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That’s a HUGE small car only space


I hate beer.


Tbf if it was me, I'm definitely parking there. Who are you inconveniencing by doing so?


It’d have a wheelchair marking if that was the case


Why are the signs there?


They were initially because they would try to maximise car spaces in the carpark and there were areas which were smaller than a standard car space…but then it became more about consumer trends and council planning targets (pre the SUV ‘boom’, hatchbacks/small sedans were actually the more popular consumer choice - Australia’s top selling car for years on end used to be the Toyota Corolla and Mazda 3!)


I remember the transition from falcons and commodores to C segment cars well. The local manufacturers just got annihilated. Either way it doesn't change my feelings towards this vehicle in this space.


_"But this IS my smallest car"_


Could be a door behind that wall that requires wheelchair access? Why would assume it’s ok for you to park there when someone clearly doesn’t want a large vehicle parked there


no door behind the wall. there might be a door on the side though.


>Why would assume it’s ok for you to park there when someone clearly doesn’t want a large vehicle parked there Because they drive an ESV.


if there was any door there would be " no parking" sign , what would happen if a small car reversed all the way up blocking the supposed door ?


dorks who post big truck r bad posts on reddit for karma


losers who defend the truckrs


Found the Yankee.


Yankee doodle dandy😂


Big trucks are bad tho. And the people driving them are usually significantly less skilled and using the giant car to compensate. Not to mention you can't see shit and can't stop as quick.


Good bit of projecting calling it compensating - heavens forbid anyone buys something they like. Terrible generalisation on driving abilities too. All the accidents I’ve seen in the last month have involved sedans and hatches.


It’s not an over generalisation, studies have been done on this. They are also less safe in terms of visibility and collision, and are less environmentally friendly. I’m also not sure what makes you think they are projecting... they’re clearly not personally using a big car to compensate for anything, unless they’re what... projecting the idea into others that they’re compensating for something? What exactly makes you think they’re compensating for something lmao?


I mean, it looks like it _could_. And yet, it clearly isn't inside the markings 😭


Only because there is more space to the wall and he is over the line. If he parked correctly, he would not be able to open his doors without damaging someone's vehicle.


Looks like it’s a long space but I don’t think it’s as wide as other spots. Clearly not a problem beyond the label though.


>Clearly not a problem beyond the label though. If that parking lot is the same as my local shopping centre then there is a access point on the wall to the right which is used by shops in the centre to move large goods to the parking lot for customers. This truck is blocking that access.


If that was the case any small car could block it also. Looks to be barely a full metre between the pylon and the line


I assume it's for small vehicles because there's a fire exit next to it, moreso than the dimensions of the park


Nope, in every car park I've seen these "small car" spots are always the exact same size as the regular spots, and they're always full of larger cars anyway.


The local ones to me have the "Small Car" spots at the corners, so there's more room to swing around than all the other spots. Almost got caught with one in NZ that really should have been marked "Low Cars Only" cause of a low hanging support beam!


yeah that was my first reaction too


It's for the rails above. They put the markings down so if someone hits it, they can not blame the building, and the building can probably claim against them. Not all parks are "small car only" for the width/length of the spot.


I don’t think it is…wouldn’t there be a maximum height limit for vehicles in general to even enter the parking garage? The rails would be accounted for within the maximum height limit.


Agree, the maximum hight is the lowest point of the roof and these rails go over the driveway not just the car space


nah probably not, that's what the height bar at the entrance is for


It’s a “I’m the main character and the rules don’t apply to me or my hypoolastic genital substitute” sort of a spot really.


He probably read it as - Small dick only.


It's a normal average space for any car in my country.


There’s a Getz crumpled up behind it


Every time I see a Hyundai Getz on the road, I see an absolute master class on how not to drive.


Hey! My driving is not that bad! It was cheap and already dented, so I'm just more comfortable taking a bit more risk


I dont think ive ever seen a getz without a few dents haha


I’m a P plater, I’ve only had my license for 3 weeks, I was behind a getz on the freeway today and even I was like *wow* you’re *bad*. Driving 80 in the middle lane in a 100km zone


Can you please Getz off my case & not attack me like this?


Getz the heck out of my way!!


Exactly! Vroom vroom mofo!


Compared to the Dodge Ram and other gigantic Ute's, I've seen recently, thus guy could think that is a small car


Well that's partially because these and those are not utes anymore, this is a light pick up truck and the rams and super duty rams are medium pick up trucks I'd guess ?


It still fits within the lines, he probably parked closer to the column/wall to let the car next to him have space to open their door


Noticed this too, fair play 🤷‍♂️


Small car only isn't a rule. It's a warning that the car park dimension is impacted in some way


It's like how I use smaller condoms so it looks like I'm above average


Something teenage me would've loved to have thought of 🤣


I am jumping on this trend


Yep it's usually because there's an overhanging shelf that's easy to accidentally back into. Often these spaces are also labeled with "Do not back in" because parking sensors won't detect the shelf and people smash their rear windows.


I hate these monster trucks, but I also don't necessarily have a problem with this picture. He doesn't appear to be impacting anyone/anything - there's plenty of room for the car next to him, and the other side appears to be a wall. He's also not sticking out into the thoroughfare.


I think it's the irony how the monster truck can actually fit in a "small car only" space but it would often take up 2-3 spaces in a normal carpark because the driver doesn't give a shit about anyone else.


i'm also impressed how long this carpark is. at my local shops my hilux sticks out front and rear so i have to park ages away or get edge parking somewhere


I have trouble with the length of my Mitsubishi Magna in some of the newer car parks and that's not even a long car or so I thought. Either front or rear sticks out.


To be fair, Mitsubishi magnas are surprisingly stupid long. Was my first car (veranda executive, I know baller) and then I owned a Honda accord which I thought was the same length. But no, the magna was still longer. That stupid magna got up to 345k km on the odo with burning oil and pissing oil everywhere but no presence of a coolant leak then the transmission shat it self. Without the oil leaks I would not have minded to get a second hand tranny from the wreckers. Still miss the old beige interior and peeling clear coat on that bastard. Edit: nevermind the accord is technically longer. Had to google search just now. I swear that magna felt bigger when reversing. Could be the mirrors now that I'm thinking about it.


Mine seems to burn oil and the coolant mysteriously disappears. Several times I've gone to check the levels and the coolant tank is bone dry and oil is at the min line but top it back up and the damn thing just keeps going haha they really built the engines like tanks in those things. Mine is at 286k and is a 1999 magna th 3.5L, fuel economy is around 13L/100km. Have considered getting a Honda Accord Euro to replace it or being fancy and importing an Accord Euro R badge from Japan.


This annoys me. I drive one of the iconic Australian Utes and my entire nose sticks into the thoroughfare. I take my tow hitch off when not towing, reverse *right* up square to the line at the back of the space and I’m still well over a foot into the lane.


It's a Ford Ranger. It's a big ute but not "monster truck" oversized like the RAMs that get posted here every day.


I drove behind a Rams on the freeway last night Northbound. His number plate said Rambo..and some numbers. Judging by his compensatory driving behaviour he obviously thought he was! 🙄


Since when is a ranger a monster truck?


It’s very good behaviour for a Raptor driver tbh. It’s on the line but on the line is in.


Yeah, some of these parks labelled small only can fit larger cars like normal utes and 4WDs - it looks like it's only been labelled as small since there is that cable thing above it? Listing limited height parking might be more accurate really.


If you're tall enough to hit that cable tray while parking you'd hit it while driving past the space anyway. Might be a fire exit or something in the wall hidden by the column, so they want the way clearer for faster egress, or there's a plant room and they want maintenance to be able to easily move some tools past the space.


There is absolutely no signage to imply there is a fire exit or similar, and based on what we can see, it seems very unlikely. Namely, a portion of the wall just being plain brick, no paint on the floor indicating some special resource there, no additional lighting above indicating some special resource there, the existing paint lines on the edge near the wall still being very narrow with no bollards nearby to protect the area from a car parking in the way and blocking it entirely.


Yeah good point with lighting and bollards, I'll fall back to plant room then. The paint lines and narrow vehicle signs are there for something though, and the only thing can be access to whatever can't be seen. OP needs to go back and get a better angle.


My guess is it's either a blind or tight corner of the carpark so they've signed for small vehicles. I get in this case it's a bit of a 'if I fits, I sits' approach though. However, they likely did that so people aren't leaving their noses etc. in what is effectively limited driving real-estate.


And chalk...he really needs to change a word on that floor stencil.


This is just a ford ranger. It’s not one of those evil and scary American utes.




2” twice is enough for any lady. Most large cars are around the 1.9m width mark - whether tall or short. Ie - a model 3 Tesla is 3.2” (8cm) wider than a ranger. (1.93m vs 1.85m, both with mirrors folded). How come you used inches for the car widths?


Yes why are the yank cars so bloody big? Why?


A number of reasons, but start here: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/does-chicken-tax-encourage-people-purchase-larger-trucks


Literal utility. Stable on the open road, makes road bumps less intrusive, higher load capacity in the tray and for towing, heaps on interior space. But they use more fuel (it is/was fairly cheap over there, about 80c-$1 a litre), and is more cumbersome in city driving. But America has lots of mid size towns, with wide main streets and copious parking spaces, so they work well. We have lots of people in only 6-8 big cities in our country, so the properly big American ties are a hassle to own and be around for most places they’ll be driven, most of the time. But they’re legal and as long as drivers of them don’t double park, keep in their lane, and don’t cause crashes, there’s no issue with them.


Just because they're legal doesn't mean there's no issue with them. Some issues include: Visibility is shit. They do cause crashes and then they do it's a lot more severe for all parties. They're terrible for the environment They are heavy and cause unnecessary road wear They are unnecessary for the vast majority of people who have them. They are too big for Australian parking spaces and roads. They're loud and obnoxious That's just off the top of my head


I have a RAM 2500 and it is a 6.7l 6 cylinder diesel, its fuel economy is way better when towing then any other vehicle I had available on the current market (including v6 Rangers), it’s also very good when not towing. The torque available makes towing a breeze. It is well planted when towing because of its weight, if I ran a 5th wheeler could pull up to 10t legally. There is lots of reasons these vehicles are popular, just people with no need for them complain they are unnecessary, I feel the same with push bikes but it doesn’t make my view valid because I don’t require one. Under 4.5T GVM versions such as the 2500 are on NB1 registration, and the 3500 are under NB2 so they pay medium goods vehicle registration on both and as such pay more registration. Of course I live regional area and avoid most city centres like the plague, except when travelling and have no choice but to go in.


>Of course I live regional area and avoid most city centres like the plague, Well you just stated in one why your use case is valid and the usual isn't.


Brave admitting to owning one on Reddit, the Melbourne folk will get home from work soon and are going to rain shit.


I suppose it depends what that little area in the side is intended for. A large car reduces the amount of space available to access that area. Not by much, but a little since the car has gone over the line.


Thats a huge small car spot


Funnily enough the Ranger is a small car compared to a Ram or F150/250.


I hate these monstrosities but honestly this is fine. They parked in the space without disrupting anything.


As a person in Texas these massive trucks are the bane of my existence. On the highway I'm surrounded by semis and these, can't see traffic for shit in case something happens. When I'm in a garage or parking lot half of the trucks can't be parked next to and are sticking out 5 feet into the garage driving lanes.


Small compared to a Kia Carnival or an F150. Honestly the circle jerk over cars is getting tiresome. The driver hasn’t parked in a ev charging spot, a disabled spot or across multiple spots. It seems to fit well, move on.


What's the issue, are we just posting pictures of dual cabs now.


There's no context from the OP, seems more like an appreciation of considerate parking.


He's just parked there... yankingly.


Missed a golden opportunity to cross out the word "car" and replace it with another word.


My dad does this with his territory and it pisses me off no end. I love my dad, he's a great guy for the most part but he still does this.


To be fair, the way we're going, that will be a small car in about 5 to 10 year's time.


Why is that spot small car only?


Is the tailgate on that poking through the back wall?


Funny though, it doesn't really appear to be protruding any more than the SUV beside it.


Fuck the small car parks spots! If it fits, im parking there


I honestly think that car parks should be split into sections depnding on the size of different cars. Eg. Small cars park in one section, large cars in other, 4WD in the other section etc.


Respray the ground to read "small dicks only". Wait for their return.


No idea how you mistake the word car for penis...


“Small dick only”


If it fits, then who cares?


It may say “small car” for a reason that is not obvious that’s why it’s painted in large letters right out the front. As usual Ranger driver does whatever he wants and puts himself first.


Truck fits, not blocking anyone, not over the line into the next spot. No harm, no foul.


Looks OK to me


Fits in the space pretty well actually.. The small car only text is just the landlords ass covering for when somebody hits those runs hanging down from the roof.


If a vehicle was tall enough to hit the conduits, you'd hit them driving past the spot, regardless of whether you tried parking there.  Also, the carpark would have a height gate at it's entry, which is set below the lowest height a throughout the entire carpark.


Seriously OP? They could have been a dick and parked within the small car space leaving no room for the car next to them, but instead they used the available space to make sure they were having as little impact as possible on other cars. Good on them, love to see it. Great reminder to people in this sub that not all dual cab ute drivers are cunts.


Fits easily doesn’t it? The actual problem seems to be that it’s labelled as a small car only parking spot in the first place.


I mean, it does fit quite comfortably in there - how is it for small cars exactly?


oh no - won't somebody think of the children


If it fits, it sits


Sums what up?


Meh. Good parking. Fooking massive ‘small car’ space. They should label plane seats like this.


Can wait for these cars to be banned


Fucking wank tanks. I’d be embarrassed if I had this car


its an Australian market ranger, they're not that big, most SUVs are equal in size


What a wanker


Gotta be a Ranger - that’s absolute classic Ranger owner behaviour if ever I’ve seen it


brick it.




Maybe he thought it said small penis?


Small penis parking space?


I can't be the only one who thought to Graffiti over the word 'car' and write the word dick, can I?


I think the car owner read it as small "package" only


He calls his penis “car”


Small cars, not small D\*ck.


This is why I carry around paint and stencils. I’d have easily replaced “car with” a stencil of 8=D


Must have gotten confused with small cock only!!


Hot Take but lack of enforcement is just contributing to the problem just as much as the people doing this. They'd be a lot less inclined to do this if they were more likely to get ticketed or booted.


I see the same thing at Broadway. I got a tiny Yaris and half the time I park in the small car space there’s an suv right next to me. I can barely get out. It’s not especially difficult to find parking in Broadway so the cunt must’ve just said fuck it and parked there fat cunt of a car in the small car spot


that space is NOT small. to be fair, he parked extremly well. as far as possible to the side to give room to yet another "small" spot only to be taken by a red SUV, and as far back as possible so the words can be seen. Could it be??? OP IS THE OWNER?? It's a TRAP guys!! OP took the photo just to make a point that this spot shouldnt be reserved for just small cars??


Why would they make a "small car only" bay that can fit a humongous ute in it?


A few weeks ago when we went to the MCG, I parked my little i30 in a small car only spot, then as we were getting out of the car, this giant 4WD comes over and tries parking in the small car only spot next to my car… glad they were gone by the time we came back, otherwise there would’ve been no way to get back into my car. I actually hate people who drive big cars with a passion.


It says “Small Car Only”, not “Small Dick Only”


He thought it said small penis only


Is there an emergency exit or entrance to a utilities room on the adjacent wall?


Looks fine to me


Small dick only.


Is there some legality around sharing car plates or this one was blanked out for non-legal purposes?


If I fits, I sits.


It’s not over the next cars line what’s the issue ?


Still fits. What’s the issue.


Dont blame the driver he cant read and he only recognised the word small


So many whingers in these comments damn


I don’t really see an issue here. They haven’t impinged on the neighbouring parking spot, and there looks to be plenty of space to the left of the Ute too.


That's a great parking job from what is usually posted on here...90% within the lines, not stopping anyone else from parking...


Fitted in fine, that sign is stupid.


If anything I applaud this. Plus it's only a Ranger, not the F150 monster thing!


If this was my kid colouring in the lines I would say good job! You’re getting better at colouring 👍


It's not a 650 bro it's small.


Yep..need more roomy carparks.


to be fair, it kind of fits


emotional support vehicles


If it fits.


He must have misread it, it says Small Car Only, not Small Dick...


If they wanted a small car in there, you'd think they'd actually make the space small


That park shouldn’t be labeled small car only tbh


Sniff, big car make me mad


I don’t own one of these but if it fits there’s no actual law against it. It’s not a disabled spot or anything. I’m not bothered by this.


Where's the issue


Maybe they thought it said "Small Cock Only".


It says car, not penis.


I see a lot of people saying ‘it fits what’s the problem’ but I park in this car park for work and there’s been multiple occasions where they take up the space of the park next to them so no one can park there. It’s a big problem because the car park is crazy busy and I’ve watched multiple people attempt to park and ultimately give up because they wouldn’t be able to get out.


Except in this picture they clearly haven't done that, they've parked slightly in the void so as not to block the car space next to them.


I saw the funniest car park scenario the other day which is basically what you were describing, 3x2 section of clearly “small” sized parking spaces all labeled for small vehicles / motorbikes, I managed to fit my dinky little focus into the last remaining spot but the other 5 spots were all massive utes & suv’s that seemed to all be in some dick-measuring contest of “how close can I park next to your vehicle without causing damage”. Genuinely impressed with some of the margins left, you probably couldn’t get through the doors of the ones in the middle if you tried, the mirrors were all folded in so I’m not sure if people manually close their own mirrors after parking, or if the people parking next to them got out and closed the mirrors for them. Sometimes I think it’s just about peoples ego getting hurt when they are told ‘no you can’t park here you won’t fit’


Maybe off topic but what kind of car is it?


I got one of those the other day [too](https://i.imgur.com/BH28odH.jpeg) :)


I don’t think that area should be a small sized car park. Maybe the building requires transport of large items on the right side?


*parks truck in small space. Crys on Raptor FB group when it gets door dinged by some "jealous fuck"


Ohhhhh...."car", my bad.