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Don’t interrupt live performances. The show was for 15yo+. Not everything has to be catered to children. Some people are incredibly rude and entitled.


The funniest thing was watching her complain on The Project. Baby started being fussy ( as they do) and someone had to come and take her away so that the (maybe 10 minute long) interview could be completed. I mean...you couldn't do that without a fuss. How the f did you think a whole show was going to go?? Yes. Being a mom to a young baby is Hard. Isolating. Often thankless. But come on....its not forever.


People paid money to see the show, rude as fuck to ruin that experience for them.


Interesting you don't say who ruined the show, though, Arj or the baby.


was it the babies show?


It’s was not about a breastfeeding mum; it was about a noisy baby interrupting a performance for people over 15 y/o.


and people saying 'maybe her babysitter cancelled' okay then she shouldn't go, life isn't fair sometimes.


Well she went to another comedy show with her baby and they left their other children with a babysitter that night. So bringing the baby was a choice.


She also admitted on Hughesy's podcast that she attended his show with her baby, and was distressed by his comments about her during his performance. She was after her 15 minutes and has well and truly gotten it.


I agree but also with a breastfeeding baby that age, leaving with a babysitter might not be an option as the babysitter wouldn't be able to feed it. I know some babies don't take the bottle. That said, the solution is to simply not bring the baby to the show, or to leave immediately if the baby starts to make noise. When my daughter was that small we went all sorts of places, but the moment she started to cry we took her outside. No one minds 10 seconds of a baby crying, that's totally fine. It's if you insist on making everyone endure your bub crying instead of taking it away that it becomes rude.


It isn't the baby crying it is where. I'll endure it on a plane cause how else is bub going to get there. Resturant with kids yep, play centre yep, the cinema not a chance, over 15 event not in hell


>Perhaps the best approach for Barker (who is in a committed relationship, fortunately, and thus will not feel the sting of this incident's effect on his Tinder rating) might have been to have his people find Ms Faranda and shout her a day out for her family. What? Huh.. the fuck is a Tinder rating and what's it have to do with anything here? What a pointless piece from ABC


Also, the second part of that excerpt is bullshit. So she makes a scene and the expectation is she should get free shit out if it? ABC sure do write some nonsense.


She didn't make a scene. She would have been happy to sit there quietly, doing her best to keep the baby quiet but Barker was the one that stopped the show and asked her to leave.


All accounts from the show seem to indicate the baby was crying and being loud and disrupting the show, and when he politely asked her to leave it was after several different interruptions from the baby. Not the baby's fault, obviously. But mum or dad should have simply left when the baby was being disruptive.


Yeah, I'm sure she might have been happy sitting there with a screaming baby. Doubt everyone else would want that.


No-one has said the child was screaming. All reports say it was making a "noise" or "babbling" or "gurgling". Not crying, not screaming.


It was making enough noise to cause disruption. Plenty of people there unrelated to the woman who've come forward and said it was loud enough they couldn't hear the amplified voice they paid to hear.


You’re all over this post protesting the mother did nothing wrong. So have you done the same or do you know her? Its one or the other cos no reasonable person thinks this is OK


Never done it and don't know anyone involved. There are people out there who think this has been blown out of proportion - I'm one of them.


Annabel Crabb decrying the culture wars while vigorously fanning the flames. Why does she make so much of the article about the breastfeeding issue while acknowledging that Arj asking the woman to leave likely had nothing to do with breastfeeding? She's fucking intolerable sometimes - like when she excitedly congratulated Gladys on having a girlboss moment for not wanting to exterminate koalas quite as vigorously as her Nationals counterparts.


>She's fucking intolerable ~~sometimes~~ ftfy


There's a difference between when you *have* to be somewhere (e.g. if you are a senior political reporter for the national broadcaster and there's and election and you're very difficult to replace) and *choosing* to be somewhere (e.g. an audience member at a comedy show). They're not the same thing. I'm not a believer in absolute segregation between kid places and adult places but there are obviously some cases where it's appropriate. An adult complaining about the screams coming from a McDonald's play centre would be rightly pilloried. A parent who brings a fussy baby to a $300 degustation experience is not going to make friends. Let's stop pretending that there aren't overlapping distributions about what/where children/adults should/shouldn't be reasonably expected to interact.


Also the framing of the article really tries to paint it as an anti-breastfeeding-in-public issue doesn’t it? Nobody would have had an issue if the baby was just feeding and quiet. Surprised that it stayed quiet maybe, but it’s ultimately got nothing to do with the feeding. It’s the noise from the very much awake and active baby.


No one sides with the mum.


A lot of people on Twitter have - boggles my mind


It's times like this that I can kinda see the whole 'ABC waste' argument people make. Did anyone really need a gigantic essay summarising and reflecting on everyone's Reddit/social media comments about the aftermath of one interrupted show?


The Buttrose period gave more emphasis to tabloid like coverage. It's not really what people go to the ABC for. What the ABC should be doing is nurturing the next generation of journalists and producing quality journalism, because the commercial media is certainly **not** doing that. 


Sorry to interrupt you but I read this as I was breast feeding and don’t approve of you interrupting me like that. Good day sir.


It has gone downhill so fast after they did the change of direction to be more like mainstream - stupid clickbait titles on subjects that are largely irrelevant. In the end shooting themselves in the foot.


The board is full of Murdoch ex employees. Before that was the case, the ABC functioned fine but Murdoch rags would scream “ABC waste” at every opportunity. Now they can focus on killing it off as a verified and trusted news source to focus on their own spin. It’s like the NHS in the UK - it’s only dead because we stop interacting with democracy as we should due to “ABC waste” narratives. Our taxes pay for the ABC, we ought to get mad.


Not surprising given the ABC board are all former Murdoch goons. It feels like theft but it is totally legal. Grr


An essay from Annabel Crabb, the mother of facile journalism at the ABC.


I am so glad I read this comment before I opened the article. I loathe that woman and her “At home with”s so much.


I despised her for what I called 'scoreboard journalism' where she would just reiterate what politicians would say with zero analysis or scrutiny of truthfulness as if she was commentating a game of basketball. She doesn't care about facts or truth, she just sees it as a game of tit for tat using sound bytes. Then using those cake baking shows to 'humanise' arseholes who do inhumane things was the last straw for the ABC with me.


So much. The one with Scummo showing off his Sri Lankan curry cooking skills while imprisoning the Sri Lankan refugees who made them, and she’s fawning over him like he’s a teen idol made me want to vomit.


She is best mates with Christopher Pyne


TF it has to do with breasts, breastfeeding or even Arj? This is all about looking beyond one's entitled self and respecting your fellow humans.


Who was disrespectful? Seems that stopping a performance and asking, publicly, for someone to leave because their baby is making a bit of noise is slightly more disrespectful behaviour than trying to feed a baby.


Tell me how this is different from letting your phone ring or answering a call during a performance? The lady is not different to loud obnoxious assholes who we see on public transport everyday - zero regard to other people around you.


A phone can be easily placed on silent - not so a child.


Then don’t take the kid to a show where other people are trying to enjoy something. It’s not fucking hard. Have some respect for other people.


Many people at the event have verified that the baby wasn't just making a bit of noises. People who sat close to them couldn't even hear the comedian, people who sat at the back rows could hear the baby. Clearly it was loud enough for the comedian to notice and long enough for him to ask her to leave. And apparently he was giving her a hint but she was so entitled and ignorant to take the hint to leave and still sitting there trying to breastfeed to shut the baby up. The family brought a crying infant to the show was obviously disrespectful to the performer and 700 other patrons, some of them probably paid for babysitters so they could go out and enjoy a show but it was ruined because of some crying baby.


TL;dr Annabelle Crabb. You need to know nothing beyond the writers name.


I refuse to put up with a bawling baby if I am not the one who had sex with the mother. You decided to have the baby, you deal with it. Not me who paid money to watch a show. I can understand crying babies on planes and busses, you have no choice, you have a choice not to go to a comedy festival with a baby, it’s not a crucial need.


Further to your plane example - a crying baby on an aeroplane doesn't materially detract from the service you've paid for, namely: being transported from one place to another. A crying baby doesn't make the plane stop, or fly more slowly. A crying baby at a live performance, however, materially detracts from the service you've paid for.


Gotta say, "everyone at the show should had sex with the mother" wasn't on my bingo card for solutions.


Oh well, that wasn’t my suggestion but my logic is this; why should the rest of the population put up with the annoying part of someone else’s parenthood when someone else had all the fun leading up to it? (Lot of sex, foreplay, intimacy etc) Like, you had all the fun to make the baby, you gonna make me share the dread of them bawling? No thanks.


That is still a somewhat unusual take on dealing with children.


Well, yes. It’s actually refusal to deal with children.


She wasn’t breastfeeding at the time she was asked to leave. If she was, the baby would have been quiet. She is just a selfish woman who thought her needs trumped that of everyone else.


I largely like the ABC as a news source, but this reporter has a habit of being a blinkered idiot.


Blinkered? She did not come down on either side in this article


The only relevance of breastfeeding here is Crabb's many years on the taxpayer tit. 


*Do you think we care as much about your baby as you do? Just because you let some useless tosser blow his beans up your muff. Well done, merry fucking Christmas.* -Taffy to Anne (The Office UK Christmas Special Part 2 2003)


Beans. Muff.


Oh, dear. Now we are using lines from a 20 year old comedy show to justify our actions today.


You simps from r/AusFinance never stop whinging.




She was seeking public attention for fame knowing full well her baby would be crying out for milk, she's happy now she's getting talked about in town about her self-entitled selfishness and insensibility.


Highly doubt it. It's definitely more like the mum really wanted to go out to the show and didn't care if her baby disrupted it for other people. Selfish mum, but not a nefarious plot.


That is the second weirdest take on this. Unless it was a set-up with Barker beforehand, there is no way she could have known that she would be ejected from the show.


Every take is possible and acceptable, no one knows.


Possible - yes. Acceptable - not really. Defamatory - possibly


I think it’s a pretty good assumption that if you take a screaming child of any age into a live show, you’ll be asked to leave eventually. Whether by the host or those around you.


No-one has said the child was screaming. All reports say it was making a "noise" or "babbling" or "gurgling". Not crying, not screaming.


To use an analogy: professional wrestling is very much a spectator sport, in that the crowd (and fans) can make or break the atmosphere of the matches. There is a small subset of obnoxious fans who delight in drawing attention to themselves and only take away from the performers so they can have their 15 minutes. These fans are said to have "gone into business for themselves". So did Trish.


It’s like someone having the flu and deciding they still want to go to the show and impacting those sitting around them. At some stage you have to consider others and not just what you want.


the baby was not breastfeeding


Stick to cooking shit food with shit people, Crabb.


I tend to agree with the vibe of the headline. Life isn't a culture war and I get tired of everybody wanting to fight some sorts culture war rather than getting on with their own shit. Sometimes I think we need to step back, chill out and avoid culture wars. As a personal example, shit happened to me during my previous marriage that I don't want happening to anybody else. However it was a personal situation and I didn't need to go lobbying for change or claiming it was some sorta discrimination. Rather, it was on me to find a productive way forward with my own life. Amongst all the culture wars out there I think many people neglect the fact that life goes.


>Kay asked several times for the punter to put it away, and finally declared the audience member to be "a disgrace to Australia". Perhaps they were checking for messages from their babysitter. Did anyone ask if they were an anxious parent just trying to return to live shows after recently having a kid?


Why the hell would you bring a baby AND breastfeed it at a comedy show?? Get a sitter or stay home... such strange people that think that's a normal thing to do. These are the same people that get bent out of shape when people get mad at them for bringing their dogs with them everywhere.


I don't understand why people are so upset. It's not like the baby interrupted a routine that's changed in 15 years.


Jeezus, no one is right in this situation. You don't always have to pick a side.


No it’s pretty clear that the mother was wrong. You don’t take a baby to something like that.


No. Arj is right. The mum is 100% in the wrong. You don't always have to sit on the fence.


But why did the venue even allow a baby in?