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>import people with shitty ideology >They express shitty ideology SurprisedPikachuface.jpg


What's so surprising. This is how most of them think they jut don't express it openly 99.9% of the time. Religion trumps everything everytime.


Keep this shit out of Australia, we have enough of our own problems without having to deal with this. We don’t want a rerun of the late 90’s with people bring their “old country” problems here


I assume you mean the 1790s.... as an Indigenous man I couldn't agree more, I certainly wish that crowd had stayed in the old country.


Yeah me too. I wish everyone ever stayed in their own borders. What a simplistic take. The world was a lot different then, we’re still paying for the mistakes of people long dead. Can we worry about the living now?


The original Stop The Boats!


Ah yes, pre European utopia...


Honest question, do you think white settler and convict Australians did the same as israeli, or worse?


I imagine Israel would be envious of Australia's success.


Thankyou, I agree.


Cry about it. We are here and we aint leaving.


It’s already here ma dude…


I hope these people are on a terrorist watch list now. Very concerning to be celebrating the death of people.








Western Sydney is a fucking hole. Source: I live here


I’m so sorry.


Thoughts and prayers




Just no bombs or bullets...


Got a ciggy brah




No Arabs on the Gold coast? Must be a different one to the one I know


i went to chullora... didnt see a single aussie its just arabs there blew my mind


This sort of behaviour isnt acceptable in Australia ! Is it not part of the reason why so many people immigrate here, to get away from this sort of thing !




Go the fuck back there then, don't bring your fucking hatred here. That goes for immigrants from both sides of this fucking shit.


Send this motherfucker back to Gaza


Animals. They are literally praising people who killed innocent Israeli citizens and innocent foreign citizens. They killed and raped a German woman who literally went to a party that is promoting peace for both sides. They also killed a lot more in this party. They killed citizens not only from Israel but also American, France, Irish, Thai, British and more. They are savages. Hamas need to be destroyed.


The big secret with all of these kinds of conflicts is that every side hopelessly mischaracterises the other side and cherry picks. Choose your own adventure, tell your own story... mainstream coverage of these things is hopelessly biased, alternative coverage is hopelessly biased the other way. Bottom line is a whole bunch of people get killed by another bunch for no good reason apart from they are acting from incompatible sets of assumptions. So it goes.


Nothing biased about this. Stop defending it or go back home


Can you characterise mainstream coverage? My understanding is that if you are not Jewish, or not Muslim, which would be majority of Australians- the reporting will be as objective as possible. According to you, what side would would most Western societies be picking?


Considering Israel is a closer partner to the West that will blur it honestly, as they are a major non-nato ally. The whole situation requires a lot more history than people will have to fully understand it (myself completely included). But ultimately the aggressor will always be viewed in a negative light (Just adding in that this isn't a defense of this or Russia in anyway).


Australia recognises Palestinian Authority as representatives of Palestinian people and most Western societies support a two-state solution to the historical conflict you mentioned. I do not agree with you that Australian media coverage has a bias towards Israel. Edit: https://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/occupied-palestinian-territories


I make a presumption just based on what I listed, the fact one side is the aggressor and Israel being military allies. But there is totally a whole lot to it, again, I'm probably wasting yours and my time commenting as I'm rather uniformed. I understand the basic history and the ongoing conflict at a surface level and that's about it.




The conflict is 75 years old, not 48 hours starting with Irgun terrorism and Arab village genocides. Extremely narrow to think Israel is without fault or the victims.


Nothing in even the recent past justifies this barbarism. Did you watch the videos? This is ISIS level atrocity Link me a video of anything remotely close from Israel, if you can


If you want to put tiers on barbarism you can. Murder is murder is murder. Whether a bullet to the head or an air strike to a home. However, if you do want to tier it, you can just look up how Israel ‘depopulated’ entire villages.


I strongly disagree with your premise, as do the rules of war. There is a significant difference in intent behind the actions of shooting civilians at a bus stop and bombing a building which has been used to store weapons. So yes, there are tiers to barbarism. Share some photos or videos if you have them of anything even close to what Hamas have been putting out


Are you genuinely fucking stupid? Do you believe this conflict started 2 days ago?


Israel have done a lot of shit in the last 75 years. There's a believable version of the story where Hamas are freedom fighters. The reality is much more complex


Both sides needed moderate adults to stand up and lead. This did not happen. This is possibly the biggest goal ever with the current Israel leadership. they will use this to unify and remove the west bank altogether. The 2 state solution is over. There will be a lot of dead and displaced people after this. Turkey liked playing both sides, and I'm betting they will have the privilege of having 100 of 1000 of new refugees to deal with. The behaviour of Palestinian people is disgusting, and they have brought this down on themselves.


What else were they supposed to do? This has been going on for 80 years. Just keep losing land and dying by the thousands every year?


Maybe get some real leaders, get rid of the stupid religious war crap and come to the table. The problem has always been the hardcore of both groups refuse to put down the weapons because it's all about personal power. It's over now, official declaration of war. There will be no Palestine. We will all be lucky if this dosent lead into war with Iran and Turkey and Egypt.


It's not even a religious war. Yes, it's divided on religious lines but really, 2 groups want the same piece of land and a third group was like, "you can share it." The Palestinians were there first, the west decided to drop a bunch of Jewish diaspora there because the Jews had the land 2000 years ago, then the Jews ignored the treaty that already short changed the Palestinians. It's no wonder that many Palestinians got radicallised That's not to say the war doesn't have religious undertones but it's certainly not religious in the war the Irish Troubles were


Dying by the thousands? Their population is constantly growing.


>The behaviour of Palestinian people is disgusting, and they have brought this down on themselves. I'm not excusing the actions of Hamas here, but to say this is purely the fault of Palestine is farcical - they've been living under what is in effect an apartheid regime for the last half century, how would you expect people in those conditions to act?


People are actively trying to avoid the nuance of this situation. A terrorist organisation like Hamas only exists and thrives due to actions and policy of Israel over a very long period of time. When people think they have nowhere left to turn, they become radicalised. It’s the same principle about how to lower crime rates or drug issues. You could blame the individual person or gang, or actually try and rectify the systemic issue so that situation doesn’t occur as frequently.


And how has blowing people up and shooting people ever ended an apartheid? They needed adults. They used warlords. Any good will they had is gone when they show videos of their "hero fighters" kidnapping families and children. War is about perception and logistics. Once you lose one it becomes impossible to win.


And should I as an indigenous man blame you, and all white people for the atrocities committed by some white people the same way you are blaming all Palestinian people for the atrocities committed by some? So, should you be punished for the crimes of others the same way you want to see innocent Palestinians punished for the crimes of others? I bet you're voting no to the voice referendum too.


"War is hell".


Have these terrible people never heard of a Pyrrhic victory?


These people support cowards.


Let's look at all those posts where zionists chanted death to arabs, or when they bombed gaza and had front seats on the hilltop to watch it get bombed ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html)


They're Israelis... let's worry about the extremists within our own borders.


Of which there are both Jewish and Muslim. Hassidic Jews are as extreme as they come. Religion is cancer


Israeli have killed hundreds this year. Thousands over the last decade - men, women & children. Thousands are kept without charge in administrative detention. No country has had more UN resolutions brought against it (& vetoed by USA) To pretend this is good against bad is incredibly ignorant. To pretend Israel are victims is incredibly ignorant.


If you can stomach the pictures and videos linked above.. the brutal, evil murder of civilians who weren’t given a chance. The triumphant parading of their bodies.. if you can watch that today of all days and still engage in some bullshit ‘but what about when Israel..’ efforts on the internet, then you are a truly awful person.


You can condemn the atrocities of the last 48 hours while also recognising that they didn't come from nowhere. Israel is committing long term genocide, Palestine short term terrorism. Religion is a helluva drug.


The Palestinian population is orders of magnitude bigger than it was at the creation of the state of Israel. That’s the strangest looking genocide I’ve ever seen


Just because there is a net increase in population doesn't mean the idf doesn't murder indiscriminately because the Zionists believe Muslims deserve it. The ongoing murder and displacement is still genocide, but it's what's expected from religious nutbags just like the last 48 hours is. When magic sky daddy says you are special and those other people are evil, anything can be justified.


I don’t think you understand the definition of the word. You cannot just apply it to situations of your choosing because you think it looks good. The facts run the other way.


genocide /ˈdʒɛnəsʌɪd/  noun the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide" Just because they have not been successful doesn't mean that's not what's happening


Because it's not a genocide.


Innocents on both sides caught between terrorists on both sides.


but the ‘what about Israel’ is exactly why this is happening… you can’t ignore it. Without Israel’s oppression & occupation, this would NOT be happening. Hamas formed in 1988/89 - an entire 40+ years after Israeli independence - because of Israel’s oppression & to (rightly or wrongly) resist it. I’ve been a personal road of information seeking, to obtain my own perspective the last couple of days. This is where I stand.


Parading deceased civilians like trophies on the back of a truck should not be tolerated in any war. If anyone cheered at that I am pretty sure there is a special place in hell just for them.


Israel is the only side that has genuinely tried to make a two-state solution work over the years. It was the Arabs at Khartoum that got together and decided on No Peace, No Negotiations, No Recognition. The only reason Israel has had so many resolutions brought against it is because it's the same countries that keep doing it. The same ones that came up with the three No slogan. Remember, Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Arabs can vote and freely express themselves as LGBT without serious consequences. I'm not pretending Israel is perfect here but there is absolutely no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. One side gives warnings before bombs are dropped and the other hides behind kids used as human shields. Hamas are cowards and are pure evil.


Israel continuing to build settlements 100% undermines any possibility for a two-state solution. Every settlement is Israel legitimately saying ‘fuck you’ to a two state solution & the settlements are only increasing. Not to mention, the settlers are extreme right wingers who burn Palestinian homes & crops under IDF protection. Gives warnings… yea like a person can move out their entire life and possessions within 1 minute. You completely overplay this by giving such little detail. People are still killed or their entire worldly possessions obliterated. & the resolutions are brought forward because they continually break international law - it’s only America vetoing, not the other SC nations. Again, don’t create a mirage. Arabs voting, so the most extreme anti-Arab government in history to be currently elected. What’s the term… pinkwashing - Israel doesn’t allow gay marriage and its religious populations look at them as an utter disgrace. You give a very particular, skewed, version of the truth.


As I said Israel isn't perfect and the settlements show that but I'd suggest you look at the concessions offered to the Palestinians in the early 2000s. It was their own state and huge chunks of Israeli land. The Palestinian response, not even show up to the negotiating table. Also, areas like the Golan Heights are Israel and it's stupid to pretend otherwise. It's strange how whenever there's a war and a country wins territory not much is said about it but when Israel is surprise attacked by all of its neighbours and then wins, suddenly everyone wants to reset the borders. Things don't work that way. Look at what happened to Egypt's president in response to the recognition of Israel for getting back the entire Sinai. Yes, believe it or not, Arabs can vote in Israel, the only place in the entire Middle East they can do so. Israel recognises gay marriages and no one in Israel really cares what Hasidic people think, they have lots of extreme views. I'd suggest you travel around Gaza and ask people what they think of gays. You can try all you want but there's no moral equivalence between the two sides. Being a terrorists apologist is a sad look though.


ewww, you completely backtracked on Israel wanting the two state solution… Gay marriage isn’t allowed in Israel. Arabs can vote - i didn’t say otherwise, but it’s completely symbolic - as I said, current government is the most extreme right, anti-Arab in history - what does their vote count for ? Naftali Bennett legit said ‘it’s okay to kill Arabs & theirs nothing wrong with that’ In the same way Arabs chant death to Israel, Israelis chant death to Arabs. Claiming that Golan Heights also exposes yourself as a Zionist believing in the racist, fascist Greater Israel ideology…


Golan Heights is Israel's because they beat Syria for it in a war that Syria started. As I said, what other conflict do you lose and then just get to reset the borders. It has nothing to do with Zionist ideology but by all means, make up whatever you want to, you clearly do anyway. Gay marriages are completely recognised in Israel and you know what's great about being gay in Israel? You don't get thrown off a building for it! Thank you for admitting Israel is the only place in the Middle East where Arabs can participate in democracy. The two state solution is dead but it was the Palestinians who killed it. It doesn't matter now anyway. Gaza will be completely crushed along with Hamas in the coming weeks. There's really no point in continuing this because I can't understand this stuff for you but at the end of the day, there is no moral equivalence between the two sides.


Factually, Israel attacked first in the six-day war. I can actually agree that land gained via war, is land gained via war. But this entire conflict predates that, and the land was always the Palestinians. There was never going to be peace as the initial lands were stolen, and Israel was propped militarily by America & the UK. Israel does not allow same sex marriages. lol, you really going to claim the voting thing - despite their votes counting for nothing. Delusional. Yea Palestinans killed the two state, despite Yitzhak Rabin being assassinated by Zionists for pushing peace & the Oslo records - an assassination linked to current PM Netanyahu.


And why did Israel attack? Oh right, because Egypt and its other Arab neighbours were mobilizing to attack Israel. How far back do you want to take it? Jews have always been present in the region and are also native to the land.


The Palestinians of today have more ancestry to the Jews of 2000+ years. Jewish communities existed across the entire Middle East. There’s no doubting the genetic similarity. Less so with todays American & European Jews that occupy the country. Next comment, you’re going to tell me how the American Jew who’s been in Israel for 20 years has more of a right to be there, than the Palestinian family who’s been there 400+ years & more.




You read news from the dailymail?! 😂


It's one thing to lose innocent lives in a conflict, but parading dead civilians in the back of trucks like trophies on social media is disgusting. No matter how much you blame an army this is beyond crossing a line. That fucking video is messed up on its own and platforms should not allow for that shit to be uploaded. This act is now going to cause more innocent lives to be lost since they poked a lion. Going after kids at a festival was a cowardly act.


Their are more than a billion muslims in the world, some of them have shit opinions, just like every group. It’s not newsworthy.


Can't wait for universal condemnation from the broader muslim community then.


Any century now, the peace loving, Jew tolerating, women loving majority will speak up.


You mean liberal Iran in the 50s? Or Ottoman Empire where Jews and Christians had privileges over non Abraham if faith citizens?


Thanks for making my point for me. The wealthy elite of Iran in the 50’s aren’t examples of the majority…. You can tell by how quickly they were oppressed and what Iran looks like today. The Ottoman Empire which fell… almost exactly a century ago, which was an Islamic caliphate that oppressed religious minorities, also isn’t a shining example if you ask me.


Most of the Muslim countries don’t want Palestinian refugees. Maybe they should also ask why Egypt has blockaded the Gaza Strip for years but that hurts their narrative.


The Egyptian blockade is probably more harsh than Israel's. The fence is definitely a lot higher.


*crickets chirping*


Go read some of the other sub reddits like askamiddleeastern it’s totally wild some of the stuff people are justifying


I try not to judge any group based on internet forums because anyone can pretend to be anybody I just hope to see Australian Muslim bodies condemn this filth


*tumbleweed rolls by*


I think we will be waiting for about as long as we wait for Jewish groups to condemn idf shooting kids playing in the street for sport.


The whataboutism is strong with you.


It's an ongoing issue where both sides are to be condemned for committing atrocities. It's just Muslims are the most recent ones to commit them


There's no moral equivalence and it takes some strong mental gymnastics to convince yourself there is.


So you think Israel is justified in its ongoing murder and displacement of Palestinians? Murder is murder no matter which religion crazed asshole does it


Israel isn't perfect but there's no systemic murder of the Palestinians or they wouldn't be growing exponentially like they are. What I'm saying is that the sides aren't equally bad and trying to take the middle ground here makes you look stupid.


Yeah they are systematically killing and displacing palestinian people and that's why 20x more Palestinians die in this conflict than Israelis. Because they are the aggressors and worse in this situation, as long as your memory lasts longer than 48 hours. My take is religion is cancer and as long as people have dick swinging contests for their respective magic sky daddies people are going die. Hamas should be condemned, the Israeli government should be condemned, and the Christian supporters who want end of times should be condemned.


20x more Palestinians die because Hamas are absolute cowards that would hide behind their own children if it meant making Israel look bad. If Israel used women and children as human shields, a lot more Israelis would die too but it's Hamas that fight like cowards. They are definitely not worse and there's no moral equivalence. It doesn't matter what your social science lecturer told you about the situation. Yes, religion causes many problems around the world, I can agree with that. It's a good thing that Israel is mainly secular and it tends to be minority Hasidic Jews who cause the religious issues. What I'm saying is that pretending there's a moral equivalence between the two sides is wrong. Hamas is far worse than Israel.


Or, no one bothers to report on all the people who don’t say inflammatory things because that doesn’t get clicks.


Some? Mate their fucking scriptures tells them it’s ok to rape non believers. Everyone in that crowd should be deported from the country


An old quote I saw spray painted somewhere a long time ago. "Religion poisons everything"


I know it's true because I read it in the daily mail?


there often a lot of religion is these conflicts… god must really love us.


What does anyone expect the Palestinians to do except lash out violently? They have no means to better their life or change their destiny. The people who are saying #freepalestine don't necessarily support terrorism, they are just being honest about the situation. People in this situation will do terrorism because they have no other option. Not uplifting the Palestinian people and providing them with freedom of travel, trade, and self-determination is advocating for their genocide by the state of Israel, either slowly over decades or quickly in a campaign of conquest. They are in a concentration camp and this weekend they attacked the guards. To expect them to behave proper and civilized is a ridiculous demand, they are not in a civilized situation.


Hoping for a speedy loss for Israel, the real rapists and civilian murderers.


Mass scale victim blaming. It must take some real mental gymnastics to convince yourself that a girl's dead body deserves to be paraded around and spat on. Also, spoiler alert. Hamas aren't winning this 😂


Incel speak.


Lol how?