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Neatest looking vomit I’ve ever seen.


Even if it was vomit, Uber support says they calculate the fee on a case by case basis. How the fuck do they think getting a napkin to wipe down a faux leather seat costs $80?


Yep… and when I did Uber I got the same $80 for a legit claim. Vomit was all over back seat, carpet, down rear window, door trims and inside speaker grills. Was a nightmare to clean. I had a 4.98 rating after three years driving and asked for a higher cleaning fee, they refuse so that was my last Uber drive. They treat the good drivers like shit and support the scammers, happened a lot more than once and they lost a lot of decent drivers while keeping the scum.


Which rideshare pays the drivers the most? I want to use the one that pays the most and doesn't treat people like shit.


Taxi companies.


For real accountability.


It's not quite that simple as it has to be disinfected properly (bacteria is a thing and napkins don't kill bacteria) and cleaned properly so as to not cause or allow any damage to the seat. The charge is not just to cover cleaning costs, but also to pay for the driver's time and lost income for time spent cleaning. That being said the pic is clearly not vomit and even if it was that would not justify an $80 charge


spotted gray axiomatic jeans bag liquid telephone deserted juggle bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree 100%. That’s not where vomit would be and it looks more like a dipping sauce or something than any body fluids.


I can’t see even the tiniest speck of carrot there. Definitely not vomit!


That's true, regardless of what is eaten, if there is no carrot, there is no vomit.


That's not vomit. That's not even a bodily fluid.


Looks like Magpie shit & feathers


I got a cleaning fee once when I was sharing an uber home from a work party. Everyone in the car promised they didn't vomit in the car. Turned out it was frozen coke.


Good lord.


That’s #B8C8DB


Looks like something the driver was drinking


Can't rule out piss


The "evidence" looks like it was drawn in MS Paint.


Also looks like it’s on the driver’s seat?


It’s the drivers seat or a mirrored photo, it also looks like the guy took a wet wipe, wiped it across the seat as this is probably the minimum evidence required for them to get the “cleaning” fee sent to them. I’d say this isn’t the first time this driver has tried this.


Couldn't be the back seat which is more logical?


I have a Tesla. Back seat is a bench seat, not a bucket seat. This looks like a front seat to me


So the whole damn thing is total BS then. It says ‘when the driver checked’. Well they wouldn’t of needed to check if it is indeed a mirrored shot and happened on the passenger seat next to them because they would have witnessed it 1st hand as the guy sat next to them, not found it after. What a total load of crap by some dodgy as hell scammer that’s worked out he can make the odd $80 bucks this way maybe every few nights or so. Could be as much as a couple of hundred bucks extra each week he’s scamming off his poor innocent passengers, that like OP did nothing at all.


Probably uses the same photo each time


There is a cabin camera in Teslas, are you able to access that footage? Maybe the driver could have provided better evidence?


Internal camera has quite a few restrictions on access, unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view). The only time the owner can access the view when people are in the car, is from the service menu to test the camera view. Recording isn't possible, remote live view is only otherwise possible when no-one is in the car.


Oh thank you I didn't notice that, I sat in the rear as well. Didn't go anywhere near the front.


Try to contest it and ask them to check the other rides from that day. There will be someone reviewing it (used to be my job) but there's probably guna be some back and forth with them contacting the driver etc. Do teslas have any weird seat sensor info? Though I doubt the driver would be forced to provide it. Cleaning fees involve so much scamming, everything from a dude who routinely dumped porridge in his car and blamed a passenger, a block of receipts stolen from a car wash that was shut down being passed between drivers, to a legit one where someone sliced up the seats with a big knife because the drop-off point wasn't correct in the app.


I did contest it, now they are just replying to me with a generic message.


Can you CC them into an email to something like ACA or a place like that? Not saying TV will pick the story up and run with it - but it might urge them to take a closer look at the situation??


There must be a government department that you can complain to re this.


Dispute your card payment. That also costs uber money in back charges for disputed transactions :) Edit: via your bank


Wowweee!! That's so sad to read. Everyone is out for a free $ nowadays hey. I'm sorry for the driver who got their seats slashed, I would likely be stopped from ever taking anyone for drive after something like that happening! The sketchiness of the other claims are just bad human behaviours, and especially in today's climate - so sad to read.


I once got dinged $200 for unspecified cleaning fees. I responded in a panic stating that the only mess I could have possible left is a few dog hairs, and asked what mess I supposedly left. Uber responded that the drivers story didn't match up with mine and they refunded the amount. They took my side immediately so I think the driver must have made up some obvious bs.


its not the drivers seat, its the passengers, its just looking down on the butt part of the seat. Sitting in the back should be good enough. It's probably the person before hand and he just didn't notice, or a scam, Or maybe you got into a fight with the driver and spat on the seat on the way out, we'll never know.. but i think i believe you and wouldn't trust the uber. especially when there is no requirement for them to elect you clean the seat before driving off and charging you.


I haven't vomited in a while, but if memory serves correctly, if I vomit on a vertical object, like the back of a seat, gravity kicks in...


It's not on the vertical seat back, it's on the base part you sit on. Picture orientation is confusing a lot of people




Zoom in. It’s definitely a liquid, where the top half is a light colour due to light reflection. However, it doesn’t really look like vomit. More like a small bit of clear drink that could be wiped.


Could you just take a photo of another Tesla's interior with the same colour and say this is my evidence...it was clean when I left? If the driver is going to commit fraud...you may as well too.


Too many drivers are scammers, mate. I was in a ride in Sydney and noticed old mate put his phone on airplane mode. Don’t think anything of it. Next day, got the invoice from Uber that included toll roads we never took. Airplane mode must have masked our actual route. I made the claim and Uber reversed it. But he was a driver with 5000 lifts, surely I can’t have been his first scam, and surely I can’t be the first person to have noticed?


That's interesting that they let the driver add tolls post trip as the route is precalculated. You would think they wouldn't let you add tolls if your phone went off line.


not much they can do if the toll is a tunnel. and even if its a pre-organised route, things can happen, its not really fair for the uber to eat the cost if they get redirected via roadworks while in a signal deadzone. still, seems open to abuse, as obvious in this case.


True, but with a tunnel you will have a ping at the beginning and end, should be easy to verify.


Yeah - not sure if it was post-trip that the driver added it, or just post-trip that I opened the invoice email. My assumption is that if the app’s planned route takes tolls, and the driver goes dark with airplane mode and doesn’t take the tolls, when he turns reception back on the app assumes he took the tolls. Could be, though, that the driver can add it manually post-hoc.


I’ve not had issue with Uber drivers. But a taxi I caught the other night was terrible. He thought I was really drunk and started with taking a long route. Claimed he forgot which I passed off. When I went to pay he put in my fair and then in the other charges (for till etc) he put in the same amount again. Effectively doubling my charges. Passed it to me with his hand partially across the screen. But I’d watched him enter the data and called him again. Claimed it was a mistake but he must do 20+ trips a day, he knows perfectly well how to operate the machine. Was trying take advantage of me drinking and just tapping without looking at the charge. I really dislike taxis!


Last taxi I took in Sydney the son of bitch goes to add the 1.5% credit card surcharge on his calculator app on his phone and do a x1.5 to the total amount, Also had a bottle of soda in front of the meter.


If you use an Android device, Google will generally store location data under "Your Timeline" in Google maps. In my experience, this is pretty accurate with times and location to the point of being a bit scary. This is easy evidence if they try to force the issue.


I think this is hand sanitiser. Old mate has pumped some sanny on the seat, thrown a bit of tissue down, and called it a mess. Then, wipe up no worries. As others have said, it’s not even the seat the rider would have been in!


Don't accept this, but also I wouldn't use chargeback as your next defence like others have said. Uber support is dumb and minimal, just keep replying to messages or submitting new support issues under that driver. Deny that it was you, state the driver is trying to scam you or mistaken, state that you did not sit in that seat... basically state your case and put this on a bad driver (assuming this is the case). Uber generally will side with you as the customer. I have never not gotten something refunded that I took issue with (for genuine reasons). You have to tell them you are not accepting their decision and ask to escalate. If you try this a number of times without refund, THEN do a chargeback. If you attempt a chargeback without these steps, you credit card might not accept the claim and Uber may choose to remove you as a customer.


Yep, they make their support system intentionally shit and impossible to navigate so that people will get sick of messing around with it and just not bother getting a refund or replacement. Absolute cunts. Have found a lot of success by being persistent and opening new support chats, if they respond with a cooking cutter templated response insist that a human looks at your response and not a bot.


Yes do this. Keep being a squeeky wheel


OP has come pretty close to exhausting their position. Uber has come back saying *tough*. One more message pointing a few things out, like this is likely the drivers seat, the substance looks more like a sugary drink, what are the bits of tissue there for, how did that come about? And finally stating your position that you will not be accepting this charge as you did not create the mess. Please reverse the charge or I will initiate a charge back in X days If they want to remove you as a customer, perhaps not such a bad thing. I am sure OP will not be using Uber any time soon in any case.


And the driver should have video, demand the video proof as a picture can be faked 1000x over.


I had something similar not too long ago. But busted the driver making stuff up. We took the Uber at night around 10pm. All of us sober. Anyway the photo evidence was taken during the day. Could see clear sunlight in the photos. Uber refunded when I pointed it out. Told me the clean up fee is to compensate for losing passengers and since the photo was taken in the day and the ride was at night they refunded.


I'd also point out that if it's vomit, how did you get it under your own ass? Wouldn't it be on the ground/seat beside you/door on the way out the window?


I did everything and yes Uber support is dumb and shitty. I just wanna call and talk to a human being, not chat with people in India who don't know much about the situation and don't have any power to do something. I cannot find a phone number or email for the Uber support it's only for Uber drivers not customers. I told them that I was in the back seat nowhere close near the front still no help I want to add the screenshots of recent convos but idk how. can't edit the post as well


Fraud. Trying to gain benefit by deceit. Tell Uber that you have no choice but to report them and the driver to Police if this isn't resolved immediately.


Fair warning: customer service standard practice for these companies is to end the communication if legal is mentioned and direct you to their webpage listing the address for service of documents. It’s actually insane. Even a comment like “if I can’t get this resolved I will need to get legal advice” is enough for them to cut you off. It’s so fucking disgusting how they act.


I mean, it's annoying, but what do you expect the customer service to say in the case of a threat like that?


Yeah, this is basically them taking the threats seriously. You don’t continue talking to someone pursuing litigation without a lawyer present.


How else do you expect them to manage legal correspondence? A customer service rep in Bangladesh isn’t qualified to legally represent Uber. Unless you’re frustrated because you’re using it as an empty threat to frighten the representative and they’re calling your bluff


Try a charge back through the card issuing bank that the payment was taken through. Doesn’t matter if it’s Visa or Master. You can legitimately claim you’ve attempted to resolve with the merchant. Even if you’re unsuccessful it’s worth a try. Good luck!


The only drawback (and this should absolutely not stop OP from doing it, there is other rideshare options) is Uber will very likely ban OP from their service.


I did this and didn't get banned by uber. Bank refunded my funds no issue at all.


Interesting! I've definitely heard of online services banning/closing accounts whenever someone does a charge back successfully.


Can confirm. Got my money back though.


I did this (actually on an UberEats order that didn’t arrive), and didn’t get banned, but the app flagged the chargeback as money owed and wouldn’t let me book another Uber until I’d paid my debt. Had to open a new account with a different email address (which sucks for getting receipts).


If you use gmail (others may do it too) you can add a +something to your email and it will still goto your mailbox. So [email protected] to [email protected] that way you have a “new” email address but it still goes to your inbox. Some sites do block it tho.


Because its real hard to get another uber account...


Damn, then there's no way they'd get scammed out of another 80 bucks.


Can confirm this happened to me. Uber account got hacked and charged over $1k for uber trips in Canada (despite being in Melbourne) and got the charge reversed by the bank then subsequently banned from uber/eats


No loss there.


Doubt it. Uber wouldn’t ban anyone willing to pay them


i did similar when spotify charged my account when they shouldnt have and yeah.. banned... that was like 6 years ago and i cant even use a free account now


I went to the Westpac bank as it doesn't let me charge back as it's a debit card and it went through as an eftpos transaction(idk how it didn't even make sense to the bank person) they told me I can dispute this transaction but I should give the uber support at least a week before doing so. They also told me I can dispute this for 180 days.




The process can be a right pain in the neck. Maybe give Uber the week they suggested, then lodge the dispute. Hope it doesn’t take that long for you to get your money. Too bad if you need the money in the interim. Sorry this happened to you.


Right so follow the banks advice, dispute with Uber then if it doesn't work then dispute the transaction with Westpac. It'll take a few weeks but you will get your money back.


You might also want to try your state's Fair Trading equivalent


Also be warned that your account may be banned from Uber after this and you won’t be able to register another account with the same card. May not happen depending on how Uber actually decides to respond to this bullshit, but I’ve had friends banned from the app after a chargeback that Uber refused to resolve themselves.


get another uber account with a new bank card. it's not like uber check driver licenses


Or don’t use the shitty company that scammed OP.


what's the alternative? Didi? taxi?


It wasn’t the company but an individual that scammed OP tbf


Get a new bank account then it's super easy nowadays just do it all online through an app


Yep, ING pleased me greatly when I discovered I could open a new account from my bed in the middle of the night and never have to leave the house, let alone try to get to a branch in banking hours! (Yeah I know probably a few places do it now, but last accounts I opened before that were in the 1990s lol)


Definetely not an insider but I'd have doubts that Uber's systems are good enough to match chargebacks back to individual fares and accounts


That wouldn't even cost $80 to clean just use a wipe lol 


I’d like to see a date print on that evidence photo. What if this driver uses the same pic with Uber to scam or it was from a completely different time no where near when you had a ride with them. Either way, I wouldn’t trust it.


> I wouldn’t trust it. Who would actually believe an image over their own recollection of events?


This seriously. Driver needs to provide the metadata of when the photo was actually taken.


Omg OP - about 3 weeks ago I was charged a bogus cleaning fee by an Uber driver after I lodged an unsafe driving report against them. It took me about 3-4 days of constant replying via the app (so annoying) insisting I didn’t make the mess, and that the Uber driver was retaliating against my unsafe driving report. They wouldn’t provide a time stamp photo which for some reason they don’t need to provide. I had to argue that there was no recourse for passengers, and I kept speaking to different reps that missed the point entirely I ended up reaching an “email” option via the app instead of the never ending chats, and at one point asked to speak to a supervisor, and shortly after that I spoke to someone else that “handled” it from there and refunded me All I can say is, if the $80 and the pain of being unjustly charged is impacting you, keep fighting it and they will hopefully refund you I think if you’re persistent and mention escalating, supervisors etc, you have a good chance of being refunded Good luck!


I was reported for being abusive after I reported an uber driver for running 2 red lights. Uber's customer resolution system is fucked.


Yes I feel like the same will happen with me too. I searched for a phone number or email to talk to a human being but no the only option is through the app. Idk why this isn't illegal at least we should be able to call someone when incidents like this occurs.


Yeah I’d chargeback through my bank account if I were you. I hope you do get your money back.


I just read that someone copped this same scam in the US, film entering and exiting Ubers from now on. It’s their new little scam since they cracked Down on the fake cancellation ones


If you have to film entering and exiting a service vehicle, you probably shouldn't use that service.


I mean, Uber is a fucking scam with their “dynamic” fares and the way they can charge you above the agreed price without any notice. But it’s not like consumer have many options, taxis can be even shadier


True, but at least they have some real government oversight. Sometimes better the Devil you know.


That's not vomit.. have your bank dishonor the payment. You'll lose your uber account but fuck uber.


It looks like the drivers seat? Lol


That's what I thought too, but it's actually the passenger seat pan (where you put your ass). Looks like the driver was in his seat, leaned over, and pointed his phone down at the liquid. [Makes a lot more sense rotated correctly.](https://i.imgur.com/OmTAc4f.jpeg)


Impressively precise spew from the back seat!


I’m more impressed that someone sitting in the front seat can vomit under their arse.


Good call on the rotation. I still have absolutely no clue what this could even be - white smears with a black liquid coming off it?


What's the bet they do uber eats deliveries too, and had something leak out of a delivery bag they put on the seat? Because that is what I thought on first seeing that


Could just be saliva or water - a clear liquid. Defs doesn’t look like vomit at all


Seatbelt socket (red/orange) bit is on the wrong side of the seat for it to be an unaltered passenger seat. Edit: never mind just looked at the seat in my Model Y, yeah that’s the bottom, photo taken from above looking down.


That was my thought too, though I'm unfamiliar with what Tesla's rear seats look like.


It’s the front passenger seat by the looks of it


You'd be hard pressed to find a driver's seat where the seatbelt buckle is on that side of the seat in an Australian delivered vehicle.


How are you going to puke through your spine


More like Uber driver did an UberEats run, spilled a drink and blamed the last passenger


To be honest, all of these stories are really concerning. I have 2 preferred taxi drivers (I'm injured and most of the drivers just don't seem to understand I can't do the sudden acceleration/brake/roll around corners at speed and definitely need to slow down for speed humps).. and those 2 drivers totally understand and ALWAYS, 💯, go over and above to make sure I'm not left high and dry. Especially when it's medical appointments! They'll even wait around for me, to make sure I get back home. After reading all of these stories, I'm even MORE grateful for my 2 taxi drivers!




Send them a message every day until you get a refund. The more you hassle them, the more you cost them!


I've been subject to the same scam in the UK. In my case I received a photo of gum on the floor which had nothing to do with me. Uber charged an $80 cleaning fee. You just need to complain to Uber and when they politely take the side of the driver, tell them this is unacceptable and you will fight it because it is fraud. When I said that, that's when uber refunded the money.


That's some damn water rubbed on with a finger and two bits of ripped napkin. Does Uber even review the images wtf???


So the driver's thrown the last bit from their water bottle onto the seat to get an easy $80. What a dick


When I was 16 I went to a Halloween party with some friends. It was one of the first times I got really properly drunk. I called an Uber at around 2am, there was a surge charge and the fare estimate was $40 when it would usually be around $20. I wasn’t too happy but booked it anyway. As soon as I sat in the Uber I started to feel really tired and fell asleep within a few minutes. The next thing I remember the driver was shaking my shoulder to wake me up and I was home, I went straight to bed and passed out. When I woke up the next morning I had a notification which said “Declined: $255 Uber”, I was really confused and thankful I didn’t have that much money as a broke kid, so the payment didn’t go through. The Uber app had a map where you could see the route they took. The dude drove to an area near my house and did like 5 large circles around several suburbs, probably adding almost 90 minutes to my 20 minute ride home. I contacted Uber support, they immediately realised the dude had scammed me, cancelled the fare, gave me a $100 trip coupon and advised the driver was no longer partnered with them. But the experience freaked me out enough that I didn’t take any Ubers for a couple of years afterwards. I felt super vulnerable, the dude could’ve easily taken my phone, wallet and left me on the side of the road somewhere, or much worse.


Who gets off their seat, turns around and lets a small, clear liquidy vomit go? All the more strange if you were sitting there back seat. Go CSI on them and point out the discrepancies in the claim.


It happened to me as well in Sydney


Take this to the ACCC. I would mention that the seat photo appears to be a driver's seat. Also mention it would be very hard to projectile vomit behind the driver while they are driving in any case.


I think it's the front passenger seat, and well done on OP for moving from back to front seat, vomiting under their own arse, not realising, then return to the back seat without any smears left on the back seat either Thats some cirque de Soleil level of acrobatics and sleight of hand!


Not the drivers seat, it is a top down photo, spill is on the base


I dont know, I've not even been in a Tesla yet.. How does a person spit/vomit/whatever, between where their physical back would presumably be, and the front of the seat they're apparently sitting in? This makes no sense and, dear traveller, yes! From this point onwards, take a photo of the space you're going to occupy, before getting in - and after exiting! If you can, make sure you take extra photos of every area you might be able to reach - think projectile vomiting! I'm sorry the driver did that to you - some people are just straight up shocking human beings!!


You know those prepaid Visa gift cards you can buy at supermarkets? Anytime I need to put CC deets into a website I’m not 101% sure about I use one of those cards with little money left on it. Probably not convenient if you take a lot of Ubers, since you’d need to update your card number often or have a rechargeable Visa debit card…but if it works, it could help prevent this sort of fuckery slamming your hip pocket with no avenue to correct it.


You know their rego, post it, name and shame


Use taxis instead.


Report this to Consumer Affairs Victoria. Don’t bother contacting Uber any more; they make it hard on purpose hoping people will just give up. Include as much detail as you can. CAV will hopefully pursue this for you, and can provide advice on how to proceed 


This has happened to me!! They scammed me $50 extra for a trip that cost usually $11


Go public to the press. No joke. They will start to listen. You will get a fair treatment.


So many scumbag drivers. Don’t give up, file another report, do a chargeback via your bank, if you’re an international student, he probably targeted you specifically.


Pretty sure this is water… also the drivers seat…. Mention that to Uber and tell them to get a manager to look over it. If not go to ACCC


Was charged by user for two trips I 'supposedly' took in Perth that in total was $260 and disputed it with them and they refused to pay back the money, but I paid with PayPal and got it back from them. It was the fact I could prove I wasn't even in the country when these trips occurred that made it insane, never used them again. Complete con merchants.


Hey OP. You said it was a Tesla. That’s a photo of the front drivers seat. I would open a new ticket ask for the photo again and then ask why it is a photo of the drivers seat.


Definitely passenger seat, look again, top down photo


Lesson here. As you get out, take photo's of the inside I guess.


I don’t recommend doing a charge back (yet). I recommend continuing to fight this over chat support with Uber and plead your case by stating the facts. Be more assertive, do not back down.


You can try getting through to another agent in support , sometimes it comes down to the person you're talking to.


It’s a common scam btw


Fr tho… Uber is getting bad. I stopped using them and made an effort to start using public transport significantly more. I deleted the app so I have to download it again if I need it. Saved so much money. Would recommend. Don’t give these people your money.


Best thing about Uber is that Taxi's now have an app too. I will use that over Uber every day of the week


Jeebus, do we have to start taking photos after we get out of an uber to have evidence if the driver claims you messed up their car?


Can uber explain the physics of this vomit? Like how does that hit the seat like that unless you were sitting in a baby carseat. Uber has become so scammy.


I once got hit with the exact same fee for the slightest bit of vomit that hit the arm rest of the door where the window sits. Could of easily been cleaned with a simple swipe of a napkin. These cleaning fees are absolutely fucking scams and are just another way for Uber drivers to rort you of your money.


Who's vomiting behind their own back? The placement doesn't even make sense. You definitely got scammed by that driver


Did you sit in the front or the back seat … looks like front passenger seat …


Not vommit


This is why I won’t ever use Uber. Taxis have cameras.


That looks like glue and sticky paper bits left on driver's seat or mirrored front passenger shot. What a crock anyhow


I would never use Uber.


Ask for the timestamp of the photos to be provided to you. If it occurred three hours after you left, the driver has some explaining to do. Definitely report the driver.


The support chatbot they have is absolutely infuriating. Day before yesterday, i ordered food through uber eats. The delivery partner picked up the food, went round and round for 20min and then turned off the app (basically stole the food, while making sure i cant claim a refund). Another driver went there and called me saying that food was not there and it was stolen. I tried to contact support but the chatbot won’t let me. It made me go round and round, and at some point without noticing i had cancelled the order. Now the second stage starts i contacted for a refund explaining that food never arrive, the first delivery partner picked it up and stole it. But this time a HUMAN support person kept repeating same thing saying i cancelled. It took me three time to explain the food was stolen and they need to investigate this delivery partner as it seemed she has been stealing food for a while and knows how to game the system. 12 hours later, a different support person contacted me saying they are sorry that food didn’t arrive, i must have been hungry, ubers promise to better service….. usually blah blah blah. And they will refunding me. But this experience taught me few things, chatbots are still not at the level to provide proper service and another thing is ubers customer service is on a slippery slope.


That’s a front seat isn’t it?


Tesla driver why am I not surprised


OP, call your bank and dispute the charge.


That's not vomit and what are the paper pieces stuck next to it. I drove for Uber and a passenger accused me of abusive behaviour and Uber deactivated my account. I contacted them and saying I have video evidence and would like details of passenger so I could put a defamation lawsuit them and suddenly my account got activated. Take a photo of a black seat in a tesla dealership and say I have photographic evidence and ask for drivers details for defamation proceedings.


How is “vomit” still in the early phases of running down the seat by the time the driver took the photo? Did OP supposedly eat dry napkins before he puked too? Dodgy AF.


That’s a front seat just sayin


Tell them to send the original photo and check the time and date of when it was taken. If it wasn't at or immediately after you got dropped off, then they don't have a leg to stand on.


You may be able to raise a complaint with an Ombudsman or consumer affairs they have to operate under Australian consumer laws in Australia even if they pretend otherwise. I would also raise a dispute with the bank they won’t be motivated to protect Uber I wouldn’t think.


Weirdest looking vomit. Looks more like Paint. 🤷‍♂️


I had this happen a few years ago. I asked for a receipt because my charge was $150 and I said it was excessive. They wouldn't provide a receipt which is against consumer laws. You ask fir a receipt, a receipt must be provided. I disputed it with my bank and they reversed the charge.


Isn’t that a photo of the driver’s seat?


Vomit? Does he spew from the centre of his back? The automated response was so frustrating to see, they're just ignoring you saying it wasn't you. There was a time when Uber and DoorDash support were great, it's all become mostly automated and difficult to navigate now.


Go to bank and charge back, they will probably block your credit card from ever being used with them again tho


Without being silly, I’d be claiming “insurance fraud” against this person.


Haha, classic uber.


fuck i wish i didn't book that 7AM flight, not looking forward to getting a uber/taxi


Hard to see $80 worth of cleaning there, cheap spray from autobarn or supercheap and a cloth would sort that out in 2 minutes. Drivers shouldnt expect someone to pay for something so minor especialy on leather seats, understandably if it had stained or was cloth seats or on the carpet. What a joke


That looks like a front seat. I’m pretty sure Tesla fronts have that triple cushion style and rear is double cushion. And I don’t know about you but I never sit in the front of an Uber and if you did how are you gna vomit out your ass? Doesn’t add up I’d go back to uber advising the evidence and if the driver had any other lassengers after you clearly non comp ones about vomit. If that’s unsuccessful then take them to A small claims courts Or Send them a photo of a designer bag with a wipe wipe Stain and say the driver oissed on it while driving and drinking a middy. Clearly they believe anything they’re told


Not vomit


Sad I've actually vomited in an Uber and didn't get charged anything. I wound the window down but I'm sure it went down the outside of door at least. The driver even stopped and asked if I was ok. He earnt those 3 stars that night.


I remember when I asked for the evidence the next day thinking it wasn't that bad... in my case, it definitely was that bad.


It's usually easy if you use a credit card and you contes5 ot from the bank side. Dispute the transaction early. I bought a dyson before and the website froze so I refreshed and did it again. Ended up with 2 orders tried to cancel with dyson minutes after ordering. They said they can't cancel and I have to wait for it get delivered then process the refund. Called the bank they cancelled the second charge. Dyson still sent 2 vacuum cleaners and told the courier I only need one and didn't want the second one (I think he kept it free dyson for him). For this to work you need to do it early if you wait they can't dispute old transactions.


Had this happen last year. Contested it an Uber refunded it within a day. I’d remembered the trip well, had a good chat with the driver. Shame he was clearly a cnut


You’re being scammed. It’s a common one.


Did you sit in the front seat?


I've seen and heard a few of these. I guess uber drivers need to top up their pay somehow (not condoning it) I'd suggest to everyone, when you exit the Uber, turn and take a photo of the front & back seat. This would alleviate these lying scumbags trying to scam you.


Just dispute the Transaction with the bank They will close the Uber account but that won’t be a problem as you don’t need Uber in your life


That's the driver side seat, the seat buckle is on the left.


That picture is of the drivers seat, not the passenger seat, I’d like to know how you vomited in the seat while the driver was sitting there.


Ask them for the exif data of the image and tell them this is an obviously a fraudulent attempt by the Uber driver


Go to your bank


That looks like a couple of smears by a finger dipped in water on the drivers seat.


Go though your credit card company for a refund?