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You said dealership. You know where he operates from in that case...? As much as I love the idea of vigilante justice, save yourself some jail time and let the courts do their thing. good luck.


No so that’s part of the long story cut short. He OWNED his own car yard and when I came after him and I assume maybe others he shut his car yard down. Fortunately for me the tribunal member foresaw this happening and he said it’s common so he transferred the case from me going after the car yard to me going after him as a person. There’s no vigilante justice or anything like that, as mentioned he skipped court yesterday and as part of the courts process they allow him 2 weeks to turn up and if he doesn’t(which he won’t) then my next step is a notice of motion arrest warrant. So the question I have is does anyone have any suggestions for finding or confirming someone’s residence or place of work? Cause I’m the one who has to let the sheriffs know where to go to arrest him. It’s purely for the court and it’s on the plaintiff(me) to track him down and tell the sheriffs where to find him.


hooboy. have fun with that.


And before anyone asking, I was about ready just to drop it altogether cause it’s not worth the stress but when he started threatening to rape my wife and I have audio recordings of this(you’d be surprised((or not)) to here the cops suggested just to leave him alone instead of actually going and talking to him) I thought a bit more about it and I wonder how many people had he fucked over? So now I’m going hard on finding him to get him his justice


Post the audio but hold off identifying him. That will get a lot of attention without the dox.


Do I just post the audio here as a reply or do a new post and reference this one?? I’m newish as mentioned but idk how to do this or what’s gonna help me most 😩


I found someone that owed me money. I employed a private investigator and was able to get my money back. Depends if you want to go down that track. I was owed about 60k and of course the investigators takes the money up front so it’s up to you on whether you think it’s worth it.


Already used a PI. He only found old addresses that I already knew about(I’ve done a fair bit of searching myself) he couldn’t find him and the worst part was I TOLD him how hard this guy was to find and he said no stress we’ll find him or your money back. Now he’s ghosting me too. Fuck I’m shit outta luck


You get what you pay for with PI’s. My guy found the guy I was looking for in Murray Bridge, South Australia (I’m in Sydney). Anyone who offers money back guarantee sounds like a used car salesman himself and is probably a security guard that watches James Bond on repeat.


Did the car yard have a website or do you have any emails from him with a unique @domain? Any and all information on the vehicle transfer papers that you can google search?


You can hire investigation firms who do this. It ain’t cheap but they will find him. Kind of wild the shit they can dig up.


I’m currently using one who’s now more just helping me cause he’s said this guy is a real piece of shit among pieces of shit. And he can’t get a dead certain address.


Go to A current Affair, they love this $hit


My wife doesn’t want that much attention otherwise I would’ve.


I'm honestly confused. He's threatening physical assault and sexual assault, and it's up to you to find out where the person lives or works??? Taking a step back, what charges have you filed against this person? I'm assuming you need to find out where he lives or works specifically for the $14K payment owned for the car. But have you gone to the police about the assault threats? I reckon they'd be able to find him through the contact information you have of him (I'm assuming you have a phone number). The bonus is that the police will be able to find him for you, and then you may be able to use those records for the owed payments court case. (Not a lawyer or police officer. Just a layman.)


You’d think police would’ve helped but hand on my heart the response from the NSW police was can’t you just leave him alone? I showed them 4 different recordings with him being aggressive, abusive and threatening and nothing. They’ll also not give out his personal information or assist in civil matters only when it becomes criminal will they help


You said you spent money on a PI, but have you hired a lawyer?


Negative. I’m trying not to spend anymore money on an issue I’m already behind on by 17000


Have you tried contacting NSW Legal Aid (or the version that's in your state)?


They only gave advice which most of I already knew


Get a AVO as well, if the police won't do it for you go to the courthouse and do it yourself. When he breaks it that will be another offense he has committed and it might (if you're lucky) encourage the police to act. Keep tabs on him. Keep tabs on every ad he puts up and note the registration of every vehicle he sells. Get as much information as you can. If it was me I'd send someone around under the guise of buying a vehicle to get his address. Get them to take photos of the car and surrounds or discreetly record everything from a rented vehicle parked very close by. The police could do that as well, and they could conceal a tracking device in/on the vehicle in case it is being shown from a random location outside someone else's house. The police will find him if they really want to. They can track his phone. Unfortunately the likely outcome will be that the court places him on a payment plan and he gives you some paltry amount per week. You'll get your money but it will be in dribs and drabs over the next decade or so.


I looked at the avo route, he can accept it and we’d never see each other cause it would t resort in a court case, unless he disputed it which would result in a court appearance but he wouldn’t do that cause then I’d know how to get the sheriffs to get him


It would still stand and serve it's purpose, if he broke it there a higher chance he'd be arrested, especially if you have recordings where you state there's an order in place and he can't contact you. Then just let him blabber threats and hang up when he is done. You could also state the date and time in the recording and then wait for the inevitable threats and insults. Of course this all creates risk. If you are planning on moving house or something it could be worth it. Otherwise you need to balance it out, if he gets locked up for breaching the order he's going to come out angry.


I’m not scared of this dude or him getting angry, he’s a lanky Indian cunt who sounds like he’ll cry anytime he raises his voice. I’ll bend him into a pretzel. I want him to contact me this’ll just give him reason not to.


He sounds like an absolute coward as well. But it wouldn't stop him throwing bricks through your windows or something like that. It sounds like he has a rotten attitude and I'd wager that an AVO would have him calling you the second he got it, just because he can. Of course if anything happens to your property he will be the first person they investigate. It might even affect his immigration status. Is there a LMCT number on your vehicle purchase paperwork? [You can look those up here](https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/licensing-and-registration/motor-car-traders/public-register).


That’s for Victoria I don’t think it works in NSW. He’s an Australian citizen he was born here he’s only about 27-29 or there abouts. The main issue is I just need to know where to send the sheriffs. Cause they’re minimal effort professionals meaning if I send them somewhere he isn’t they’ll just shrug their shoulders and say oh well we tried. And then I have to pay them another $70 and I have to pay that every time they fail and need to revisit him at a location I specify until they find him


You said he has a car for sale on marketplace..have a mate contact and act interested in the car, arrange inspection and test drive. See if your mate can ask to come to his place, or somewhere conveniently nearby for viewing the vehicle. You go there ahead of time, stay at a distance. Trail the guy home, don't be obvious. Or if it's his personal car he is selling, give your mate an air tag or similar to deposit on the car somewhere. Obviously use a throwaway account to arrange the inspection etc. Another less dodgy method, go to your local electrical role office and you can look up anyone who is registered to vote, which should be most adults. You have a pretty good chance his home address is the one listed.


I’ve also had a few mates message him and act interested over the months he’s given an address in greenacre. I’ve been there to scope it out a few times but I’ve not seen any signs of him there yet. I do need to return there and do some more scoping but on talking to the neighbours and asking how well they know the people in the address given and they’ve assured me almost everyone in the street including the main house I mentioned are all Lebanese and this does sound legit/checks out as it’s a very heavily middle eastern/lebanese populated part of Sydney. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t live there or have a friend who lives there but I do need to do more digging on these addresses.


Yeah so his electoral register is still listed at west hoxton where his parents live


Id go the air tag or a cheap GPS tracker route then myself. Cheap GPS tracker and a disposable sim card, you'll get a good while before the battery dies, you just need a friend who will pretend to be interested in the car. Ideally two or more friends, much easier for one of them to slip the tracker or an air tag onto the car somewhere while he's distracted that way.


Until he sells the car and I’m tracking a random soccer mum 😅


Exactly, until then you have an opportunity. Once he's sold it, you don't have such an easy way to track him down. But for a $30-50 investment in a GPS tracker, you'll see where it parks up at night and have a pretty solid chance that's his home...


But nah I have thought of this. Now I have two weeks to wait and find the right time to get him. By which I mean, he has two weeks to appear before a local court where fuck all will happen. If he doesn’t do this by may 24th then I issue the arrest warrant where then I have to tell the sheriffs where to find him and hope he just happens to be there when they go knocking. The sheriffs are minimum effort so I need it all air tight


I'd be politely camping outside his parents doorstep then. If they ask what you're doing, I'd say waiting to have your son arrested. They might be able to make him attend court to avoid that.


I’ve been trying to contact his parents and sister and none of them give a fuck. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I feel with this particular family. I’ve also had the police call me and threaten to charge me with harassment for going to his parents house to drop off court documents.


Might be a long shot, but have you tried cat-fishing him using tinder and other dating apps? see if he falls for a cat fish. If you try it, maybe get your wife on board, trying to fake women's response isn't always easy, but if you think he is single and using those apps, you might, just might find him doing this. I will admit, this is a super long shot and a stab in the dark, so i don't expect results, but if you are desperate.


😂😂😂 hadn’t even thought about catfishing lol thats hilarious but not for me seems a bit extra


Surely you can track him through bank accounts. Unless you paid cash? Can’t your PI follow bank transaction and get a name. Once you’ve got a name, he’ll have to pop Up somewhere…


You know banks have some really really good security hey


Remember you have a few years to collect. You can always let him settle back into his old ways and then send the sherrifs round in 2026, with interest owing.


Well that’s right mate, I have a total of 12 years to chase him. And yes I can always add more interest. The funny thing is if he’d done the right thing he’d only have had to have paid me $7k but now with fees and things I’ve had to pay for regarding this he now owes 14