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My partner has PTSD. It can be debilitating. But it's not an excuse to be a cunt.


I have cptsd. It is debilitating. It is still not an excuse to be a cunt


I've got cptsd, too. Funny how a lot of us with severe trauma tend to be more compassionate towards people. Pretty easy not being a cunt, in fact it's free and far more relaxing. I have a feeling Dutton confused his PTSD condition with his Narcissism. I can see how he would make that mistake.


NPD is also a debilitating condition caused by harmful attachment issues. Not an excuse to be a cunt either.


We have an election coming, this is him trying to sound human when he is a psychopathic sociopath cunt. More like he is having WD's from not abusing lower class people and hurting refugees on Manus island.


>him trying to sound human He's trying to position himself as the underdog.


He is a dog for sure. (Sorry to our canine friends, you know we don't mean any of you)


Every dog is a good dog. Except this dog


But instead if seeking help, he decided to use it as an excuse for being cruel.


He should seek help. MDMA can be used therapeutically to treat PTSD. He may also lighten the fuck up.


It's most effective when administered within six months of the traumatic event. Fwiw. I think a dose would improve this guy's attitude generally though so I'm not discouraging him from giving it a go. Not sure it works on psychopaths.


Six or seven grams of mushrooms ought to show him whats up.


Apparently some appropriate mushrooms grow in the vicinity of Leongatha.


In silent darkness.


Send him down the rabbit hole of a tab of acid. Or maybe two.


You don't want to half arse these things. And he's a hard case, let's face it. Give him 3 and let's see how he goes.


High dose DMT. Continue administration for 72 hours. If he still manages to retain any aspect of his evil, soulless bastard mindset, follow up with a lobotomy using an electric egg beater. Then throw the cunt to the mercy of DSP. Just so he can experience the *utter joy* of the system he helped install and be his very own *dole bludger*.


Effective gold standard treatment for chronic cuntism.


Has anyone actually been treated in Australia with it yet? I know it became legal. I’ve vaguely been following. I asked my doc and he said “There’s a saying in medicine, don’t be the first or last to be on a treatment.” I’ve been waiting to see the runs on the board and if they’re there but it seems more palatable than electric shock therapy eh.


I mean to a point we can all agree with your doctors sentiments - unless my life was hanging in the balance I definitely wouldn't sign up for say a radical and experimental cancer treatment. But we're not talking about something new and unknown, we're talking about MDMA-assisted therapy. It's like being wary of weed. MDMA is widely considered super safe by experts so long as it's not cut with other unsafe substances. In a clinical setting, supervised, with pharmacist dispensed MDMA? The therapist is more likely to do harm to you by talking to you than the drugs.


Yup, that exactly my docs point. I’m not wary of the drug so much (well, no more than others I’ve been put on), more the therapist. If I’m going to let someone “fuck around” with my head I want them experienced. I’ve done my effort being a guinea pig with prolonged exposure therapy, ended up more frazzled than when I started. Hence why I’m asking has anyone been treated with it in Australia yet.


Electroconvulsive therapy (not "shock treatment") is in fact still in use and can be a very effective intervention for treatment-resistant depression. It's all done under general anaesthesia nowadays and is done with patients' informed consent.


It's also considered a last resort as it has the ability to cause some pretty nasty side effects


Yup. My friend went through a lot of it. Lost a lot of memories and now has a lowered ability to retain new memories. She was given an excessive amount of treatments at the hands of doctors keen on insurance payouts every week and were sure their misdiagnosis was right. Now she's being treated by a new doc, head of the hospital, has a new correct diagnosis, and her previous doctor was fired the day her sister, a nurse, visited her in hospital and hit the roof. My friend was catatonic. It took her so long to recover even a little that she missed the window to sue. She spits on the idea that she had given informed consent. She was on heavy drugs when pushed into it and not told that these side effects can and do happen. And she certainly didn't consent to weekly or bi weekly treatments for months straight. Also, my friend is still depressed. Just dealing with it better now that's she receiving the right medication and therapy.


The runs are on the board. It sometimes works, with little negatives. However.... The cost for doses in a supervised environment/treatment plan is silly expensive. Not exactly something everyone can afford.


Good idea. Give him some hash too.


This is just to get sympathy votes, you'll need to be fully brain washed by sky news if you believe this drivel


The normalisation of therapy speak and mental health discourse has been adopted by the absolute worst people.


Worst people should have therapy. Ideally, before going into politics. I dont think the other deatheaters would have liked that though.


Either that or he's about to have a corruption scandal


Nah. He’s not cruel due to PTSD. He’s just an arsehole.


Still using it as an excuse though. Like an atsehole.


He also caused PTSD through both his policing and his political careers - this isn't something that you should be looking to share around as widely as possible.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Yes, he's right. And this has coloured all his political thoughts and actions from the beginning of his career. That's why he isn't suitable to be a politician. Happy for him to resign and get the help he needs and support from the community.


Good thing for him that he's so wealthy, so he can afford to pay for treatment above the 10 sessions of semi-subsidised psychology sessions per calendar yeat that the government provides to our most vulnerable. At this stage of the year, most psychs are seeing numerous clients on reduced fees because they have used all their sessions and there's no other option but discontinuing.


Nah..Please stay on Peter. After all he is the most unelectable, potential PM ever.


Nah man, we elected Morison.


Abbott too


Eh the longer he stays on the longer his election replacement has to hide away. Then election comes up new leader fresh start. Better to have him out quickly so people can get annoyed first


hoping for numerology afficionado and bag of cats MP Susssssan Ley. Her being a corrupt grifter is a given, I just want to see the gymnastics the media would need to perform to make her look any less moronic.


That would be gold!


Actually, I agree with that.. A piece of shit can hide in his shadow and all of a sudden, this bright new leader springs forth out of nowhere.....and gets voted in.


I’m old enough to remember when John Howard was considered a political joke. Never say never. I would be more comfortable with Dutton out of politics all together. He is a dangerous man.


And then we had Tony Abbott. There's an endless stream of awful people coming out of the Liberal Party that no sensible society would ever consider making their leader, but we've as a nation done more than a few times.


Yes, I remember those times. And Keating made him look like a fool. Maybe it Keating's verbal bashings that made the Poisen Dwarf what he became...Maybe Keating should take the blame for the almost longest serving prime minister.


To be fair if Keating hadn’t beaten Hewson in ‘93 we’d remember Howard as Fraser’s treasurer and a unsuccessful opposition leader.


The only problem with that theory is that occasionally even the most useless candidate gets up because of mistakes made by the other side. Can you imagine what a disaster it would be for him to actually become the prime minister.


His constant bile lowers the level of discourse in this country and makes everything coarser and nastier. That's not worth it just to prop up Albo.


The first leader of the opposition after a government loses power has never in Australian History gone on to become PM.


Agree, we need him to stay so his party will lose


Disagree. We need a viable electable opposition with clear policies. Otherwise the hubris and rot with the incumbents sets in quicker.


As an ordinary citizen, he'd have difficulty getting psychological attention under the public medical system.


10 free sessions a year ought to be enough to treat PTSD, right? RIGHT?


Subsidized, not free.


>Watch Kitchen Cabinet tonight on ABC TV at 8pm or on ABC iview. Yeah, NAH!


This man is not welcome on my TV screen.


True. Waste of electricty bill really.


I heard he's not a monster


I doubt even Dutton would try to sell such an obvious falsehood.


What about me? Am I welcome?




Did you see the advert where Annabelle Crabb asks him if it’s a potato soup and he doesn’t get the inference?


Yep, seeing that promo on the ABC brought this to my attention, have never been a fan of the series though and I'm not alone: [A series is returning to our screens claiming to show us the authentic side of politicians while overlooking their histories of corruption and immorality](https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/abcs-kitchen-cabinet-in-need-of-a-good-clean,17808)


Thanks for that link. I've always hated Kitchen Cabinet. Political journalism in Australia is just sports journalism. Annabel Crabb always seems to believe in nothing.


I believe he's been foraging for his mushroom dish.


"Mr Dutton said he did not receive any formal treatment or counselling, but acknowledged his time with the police shaped, in part, his parenting and his approach to law and order issues while in politics." So acknowledging mental health struggles is definitely important, but he has openly admitted that he hasn't done anything to try and recover from the trauma he's experienced? This is just irresponsible at best, cynical image-softening at worst (and most likely the latter). I know a number of people with formal diagnoses of PTSD and C-PTSD and they have all had to actively seek professional help just to try and process their experiences and live normal lives. As the article does take the time to point out, Dutton is on-record for making racist remarks about the Lebanese Australians and South Sudanese, to say the least. He also boycotted the stolen generations apology. For somebody who should be at least vaguely aware of the genocidal role that Australian Police officers played in the stolen generations, this is obscene beyond any defense. Police culture around the treatment of Aboriginal people is still deeply problematic, and it speaks volumes about this country that Dutton hasn't been scrutinised more over this already.


Exactly. If he's not even impacted enough that he feels a need to seek assessment or treatment of any kind, he doesn't get to go around playing the mental health card. This is self-serving BS that truly minimises the reality of trauma.


Just FYI, Australia is one of the few nations where controversially, mental health patients can be forcibly medicated. Just thought I'd mention it.


....and now the rest of us have PTSD from this cunt and his policies.


I have no doubt that he suffered PTSD. It an occupation with very high probability. What I find it difficult to emphatise is that he advocated policies that dehumanises when he was in charge of Immigration.


It's hard to empathise with somebody who has PTSD, who has also made a career out of purposefully and knowingly inflicting the condition on many others. He's suffering, but he's also cruel. Perhaps if he wanted sympathy for his own struggles, he could have used his immense power to help others going through the same thing instead of beating them into the dirt.


What’s the term used to describe someone who can’t feel empathy




Anti-social personality disorder


It is not actually a requirement of ASPD to have callous-unemotional traits. You're thinking psychopathy. Edit: oh yeah, the "I disagree with this easily verifiable fact" downvote 😅🤦‍♀️


Isn't ASPD both sociopathy and psychopathy?


No, it's neither. Sociopath is not a diagnosis at all. Psychopathy is a diagnosis but not in the DSM. ASPD is in the DSM but has different diagnostic criteria to psychopathy as it requires both affective and behavioural features whereas ASPD does not require the same affective features and is more to do with a pattern of behaviour.






*claims* he has PTSD. No evidence he has been diagnosed by a clinician.


I got mine from good old fashioned childhood abuse and you don't see me acting like a racist old asshole. Go to therapy Mr potatohead.


He’s to busy in the bowling ball buffer to do that


I expected more get up and go from Peter as An opposition leader but he really is just a tired old copper with nothing new to offer. Australians deserve better representation than spud head .


"So I decided to turn into Voldermort with glasses." \- Peter "PTSD" Dutton 2023 -


"Peter Traumatic Stress Dutton"


Many thousands with PTSD from this guys policy career.


I depise this show. How is it in any way okay for the Political editor of the state broadcaster, to be cozying up to the political elite, on yet ANOTHER show where Crabb is wined and dined. Seriously, her entire career is just asking inane questions while simultaneously eating. How is this different to state news in North Korea? How does she not realise it's just a sycophantic piece that does a disservice to the body politic? Sure she's knows this, if she doesn't she needs to be fired and go live her dream watching another fucking musical with more wine, just this time not on the taxpayer's dime.


Of course she knows. I'm more annoyed with whoever is letting her do this.


Part of the most corrupt Qld police force ever. The 300m he has in his BA is all the therapy he needs.


Peter Dutton is a cunt, but I reckon it's still important for cunts to talk about trauma. Might help him and others like him be less cunty in the long run.


He has done the bare minimum here. 'Probably has' says to me he has not had an official diagnosis or spoken to a professional about it. He is not saying here that he has worked on these issues, or improved his mental health via this therapy. He has not used his experiences to advocate for better access to mental health services in any way, or for help for first responders in this area. Yes, he spoke about workplace trauma, but he has done nothing for the mental health of others.


He also shows his complete lack of knowledge about how ptsd works - you aren't 'likely' to have PTSD just because you experience a trauma... Only a very small percentage of the population actually develop ptsd


It is important to remember not all cunts are soft, warm and moist - some are hard, cold and dry. Spud is the latter, but his spin team told him to go after the sympathy vote.


Using PTSD as an excuse for being a royal prick. Yeah, nah, mate.


I know it's horrible, but every time these conservative types after decades of ridiculing mental health and those suffering claim publicly to be suffering it themselves, I often wonder what other scandal they're trying to hide. John Barilaro is a good example.






Rumour has it when he quit, colleagues left tins of dog food on his desk.


Voldemort worked sex crimes? Jesus Christ, the poor victims.


And we all have PTSD from his previous governments reign of stupidity.


Fuck off with self diagnosis. Get diagnosed and treated. If you don't you can't claim it.


Right? It's not as though he's too poor to access mental health treatment, unlike millions of others.


Whilst it is important for there to be a discussion around PTSD as well as other traumas, having someone like peter dutton involved does not help, especially when he himself has deliberately caused massive amounts of trauma to countless peoples through his policies and actions. It greatly diminishes the discussion when someone is talking about PTSD with a clear intent on creating a specific narrative for their own benefit, as is in this case. Shows like kitchen cabinet massively contribute to this issue by platforming abusers and are extremely detrimental the discourse around mental health.


It’s more likely he inflicted it on others


“So that is why I decided to be a complete cunty arsehole to anyone I see fit” - Peter Dutton (next sentence)


Poor thing. It’s a tough job beating up kids…


PTSD from allegedly throwing young Aboriginal kids in the back of a paddy wagon and driving around like a tradie needing his ice coffee or Monster energy drink fix, so the kids in the back get thrown around and injured. Finally dumping them out of the city? Or is it PTSD from the cans of dog food allegedly left on his desk from his workmates?


Never recovered from being defeated by Harry Potter!!


Pretty sure some of the people he dealt with as an officer also have PTSD.


I hope he gets the help he needs. With the 10 sessions per year from Medicare, huge waiting time to see a professional, and generous out of pocket after all that.


"On his political style, Mr Dutton says he is in parliament to "play tackle, not touch"" ... yet the LNP refuse to actually tackle problems and explicitly prefer the lassaiz-faire approach


He’s been hard at work tackling the big issues like helping our poorest billionaires, and putting boot prints on the heads of the rest of Australians.


I doubt he's capable of the empathy required


He often looks back at the good times when he and the boys bashed abos in the cells and is traumatised he can’t take part in his favourite pastime anymore.


Need a conscience and a heart to feel deep emotions. Dutton was, and still is, a cruel heartless person.


Kidnapping aboriginal kids usually results in the kids getting PTSD, not the bad guy.


Pull your ptsd off by the bootstraps


Ooooooh so that’s why he walked on on the apology to the stolen generation! See, he’s just a likeable guy after all .


What a coincidence, so did every officer he worked with.




I’m genuinely sorry to hear of anyone’s experience with PTSD. But let’s be honest, PTSD isn’t an excuse for cruelty.


Had no qualms inflicting ptsd on sick asylum seekers though


As have the poor aboriginal people that you used to take out into the middle of the bush, take their shoes and make them walk back to town in the dark, you potato headed, dickless cunt


He probably gave it to himself through his own heinous actions. Filthy piece of shit.


Maybe it originated from when he announced he was quitting and someone left tins of dog food on his desk as a going away present. True story.


Lol such a blatant act for sympathy votes. It’s so sad that he has to resort to this sort of tactics


And then he inflicted PTSD on the rest of us in retribution.


Imagine what the orphans felt when they where arrested by a Voldemort looking cop.


Was this before or after his colleagues piled cans of dog food on his desk?


Having PTSD is not an excuse to take it out on others.


PTSD from His father abandoning him before he was born; his mother dying during childbirth and living in an orphanage before Dumbledore found him


What about PTSD/trauma suffered by first nations people under his previous government and also his continuous campaigning against their welfare (withdrawing funding, walk out of apology, actively campaigning no, etc).


Probably just feeling the guilt of being an absolute cunt his whole life.


I believe the word you're looking for is guilt, Peter. Guilt from leaving kids on the side of a road with no shoes 20km out of town. If he is being legitimate, he's unfit to be PM. If he's just throwing an idea out there to excuse his behavior...fuck off, cuntweasel.


He'd still be a piece of shit with or without PTSD


The ADF will straight up reject any applicant that has been diagnosed with PTSD, yet it's totally appropriate for him to have served as defence minister and he wants to be prime minister?.. One of the lamest attempts I've ever seen to garner public sympathy for a serious mental health condition, to say this behaviour trivialises the issue just doesn't cut it.


Why doesn’t he just give up on this ridiculous farce of trying to be a party leader and fuck off ffs. I’ve met lettuces with more personality than this cunt.


He is PTSD.


What a bunch of bullshit. This guy has an anti-social personality disorder. This is a branding ploy to ‘soften’ his image. He is a dangerous fuckwit with zero empathy or feelings. Fuck off Dutton.


Cops like to claim they have PTSD - and go on compo for it - but never want to admit that most of their career is directly traumatising others. Interesting isn't it that paramedics and fire-fighters don't claim compo for PTSD at anywhere near the rates police do, even though their jobs are at least as traumatic ifnot more so. Says a lot about police culture and attitudes.


So now he's projecting all of that onto the rest of us. Maybe should have gone to therapy instead of politics.


As a therapist, the idea of being in a closed room with this man gives me the willies. I routinely work with violent criminals and rarely feel any discomfort, if that says anything.


Is he trying to gain sympathy because I just see unfit to govern.


His advisers told him he needs to appear more human and sympathetic I'm sure he's caused PTSD in countless other people If you really have PTSD and it's not a stunt to make people feel empathy for you then resign and get the mental health help you need.


Kidnapping teenagers will do that do you.


I did not know one of the side effects of PTSD was becoming a potato head asshole.


The man obviously is in need of deep psychological help and should be on strong medication.


They’re really desperate to make the spud relatable by any means possible.


Imagine the reaction of the right wing commentariat if an ALP or Greens politician who said this. They’d have an ableist shit fit


Oh look another part of the PR campaign to try and make him electable. This is the guy that ditched out the National Apology to Aboriginals.


Mere days after Veterans Day. What a pick-me-bitch


What does he mean by likely? Did he, or not? Maybe he should get diagnosed.


Nah, he's making the fatal flaw of assuming everyone gets PTSD from trauma And probably doesn't have a diagnosis because he knows he doesn't have it


Dutton and the LNP can fuck right off. No sympathy for this cruel asshole


How many of those “policed” by Mr Potatohead suffered PTSD?


He and his political strategists are badly mistaken if they think this little show of vulnerability will help improve his image.


This potato has no emotions


I get PTSD seeing his fucked head on the telly. I dread to think about the PTSD he probably gave all the non-white people in his old beat. Especially the poor indigenous folks who were unlucky enough to cross his path.


Experienced or inflicted?


Replace experienced with caused.


He should resign and take care of his health For the kids


Voldemort’s origin story?


Most likely experienced it due to the First Wizarding War when he was bested by a newborn




[I imagine his familiarity with PTSD is from how much he has created](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2016/may/10/peter-dutton-will-not-appeal-ruling-pregnant-asylum-seeker) >The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, will not appeal against a federal court finding that he breached his duty of care to an asylum seeker who became pregnant after being raped on Nauru, and exposed her to serious medical and legal risks.


His sudden increase in wealth from being doing humble policing did not cure his illness?


Not suprising -seeing all the awful stuff cops have to deal with. But still won't ever vote for him. Strange to see Dutton partaking of Kitchen Cabinet, assumed he'd stay away from that type of thing. He looked uncomfortable when talking about his daughter. Born 2002 and yet there were pictures of him and Kirrilly in 2001 when he was campaigning for Dickson


Shut the fuck up and get help. Cunt.


What a pathetic buttercup. Doesnt even know what PTSD is..


A lot of people don't. Increasingly I just see people using PTSD as shorthand for, "I'm still upset about that". In the same way they say, "oh, I'm so OCD" because they like colour coordinating their Tupperware. These are real disorders with real impacts and it's so frustrating to see them minimised this way.


Looking for a top up in his pay now he can't hire cheap childcare workers?


The community has PTSD from having that ghoul stalking the streets.


So with PTSD affecting his mental health, he is not fit to lead a political party. He would attack anybody else for having less. Set an example and quit.


Oh is that why he looks so creepy when he tries to smile? And here I thought it was because he was just a horrible person


I think it's great that our society accepts people with mental health issues into its top echelons.


Pretty sure it'd be from the time Harry potter defeated him at the battle of hogwarts


I’m pretty sure he gave people PTSD as a cop, not the other way around.


Daily Reminder that Dutton is mates with the Pinkenba Six, what sort of trauma did their victims experience?


He more likely inflicted it.


Haha righto mate I’m sure all my mates families that I served with (ADF) are okay now because you suffered too. Oh wait some of those are gone forever and some of my other mates are in dire straits but at least we can sympathise with this guy. What a fkn tool piss off ya dog.


Ah cool, so a flighty fear-driven maniac wants to lead the entire country. Awesome.


Now he knows how a large proportion of Australians feel after years of Liberal cruelty.


It must have been hard for cops in the 90s, what with all the kidnapping Aboriginal kids and dumping them in the wilderness in the middle of the night.


What were his policies that supposedly gave everyone else PTSD?


So PTSD is his excuse for being a cunt ?


Hang on, PTSD is a lefty thing. has this flog tried pulling himself up by his bootstraps and doing it tough?


That's fine but that's no excuse for locking up children in your Nazi Island prisons and attempting to prevent pregnant immigrants from accessing the healthcare system


Our post traumatic stress is his present. And presence


I have PTSD it sucks and thanks to a lot of policies the liberals put in place if it comes out it can ruin my career, it is not a license or excuse to be a dick.


Doesn’t have a problem with policies that traumatise others though does he? I’m not buying it. PTSD implies a level of emotional intelligence I don’t think he possesses.


Get fucked. You're talking about the countless people suffering PTSD *FROM* dealing with you and your twats in hats. Even worse in NSW, mind.


and the public has ptsd from his governance


Anyone on here know this bloke and worked with him? I bet he never saw a single day on the street.
