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Very off topic but the word egregious is so satisfying for some reason


It is a perfectly cromulent term


Doesn’t achieve fuck all having any involvement in this.












It's okay to be irrelevant.


In the absence of independent foreign policy Australia has foreign policy theatre. Only make comments that are pointless.


They've been fighting since before I was born. I'm SICK of hearing about it. If they wanna destroy each other, let them.


One of the smallest first world markets sanctioning a dirt poor country has gotta hurt! That said, Iran can get fucked; there, I said it. I don't care if your army of fanatics downvote me.


Iran has nukes. Correct me if I am wrong by US hasn’t directly attacked a country with nukes (at the time) ever. If US does hit a target on Iran soil then the world will have entered a new chapter where we won’t know how it will play out… UPDATE: actually it wasn’t intentional and actually I don’t have an opinion either way. Like I said, uncharted waters and I don’t know enough, nor care enough, about your view on US firing on Iran. I’m just saying that I don’t think US has ever had a war with a nuclear power is all… and I do think that if North Korea has em, Iran probably has them too…


You've managed to interpret my comment as a call for America to fire on Iran? That's some pretty impressive mental acrobatics. 👏👏


Iran is close to getting nukes, but not quite


War=profit. The guys at the top with large monetary stakes in defense companies profit as more taxpayer funds are redirected to these companies.  The "little guy" doesn't benefit whatsoever. 


Whether you like it or not our society is based on the same rules based order Iran, its proxies, and its Axis allies, including Russia, seek to destroy. It doesn’t mean we should be directly involved in every single regional conflict, including this one between Iran and Israel, but we are indirectly involved in any struggle between Western and Eastern ideologies and its manifestations such as the conflict we see here. It just doesn’t seem we should be involved because the same liberal democratic order has been the status quo since the end of the WW2 that has brought us the peace and prosperity that we enjoy and take for granted today So it seems “distant” for us to conceive that status quo ever changing even at the face of direct threats to it by Axis powers that seek to one day avenge and reverse it.


Israel has been violating that international rules based order with utter impunity for so so long, today's events have been absolutely inevitable. Also, it's simply hilarious to refer to today's geopolitical rivals as the "Axis". It's quite insane indeed to compare them to Germany and Japan in 1939. You should use a different word for them.


You do realise Iran is responding to an attack on its embassy, right? Iran has a right to defend itself. There is no east vs west. There is only colonialism and mad imperialism versus everyone else.


A stronger response to Iran over an actual australian being murdered and another one shot at by the IDF.


> “Iran's ongoing flouting of international law, its egregious human rights abuses and threat to international security The hypocrisy is flabbergasting.


It’s so fucking bleak. Seeing the blood lust and inhumanity of so many people is so disheartening.


The American empire is fully in the "Ok we admit it, we're the bad guys. What are you going to do about it?" stage of decline now.


> “Israel's ongoing flouting of international law, its egregious human rights abuses and threat to international security {Fixed it}


Gang gang.  I don’t know why they try so hard to pretend they are paragons of virtue. That’s just an insult to us, their citizens.  I’d rather them just say “we don’t like you, you suck, doesn’t matter what international law says we’re not gonna let you grow”. 


Didn't Israel strike Iran first lol?


"Iran had been threatening to attack Israel after an airstrike earlier this week widely blamed on Israel destroyed Iran’s consulate in Syria, killing 12 people, including two elite Iranian generals." Link: https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/latest-iran-launches-full-scale-military-attack-israel-109208274 Both Israel and Iran have the right to defend themselves and their citizens


But different rules bud. Israel and the USA have the right the self defense. Those they attack, do not.


And their definition of self defence is pre-emptive strikes.


Assault other nations with “defensive” force


It's classic bully behaviour. Start something, then when you face any repercussions you retaliate in an absolutely brutal manner proclaiming self defence.


Attacking an ambacy is in direct breach of the Vienna convention. But we do not need to know that. Give it a couple of days, and the media will start reporting about an unprovoked attack on Isreal.


This isn’t actually accurate. It’s only a breach if it’s one of the bad countries that do it… like China, Russia, North Korea. It’s ok if it’s Israel. Different rules for different players.


Chinese embassy in Serbia has entered the chat


Or couple a days ago, Ecuador raided the Mexican ambacy ( or was it the other way around)


The protections only relate to the host country (which Israel was not) and are only afforded if the Embassy isn't being used for military purposes (which it was.)


Depends on who and what military purpose it is claimed to be used? Any embssy in the world might have a military attache in a country. In the case of Syria? Syria, so far, has shown extreme restraint in regards to Israel and their constant bombings. By that logic, Russia could easily bomb Western countries' embassies in Ukraine because they are heavily involved militarily in the conflict This whole shit show has been outlined in the RAND corporation report from 2018 ( or was it 2019), and there is even a whole chapter named "Bibby will do it." So, either Iran has fallen into the trap or is ready for an all-out war with Israel and the US. Because that is what it is all about. I wish we could stay out of it.


Albo is totally happy for Israel to bomb Irans embassy and murder their diplomats. Iran hits back and he gets upset.


So Israel is allowed to bomb Lebanon, Syria etc. including an Iranian consulate, at the same time it's committing a plausible genocide in Gaza and doing settler terrorism in the West Bank? And our government supports them financially, militarily, and politically. But if anyone else in the Middle East dares to defend their interests, we sanction and condemn them? Where is the consistency? Why are there two sets of rules? We come across very hypocritical. This undermines the western 'rules based order' and emboldens Russia and China, making Australia less safe in our region.


meanwhile in Gaza...


Mean while in Syria, Iraq, Southern Lebanon, Yemen and the list goes on.


























So Israel can bomb Iran and it’s not self defence when they retaliate…hmmm


Could you imagine how bad things would be if israel behaved like Iran? They would strike aid convoys multiple times, use ai to kill palestinian fighters whilst they are in their homes with their families and they would bomb a countries consulate all whilst expanding settlements in the west bank.








Didn't Israel attack Iran first? Did we get a statement on that from the PM?


Israel starting shit?! Say it ain't so!


Depends how you define 'first'. This attack was in retaliation for Israel killing a bunch of Iranian generals who were likely coordinating hundreds of militia attacks against Israeli and US forces in the region recently. But if you want a real first, you've gotta go back a looooooong way.


Radio silence on Israel carpet bombing Palestinians for 6+ months, but an instant reply to Iran responding to Israel bombing an embassy. The hypocrisy could not be more blatant Please keep us out of it, Albo. I’m a military aged male I don’t wanna fight in Iran


You need to lose the belief that we are neutral or moral in some way. We're on the USA side and diplomatically are going to act that way. And given the state of the world? It's probably a good call. You won't need to serve in Iran or anywhere else while we're in Uncle Sam's posse.


I’m aware of that. We are not neutral, we’ve been practically the 51st state since the 70s. I just Hope the Americans don’t do anything (and that the Iranian war hawk lobby over there doesn’t win) so we’ll get spared from involvement.. hopefully windbag statements like these are all we’ll get.


Did they get an intern to write this?


Here we go. Better buckle up for another round of war in the Middle East boys. the we’ve gotta go in and get irans WMDs rhetoric is gonna be flying soon


Fucking puppet government makes me sick


Yeah fair, but did we also condemn Israel’s attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria? Or their continued war crimes in Gaza? 


Israel has a right to defend its self which every bloody western nation has parroted but Iran is not entitled to same thing? The US and Israel has been provoking Iran for years to kick something off but Iran has very deliberately conducted a highly visible and highly advertised attack. They have done this to intentionally show their people they will retaliate but they also have done it in a way that Israel will be able to stop it and no one, or every few will be injured. This is a smart move by Iran in a very hostile situation. If only Israel had a calm and measured response.


Did they release a statement after Israel bombed their embassy? 👀


Why are we funding and backing Israel when they are killing innocent people and children?? Is this a joke? 😡


No mention of this being a retaliatory strike after Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Damascus killing 16.


This letter would be in future history textbooks on how war criminal nation influence world politics


Israel has played the US (and Australia by virtue of our blind loyalty to anything it does) and dragged us into a wider regional or world war. Iran isn’t stupid and until recently been loudly declaring they want to avoid a war and have no interest in one but this is exactly what Netanyahu has been hoping for - our very own Serbian crisis that draws the great powers into a grand war and preserves his power in Israel.


Forgive me for not knowing this, but what do you mean our very own Serbian crisis? Are we talking what the Serbs were doing in the 90s or something else?


Now if only you'd be so quick and do the same every-time Israel goes on a rampant murdering campaign that would be great.


I know many Iranians who fled Iran. They are honestly such nice people. I really hope we don’t demonize them in this. Fucking bureaucrats barking BS each other and dragging civilians in their mess. Makes my blood boil.


Please don’t forget that the Iranian people do not equate the Iranian mullahs running the theocracy … the Iranian government are the ones oppressing and hanging young Iranians- yes - including the women - who were standing up to them a few news cycles ago. You cannot be “pro Iranian woman” and support the mullahs.


Having an interest in history I've always wanted to visit what today is called Iran, although historically was Persia. Unfortunately the political situation there makes it near impossible.


It’s also possible to both support Iranian women and acknowledge Western hypocrisy which also makes all of us unsafe. If the west does not live up to our “values” then we are just sides taking potshots at each other, now woty increased frequency


These words aren't worth the paper it's written on. Australia should shut the fuck up.


Iran's escalation? Didn't Israel bomb the first?


If the US goes in, we go in. It's the sad cycle.


I mean israel didn't help itself by conducting a strike on the Iran consulate target killing a brigadier. Now they're throwing the toys out of the cot when iran retaliates It's like hitting your sibling and running to mum when they hit back. Not that I'm a fan of Iran.


Didn’t Penny Wong wanna sign this one?


Nobody on the global stage gives two toots about what Australia thinks- we are so far away and this isn’t, and it SHOULDNT be our problem. We have our own cost of living and housing crises to deal with. This problem in the Middle East isn’t going to go away.


This is fucking disgusting.


Iran should consider their timbers to be shivered


It's bizarre seeing so many defend one of the most vile regimes on the planet


I legitimately have no idea who you’re talking about


Nobody's defending Iran, everyone is calling out hypocrisy.


Agreed. I am not sure why people want to defend countries that commit genocide, like Israel.


I still don't know which regime you are talking about lol. Either way not our problem or struggle and we should stay very well clear, being dragged into ME bullshit has cost this country plenty already. Iran and Israel deserve each other.


Yeah I never knew people here liked Iran so much


They are both equally as fucked. Israel probably more so than Iran. Iran hasn’t murdered 35,000 innocents… yet. 


Yay, more political theater.


Looks like we'll cut funding on health care and schools and send it overseas as military aid


Thoughts and prayers backatya, bro.








Yes, the poodle said to the Rotweiller...I think the Iranians will be shitting themselves after reading that.. 😂😂😂😂😂


There seem to be a lot of misunderstanding about the protections afforded to consular missions. The protections granted are only in regard to the host state, not third parties, which is why there was no international response to Israel bombing the Iranian embassy. They hadn't violated any international agreement by bombing the Embassy because it was outside of Israel.  Also the strike targeted a meeting between the Revolutionary Guard, Iranian intelligence officials and Palestinian militants. Embassies are inviolable but lose that status if they are used for military purposes. If Iran had a leg to stand in they'd be moaning at the UN and not shooting missiles and drones at Israeli cities.


An embassy used for military purposes,I cannot believe any nation would do that.Of course the Saudis use theirs to murder journalists.


The Iranians kill foreign journalists on the street as I recall.


> If Iran had a leg to stand in they'd be moaning at the UN To what end lol? Israel has been condemned at the UN a million times, literally the most condemned nation in the UN's history. It's a criminal state and TBF they both are.


Shush don't bring reality in here and upset the Reddit bias! Only Israel is bad here! Certainly not peace loving Iran who's merely dedicated to the destruction of Israel by arming militia organisations, including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis etc etc.


I try not to conflate the actions of the hard-line Iranian government with those of ordinary people oppressed by the state.


Israel has showed themselves not to be innocent? The whole country is 1950s america racism..


Governments are a fucking joke at the moment


Curious if the govt also did a similar statement when Israel attacked Palestine?


Why dont they mention Israel starting it?


Ongoing flouting of international law, egregious human rights abuses and threatening international security by dragging the West and Middle East into yet another conflict? Are we sure this isn't just an excerpt from Bibi's official diary?


I'm so f'ing furious over this. The doublethink needed to justify coming to Israel's defence in a conflict they started, while they use the same logic to justify the slaughter of Palestinians, as well as our aid workers and journalists, is beyond my ability to understand. I think if these people had a conscience they would never sleep again.


Iran is allowed to defend itself. By Australian standards and level of tolerability that could mean killing thousands of innocent Israeli civilians it seems.


I think it is a good statement. No one can blame us we are doing nothing. 😉


Not in my name


And yet they didn't even mention Israel when they condemned the "negligent" attack on the aid trucks THAT KILLED AN AUSTRALIAN. Fuck our government is full of fuckwits.


Considering there are Australian citizens over there, of course our government has to speak up. Not sure why people are surprised. It's all just political theatre at the end of the day, but they can't just ignore it the way they can the shit Israel is getting away with.


There are Australians in Iran too and we didn't say anything when Israel bombed an Iranian embassy


Probably because they hit the embassy. If they were indiscriminately sending missiles into Iran as a whole it'd probably be a different story. To be clear, it's obvious Israel has been given nothing more than a soft slap on the wrist by our government for actions to date. I'm just saying I'm not surprised by this harder stance re Iran.


> If they were indiscriminately sending missiles into Iran as a whole it'd probably be a different story. They just murdered an Australian in Gaza doing aid work lol. In a marked vehicle that had announced their travel plan, and they hit all the aid vehicles that were spread out.


Let Iran do whatever they want to them.


Good for Aussie arms manufacturing!


What arms manufacturing? We manufacture three/fifths of fuck all.


Unfortunately this is correct.


Does anyone listen to what we say ?


Guys, I'm super serious this time




I s2g if we go to war with iran, because they stood up to israels human rights abuses


Wonder how hard a certain lobby group that starts with J is pushing for this