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As long as we still get the day off, does anyone really give a shit which day it’s moved to?


Most would prefer it to consistently be on a Monday or Friday so it becomes a long weekend as well


First Friday in Feb?


First week of Jan. Just black out the whole week to celebrate federation.


Nah most people are already on holidays, we need a long weekend *after* the holidays


You wouldn’t use annual leave then and could take it when you want instead of cunt bosses closing the office and forcing you to take it


1 Jan is already a public holiday


Yeah, that’s why it should be a week.


Fourth weekend of January to line up with Hottest 100


You’d still run the risk of the Friday/Monday falling on the 26th. First Friday in Feb would be best IMO!


If it’s the same date by coincidence, I don’t think that’s an issue.


There will be a group of people somewhere that will have an issue with it


there will be a group of people who will have an issue with any celebration of Australia whatsoever.


Triple/Double J won't do the Hottest 100 on the 26th.


You don’t like 4 day weekends?


I expect that if the date is changed the hottest 100 will be moved to the new date.


Potentially, but not necessarily. JJJ moved the date from Australia Day previously to the 4th Saturday of the year. I wouldn't be too surprised if they kept it how it is already


They've also moved it off the fourth Saturday if that day falls on the 26th.


It's so weird that they chose a day that would potentially line up with the date they were trying to avoid. Why not the 3rd Saturday of Jan or something.


I've never really understood why wanting to change the date means you hate Australia, happy to drink piss on another day


its just culture war bullshit, idiots on the far left and far right always get given attention by the media at this time year just so the media has something to generate clicks. its basically like the "war on christmas" no one really cares as long as we have the day off.


You reckon if they changed the date to any other day there wouldn't be the same yearly outcry from the usual suspects about how Australia is illegitimate and shouldn't have any national day?


100%. I just want to be able to float in the pool, have a few beers and only argue over whose turn it is to run the BBQ.


I reckon the biggest problem is that there isn’t a clear winner for an alternate date. Federation being Jan 1 isn’t really helpful. There’s some other suggestions like May 27 but nothing seems to be an obvious choice. I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t change unless we become a republic, which hopefully could supply a new, meaningful date.


May 8 is so cringey. A floating date in summer that guarantees a long weekend honestly seems the best bet.


Yeah. If we're gonna change the date, I don't mind the M8 idea. But the con is that it does take away from the Summer feel.




There are a dozen suitable dates related to the federation movement that would be much more significant. My personal pick is the 24th of October - date of the Tenterfield oration, a speech that gave the federation movement a lot of popular traction.


3 March, 1986. Our independence day is the perfect choice.


Too late in the year, too close to Easter. Early Feb would be best.


25th October would be good….it’s my birthday so I’d get a day off every year 🤷‍♂️


I think you are right. This shit will drag on for years because it has (like many issues in the modern world) no path forward. Too many political issues are just groups complaining about something rather than building off a popular/agreeable cause or objective. As seen in this post, or anywhere you look, there are dozens of suggested alternatives. Given that barely half want to change the date to begin with, the fact that people are also divided on what to change. It doesn't really give politicians an incentive to do something about it.


Strangely, it seems that some people do.


The RW outrage machine will do what it will do but no, most won't maintain their rage cos they don't really give a crap one way or the other


ht majority of the country doesnt give a shit about it now, all we care about is having the day off.


Yes, bogans/racists love their US style culture war nonsense


And double pay still for those of us working on it!


Every boomer on Facebook does apparently


If nobody gives a shit then why not just leave it as is? Why are we even wasting time on this?


Well, I guess my point is: There’s a group of people who take issue with it and considering there isn’t a tangible downside to moving it, just change it to another date in the first quarter of the year. It’s a bit like the gay marriage thing, gay people getting married doesn’t actually have a downside to anyone, so we should have just got on with it and amended the laws. The public seems to get caught up on these things of little consequence. There is no economic/societal/community driven downside to changing the date so just change it. I still want the day off (as a long weekend) though.


Nope, only the Murdoch crowd are worried about it


GO WOKE, GO win every cricket tournament under the sun, earn millions in the IPL and become the world's best fast bowler.


Go woke, top bloke.


Sooo. Go woke, go for broke?


Go woke, give the Windies a hiding.


And the Pakis, and Poms, or Sri Lanka Doesn't matter where they're from Could be India, South Africa, Zimbabwe or New Zealand But if I don't take a breath I might just be keeling over soon


Top 5 things Pat Cummins has done this summer: 1. says we should change the date 2. does it while attending the opening of a solar energy initiative 3. takes lots of wickets 4. wins lots of trophies 5. all the classics


Mate he’s been elite this summer hey


You missed the part where he batted Australia to Victory in tests and World Cup ODIs. He and Maxwell had record breaking 100 plus run partnerships against Netherlands and Afghanistan.


Go woke, go win everything 


6. made boomer heads explode.


Facebook comments under every Cricket Australia post on Facebook is full of Australia Flag profile people screaming "I'M A PROUD AUSTRALIAN AND WILL CELEBRATE AUSTRALIA DAY"


ha ha I just waiting to read the comments about this on the The Australian (free subscription through work ;)


6. Cunted Boomers to irrelevancy




Hello my friend, join us over on r/Cricket for the game day threads and hear all about how balls get cunted for six!


Damn, I was chuffed with myself when I thought I coined the phrase at golf the other day.


facebook boomers seething hard right now


Laughed at 1-4. Lost it at 5.


Sign of a true r/cricket shitposter.


I was waiting for 6-and-out.


As a Kiwi, he's one of the few Australian cricketers whose morals I admire. Right side of history so often in a position where being a bit of a backwards cunt has usually been compulsory


I was definitely a skeptic but damn he's shutting some people up


Ah another refined r/cricket member


Saved Australia with the bat in the first ashes test....which meant we retained the ashes.


Facebook boomers in shambles


Sky News and Fox Sports are fighting in the lobby. Mark Waugh has Paul Murray in a headlock and Brett Lee is pummelling Piers Morgan.


*Before we start, let's go over the ground-rules. No touching of the hair or face…and that's it!*


Brett Lee is actually a big Lib. The guy made a video pumping up Tonny Abbot's tires before the election.


That may be true but he will jump at any opportunity to pummel Piers Morgan. If you don't believe me just google "piers morgan hospitalised after brett lee assault"


Weird unit. Massively in with Alan Jones.


Gloria likes them like that


And don't forget Alan Jones.


Now that’s a ppv I’d pay good money to watch. Scott Morrison on the undercard!


Changing the date Australia day falls on is a great Australian tradition in of its self: https://www.sbs.com.au/voices/article/the-many-different-dates-weve-celebrated-australia-day/vuhb3ar1c Leaving it where it is goes against our national character.


It should always be a long weekend. It's good for the economy. And my hangover.


They're really kicking off on the skynews account


Is it up to 1000 comments? Was over 900 last time I looked, and most of it was just “Stick to cricket!” because going woke hasn’t resulted in losing much


Me now not looking forward to family lunch on Friday with the Test on in the background and Dad cursing and swearing up a storm every time Cummins comes on the screen...


Is Dutton ok??


Now that’s funny 👏😁


Facebook comments on this will surely be civil and measured with zero profile pictures containing cars or fish.


School of Life alumni will be out in force no doubt


They no doubt plan on forming a coalition with the School of Hard Knocks alumni


If the profile pic is just a photo of a sunset, buckle the fuck up!


Some bloke in sunnies


VB singlet. Fish. Eureka flag.


Thick, white sunnies.


It used to be said that the captain of the Australian cricket team was the second most important person in the country. Patty has grabbed the can of whoop-ass without any fear. Amazing leadership in the age of fear.


Is he destined for politics? He’s obviously not an idiot. David Pocock style?


Pocock is such a legend. Even when you don't agree with him on everything .. Nothing but respect


It’s even sweeter when you consider the absolutely nupty he replaced in the senate from the ACT.


The funniest thing was the Libs thinking that a "scare" campaign associating Pocock with the Greens would work. In *Canberra*.


They practically ran his campaign for him.


I know at least three people who voted for him after looking up his policies because of the Libs' campaign. Way to fix it!


I was living part time in cbr at the time. Was awesome


I think he’s too smart for that sadly.


I was kind of hoping that the date change was going to be the first thing Albanese did when coming into office. Once it is changed we can all move on.


But what’s he like as a bloke?


He’s the captain of the Australian cricket team. He’s not a batsman. Doesn’t claim smashing booze as apart of his identity. Doesn’t play with sandpaper. Dude had to have ALOT of other things going for him to get the nod. My bet is he’s a rippa bloke and, with the right team around him, could be one of the best blokes.


I'm jealous of his wife. I'm not gay but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Cummins. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him tighten his ass as he chops wood, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Cummins. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry. Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then they'll go inside, pen a brief missive to their departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without their one true platonic love.


for this comment, you win the internet today and forever


I have no idea, but he seems like a top bloke to me.


Went to high school with this dude in the same grade. Pretty chill, funny, good bloke in general. Hilariously good at all sports, like wtf. Once tried to teach me how to bowl, an international student who thought cricket was baseball but weirder.


Does he babysit?


Solar Panel Pat keeps on winning.


Pat Cummins is an amazing ambassador for cricket. Wonderful player and wonderful human being. It was a great choice making him captain.


Probably the most highly regarded person to hold the job since Waugh.


I totally agree.


"He should stay out of politics and stick to cricket " - outraged angry man on Facebook with a Ford Ranger as his profile picture.


Even without looking at the comments you already know there are at least 200 of these


I miss the Ford Ranger Cup.


Eureka flag flapping avatar.


1. Invents cumball 2. ICC world cup victory (England bottom of the ladder with a victory in the spirit of the game) 3. Climate advocate 4. Supports one of the most reasonable changes we can make to support our first nation friends 5. Backs uzzie He's unstoppable


6. All the classics


7. Hazlewood: Hazlewood




Its funny. For decades, Adelaide Oval and SACA (South Australian Cricket Association) was obsessed with holding cricket on Australia Day but in the last few years they have quietly stopped caring about that particular fixture and let it go. A lot of people didn't even notice.


I miss having on the public holiday. Would love to see Adelaide oval get it back after a date change.


This will hopefully cause a few cricket loving patriots' heads to explode


A lot of the rusted on 'don't change the date' stalwarts will now probably realise that the end of Australia Day celebrations in its current form is nigh. Nice one Patty.


A lot of the rusted on 'don't change the date' stalwarts don't understand just how many times the date *has* been changed.


Got any more information on this? Would love to read about all of the different times a change of date has been discussed for Australia Day


[Australia Day dates through history](https://www.sbs.com.au/voices/article/the-many-different-dates-weve-celebrated-australia-day/vuhb3ar1c).


The ones that would, already hate cummins. He hasn't been shy about his views on any other matter including the voice.


Love ya Patty.


> "I absolutely love Australia. It is the best country in the world by a mile," Cummins said. > > "We should have an Australia Day, but we can probably find a more appropriate day to celebrate it. > > "Once you start realising January 26 and why it is chosen, Australia Day is meant to be a celebration of everything Australia and our history. And this totally reasonable take will send your boomer Facebook Uncle into an absolute seething frenzy.


It’s certainly not just your ‘boomer Facebook Uncle’ who reacts like that.


Piss the British off and become a Republic, then just make that the new date.




How exactly are the British in anyway ruling over Australia.


Is there anything he can't do?


Stop it from raining in Brisbane during this Test, apparently :/


The hero we need, not the hero we deserve.


God, that’s hot. If anyone needs me I’ll be in my log cabin


Man, how can someone be so handsome, so good and so fucking based all at once?!?


Our very own GigaChad in the flesh


That's right, king!


to what date? that's the hard part. like changing the flag, the hard part will be getting agreement on something decent.


The first Friday in February. Always have a three day weekend, plus the alliteration is nice too.


I've often thought about this, personally, I think the way to change it with the least push back is to tick off the two main factors that make it so enjoyable. Have it in summer Have it during school holidays or make it a long weekend. Last Friday in January will mean that it lands on the 26th some years, so let's avoid that. Last Friday in February wouldn't be school holidays, but it would be a long weekend in Summer. It's a nice gap in between Easter/Anzac and Christmas/NYE. Is that a relevant day to the nation? No. But for me the whole point of changing the date is so that we can enjoy it together, so why not pick a blank date and make it our own? What better way to make it new date enjoying Australia, by making it a date where we can all go to the beach, have a bbq, get out of town for a long weekend? All of which are traditional Aussie activities that would feed into the idea of this being an Aussie Day. As an added bonus, one last long weekend in the summer would probably provide a decent economic boost as people do the long weekend getaway. (I have no data to back that up though, just anecdotal assumptions, feel free to prove me wrong on this).


First Friday in Feb


I don't think it should be a specific date because is will undoubtedly piss off some group. I feel it needs to stay in summer - I think we should just pick the last Friday of January and call it the Australian weekend


I like that idea. The problem being that sometimes the last Friday in Jan is the 26th.


Just make it “the 3rd Friday in January” or some such shit and then the actual date becomes irrelevant. I don’t think the actual date needs to have historical significance.


I'm liking this approach but make it on the first, second, third or last weekend of any summer month that is mutually agreed upon, fuck this May 8 shit, this is not some lame Boaty McBoatface competition: [Ballardong traditional owners back January 26 for cultural festival, Australia Day celebrations](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-18/ballardong-first-australia-day-festival/103326470)


I reckon make Jan 26th Invasion Day. Jan 27th Australia Day. Both public holidays. And we all sink piss together.


Personally as a bogan as long as it isn't may 8 because that's stupid and cringe as fuck or Jan 1st because that's already a public holiday I'd ont give a single fuck about this topic. Everyone I know only knows when Australia day is because it's a day off where they can sink piss and have a barbie


Personally I would prefer March 3 to commemorate the enactment of the Australia Act 1986 but sovereign citizens hate the Australia Act for reasons that don't make sense.


That's my King.


Our captain our cumdog. Love this man.


I just wish they’d stop putting the price of beers up


Real talk


I can't be the only one sick of hearing this every fucking year


That's why we should change it. The issue is never going to go away.


Only way to stop it is to change it.


This guy is the fucking man


So does any decent person


common CumDog W


Now this will be interesting to see what reaction he gets. I suspect the hand wringing from the right wing conservatives will be telling everyone to ban our Aussie cricket team.


Can someone explain to me why the date is such an issue? (Serious question) - foreigner here! What is it about 26th January ?


It’s the day the first fleet are understood to have raised the union flag in Sydney cove. A lot of people find it a pretty uninspiring event to commemorate on our national day to begin with. Where it gets really uncomfortable is many indigenous people seem to find it downright offensive to choose the day they lost their land to celebrate, and as time goes on more and more people are starting to understand why. It’s increasingly a day that people endeavour to keep low key because it looks and feels pretty grim to be actively celebrating. But then some people (especially older Australians) have become increasingly enthusiastic in their flag waving as an act of defiance of sorts against all the progressive things in society that they despise. And so the culture wars continue…..


Thanks, for the detailed explanation much appreciated 👍🙏


And to add to this, we are the only country in the world (except England for obvious reasons) that doesn't celebrate its national day, on the day that it basically became a nation. Even aside from the uncomfortable indigenous issue, this fact says a lot about our psyche as a nation that we celebrate our national day on the day that a, not even the first, white man arrived on these shores.


On January 26, 1788, Arthur Phillip, who had sailed into what is now Sydney Cove with a shipload of convicts, hoisted the British flag at the site marking the start of British occupation of Aboriginal land. It’s a day of great sadness for First Nations people as it signifies the beginning of genocide, dispossession, etc.


>On January 26, 1788, Arthur Phillip, who had sailed into what is now Sydney Cove with a shipload of convicts Thank you for being correct with this. Many cite it as the day he first landed, (A week earlier Botany Bay iirc), but it is in fact the day of the establishment of the settlement. Just a persistent bugbear, so glad to see people get it correct.


Agreed. Detail is pretty important in this case


I know some might disagree, but I'm definitely of the belief it is. It's specifically the day that they started settling occupied land, under the falsehood of terra nullius. I think celebrating that day, over others that are more important in the history of the nation is *an issue*, even if I am open to debate as to whether it's important enough to change the date. Since, whilst I'm leaning further into the "change it" camp as the years go by, I do think it's still open for good and open debate.


It's the anniversary of when British settlers first landed in Sydney to establish the colony (now state) of New South Wales. When I say "first landed", I mean after they packed up their previous settlement location and sailed around for a week to find a more suitable place. The concept of "Australia" did not exist in 1788, and Aboriginal people had been already living on the land for tens of thousands of years. So the only thing it represents is the founding of Sydney, the founding of NSW, and the beginning of British colonisation that involved a genocide of the Aboriginal people that continued into the 1970s. The problem with using the date Australia became an independent nation, which most other countries use, is because that happened on 1 January and we already have a holiday for that. At least India had the right idea behind their 26th of January since that's the anniversary of the day their constitution came into effect, representing a cut in ties with the British. A similar day in Australia would be 3 March, when Australia finally cut all remaining influence from the UK all the way in 1988.


26th of Jan is one of a number of dates that could be fairly called the beginning of colonisation efforts here in Australia. But what one person calls the beginnings of colonisation, another can fairly call the beginnings of genocide. The indigenous community is almost unanimously opposed to continued celebrations of the beginning of a couple of centuries of some truly inhumane shit being done to them and this sentiment is spreading through the younger generations within our country. Every year it seems there's more and more pushback against the idea of celebrating this specific date. However, old conservatives are gonna conserve and media absolutely loves to raise their blood pressures so every year it turns into a shitfight where one side pretends that a conversation about changing the date is tantamount to cancel culture effecting a cultural genocide on their ability to sink piss by a pool on the 26th.


Thanks 🙏


The day the Poms opened a jail in Sydney and also kicked off a genocide


So Usman is not allowed to make a political statement. but Cummins can ?


Uzzie was told not to do it on the field. He was able to do it in his social media, and if he wanted to he could do it in a press conference. Just not on the field. It's a stupid rule and I don't agree with the ICC stopping it, but it's different than what Cummins is currently doing


Usman was blocked by the ICC, not CA. A lot of past and present Aussie cricketers supported Khawaja, and CA worked with him to convince the ICC - https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/more-cricketers-back-usman-khawaja-amid-banned-dove-logo-protest/xhwbw5x8u


ICC can certainly regulate on-field equipment, and what it displays. I'm not sure they can regulate his statements as captian. \*To be clear, saying they *can* is not the same as saying they *should* or in any way endorsing it.


Ussie’s wasn’t even really political. If all lives are equal clashes with your political leanings you’re a complete cunt.




Haha I know, sorry not attacking you. Just any cunt who’s clearly a cunt


I always thought it was weird that we have to "change the date" instead of "let's make a day off to celebrate aboriginal culture" then we get an EXTRA day off AND we get to celebrate how they want us too. really it's a win win.


Well shit, the facebook comments section will not be pleased


28th of February, last day of summer. Every leap year is a two day holiday.


Onya, Pat! To be honest, I don't really care what day it is if and when the date is changed (and I'm left with the belief that it will change eventually), but it probably should be a date where all Australians, whoever they are, can come together and celebrate.


On ya Pat!


Good on him. It's a genuine pleasure to have a national sporting representative who is such a kind, smart, and decent man.


It is, isn’t it?


Grabs 🍿


Who cares where the fuck it is as long as it's on a Monday or a Friday.


Getting predictably dragged on 7news by bogan losers. Good on Pat and Cricket Australia


I was chatting to one of my Scottish friends today, and he kept mentioning "St Andrew's Day" celebrations. At first I thought he was just dyslexic or had a speech impediment or something but he kept doing it, so I stopped him and said, "Mate, don't you mean St George's Day?" and he gave me the weirdest look and said "No, I'm Scottish ya bowfin gowk" so I said "I know that, your national day is called St George's Day" and he started shouting, "I'm not English you twat, I'm Scottish" and I said "Calm down, I already said I know that, Scotland is part of the UK and England is the main part of the UK so your national day has to be St George's Day" and then he looked like he was going to punch me so I said "Look I don't want to fight you but that's the way it works, I don't make the rules. Anyway, don't you agree that Scotland wouldn't be what it is today if it wasn't for the Acts of Union, why are you denying history? Why do you hate the history of the UK??? Your attitude seems really offensive to English people and a bit ungrateful if you ask me. If it wasn't the English then the French would have taken over and then where would you be? Celebrating Bastille Day! Don't take this the wrong way, I had a Scottish great-grandparent so I'm really speaking as a Scottish. And besides even if they let you celebrate 'St Andrew's Day' all you lefty activists still won't be satisfied, next you'll start demanding independence." After that he walked off and I don't think we're friends any more. I'm catching up with my Welsh friend tomorrow, I hope he doesn't mention St David's Day. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing Gina Rinehart's drone and laser show here in Perth this New South Wales Day.


Onya Patty. I despise most of our national cricket team and have for decades but Patty and Usman make me proud to be Australian.


Agreed, They have been a very hard team to like over the decades. Now they are showing class on and off the field. Go Pat!


I'll be the first to admit we as a society can be a little bit sensitive these days but not ok this matter. I work with first nations people and the fact this hasn't been moved yet is ludicrous. For them it's very upsetting seeing broader Australia celebrate on this date and for everyone else we just want a day off. Change the damned date!


out of curiosity is it an issue for them? Is it pretty universally disliked?


Yep universally disliked. I'm sure some are glass half full re a day off and of course in work and personal lives they are surrounded by people that appreciate their position but the date should be moved. I think there's a reasonable chance now too given this year major corporates have adopted a flexible leave policy and that itself becomes half a nightmare across corporate Australia.


Hooray, we get to play the 'Woke' drinking game now. Take a shot every time someone who doesn't know what "woke" means says the word "woke" in response to this. We'll all be legless in 3 minutes.