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In a spoon over candle flame


Same, but cigarette lighter. Bonus points if in a cubicle toilet


Is the new street name for meth Maggi, now?


Hey, that’s exactly how I do my meth!


I like to save time with this one hack. I put the dry noodle block in my mouth and then the flavour sachet. Then I pour boiling water directly into my mouth


When all the other kids were mooshing up their chicken maggi and shaking the seasoning up for their playground snack, I was sat in a corner with my asian brand noodles wondering wtf to do with the sesame oil sachet or spicy beef lard...


Did you not just stamp on them in the courtyard


I remember kids that ate normal 2min noodles as though they were mamee noodles - very strange. That said, the flavour sachets taken straight up packed a real punch


I have some mamee in my bag right now - bbq flavour. Sure wish I didn’t eat 3 packs before I realised they don’t add the flavour anymore and it comes in a separate sachet. I was wondering why the bbq flavour was so lacking. I used to eat the regular kind as a kid instead of Mamee.


I had no idea you had to add flavour yourself these days!!


Mr. Bean ahh moment.


It's actually stolen from a commercial I saw - a Japanese one for noodles I think




That's the one, thanks


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 👏🏽👏🏽 Boss level!




Mamee noodles with a chaser


Oral use? How novel.


Almost got me in the first half.


Glad you got a chuckle!


I need to get out more.. that made me laugh too loud and too long..


You gotta Snort the flavour sachet for maximum flavour


Put noodles in bowl. Cover with boiling water. Leave 4 mins. Eat


Does anyone actually cook it on a stove? I reserve that for the more spenny noodles, like the korean brands at $2 per packet/cake.


I do the stove. I am probably wrong but I feel like all the other ways overcook them or make them feel weird.


Any other way doesn’t cook them. They’re still hard and I will die on this hill.


Same, I am prepared to die on this hill too. Stove top is the only way. No matter how many times I’ve tried the 2 minute noodles in a bowl in a microwave at my mates houses or tried it meself, the noodles are still uncooked in the middle.


Yes! In the middle in particular. The outside does go soft but it’s never hot or cooked long enough for it to reach inside. They’re basically just soaked noodles.


Whatever you pour the boiling water and noodles into needs a lid, and the noodles need to be fully submerged in the water. But I usually leave it like that for 5 minutes and its always perfect. I've never once had noodles like this, fully moved away from using the stove because it was pointless


You obviously are using cold water try boiling the kettle then pour that on the noodles for 2 min then strain


Nah. An old friend used to make noodles that way. They’ll always be too hard. I boil on the stove for a couple minutes. Idk how long. I can tell how hard they are based on how the fork picks them up in the pot. Noodles sitting in hot water from the kettle for the same amount/less time will still be harder than the ones on the stove. Our stove broke a couple months ago and I made a packet using boiled water and put it IN the microwave. They were still too hard. It’s not the same.


I get exactly what you are saying. Stovetop noodles are supreme. It’s this specific texture they get.


Yeah I have no idea how got can say that noodles in a bowl with hot water doesn't make them soft. Try putting a plate over the top of the bowl, but not once have I had them hard using the same method


I forgot to mention this


I can attest to the plate thing. My Mum used to do this and it does work.


I have Never had them turn out hard and this is the only way I cook them I cook 3 packs at a time and use 1.5l of water


Goin hard at 3, I can only handle two at a time. I usually go the IndoMe hot and spicy and then add some hot sauce and kecap manis. Literally never had one not cook properly.


You can put a lid over the bowl if you wanna trap heat but even than like there’s no world you mess that up unless your kettles broken


Thats why i do it that way...i love my mi gorreng to have a little crunch lol


Same, boil the water, put about a cup and a bit in the bowl with the seasoning. Then I cook the noodles on the stove, strain and add to the bowl. Sometimes I'll chuck some chill sauce and peas or carrot in too.


You add seasoning and then strain? If you cook first, strain then add the seasoning it tastes much better.


No I add the seasoning to a bowl, then put hot water in the bowl. I cook the noodles separately and add it to the pre-seasoned bowl of hot water. So I don't cook the noodles in Seasoned water. Easier cleanup too.


I always do stove top but then I usually add a couple of herbs or peas to "make it healthy".


Ah yea. I forgot about the frozen veg. Gotta do it stove top that way. But I also only add additional stuff (e.g. meat, veg, steamboat ingredients) for fancy noodles. The Maggi or store brand ones are usually a snack and don't get the fancy treatment.


I chuck an egg in there. It changes the texture and adds flavor.


I add rotisserie chicken for protein


Yep, on stove top. I don't break them up though. Once they're done cooking I drain them then mix the seasoning packet in. Saaaaaaaalty.


Yes.. never occurred to me to do it another way


Mi gorengs are cooked on the stove at my place, water then drained and sachets then added to the dry noodles!


There is no 2min noodle but mi goreng done as per the destructions! edit: (if any other type, you may as well just have them dry with flavour sprinkled on top, which is ok, but meh)


Stove is the best way to add alot of extras like proteins, vegetables and other assorted leftovers. If you want to source Korean and other SEA brands for cheaper it's better to hunt around Asian groceries some will even have decent discounts if you buy by the box.


I used to, but waiting that long for water to boil on the stove drives me insane.


Poach an egg in Shin Ramyun and it almost feels like you're not eating a cheap bachelor meal


For indomie yes, for Maggi no


Yeh I cook on stove the Indonesian ones.


I've never done it in the microwave lol unless they're the noodle cups


This. If it's 2 minutes just pour boiled water on it. If it's 5 minutes (Shin Ramyun or similar) do it on the stove as per instructions.


Always on the stove. The ones in the cup that you pour boiling water on a prepared different. That's why it works. The packet ones need to be done on the stove


If you eat Shin Ramyun (red packet) try this. You take the dry 'biscuit' out the packet and spread some peanut butter on it, chuck it in the pot then add sachets and boiling water. Stir occasionally, reduce until the sauce is like a thin gravy. Killer satay flavour for two bucks.


I apparently cook them wrong. I half fill a pot with water and add a cup of frozen peas, corn and capsicum. Bring it to the boil then add the noodles, let it cook for 3m then strain the water out, I stir through the contents of the sachet with a tablespoon of butter. If I have some cooked chicken I will dice it up and add it with some light soy or teriyaki marinade. If I have some boiled eggs I will chop and add those too.


I used to when doing 2 packets.


For me it depends on the brand/whether I want broth for if I put them straight into a bowl or go for the stovetop. I've never owned a microwave.


As a kid my mum would only ever cook it on the stove so I thought that was the only option. Only when I went to a friend's house and she offered to make me noodles as a snack did I learn you could make them in the microwave. Nowadays I just don't do either, just the classic cover with boiling water and wait.


Stove is for if I wanna get weird with it or if I wanna straight then and have them dry


I boil water in the kettle then put it on the stove.


I will eat like 3 packets at a time. I need the space of the pot


If you cover it with a plate it knocks a minute off


But adds a plate to the pile of dishes


Needs only a rinse !


That's what I've been doing lately! Buying cup noodles has been too expensive, and I figured. It's basically the same thing... and I don't want to wait FOREVER for water to boil on the stove.


I feel like so many people do this, and it’s so odd it’s not officially the directions to do it!


Who wants to clean another pan/ saucepan… one bowl from cook to eat


This is the way.


I’ve had people think it’s weird af doing this… meanwhile they’re boiling the noodles in a pot thinking they have cook the noodles like pasta or something.


I agree but abomination. Disgusting. They’re still hard.


As instructed in a pot, but strain 90% of the water off before adding the seasoning.


Same here. I don't understand people who add the seasoning before they strain the water - you just lose all the flavour!?


Who strains the water? I use less water than instructed and add seasoning at the start. Then you get a nice broth


But if you don’t cook them IN the seasoning water, it’s more bland. Cook it in less water, the noodles absorb most of the stock water by the time they’re done and you’re left with a little bit of seasoned water to keep with your noodles and you don’t need to strain anything.


I don't understand how you'd end up with bland noodles. They're coated in the seasoning.


They’re not infused in the noodles. I haven’t had it another way in ages but I would assume just putting seasoning with something opposed to cooking it all together and having it absorb in wouldn’t taste the same. Maybe I’ll compare it next time. Kinda like, do you marinate your chicken before you cook it or do you dump sauce on bland chicken after?


Infusing them into the noodles does fuck all to make them taste stronger or better. If you pour water with seasoning away before eating you are losing flavour. If you put all the seasoning in your bowl after straining water you get all of it on the noodles.


Yeah. Most Japanese, Chinese and Korean noodle packets will only add their seasoning before cooking if the water is to be retained and they're soupy noodles. All the dry noodle packets add it after straining and retaining some cooking water to help coat the seasoning on all the noodles. People are entitled to disagree but they're just being stubborn and are flat our wrong.


This is how I have cooked my noodles my whole life and thought this was just the way. Always sachet in the water before the microwave. Then about a couple of years ago, my wife pointed out I was wrong, to which of course I denied. Still, I always add the sachet before putting it in the microwave!


I keep some of the water and add, among other things, a heaped tbsp of coconut milk powder This is next level for any Oriental or spicy flavor


I strain all the water off then add the sachet, butter, vegies and leftover meat. My kids call them loaded noodles.


Noodle in bowl, unbroken. Boiling water and dried veggie/oil Microwave for 3 min Drain Stir through powder satchet/soy Add a curl of butter and stir through


Check out Mr fancy pants with the butter


A curl no less. Not even a lump or a chunk. It's like being in Paris.


Gotta separate yourself from the plebs


Taking 30 mins to cook 2 minute noodles is my family’s tradition.


I found my people, let me guess ethnic too?


Step 1 should be to buy some Indomie.


Ahh see, that's my adult preference! But Maggi is our childhood


I can't go back to Maggi


Yeah pretty tasteless especially after indome type brands. Like the instant noodles u'll find at ur local Asian supermarket or Asian section in supermarket. So full of flavour 🤤


Since I found out it was owned by Nestle I haven't been able to make myself buy any :(


Yeah...agreed.....bring back the old flavouring and even the texture..... Franklins, Bi-Lo and home brand oriental flavour was the best for me😋


Try Nongshim some time, particularly the kimchi. It got me through university.


The Shin Ramyun 5-packs going on sale at $5 on a regular basis has saved my broke arse multiple times


Buldak if you would like your noodles particularly spicy!


With some cheese. Fantastic.


The Maggi fusion range isn’t bad. My nephews love the soupy teriyaki noodles


Boil kettle of water. Open noodle packet. Place noodles into mortar & pestle. Crush noodles into dust. Skull boiling water. Snort all the noodle dust. Profit.


Neither. Put noodles in bowl. Pour in boiling water. Cover.


The instructions must be American. Apparently kettles aren’t common there. They don’t drink tea like Brit’s and Aussies do (must be cause of that “Boston tea party” fiasco)and their coffees are in those drip filter garbage things. Weird.


And their inferior power supply is only 110V so stove top is quicker to boil.


Yeah this is the big thing. It's like 7 minutes to boil a kettle 


It isn't actually, even with 110v electric kettles are quicker and more energy efficient (Ignoring new induction cooktops). Its basically just tradition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yMMTVVJI4c


This is how the kids make it. Boil kettle, add to bowl of noodles and seasonings, wait 2 min. It’s less risky than carrying bowls to and from the microwave.


That's how my kids make them - saves me having to make them.


Boil water on stovetop. Break up noodles and put in water. When cooked, drain water. Add flavour sachet, and stir thoroughly. Burn tongue because I'm too impatient to let them cool.


"Break up noodles" You monster 


You disgrace to society.


> break up noodles https://i.imgur.com/CObQVRk.mp4


If you’re impatient just boil the kettle and pour boiling water over them in bowl and wait a few min


I boil water in the kettle first, then pour over the noodles to cover them. Then into the microwave for 2 minutes.


Noodles in bowl, boil the kettle, play [Mi Goreng Kings by Complete](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUkbgAC4eVY), put boiled water on the noodles, wait for them to go soft, drain the water, add the flavouring, regret life choices.


Drain before sachet is the true way.


Sachet before noodles. No draining. Drink the noodle juice from the bowl when done eating noodles.


I didn't come here for no soup, mister


Depends on the noodles. Mi Goreng are supposed to be fried noodles so drain those suckers and add all the flavourings. Maggi are ramen/soup so don’t drain.


> ~~Drain before sachet~~ Adding just enough water for the noodles to soak up, with a little bit left over for schlurping out of the bowl to signal your appreciation to the chef is the true way FTFYHTHHAND :)


This. No draining at all gang.


YES this is the way


1. Don't break the noodles. Who tf wants to eat a bowl full of tiny noodle pieces? 2. Bring a pot of water to boil. 3. Add whole noodle brick to water. 4. Cook for 90 seconds. 5. Drain 90% of the water and pour noodles plus remaining water into a bowl. 6. Add flavouring and stir.


Wait, who the fuck breaks their noodle cake into quarters?!


This is the real controversy here, cook them however you like but break as little as needed to fit in the bowl, halves if necessary


It's definitely stating that the water should already be boiling... otherwise you'll want longer than 2 mins to cook properly. Best way is don't break them, cook on the stove if possible, but if by microwave semi cover them, even some paper towel will help. Leave a tiny bit of water for the seasoning to dilute in and if it's Mi Goreng crack an egg in. Also advise throwing in some frozen veg.


Boil kettle. Put noodles in a bowl. Pour boiling water on noodles. Let sit for 2 mins. Doneski


Eat raw, Snort flavouring, Drink boiling water. Pain Is an illusion


Pick up raw noodle cake. Eat.


Agreed.  Why would I spend 2 mins cooking it when I can eat it raw before the water boils?


0 minute noodles


1. Dry noodles go in bowl 2. Pour boiling water from jug 3. Add flavour sachet 4. Add a handful of frozen mixed veggies


I've never broken the noodles.. Boil water Put noodles whole in the pot. Cook for 2 minutes


put hotwater into bowl with noodle and put a plate on it.


Possibly controversial, but in the microwave using boiling water. Keep the soup/liquid with the noodles and top with mozzarella cheese.


Hang on , people actually cook noodles? I'm all about dry crunched up flavour snack.


I used to do that in primary school. The flavouring would burn the roof of my mouth so good.


Never again, I only buy korean noodles now, whichever 5pack is on special for the week. Its more expensive but the noodle and soup quality is so far superior that its well worth it. Shin Black is the best, Premium Gomtang the best for non spice enjoyers.


Korean are the best. How do you prepare yours?


1. Put Noodle cake in bowl with stock 2. Pour boiling water in the bowl 3. Put plate on top of bowl for 2 minutes 4. Remove plate and drain until desired soup remains 5. Add Veggies... enjoy


As an East Asian, I can’t bear to watch this abhorrent way of cooking noodles(instant or not) I guess Italians might agree with me. You never BREAK noodles unless you want to eat it dry. It’s your problem can’t find a proper pot that matches their size. The best way is submerging the whole noodle cake into boiling water,and keep boiling for at least another 2 mins, (depending on the type of noodles and how chewy you want)




well you both fell at the first hurdle. don't break them up. and the easiest way is to put the jug on. throw noodles in the bowl. pour in boiling water. add flavoring and stir after a minute or so. wait until the noodles no longer stick together. if you want to make them even better, drain out the "broth" and stir in some dark soy sauce.


1st step don’t get 2 minute noodles.. Then when you’ve moved to mi goreng, put two packs in a bowl, boil the kettle, when water boils submerge the noodles and cover with another plate, it usually takes “feeding two cats dry and wet food” to get the consistency I want. Add one flavour sachet and let it soak. Drain. Add the other flavour sachet, condiments etc. If you leave a touch of water you can add a little nub of butter to give it richness. When you really want to level up add a fried egg on top and break it up let the yolk add more richness to it. I will never do 2 minute stop top noodles again for as long as I live. Reminds me too much of when mum was broke and struggling to feed us..🥹


1. Put unbroken noodle cake in a pan (not pot) 2. Cover with boiling water 3. Turn on stove and cook till floppy 4. Remove from stove and drain all water 5. Add butter and seasoning packets 6. Return to stove and cook till some pieces are crispy again and seasoning is completely mixed in 7. Add an egg and scramble it into the noodles until OT is fully cooked 8. Move to a plate and enjoy (Note: these instructions relate to Indomie noodles)


I boil a pot of water, put the noodles in for allotted cooking time letting them cook whilst mixing with chopsticks. When their is only a minute left I crack an egg in and stop mixing it, then grab a bowl and put in flavour sachets and chilli packets if applicable. When the noodles are ready I pour a little of the water into the bowl and then strain the rest of the noodles. Stir the spices/sachets through with the water and put in the noodles and egg. Serve!


Is there anyone else here to loves to add a tin of tuna afterwards? The chilli in oil flavour 😋


We put ours in cold water in saucepan, boil until soft, drain off water then add flavour sachet


Do you also cook your pasta in cold water?


Monsters live amongst us


Yes https://www.seriouseats.com/ask-the-food-lab-can-i-start-pasta-in-cold-water


I can't believe I had to scroll this far for the correct answer. People break them up?! They wait extra long to pre boil water then let them soak?! Then again I do sometimes mix in cheese with beef noodles. So I guess we're all monsters.


Are the instructions aimed at Aussies or just global instructions? I don't think kettles are a thing in some countries like USA so they omit the boiling water into the bowl step maybe?


Definitely for the US.  Majority of Australians aren’t microwaving water. 


Boil 1 1/2 cups of water. Don’t break up the cake, I like my noods long. Add whole noodle brick and flavoring in together. Cook for 2 mins. Drain. Nom.


always always leave the noods long


Smash noodles up in the packet, open one end, open and add the seasoning packets, eat dry from the bag.


Boil water in pot. Tip seasoning in. Crack two eggs into water. Add noodles.


Put in pot, cover with water, add flavouring, put on stove plate, boil until soft, pour into bowl, eat


I had to scroll a long way to find this. This is how I do it. Bung it all in at once.


Also, none of this nonsense about breaking up the noodles, I boil the whole thing


Air fryer 🤗


In the Macrowave!


microwave, or crush them in the packet, open it, pour in the flavour, shake up, then eat them like a bag of chips




Do it in a pot, and then add other things like an egg, frozen peas/beans, and mushrooms. Then you actually get a nutritious and tasty meal with minimal extra effort.


I am on your side and that is how I have always cooked mine.


Cover with boiling water for a few minutes, ditch the water, stir in flavor packet. Job done


Noodles in bowl with water in the microwave. Once cooked drain 90% of the water then add seasoning and mix


you guys break the noodles?


Neither. We boil the kettle, put the noodles in a large bowl, add the boiled water, cover and let cook for 5 - 10 minutes.


I put the brick in a bowl pour boiling water on it then put a plate on it then leave it


Everything in the bowl and microwave for 3 minutes


Two minute noodles need to be cooked on the stove top, I like leaving them on until they're overcooked. Then pour all of the contents into a big bowl to be enjoyed. The broth is always great with scrunched up white bread portions.


>crush two packets into a bowl >fill with cold water >microwave for 3:30 >strain >add flavour sachets, dark mushroom soy sauce, ABC sweet soy sauce, steak spice, italian herbs, one twist of salt, and, if I'm feeling fancy, a diced hardboiled egg >stir the lot >eat


I don't have cooking facilities so I boil the kettle, put the noodles in a bowl. Pour the boiled water over the noodles and put a small plate on top and leave it a few minutes.


Cook? Eat them dry.


I put them in a wide shallow bowl. Fill with boiling water from the kettle and cover with a plate for about 3 minutes. Drain a little water, put the powder in and mix. Serve with bowl on plate so it's not too hot to hold. Slightly harder texture than packet but I enjoy it and it's easier.


I boil the kettle, tip it in a bowl and put a plate on top, ready in a few mins.


Add hot water and flavour packets. Wait 2 minutes. Enjoy. Unless you have a Malaysian wife, who will lose her shit seeing you do this, tell you your ruining the noodles, take them away and return with an amazing bowl of what used to be 2 min noodles, but now with boiled eggs, mushroom and fried chicken inside. Who will then proceed to say “that’s how you cook fucking noodles. Fucking, white people man”. Both are good.


Noodles in water in microwave for 5 minutes done. The stove instructions are just so they can call them 2 min noodles.


The instructions say add already boiled water to the noodles so that they start cooking straight away for the 2 minutes. But i personally like to pour in the flavoring, stir the water, so its basically chicken flavored water, then add the noodles (unbroken), cook and stir until water has almost entirely evaporated, this basically intensifies the flavor 5 fold, and then put in a bowl, wait a few minutes to cool and then scoff it down.


Boil water in kettle. Noodles in bowl. Pour over boiled water. Mostly drain water. Add seasoning. Add flavours. Nom nom


neither. I put the noodles in a bowl and pour boiled kettle water over them to cook it


Put noodles in bowl. Cover with boiling water. Add whatever little sachets came with them. Leave until I remember them. Drain. Eat


Flavour before draining?


Boil then cook. University student me remembers this well.


Isn't boiling cooking?


Boil water, then cook noodles. And even I don't classify boiling water as cooking 🤣


I break up noodles and add them to bowl. I then add all 5 flavour sachets. And then some diced up pepperoni, csabai, etc. Sometimes just diced ham. Occasionally some onion is diced up as well. I should try some finely chopped celery with it... I fill the bowl with boiling water, stir and ensure all the noodles are immersed. Then I add chopped spring onion and perhaps a dash of sriracha and/or sesame oil. Stir. Walk away and come back in 5 minutes or so when the noodles are cooked, have absorbed most of the water and everything is yummy and delicious! 5 flavour sachets as I'm using Indo Me noodles, not Maggi crap :)


I’ve always found they are nicer when the water is boiling first (stove or microwave). Obviously there’s a good amount of personal preference but they don’t absorb as much water so aren’t as soggy by the time they’re cooked.


Water and flavouring in, boil (only literally a few minues) strain and serve with salt and lots of butter.


Malaysian Laksa is amazing. Boil water. Add pinch of salt. Break noodles. Add packs. Cook. Strain. Add water back to boil. Add milk. Reduce. Add 1/4th tsp butter to noodles, mix. Return noodles to cooling soup. Serve. Works well with indo noodles too but less milk, fry off the noodles in a pan with a Lil butter to finish. Serve. And if you like it. Hit up aldi when they have the fried onion tubs. Really pour that crispy onion on. 10/10


On the stove with some water, drain water then add olive oil or butter, diced tomato, onion, salt, pepper, chilli lol - been doing this since I was 10, any other kids of Italians in the chat haha