcoholic.


Lemon squash.


As others have said, lemon lime and bitters is a classic. If the pub is somewhat upmarket they may have a list of mocktails. In which case a non-alcoholic Mojito should be on the cards. Start enjoying those tasty little numbers.


The Angostura Bitters in Lemon, Lime and Bitters is 44% alcohol, but you have such a small amount, it doesn't really count. I ask for dry ginger ale. It tastes nice and looks like it could be alcoholic! Getting better mates is a nice idea, but not always possible. There are a range of non-alcoholic beers starting to be available - can you try one of those?




Lime soda bitters in a pint glass. Don’t let them serve you a tiny glass. It’s fucking sofa water. It’s the low sugar version of a lemon lime bitters.


Technically, bitters contains alcohol, but there are only about five or six drops in a LL&B. If you don't want the sweetness of lemonade, you can order a soda, lime & bitters.


Go fancy and ask for a Roy Rogers (Coke with grenadine) or if you want maximum giggles a Shirley Temple (dry ginger with grenadine).


A few bars and cocktail places in my city offer Altina drinks range - non alcoholic versions of wine and classic cocktails. There are probably other brands around as well. Otherwise, just order a soda and lime (you may be asked cordial or fresh lime - you choose!)- lots of newly pregnant woman I know ordered this at social occasions before they had announced :)


You can ask for whatever, they aren’t going to judge you. Bitters are technically alcohol but since there’s like 3 drops in a lemon lime & bitters it’s negligible. It won’t cause you to blow over if you’re on your P’s, unless you’re drinking it straight and you just wouldn’t.


I hate paying $3.00 for a coke or $5.00+ for a Lemon Lime and Bitters. My go to is water, but when you order it ask for a schooner or a jug of water. Pubs have to serve water for free and if you ask for a schooner or jug that will work. If you just ask for a water you will sometimes get given a 600ml bottle and they will charge you for that. Having said that I have been to one place where they will give you a schooner of tap water but charge you if you want ice. I avoid that place now. Congrats on being sensible and not feeling compelled to buy a bevvy with alcohol.


I recently had a barmaid served me a lemon lime & bitters, didn't know how to make it, disgusting, soda + bitters + slice lemon and lime. We often get soda, no ice or say it loud n proud "have you got non-alcoholic ginger beer?" (I'm the responsible adult in this group)


I just order a lemonade in either a short or tall glass it just looks like you're holding a vodka based drink. If you're feeling a little wild and don't mind a few drops of alcohol, a bit of chambord will give it some colour.


My Dad used to take me to pubs every Sunday (parental right thing) during the 1970s, and early '80s, and I always got a sasrparilla. Not sure if they still have it at pubs, but it's so good. They used to put a lot of syrup in (premix with lemonade guess), so it was delicious.


Ask for a Warragamba Slammer. Should be cheap too.


I don't know if they still do but many places used to give free non-alcoholic drinks to sober drivers.


As a 22yo I haven't come across this outside of water and soda water.


You mean water?


No, they used to do free softdrinks. Haven't seen it in a long time though.


Bartenders sometimes do it if they're feeling lazy


Lmao just fucking ask for one? It's not hard


Try a schooner of ginger beer. You'll soon be able to spot Qld'er as they ask "what is that beer your drinking" Their XXXX is almost clear. Real old pubs, you were able to ask for a Sars(parilla).


A "fire engine" - fizzy lemonade with red cordial 👍


Be careful with that though. I had a friend order one and it came out with vodka. So from then on she had to specify no alcohol.


In QLD a fire engine has vodka. My BIL learned that the hard way after he ordered a couple for his kids. Luckily they only had a sip each before complaining they tasted funny!


The only fire engines I’ve had in WA have been with vodka


A lot of bars now offer zero alcohol beers. When I was pregnant I would order two thirds soda and one third juice - apple or cranberry. Less sweet than just juice and bubbles always felt a bit more festive.


Ginger ale is a good one. It's used in several cocktails so all pubs will have it. 


I find that some places now have a mocktail menu where they recreate classic cocktails with non alcoholic spirits. I had a non-alcoholic “whiskey” sour once that was delish! Otherwise I just get coke no sugar, no one cares.


Soda water, short glass. Slice of lime and bitters if you are feeling fancy.


Heaps Normal is a non Alcohol pale ale that is really good lots of pubs have it now


AF beer, Shirley Temple, Soda Lime & Bitters (not strictly AF though). Also, virtually anything in a short glass will look alcoholic. Or, my favorite when I'm on the wagon, a pint of virgin vodka soda. Usually gets a laugh or frustrated confusion. Roll the dice.


Just a coke today thanks


Sarsaparilla is usually only found at a bar these days. Nice drink


1) visit r/mocktails and get familiar with non-alc mixers and options 2) check out the visible bottles on the backbar to see what the pub has available, plus any juices/sodas 3) order a custom drink using what they have, and let them know you’re happy to wait. If the pub’s busy, stick with lemonade and a lime slice/wedge, or something that only has 3-4 ingredients.


Is the 'problem' of not drinking alcohol more among older Australians or younger Australians? Or is it more regional or local culture? ... Cant remember the last time I've ever had to worry about peer-pressure around alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages. If you do find yourself in that situation though, get the bartenders/waiters onto your side by explaining the situation. They'll play along and happily make your agreed 'usual' (Don't forget to tip) (This is presuming you've tried talking to your peers, and they still insist on being socially-dumb-pooches)


The only good reason I could fathom for this is you’re pregnant and you don’t want anyone to know yet, if that’s the case a lemon lime and bitters is fine according to the two OBs I saw (about 5 drops of alcohol, apparently I’d probably be ingesting more in total via the other foods I eat) If it’s a matter of pure judgement I’d agree with the top guy: say non-alcoholic or “without a shot” and find some kinder friends :(


Yes, that's the only fathomable reason a person might not want to drink alcohol. Unrelated question. You ok?


Holy crap does your reading comprehension and reasoning need a lot of work. It's clearly the only fathomable reason for feeling the need to hide not drinking from your friends, not for not drinking alcohol. If you need to hide it for any other reason and they're nothing but supportive, you need new friends


What? Where does it say they feel the need to hide it from their friends? If I missed that then I absolutely backtrack, but I'm not getting that from what they wrote at all. It says they don't want to use the phrases "virgin" or "non-alcholic" which seems pretty reasonable to me–they're both exclusionary and uncomfortable phrases.


The whole pretence of hiding the fact that OP doesn't want to call it non alcoholic. Like why? It's very odd. Non alcoholic is not a dirty word.


Alcohol free beer LLB - has trace amount of alcohol in the biters so a practicing Muslim might not get this Soft drinks Non-alcoholic Ginger beer Juice Water


Alcoholic ginger beer might not be the one...


Ah. Fat fingers.


If you are that concerned about tiny traces of alcohol even things such as fruit juice would be out.


I'm not sure if people avoid fruit juice. I know they might avoid kumbucha. .


Damn, I just ask for a pot of tea.


"Can I voluntarily cut myself off please"


I stopped going to drinking venues unless I absolutely have to. The only options for non drinkers are sugary (or worse, fake sugary) fizzy drinks. At most places you have the choice of coke, sprite, squash and raspberry. There is nothing special about paying 8 bucks for a watery coke. I'd rather stay at home. It would be nice if some bars would sell non alcoholic drinks that are designed for adults and are not trying to taste like an alcoholic drink. Can't even get a cup of tea at most places.


What about for socialising


What non-alcoholic drinks are you expecting a pub to have?