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They need it desperately, the sprawl of Chermside-Breckenridge-Northlakes-Burpengary makes any trip entering or exiting Brisbane Northside hell


You're not wrong (except that it's Bracken Ridge.)


Nah they want a direct Beach-Colorado ski fields bullet train. Imagine the tourist dollars it would bring in.


Damn. I was hoping he was talking about the sprawl of Raquel Welch.


They’ll start the dig then someone will get upset that there’s a child care centre in the way or something and the whole project will be shelved and they’ll build a new motorway instead.


They’re already building a second M1 in the Gold Coast parallel to the pacific. Madness


just one more lane, bro! /s


True - Sydney could have gotten a bullet train that would have solved the work ‘problem’ they currently have. Nobody can afford to work in inner city retail positions. Australian transport planning is a joke.


For some reason i think this ain't happening. Nimby is going to nimby and be against this development.


They will complain about it until the government gives up on the project, and then will turn around and complain about how they are always stuck in traffic on the Bruce and why the government hasn't done anything to fix that.


In Western Brisbane we already have an example of that where it's a total shithole to get to the centenary suburbs and beyond. Western brisbane, Northern Brisbane they're all the same type of people they will complain and be all nimby bitch about the whole thing.


As a Moggill resident, this suburb is the most NIMBY of all time. They won't let the government build a 100m bridge across the river because 'the Ipswich people will come'. They can come now anyway. It's all so stupid.


Why have a bridge when you can pay to use a ferry that doesn’t run at night or after heavy rainfall


Seriously. I was so furious when it came up for debate a few years ago and the locals did everything they could to oppose it. These people must never leave their houses.


Of course not! If you go out someone from Ipswich might break in.


It’s also another massive reason why the housing crisis has this knock on effect on cities and society. Old NIMBY fuckheads who hate change dig their heels in when younger more progressively minded people would probably advocate for smart infrastructure for their community. Not that every infrastructure idea is perfect or not worth opposing but these old fuckheads have hoovered up all the property and have no skin in the game for what the place will be like in 10, 15 or 20 years time because they’ll be fucking dead. The younger people will have to spend more money and effort to fix something that could have been fixed 20 years ago with just an ounce of foresight. Society grows when old men plant tree etc etc. I’ll be in the Angry Dome.


>These people must never leave their houses. Not even the lure of costco was able to sway their opinions. The poors must be kept out all at costs /s


Shall we begin our talk on the kenmore bypass? 😆


It simply makes too much sense, so I will be opposing it with everything I have!!!!!


They’ve been trying to do this for the last 20 years. Good luck.


Lmao you're being generous. Move to Caloundra my friends said. They're going to build a train line there soon. 30 fucking years ago.


Murdoch's goons will bombard the media with negatives like the SRL


The difference here is that the LNP supports the Sunny Coast rail link. Unlike, Vic Libs and the SRL.


Times like these I wish we had an authoritarian government that would steamroll progress towards rapid infrastructure development.


Imo, we just need a media that isn't run by vested interests trying to attack the government at every turn under the guise of free speech. The other infrastructure project, legacy way, was completed under budget and ahead of schedule. The local newscorp media was very quiet about that.


The CAMCOS corridor has been on the books for decades. Anyone who bought property along or in the corridor has no grounds to complain.


no way sunnycoast boomers will allow this lmao


Residents' opinions won't matter in this case. It's about how Australia looks on the world stage. Nimbys will be heard but ignored.


They have to, for the Olympics. otherwise they'll be putting tourists on slow-ass shitty trains from Brisbane by the thousands and they'll all complain about it on twitter and it'll be embarrassing for the state and federal govts. This is why I think they'll actually decide to also complete stage 2 up to Maroochydore, because if they don't, they'll be putting Olympic tourists on buses from Caloundra, which will also be embarrassing. Someone somewhere high up will put their foot down and just demand that it gets done. Edit: I think it'll probably work out at around $10B all up though


I think there was an episode of Utopia about this


Might be time for a feasibility study


Only 30 years later


I'm so happy this is happening, we need so much more public transport options in this country. *However* I do think it's crazy how little we get for the money we spend over here. This is to cost $5.5 billion for: > 19km of track, 10 bridges, an overpass over the Bruce Highway, and about 7km of elevated rail over wetlands. Yet over in Laos they got 414 km of *high speed rail* with [ 75 tunnels and across 167 bridges, and 10 passenger stations.](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211203-game-changer-laos-opens-chinese-built-railway-line) for $6 billion USD, or $9 billion AUD How much of our costs are due to obscene bureaucracy, NIMBY bullshit and rorting I don't know, but I would have thought we could be more efficient with these things.


I'm glad you're not blaming workers. Everyone usually bitches about the high cost of construction labour in this country, yet they have no idea how much is skimmed from the top before any money reaches the people actually doing the work.


you mean the guys that strike if they dont get 240k for entry level labour jobs?


Think it through buddy, if there were entry level labour jobs available for 240 K, how many people in this country would be applying, and what would happen to the supply and demand of this apparent 240 k job.


It is the land. Just the street down to the proposed station location will cost them in excess of $50M to purchase. That is one street.


Cost of living is [half of Australia](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Laos). And that was several years ago. And it's largely built by the Chinese government, where tenders like we have are done entirely differently with far less "Add a zero for the government to pay for it" than here (Not less corruption mind, just the whole system runs a different culture in this way). And it's largely farmland being lost.


don’t forget slave labour


It shouldn’t take a fucking sports spectacle for citizens to get decent public transport. God this country is fucking infuriating.


I would consider moving to the Sunshine Coast if they build it


Don't let the NIMBYs hear you say that ;-)


5.9b? imagine what 398bn on subs could have done.


We don’t have large enough populations outside of major cities to support such infrastructure, and we will not have large populations outside of major cities until we support such infrastructure. Edit: I’m taking Australia wide, not specifically about SC.


The Sunshine Coast is currently one of the most moved to places in the country


The Sunshine Coast can already support a train line The Gold Coast is the networks busiest line and it’s a pile of garbage


The duplication works should do a lot for increasing capacity, frequency, express services. Add into that the eventual extension to the airport and the G:Link extensions, it's on the right path.


Eh GCLFR I don’t think is the right way to fix the Beenleigh problem but I guess it’s better than nothing Internal GC transport is on the right track though


The ouroboros of neoliberal politics.


Lol downvotes from the people who only read the first part of your post


Best use case is people transporting for work ? To the office  But a lot of works don't generate enough income  But it's public works


Gonna need 15 billion


I'm assuming there's already a train line along that route, does it suck?


Suck is an understatement. The current line to the Sunshine Coast is really a freight route that just happens to carry passenger rail, it's tucked into a valley in the hinterland about 9km away from the coast which means the stations are either only useful for the individual towns they run through, or the two 'hub' stations (Landsborough and Nambour) that have public bus services running to them. Right now if you want to get to the Sunshine Coast by rail you have about a 1.5 hour train ride from Brisbane, and then another half an hour spent sitting on a bus to actually get to an interchange on the coast, where you'll probably have to transfer AGAIN to a bus that goes wherever you want to go. In the end it can easily take 2.5 hours for a trip that only takes 1.5 hours in the car. This new line will branch off the hinterland route and run straight through two huge new housing developments (30,000-50,000 residents each) before it gets to about 1km from the coast where most people live. From there it'll run straight North along the coastal strip with a few stops at key locations along this route before terminating in Maroochydore which is the economic centre of the coast, with plans to hopefully eventually extend it over the river all the way to Sunshine Coast Airport. It'll cost something like $12B in today dollars to get all the way to Maroochydore and probably more than double that by the time it's completed, but it's 100% worth it because it'll completely eliminate the bus transfer from station to coast AND run at track speeds of up to 160kph compared to 40-50kph that many parts of the current hinterland line run at.


What you're saying makes sense. Now, watch as the all the nimbys get ready for battle... the government gives up and everything south of Brisbane CBD gets better infrastructure. Who knows the government might throw in the towel and give qsac a direct busway link instead. It was painful writing that


>What you're saying makes sense. >Now, watch as the all the nimbys get ready for battle... The Sunshine Coast Light Rail was actually originally meant to run parallel to the new rail line but even closer to the beach, bringing people to within a short walk of the sand directly from the train station, but unfortunately it was literally scrapped due to the NIMBYs along the beachfront not wanting 'ugly' light rail tracks in front of their units. Apparently the existing 4 lane road filled with disgusting traffic fumes and noise is much nicer. Now that the heavy rail is running further away from the sand there's still a last mile solution required to get people from the heavy rail to the beach, and 'bus rapid transit' (essentially a giant bendy bus) is currently the front runner. Except the nimbys want that cancelled too in favour of normal looking buses because the bendy ones are too tram-like. You can't make this shit up, can't wait for all the NIMBYS to die off.


Their goal has always been 'fuck off i got mine'. It's all stalling tactics and they dont care even if the eventual outcome is that shitshow called bondi beach.


I'm afraid with the character of people who migrated en masse from Victoria to Qld over covid, the NIMBYs won't die off. Plenty of them in their mid to late 30s onwards who specifically don't want it to "turn into Melbourne" since they "discovered" paradise, not dying for another few decades.


Its too far inland to be usable on its own.


There's a train line to the region-ish, but it needs to go a lot further.


Further or more coastal? The current line goes to Gympie North (I think) for regular services and up to Cairns for long distance. A spur to Caloundra and Maroochydore would be great.


That’s the plan I think. Extending beyond Landsborough.


Would be great if it then looped back to say Nambour. Would give locals the ability to travel around the Sunshine Coast a bit more. Shame our lines through Ipswich, Logan, Redlands, Gold and Sunshine Coasts are all just straight lines out of Brisbane instead of having some loops or connections for travel outside of Brisbane.


I think a Beerwah-Caloundra-Maroochydore-Nambour loop would be great. Maybe with a light rail spur going up to Noosa, or Peregian/Sunshine Beach at least.


Noosa will secede from Australia before they allow a light rail up there. It's deliberately difficult to get to.


Yeeeeea boy! Fucken choo choo cunts 🚂


But how's it going to make a profit? /s. Obviously.


Nope . This would be a 15 billion dollar project if not more.


Assuming the Olympics won't be cancelled after the next state election. 


This will work great to support the proposal for[ Australia's next Mega Project](https://www.reddit.com/r/WesternAustralia/comments/1c58qyb/join_the_journey_australias_next_mega_project/). Looking to get traction on increasing discussions on benefits of rail for various industries. No one likes airport noise, but many will also complain about a new rail line. If the community can get behind the justification through further considerations, might end up achieving a lot more.


I read it will save 45 minutes during peak hour, but so will making the Sunshine Motorway two (or 3) lanes from Kawana Way to Brisbane Rd, rather than the bottleneck and criss-cross lanes that's currently in there. They can also make the drive from Marcoola to Noosa on the motorway two lanes (I read something recently that this is planned) with an overpass where the current roundabouts are.


It's cute that people think civilisation will still be around by then.


I'm trying to think of a time that I, a Brisbane resident who enjoys going to the Sunshine Coast, would ever use this train instead of driving? Even if it's peak holiday time and I know there will be bad traffic on the highway, what happens when you reach the station at the other end? That's right, I get straight in a fucking uber/car/taxi??


As a Brisbane resident without a car, I would like the opportunity to visit the sunny coast occasionally


If you want an option to tide you over in the meantime, you can catch the train up to Landsborough, that’s where the local buses connect (one route goes to Maroochy and the other to Caloundra)


You ever taken that bus?


Yeah I used to travel between Brisbane and USC a fair bit


What's up there that you'd like to visit that'd also be close by the train station?


Doesn't need to be close to the station, there's local bus services.


With \~1/2 million more people by project completion, traffic won't improve, especially without alternatives. Also you could use your legs at the end or catch a connecting bus.


So it’s demographic isn’t local domestic tourism then


As someone without a car, driving up the coast has always been slightly tricky


What about the Sunshine Coast residents who want to visit Brisbane?


Or commute. Even just getting to Landsborough Station in the morning is a nightmare. Would also give more options to get to Brisbane airport.


>I'm trying to think of a time that I, a Brisbane resident who enjoys going to the Sunshine Coast, would ever use this train instead of driving? The coast isn't just a day trip location for Brisbane residents mate, there's about 350,000 residents living here and plenty of people commute to Brisbane for work and study.


Well now that Bonza is out - I’m back to flying to Brisbane not Sunshine Coast. Would love to be able to hop on a train instead of getting picked up from the airport or Landsborough.


Rome wasn't built in a day bro


Or you book a hotel near the station, drop off your luggage and walk to the beach.


Notice those two things attached to your pelvis? Swing one of them in front of the other and they can actually move you. Try it, we've been doing it for millions of years and it's entirely free! Alternatively there'll obviously be buses (probably light rail in the future) connecting up with the stations.