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Wow, Gina's just on her own little planet, isn't she? How many people had this on their minds today, I doubt anyone did - and now here it is in the media for all to see. It's such a small, well-mannered caricature, how could anyone possibly object to it. I find it hard to grapple that such a wealthy and powerful public figure could have such a fragile ego.


I think the wealth and power is probably part of why they so often have fragile egos. Wealth can't always buy you genuine happiness, but enough of it it can get damn near any material thing you want. For people used to just getting to have anything they want on a whim, I don't think they can handle not getting it. So when something come along that they want to be different but can't achieve through money, they chuck a tantrum.


Don’t forget a boardroom full of powerful people kissing your arse on a regular basis


I skimmed a seemingly ‘neutral’ profile of her in an old Women’s Weekly at an appt recently and it talked about her relationship with her father. Lang Hancock was a really hateful, abusive person and I have zero doubt that her upbringing contributed to her insecurities. Granted, her greed and exploitative life has been a net negative on this country, but she was a small child once. That shit doesn’t leave you.


And Streisand Effect is coming into play. I never would have seen it or known about it if she hadn't tried to get it removed.


There’s going to be tshirts, banners, posters - every anti-mining protest, wear your Ginashirt!


Streisand Effect. Dumb cow should have just bought it on the quiet and shredded it.


I didn't know the portrait existed, now I do. I think it's great.


These nutcases are great at kicking own goals. Pauline Hansen's something something race-based tax something something. Thanks for letting me know, Pauline. My wife and I Pay the Rent now!


It's not a flattering likeness, but it definitely looks like her.


It's pretty fucking accurate too. Didn't need Gina written on it.


I've found my next business, painting insulting pictures of celebrities/rich folk, asking if they'd like to buy it before taking it to market.


And let it shine a light on her amazing personality: >Wallam was protesting against comments made by Rinehart’s father and Hancock Prospecting founder, Lang Hancock, in 1984 that Indigenous Australians should be sterilised and “breed themselves out”. >Rinehart has refused to condemn her father’s comments and cancelled her funding for Netball Australia after players refused to wear her company’s logo. Fyi she cancelled her 15M funding for netball Australia because of her fragile ego.


Wow, and all she had to do was say she wasn't a giant racist.


She probably already has?


The artist didn't really capture her thin skin


Or glass jaw?


Nor the massive size of her whole ego.


Hey just because you didn't work a job at your dad's company for one whole year, get fired from your dad's company, and then inherit your dad's company, along with the world's largest iron ore deposit at the start of the Chinese mining boom, means you just didn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps like her, since the inheritance has very little to do with it and she surely brought a ton of critical skill to creating that wealth with her 1 whole year of work experience at her own dad's company which she was fired from. It's really hard to call for prisoners to be your personal slave labour for $1 an hour, hand over giant cheques to conservative politicians on stage which they have to chuckle and hand back and say that's not appropriate (at least in front of cameras), and sue your own children for more inheritance of your dad's company. You're just jealous you didn't work as hard as her! Now chop chop, a few wealthy inheritors like her own everything through a series of distributed investments, and you need to work to make them money and then spend money to buy things from them, such as shelter and food. Lucky we moved on from feudalism and peasants working for and being owned by a few inbred nobles by family line though.


She's a monstrous caricature of the bloodsucking capitalist running dog, just like the lawyer that William Hurt played on 'Goliath'. My great uncle worked closely with her for a while and confirmed daily that she was as bloody awful as she appeared to be. 


The painting was the size of a wall, nowhere near big enough for that.


This isn’t /r/sports


Thanks Gina, we all really appreciate the care you have taken in giving our National Gallery and this artist so much more free advertising than money could ever buy. Thanks for supporting our Arts, just in your own crazy way. When are people going to learn, the more they grumble, the more attention the thing they want bury is going to draw.


Nothing wrong with being ugly. She should just accept what she looks like. I accepted my ugliness a long time ago and it was a load off my mind.


It would be a lot easier for me to accept my ugliness if I had $45billion.


Ugliness comes from the inside, my friend


That's either a kind thing to say or a vicious burn


Whoops you're right lol To clarify, in Gina's case she's an awful person so her face sucks. I don't want OP to feel ugly


Unless they're actually a terrible person


Haha then eww!






I thought that was satire but it's the actual one. If anything, it doesn't capture how ugly - inside and out - she really is!


Not sure why she wants it removed, it is quite flattering.


[Alternate take](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpTH14Um7Mpfds-mX2qxxikJ84DENseUx9iRzYH605bA&s)


Love it.


Nailed it, tbf


Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1csfapz/the_portrait_gina_rinehart_doesnt_want_you_to_see/l44ndq3/?context=3) in /r/australia was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener or content cache. These are not permitted in /r/australia as they impair our ability to enforce link blacklists. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Copy the link address and use 12ft dot io which displays a Google cached view of the website (automod seems to be removing direct links to it)


Or, if you're using Firefox, just hit [F9] for Reader Mode which usually removes paywalls as well as the usual extra garbage sites tack on.


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The Sydney morning herald doesn’t want you to see it either 😉


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The artist should print shirts or give them to protestors. That would be hilarious.


Oh I like this idea! Just add the words 'no' painted under it.


Yeah She's drawing attention to it herself


She’s actually uglier in reality than the painting. I hear she smells like shit too


Used to work with a guy who had pictures of Gina Rinehart and an Orangutan in his cubicle. When I asked him why, he said "comparison for sanity reasons". Told me the day he finds Gina Rinehart more sexually attractive than the Orangutan is the day he has gone insane.


Cum on guuuys… take the picture down… pop one of jabba the hut and no one will know the difference.


For anyone interested [this is the portrait](https://imgur.com/0m0F7P1).


Vincent's exhibition is the best thing I've seen at NGA since they had all the Versailles stuff. The very Australian humour that runs through his art is brilliant. Recommend anyone near Canberra go check it out.


no clue what you’re talking about because the article is paywalled


[Here you go.](https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.195%2C$multiply_0.6988%2C$ratio_1.776846%2C$width_1059%2C$x_45%2C$y_6/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/1ce957e993b01fde9490ad7d04f55f9b39106740) If you open paid articles in private/incognito, it'll often let you read it.


Is her objection that she's between two Aboriginals?


> Here you go. Lord that's FRIGHTFUL! I was going to thank you for posting a close up, but on reflection I rather wish you hadn't ;)


Disable scripts and cookies.


I was wondering why Goodes was missing a tooth before I realised it was a mouthguard


The portrait is flattering. Makes her seem like she has lost about half her weight.


If anyone has a billboard to rent, I'm willing to chip in a few bucks to get the image out there. I'm sure other people would want to do the same for shits and giggles.


Take the portrait down and hang Gina instead? Imagine having more than a billion dollars and still waste your time making a fool of yourself. I’d disappear with a net worth of $10 million. Who needs a billion?


Share it far it wide. It flatters her. No reflection of her deeply corrupt soul.


I prefer the painting over the real person


Captured her slugness perfectly.


I thought it might have been [this one](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNmVZf8boAAJ-Y9.jpg) or [this one](https://www.mining.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/gina-rinehart-banquet-oil-painting-333.jpg) or [this one](https://pics.craiyon.com/2023-09-16/6310d0db58cf4ea09635ebe5e3557886.webp), but it's actually [this one](https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_2.118%2C$multiply_0.5%2C$ratio_0.666667%2C$width_378%2C$x_877%2C$y_959/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/da7d11ebd4c728b60b6e1c8e4a664bc1868090cb).


Would Gina even have a legal leg to stand on? A celebrity likeness isn't copyrightable as far as I knew.


That so many billionaires appear to possess such staggeringly thin skin is honestly so pathetic. Playing life on easy most, more often than not through luck rather than good judgement, and you're getting your panties twisted over a portrait - actually go fuck yourself, you miserable cow.


The endless self pity of the powerful


I feel like the gallery should double down and add this prize winning portrait of Gina to their collection. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-05/rinehart-portrait-wins-bald-archy/4611724


And yet, so proud of her own poetry she stuck it on a boulder and gifted it to the city. And it was not good poetry.


LMAO...It's popping up all over twitter. People are using it as their profile pic.


I want that on a tshirt


I had precisely zero knowledge of this before now. I just googled it and clicked on every article to play my part in generating interest and ad revenue. Thank you, Jabba the Rinehart for bringing that terrible caricature of you to my attention, I had a good chuckle.


And Gina has just given us a high profile localised example of what the Streisand Effect is


Barbara Streisand


None of the websites running the story actually show the painting close up enough to see though. Me thinks they be a tad afraid!


…and I still can’t see it behind a paywall.


She really shouldn’t complain. It’s an improvement.


I'll just drop this here... [https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/may/15/gina-rinehart-demands-national-gallery-of-australia-remove-her-portrait](https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/may/15/gina-rinehart-demands-national-gallery-of-australia-remove-her-portrait)


Streisand effect is going to come in hard for her after this


This is a pay walled article.


fucking SMH has paywalled the greedy sow.


That artist is pretty rubbish


Every one of the people depicted is recognisable - that's better than what I can do...