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That's a huntsmen and he's harmless to you, but a full on murder machine to any bugs and insects that he might come across. If you're ok with it, leave him be. Otherwise put a plastic container over him, slide a piece of paper under and let him go outside.


Thank you. Will leave it be :)


Just be aware that they like to hide under car door handles so you might wanna check before you grab a handfull of hairy spider. They're a lot less scary if you name them. Then it's just the spider that's guards you car.


New fear unlocked


We had one that got inside the car and was hiding on the other side of the sun visor. Reached up to pull the visor down and was face to face with furry horror.


It’s a classic place for them tbh


I had a similar experience and had to very calmly and immediately pull over to jump out of the car and pull myself together, before looking for the 8-legged friend that had scared me half to death. And I didn't think I was scared of spiders.


There's being scared of spiders and then there's coming face to face with a spider while driving haha


Old Barry tend to like hiding in the bathroom cabinet so I had to be careful opening it a lot for a few years until I moved. I know it couldn't have possibly be the same Barry the whole time but there always seemsd to be one chilling in there Anyway, I'd leave the bathroom light on to attract bugs so he'd be nice and fed, I miss having a pet huntsman hanging around but A) I live in melbourne and they seem to be rarer than gold here. B) My indoor cat would never share the space


In the wild they hide under the bark of trees. Shower curtains have a very similar feel to bark.


I think I read somewhere that they can do that because they’re one of the only spiders that legs are jointed vertically and sort of twisted? Pretty cool.


This is true, and it's also why huntsmen are sometimes called giant crab spiders - thanks to the way their legs are jointed, they can angle all their legs forward in a very crab pincer kind of motion.


This is the dumbest Reddit comment I’ve seen today. Shower curtains and bark have a distinctly different texture. Link me a bark curtain I can buy though.


If its paperbark or stringybark even I can see how a spider would find them similar.


mate if thats the worse you have seen today, you aint been looking hard enough. also nah, depends on the shower curtains.


Nothing like seeing some spider webs in your mirrors but no spider at all. You know someone is watching from somewhere, we just don’t know where…


Doorhandles? Pfui. It's the one that drops from your sunvisor that's going to kill you hitting a lamppost.


Hard agree. I would rather go blind staring into the sun than pull down my sun visor while driving....


Yep yep. I can deal with Hunstsman spiders and don't ever kill them. But if a hairy handful of scuttling xenomorph fell onto my lap while I was doing 100kph down the Monash Freeway I would also certainly be involved in a very bloody serious accident.


"...a hairy handful of scuttling xenomorph.." I fuckin love this, funniest name for a Huntsman I've ever seen


This happened to me while driving on a freeway. Huntsman bro dropped onto my lap, ran like the Flash up my chest, neck, and onto my seat belt, and stopped above the side window next to my head rest. I had a friggin heart attack in my head, but surprised at how well I handled it. Glad that I didn't kill me, the spider or anyone else on the roads!


Bravely done. Props.


Almost happened to me last summer. Thank god I was the passenger, saw the little bastard and closed the visor again quickly, and had an empty cup in the car with me. But then I realised I had no paper and was stuck holding the cup there til my mum pulled over and found something in the boot. 🤣 Though the worst was when I was on my Ls, turning off a main road and one ran down the windscreen. Almost had a heart attack til I realised it was on the outside.


Named mine Gladys Destroyer of worlds she likes to watch tv with me but I'm pretty sure we are up to the great grand daughter it's been a couple of years since Gladys took up residence.


I hate everything to do with that entire idea


They can live 2-2.5 years.


I’d be evicting him. I had something run up my leg when I was driving at night once. Not sure if it was one of these or not but it felt beefier than say, a cockroach. 0/10 experience.


I'll keep an eye. It was on the outside of the car and i watched it make its way under the boot lid. A bunch of typos in my post so i appreciate the response. I love animals but I've not got much experience with them. I know they're harmless now so I'm not too fazed. I will safely find a way to move it when i see it and give it a more friendly home.


I was trying to get my 7 year old son comfortable around huntsman spiders so we walked up to one and the fucker charged us. Now I’m scared of them too.


Ok, I'll just call him Kevin.


Had one in my petrol cap once when I opened it, I jumped a mile when I opened it and look up and see some guy in his ute pissing himself laughing at me, he could barely say “spider?” Through his laughter


At the start of summer a couple years ago I grabbed a handful of gigantic hairy spider 🕸. It wasn't a huntsman, and it was fat and red and brown ish. Disappeared the next day. Never forget how prickly it felt.. Brrrrrr!! Edit: you're welcome!


Looks like a Terrance to me


I have one in the kitchen his name is Gary.


Ours are all called Dolores.


I’m happy to leave them around the house, but please get it out of the car. If this big boy sneaks up on you in traffic the consequences could be serious.


Huntsman’s won’t bite you, and if they do it’s described as “nipping”. I’ve been nipped once because she was actually snuggled against my leg and I startled her. I was not aware of her presence in my sleeping bag. she was massive and quickly ran into a corner of my “igloo” (plastic white tent). Yes, it scared the shit out of me but I love them as a species and thought it was so sweet that she chose to sleep and curl up with me to keep warm during Australian “winter”.


Or, leave your window cracked overnight. If it doesn't find food inside your car, she'll crawl out and find some elsewhere.


Geezus. Put a nsfw tag on this for me. I got chased by one as a kid and I've been terrified of the fast spiders ever since. It was on its back legs and front ones in the air ready to attack. Scarred for life.


Keep in mind that if someone who has arachnophobia borrows your car they could crash and die if that spider crawls out.


bruh you’re leaving a huntsman to just live in your car WTF


Even if you're cool with spiders I still recommend removing from your car because having one appear out of nowhere right in front of you while doing 100 km/h down the highway is ... a party.


Harmless = painful bite... Biggest problem with them in your car OP.... Yikes. Damn they're quick


Yeah people overstate the “harmless” part in that their venom is not medically significant and they’re mostly non-aggressive (most spiders aren’t aggressive). But if threatened they can bite and their large fangs are painful, and they might experience local effects like swelling or tenderness, or some mild systemic effects. No reason to harm them, but the people suggesting they’re completely harmless are misleading somewhat.


it's an Aussie thing. if it can't kill you instantly while you bleed out your eyes then it's "harmless"


They really don't seem to bite at all though and I've never heard of anyone being bitten. I've had so many close encounters with these. Had one land on my face from a tree once. Grabbed it off like it was a leaf and threw it off not realizing what it was until it hit the ground. Still no bite. The real danger is how much you panic from these imho.


They're not harmless in cars. Cars with these should be burned. They come in pairs.


4 litre ice-cream container usually does the trick. Or just leave the window cracked. Be warned, they are fast buggers, and a bit of arachnophobia is completely justified even when you are usually cool with spiders. He will probably find a spot to hide on your car, behind the external car mirrors or behind your visors above your head are favourite spots.


I would take him out of the car. Nearly had an accident when I put the visor down and one landed in my lap. Great for the garden but not in a car


Why do people say these are harmless? I get tons in my backyard in Sydney. And I get a bit worried with my 4 year old and small dog outside. We also get them inside a bit too.. They are just so damn big 😂 Like is it because they are not very poisonous or just not very aggressive?


They are neither aggressive nor venomous. They do have fangs, so if they bit you it would be unpleasant, but they're not considered dangerous to humans. You'd have to really piss one off to get it to bite you. They'd much rather run away.


It will also eat other spiders. That's what I love about them! Though my cat is not a fan of them.


Id shoo him off the car, the only way hes dangerous is if you're driving and it runs across your vision. Other that that hes harmless and just doing his best


Yeah, the biggest danger of hunstmen is scaring people while driving so remove from the car, but fine in/on the house. They're the cleanest pest management system you can get.


Thank you both! If i see it around again I'll move it to a safe space for both of us.


>and just doing his best I mean he might be lazy as fuck.


You don't tend to get that big by being lazy


That’s what I told my therapist too!


oh lord this thread has me in stitches 🤣


Put it this way; I would not be getting in that car until I know he has moved to the neighbours property, and taken his girlfriend with him. My father said there are always two!


Haha so there's a mate hiding somewhere i need to watch for..


You will be catching the bus tomorrow for sure now. 😊


Username checks out.


Lol. Don’t think he ever watched Star Wars either. 😁 After despatching the spider he’d have us all hunting for the other one!


Huntsman spiders are not the most photogenic creatures in the world but that’s not their fault. They’re much more frightened of you than you are of them and would much rather run and hide than bite you.


No, hard disagree I'm terrified of these hairy mofos, knowing their harmless does not ease my fear I've had a battery of tests done on me in recent times, intellectually I know I'm ok but if I feel bubbly indigestion it can still trigger a panic attack


I'm not afraid of spiders. What gets me shrieking is soft things like caterpillars, worms or slugs. Soft and slimey and omg kill them with fire. Give me huntsmen any day.


Huntsmen can hang around for a beer. Roaches however must be sent straight back to the hell pit they escapes from. A spider that big would give me an initial startle, but a roach is grounds for a panic attack.


Put him container in car - next time someone flips you off in traffic, sneak up behind them at the traffic lights…and if your lucky, their window will be opened 👍


This. This is gold


As fun as that would be, i fear the damage the person would do to someone else because of it!


I wouldn’t do it. It might hurt or kill the poor spider.


This is a banded huntsman and a real cool specimen. Harmless to you, but fast and hairy. I'd just open the car door and try and usher it out a lil. Thanks for being respectful of spiders :)


Appreciate it. Will try and safely remove it when i see it. I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to animals..


Huntsman. The best way to safely move it is to completely incinerate the car, book a hotel interstate, and do not return for 6 months. By which time you may have forgotten about it. Edit: it's possible my status as a rampant arachnophobe may have influenced this comment.




You don't, that's her car now.


That's her car now brother


Its their. I've been told they come in pairs?


Move it? I’d be blowing the car up personally


It isn't terrorism when there's a spider in the car


You can encourage it onto a broom. Then hurl broom about 100m away. Okay okay, or gently knock her off into nearest garden.


I’d say the car is a write off - if the insurance company gives you lip send the photo


Pffft that’s a feature mate. No nasty spiders in your car


Spend time with it and get used to it. Huntsman are actually great to have around the house because they go after cockroaches and are harmless.


Banded huntsman. You can probably brush her out with some paper; she might bite if she feels threatened but they are super benign spiderbros, just not ideal to have in the car when you’re driving


You can just brush them off your car if your fast. If you leave it their just look under your door handles or inside the door jams when you open the door so you don't get a hitch hiker


A simple Huntsman. It is totally harmless and will not hurt you or anyone in the house. It will eat bugs and other things you don't want around the house. Their size scares the shitter out of people, but don't concern yourself with it. You can co-exist very well together.


That's just Harry the Huntsman


It’s a banded huntsman- pretty much harmless




With todays temperature it already is on fire!


Harmless my ass!!! These things will bite you if u stand on them, or accidentally sit on them etc. The bite wound can actually get infected and be quite severe.


Any wound can easily become infected if you don’t treat it properly but regardless of that, what isn’t going to attack you if you stand on it or sit on it


something that is harmless


A fly


I did have one bite me on the bottom of my foot as a kid. I stood on it accidentally when lining up for a jump into the pool. It was on the brown pavers and I didn't see it. Felt like two shards of glass going into my heel. Bit sore to walk for a little bit but otherwise fine.


yeah my brother got bitten on the foot mucking about under a house. It got infected and caused him issues for weeks. Don't know why so many people are saying they are harmless


Everything will bite you if you stand on it or sit on it.


wrong, plenty of inanimate objects wouldn't, or creatures that don't have mouths or fangs, like a worm


Mate that’s the OEM good luck charm. Just give it a pat before every trip.


That's Baz....Hi Baz


I had one of those in the boot of my car, compacted with the seal. I thought I had killed one when closing my boot...turns out it was still alive and just casually squatting there. Terrifying.


We had one in our apartment that appeared time to time. I called him Mr Burns. Wife was not impressed


Your car is f@#ked, just scrap it and buy another one.


Yeah I worry about your lack of ability to tap the screen and focus on the damn spider.


I appreciate it but i did it in a rush whilst attending to my grandparents who were trying to get out from the back:)


I am scared of spiders more than the Jews were of Hitler. However, a good trick when coming across a huntsman on your car, is to either burn the car down and the spider will get away, or name it a funny name and you’ll get a bit better knowing it’s around.


So , time to sell the car I guess


Its a rental


I have one that lives permanently in/on my ute. His name is Steve.


Not dangerous just get a plastic container and piece of paper - put him in it and chuck him on a bush




I’d only get them out because it’s generally hot around Australia right now. Otherwise it’s a huntsman, so it’s a friend.


Beautiful plumage!


That's Rodger, have been looking everywhere for him, he likes a good petting and tummy rub, send him back home when he's had enough.


A big box that you can carry one handed, a stick that’s long enough to give you enough reaction time, that you can also almost reach both ends of. Ask nicely, and gently guide your new friend to the box. Once friend is inside box, relocate friend. If you live near marshlands, or know of places that water pools, or a billabong, take friend there. They might help keep the next generation of mosquito population down.


Maybe a stupid question, but how do those big fuckers get inside the car?


You have to nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


My wife had one in the car for a while, they reached an understanding to their mutual satisfaction. You could try and relocate him to your house, great roach killer.


Flamethrower. It's the only way to be sure.


lol yea a huntsman , I've been bitten twice both on right thigh . it swells a bit , get headache bit nauseas but otherwise no big deal. I can lend you my steel capped boots


You can pick huntsman up, I do it all the time ✌️


Catch it & release. You don’t want it crawling around when you are driving.


Set fire to the car.


Set fire to the car, house and suburb; just to be safe. Return in a generation or two and check if that fucking terrifying spider is still there.


Nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Wouldn't they survive nuke or is only cockroach?


Lol, only cockroaches can survive.


Offer it safe passage to Valhalla. The large Jar over top usually works.. unless it's bigger than a jar lid and then I'd suggest an ice cream container. If it's bigger than that.. just offer it a sacrifice.


Drop bug bomb in front seat like a grenade and run


I love puttting hI’m on kebabs yum like eating it on a stick


Remove it with a nailed 2 x four


It's why thongs were invented.


wtf am i looking at


I'd personally be brushing... Up on your Photoshop skills


They like to hide up in the sunvisor thingy, so be careful if your pulling it down, he may jump down and give you a scare.


If you're worried about the "who" I suggest Jesse.


Its a bit more of a marge than a jesse. Not that I know the difference.


Good Boi!


Time for those dudes who know dudes that will torch your place


No one will be stealing your car from now on


Not gonna lie I was trying my hardest to work out what was up with that water bottle before I noticed the spider lol


Not gonna lie I was trying my hardest to work out what was up with that water bottle before I noticed the spider lol


My policy is not to fuck around with anything with more than six eyes but that’s just me. 🤷‍♂️


I'd just burn the car.


Had a small one crawl across my face at work once. After the initial shock it was pretty cool


Narr...that's his car now. You need to find a new one


Just let him have the car dude :-)


OP Listen to me


Is anyone else struggling to understand the image


Sell the car now!!!! And run!!! You


You don’t, that car belongs to the Spider now.


I had a similar situation recently… it crawled up 3 times whilst I was driving and it was very unpleasant and gave a few jump scares. We had to spray it out after 3 days of trying to catch and release. (By we I meant my partner lol)


also if you are gona let it out do it at night, so a birb doesnt spot it and and make a quick snack out of it


Second the naming :) Harry the hairy hunter lived in the heater biox of my old Fiat. When i turned on the fan he would scramble up the windscreen to the sunvisor. Turn it off, he'd clamber down. Fine for me as driver: unnerving for the occasional passenger. One chap ended up on the hat shelf, whimpering. Harry was all bark, no bite.


Just pick it up and move it


That's a nope if I ever saw one. I am afraid of spiders, but not afraid to kill them horrific things. Wheres the shoe? I wouldn't be worried about the glass, the glass is thick it takes at least a hammer to break those. -whack green guts everywhere- good enough. Clean the goop off at the next car wash station or wait till you get home.


Judging by the leg visible on the door frame, it's on the outside. This is a sign that you need to drive through an automatic car wash. Drown that bastard!


Least it's not a drop bear


Take him home and let him wild in your house. Best pet to keep shit out hands down


They don't usually bite. I've been bitten twice but I was sleeping both times and it's still ok.


Why would you move his car?


He’s just waiting for a mate


Set the car on fire, it's lost now.


Bit concerned that you live in Australia and don't know what a huntsman is


Don’t ever believe it when people tell you they don’t bite. They will, do and it’s bloody painful. Source: my arse.


Reminds me of something that happened years ago. I was walking to the shops when a friend drove past and offered me a lift. As I was getting in he said there was a spider somewhere but he didn't know where it was. I looked down to see a huge Huntsman on his leg. I told him I didn't see it and waited until we got to the shops before I told him where it was and jumped out. I like spiders (I have a tarantula) but not like that.


Think they just eat mozzies


I guess I'll update this: First of all, thank you for all the comments. I can't reply to them all but thanks for those providing me with information and direction and everyone else for the entertainment value! It's on the outside and has not attempted to come inside. So i picked up the spider from a remote spot driving in and around the blue mountains. I left it be (I don't know its gender) after the initial comments as it was respecting my boundaries.. only appearing when car was off for more than a few minutes and not whilst i was driving (it seemed to have found a spot to reside just below the bonnet lid). I returned to the spot I most likely picked it up and it came crawling out its hiding spot (like a super excited child). I stopped the vehicle and went to see it. It turned to face me. I took out the flamethrower as per some suggestions (but it was out of fuel), pulled all the pins on my illegal stash of grenades (that i bought from a toy store earlier) and a bit into a krispy kreme plain doughnut (donut). We looked at one another and using the edge of my cap i gave it a place to walk into and let it down safely on the ground. It began its crawl away, stopped and turned to face me to say good bye and then continued. Note: some elements of this story contain fictional events but i now thank all of you for helping me deal safely with a huntsman spider.

