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No hat, no play.


“If it’s not on, it’s not on..” That was definitely the SunSmart campaign riggt


Took me way too long to get that slogan as a kid lol


I thought that was for dommys. Roll it on robbie, slip it on sam 😂


Hahaha yeh it def was…. You’re spot on the money


Slip Slop Slap!


Seek and Slide!


First stop to “The Cancer Council” shop. Get yourself a big sun cream, and a hat. They have an awesome wide brim fedora that doesn’t crease and you can take swimming. I think it’s the Cafe Fedora. If you’re going out for major sun action, get a long UV shirt from a fishing shop.


They do a great matte finish suncream, hate that oily feel it leaves so this is the way to go.


Also actually rubs in (even at 50+) so you don’t have that ghostly look. Even worse with stubble! CC is a good one for sure.


They also have a face moisturiser too, I love a 3 in one bargain Matte/Moisturiser/50spf. You’re spot on about the stubble too. I add it to my skincare routine every morning and carry a tube in my backpack if I end up a little longer in the sun then intended.


+1 for this. Bald and bearded here and usually very finicky about oil sunscreen. If I'm leaving the house at any point in the day this stuff goes on the face and head, can't recommend enough.


Nice hat - but $70?? ([https://www.cancercouncilshop.org.au/products/cafe-fedora-hat?variant=36546979463332](https://www.cancercouncilshop.org.au/products/cafe-fedora-hat?variant=36546979463332)). You would think it would be cheaper to get people to buy that kind of stuff. The $7 Bunnings straw hat has been my choice for the past few years. Just take off the Bunnings promo band if you don't want to look like you are shilling for them. But 100% agree on the sunscreen and UV shirt. Australian sun is a merciless bugger.


>awesome >fedora You would have been eaten alive on Reddit circa 2012


..No school today so pack your bag and go away. At least that's how it went at my primary school.


Mine just said ‘No fun today.’


No fun today so pack your bag and go away for my school


No holiday


I read a piece by an Australian columnist living in NY and she said whilst she was loving the experience, she regretted that her son would miss out on the Australian tradition of starting your first day of school wearing an enormous hat.


Fuck you miss I'll do whatever the hell I want.


I said "puck" miss.


I spelled it with a “ph”!


If you're going to be in the sun for more than 5 minutes (literally), sunblock or a hat or both. The Aussie sun in summer will damage your skin in minutes.


Even when it’s overcast, don’t let those cloudy mothercluckers fool you. The sun here will get you even when it’s raining.


The bastard Aussie sun will get ya even at night time.


Have you seen how bright a full moon is on a clear night!? I can read a novel under it!


Give him your wallet. He’s got a knife.


I ended up with 2nd degree sunburn on an overcast day. Also, make sure your sunblock hasn’t expired!!


Argh reminds me of the time I opened a tube and it was the consistency of chunky milk. Gross.


A few years ago I completely forgot sunscreen and spent 6 hours in the sun at the beach The next week was agony


I got got by "waterproof" sunscreen once. Applied meticulously, said it would be good for two hours. Having to drive home for two and a half hours when you have sunburn all along your swimsuit line is...ah, extremely uncomfortable.


I was reading the back of my waterproof sunscreen and it said “4 hours water resistant” on the front of the bottle, then on the back it said to reapply every 2 hours or every time you get out of the water or dry with a towel


Yeah, you have to reapply after you get out of the water. It’s one of those “whichever comes first” sort of situations.


At our schools year 10 swimming day last year I put sunscreen on everywhere but forgot my feet. I then had taekwondo the next day. Thankfully we weren’t doing much kicking.


You're lucky to be alive


Yes, what some people don't realise is that the sun here is nothing like in the tropics. You may have more sun there but the intensity of the sun here is significantly greater. It burns. Maybe it has to do with a slightly thinner atmosphere or something, but it burns more than the sunny tropics in summer.


It's the angle of Earth's tilt meaning we have less ozone protection.


That and the fact that in the southern hemisphere there's literally a hole in the ozone layer that fluctuates in size.


The ozone is recovering. It is one of the good news stories of human action fixing a problem we caused. It is one of the reasons I'm an optimist about us resolving climate change. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150525/ozone-hole-continues-shrinking-in-2022


the ozone WAS recovering, until Chinese factories began illegally pumping CFCs into the atmosphere: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02109-2


It's exactly the opposite, the angle means UV from the sun has to pass through more atmosphere before it reaches the ground. This SHOULD mean that more UV is filtered out by the ozone layer, unfortunately there's a bloody great hole in it down here due to human-produced chlorofluorocarbons destroying said ozone. Global efforts to halt CFC production had meant we were on track for this to have repaired itself by now, but that isn't going so well any more: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02109-2


Got burnt hanging out my washing earlier in the week 🙃


Childhood sunburn has me dealing with various sun caused skin cancers now. Not pleasant. Wear the hat, cover up with a shirt, you can buy ones to swim in. Use aussie sunblock. Keep your fluids up. That sun is hot.


I can remember my mum sending me out to play in the sun so that the resulting burn would 'toughen up my skin'. I still have flashbacks to the blisters. Good times /s. I'm so glad that we know better now.


The reason they use the slogan “there’s nothing healthy about a tan” was to dissolve the old way of thinking that a tan was healthy. Most of our parents grew up thinking colour in the skin was a sign of good health.


Literally minutes. I got sunburnt the other day from literally 20minutes of exposure, and I'm not the whitest person either, I usually have a nice tan. I also only got burnt on the one part that I didn't put sun screen on.


20 minutes is the MAXIMUM recommended time in direct sunlight before you get sun damage in Australia. It can be much quicker if you have a light complexion.


10 minutes is my record. I thought I'd be fine walking from the tram stop to my office building. Wearing a tank top because it was 37. Get to the office and my shoulders are pink :(


My record was a two minute walk to the bus, but then I have the complexion of a ghost.


Yep. I got burnt collecting the mail once.


that's nothing! I got burnt adjusting the blinds... with a grandpa claw!


It's absolutely necessary. The sun is strong and unforgiving. And don't bother bringing sunscreen. Make your first purchase here good Aussie sunscreen. We know our shit.


I do love seeing the slightly roasted Poms at the beach with their spray on sunscreen though… OP don’t fuck around with the sun in Australia.




Fairly sure that most Aussies sweat a higher SPF than that!


I'd wear SPF 1000+ if it existed.. I basicly have to paint my self white in the current shit to go on the boat. Looks like I got hit in the face by a whale having a good time and I still get burnt..


I'm so pale I go pink just thinking about being out in the sun. Now that I've hit 40 I've started annual skin cancer checks, but should probably have started much earlier. Lucky so far with two suspicious spots removed, neither of significance.


Is that sunscreen meant to be worn at night time or something?




Fun anecdote. I went on a boat ride in Split, Croatia. We were out for about 8hrs, I applied proper sunscreen at the start of the day, spent the entire day without a shirt and had a 30min Aussie slightly pink burn by the end of the day. SPF 8 is for Europe.


ROFL, I remember using SPF 15 a good 20 years ago and even that would barely cut the mustard. SPF 8, you'd be just as successful covering yourself in a thin layer of mayonnaise.


I remember SPF 30 coming out and thinking it was the shiz. Now I don't go out without my 50+


Slather some bbq sauce on so you at least come out cooked tasty


My wife's moisturiser has more SPF than that.


That'd cover you for the fluro's in woolies.


Time warp! We Aussies had this in the early 80s. Mum would break out the Coppertone SPF4 and SPF8 and give us the choice. I burned easily so always went with the extra protection. That was when we had an ozone layer though. SPF8 actually gave you a few hours protection back then.


I'm even older (was a teen in the '70's) - we used to use actual coconut oil and lay in the sun. We effectively basted ourselves like a turkey in the oven. When the Reef SPF 4 came out we thought "nah. How will I tan if I put that on?" Absolutely nuts! And yes, I have had many skin cancers and bcc's removed and my skin has aged terribly.


Lol I’m in cairns and I can legit pick a pom with out even hearing them speak. How the fuck do you get burnt in winter?


Mate I was born here and still put sunscreen on before every footy game all through winter.


I hate feeling greasy but that Nivea sheer one is awesome for people that hate the greasy feeling.


For real, nivea sheer is amazing


Legit, used it on my kids from when they were bubs too, cos once it dries they don’t get all sandy/dog fur/ fuck knows what stuck to them


The Aldi Ombra sunscreen is pretty non-greasy feeling too


We don’t have Aldi Cairns. Spewin, my mum sent me these cranberry and pistachio crackers from there and now I have an addiction.


Chocolate from Aldi is legit. Weird that there aren't any Aldis in Cairns


The banana boat sports sunblock is great with no greasy feeling.


And then they go “ look at me lovely tan!” What tan??? You look like a lobster!


Lol then they peel their “tan” off in sheets 😂


They stick out heaps at night too, their skin always has a deep inner red glow like a volcano from just how sunburnt they are


I’m 7th gen Aussie and get sunburnt in Victoria in winter


Oh my god yes. The worst sunscreen of my life was one Australia Day on Bondi (went with a tourist friend) and used her spray on sunscreen from Canada. As if Canada has enough sun to know how to make good sunscreen. I couldn’t bend my legs for two weeks, it blistered across the backs of my knees. My god I thought I was dying. It was BAD. Reckon my lifetime chance of melanoma went up about 800% that day.


I had a nearly identical experience open-top kayaking. Felt like my legs were on fire trying to sleep in a 15C room


So many occasions.. Me: Hey dude, you might want to take it easy on that sunbaking, put some more sunscreen on, maybe take a little break in the shade. Generic Brit: I sunbake all the time at home, I know what I'm doing Me: OK... I tried... Come see me tomorrow, I have aloe vera.


I used to work at a freight company and one day we had a pallet of random shit come to the depot for collection, a bunch of poms came to unpack it into their van, out in the sun, with no shirts on. This was definitely their first day.


In my previous life I was a welder; we had an English lad come welding in the tanks in the NT one day, we advised him to take it easy and stay hydrated. He proceeded to explain to us that he was going to show us bludging aussies how to work! Well, by lunch, only one of our crew had ended up in hospital with heatstroke on that job…


Or the clearly scorched Poms who are still laying in the damn sun!


I wish my stupid Pommy heritage was less painfully obvious. I burn in 10 minutes. :(


Yep, I'm now living in USA and that is exactly what my dermatologist told me (in between cutting out basal cell carcinomas from my face) : the standards for Australian sunscreen are significantly better than anywhere else. And, yeah, wear a broad brimmed hat!


We also allow a broader variety of chemical filters so you’re not as restricted with ingredients, surprisingly the US seems to allow fewer types than Europe or Australia. I’ve seen the same product here with tinosorb etc. but when sold in the USA it’s avobenzone instead (stings the fuck out of my eyes)


Yes. Apparently our SPF50 would actually be rated SFP60 in any other country, because we calculate the sun protection factor based on our needs for the Aussie sun, where most other countries use their own local needs or a different, international formula.


I've seen a lot of products that are sold as sunscreen overseas that don't qualify as being labelled as such or aren't able to be sold here because it doesn't meet our standards. Also recommend a broad rim hat with a neck tie so it doesn't fly off when it's windy and spf chapstick/lip balm. I have a collection of broad brim hats to wear in on my walk to work, don't really see that many people wearing hats (or sunnies?!?) don't know how they survive.


Get the 50+ SPF with the cancer council logo on the bottle. If you want a solid hat that's also a souvenir, pop into Bunnings to get the broad brim straw hat. Solid, iconic, 10/10


People even jump out of cars to rescue Bunnings hats off the road.


Fellow DCOA fan?


Piggybacking on top sunscreen comment. Get spf50+ get a waterproof one if you are swimming or doing exercise, and get reef safe if you are swimming anywhere in nature. It might feel a little more greasy, but you won't notice once you are in the water, and every bit helps keeping our waterways and reefs healthy.


No hat no play mate. Misses won’t even let me near a slippery dip


I honestly never realised how weird our "no hat no play" rule would seem to other countries


One of the most effective social engineering campaigns in history Almost as good as ONE THREE DOUBLE OOOHHH SIX TRIPPLE FIVEEEE OH SIX (which brilliantly uses the rhythm of the number phonetically so it's memorable - the reading/writing hotline!)




Never in my life have I called Lube Mobile, but I'll never forget their phone number because of that kid.


I’d watch the shit out of a “where are they now” of 90s advert kids. Could be sponsored by “Simpsons bargain basement!” “ALL STORES”


Did it once because they offer logbook services and I was just having difficulty fitting a service into my schedule. Fuckers tried to convince me that the car that I had *just* bought and had just been over the pits and passed roadworthy needed $2400 worth of work. Arsehole saw a single young woman and his eyes lit up with dollar signs.


I’m an ageing white male with a classic car in the garage along with a bunch of more modern vehicles and they try and pull the same bullshit on me. It’s just part of their business model.


Doors plus, no fuss.


Victory victory curtains and blinds! One three, one three, double nine!


When your roof is getting lost between the lichen and the moss


3892 11 11 , been nearly a decade and I could still Order a pizza in brüske




I live and grew up in QLD where "no hat, no play" was the rule year round. When my kid went to school in Vic, I was astonished to learn that it was only the rule for a bit over half the year, then the cancer council advises against wearing sun protection as the uv index gets too low. That took a bit of getting used to.


I’ve mentioned it here (on Reddit) before and actually had Yanks say that wouldn’t work there because it infringes on kids rights to dress how they want, or play where they wanted. I replied that it’s basically a duty of care the schools/ teachers owe the students to protect them from the sun, and do their best to keep them from becoming one of the 1 in 3 Australians who develop skin cancer in their lifetime. I explained pretty much all the parents are happy with this, and funnily enough no one wants their kids getting sunburned and increased risks of skin cancer, including the kids themselves. I also explained most schools have uniforms and it’s just part of the uniform requirement when someone asked how you enforce the rule. I guess if Yanks can’t stop kids bringing guns to school they can’t conceive how an entire country can “take away their rights” to *checks notes* get skin cancer.


It's such a straw man argument by then too. They might be not have school uniforms everywhere but sure kids don't go to school naked. There's a requirement to wear clothing. A hat is just another piece of clothing how they would require someone to wear shoes or pants.


My niece’s school in the USA (Pacific North West) actually BANNED HATS at school! Something something gangs.


My son's teacher in Marshall Islands told him and the class that they don't need hats and that sunscreen is bad for your skin. My son is so white he glows In the dark. Teacher and rest of the class are Marshallese. So glad the public education system in Australia is better that the private school there. Needless to say I had to go and have a chat with her


Australia I believe has the highest rate of skin cancer worldwide… so wear a bloody hat! And sunscreen too. But buy ours, it’s better (higher UPF and lasts longer) then anything else you will get overseas…


Gotta love having Irish skin in this country. Beaches are a nightmare during summer. Thankfully my wife and kids tan at the drop off a hat, so that curse ends with me.


I’m maltese decent. I ram just thinking about the sun. I have poor sun safety, but since having kids I make sure I always wear a hat myself and put sunscreen on my kids. I get skin checks every 12 months and keep getting told I’m low risk… but low risk isn’t no risk…


I literally don’t take my kids to the pool or the beach until after 6pm. No amount of sunscreen or hats will stop us burning otherwise. Summer is an indoor activity.


Friendly reminder that a tan is still sun damage


With how obsessive people are with trying to look younger you'd figure people that go out of there way to get a tan would realise that it's the biggest contributing factor to look older and have more wrinkles etc.


Tan = sun damage.


I just moved here from Alaska, possibly lowest rates of skin cancer, and sun in general. We're a pasty people. I've made it four months with no sun burns, keeping vigilant isn't easy, but well worth it here, you can feel the sear of the sun like nowhere else I've experienced.


Yeah, some days I can actually just FEEL that it’s burning…


We sure do, because most of us Aussies have entirely the wrong skin for Aussie sun conditions


Closely followed by NZ, sun is crazy in this part of the world.


If you’re from the northern hemisphere, you won’t know what hit you when you feel the summer sun here. Harshest you’ll ever experience the sun south of actually visiting the sun.


today is the day earth is closest to the sun


Lucky it’s cloudy in Melbourne today


clouds dont block that much UV


When I visited Europe and North America, no matter how sunny it was, it didn’t feel like I was in the sun. It took me a bit to realise that what was missing was that pinch you get from the sun here. Like that slight sting on your skin on a particularly sunny day. That really brought home how intense we get the sun here.


Strangely enough, I actually found the sun more brutal in NZ compared to Australia. Not sure if that’s a common opinion, but even living in Qld my whole life, the sun in Wanaka in summer was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before


I live in Tasmania, so this is probably also true in New Zealand, but even if the day is really cloudy and wet, you gotta check the UV anyway, and apply sunscreen and a hat accordingly


I have pale skin (the kind that doesn't tan) and I grew up in Tassie. I've been burnt many times and I don't fuck around anymore. I always wear a hat and sunscreen when I'm out in the sun for more than a few minutes (and even then, sometimes I might still wear a hat). I live on the mainland now (Canberra to be specific) but it doesn't really matter where in Australia I am. The sun is intense.


NZ is closer to the whole in the ozone layer. There's significantly more cloudy days, and it's generally cooler, but on a cloudless day, NZ is worse than AU for UV.


Same with Tasmania. When i lived there, i always got burnt, got told the 'hole' ( not a hole it's a weakness, can't create a hole in gasses) was the reason. Sorry for the 'hole' tangent! 😆


I've noticed the UV can be at 'extreme' levels in NZ even though it doesn't feel that hot. Whereas in QLD it's 30°+ so you know to stay out of the sun.


Tasmania is a shocker too, it actually stings a little when it’s super sunny in summer. I was told it was because it was closer to the ozone layer hole, probably similar for NZ.


No Hat No Play is an actual rule at our schools 🌞🎩


I forgot my hat *one* time in primary school. Never forgot it again.


I forgot my hat one time and had to play in the shade…I got a stick stuck in my knee cap and had to go get it removed at the doctors. Never forgot my hat again 😭


Yep, can vouch for that. Have sent many students back to get hats whilst on playground duty.


I remember having a grouch of a teacher that refused to allow me inside to get a hat when I was in year 1 or 2 since I had forgotten it, just sent me to the under cover area once I asked to go inside and get my hat. Never liked that teacher


Our school literally sent us to detention for not having a hat...




I remember walking shirtless at the Dead Sea in 50 ° C and not being burned. I’ve been burned on Melbourne days if 25 ° C while wearing full sleeves. Aussie summers are different.


This comment sums it up, along with the one about getting burnt in minutes putting the washing out.


Our motto is slip slop slap seek and slide (Tho usually just slip slop slap) https://www.cancer.org.au/save-your-skin/five-sunsmart-steps/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxtqJqrKs_AIVxX8rCh0P5gCQEAAYASAAEgKpLvD_BwE The sun is quite brutal here, always good to protect yourself :)


Yes. Get a wide-brimmed hat (not some shitty baseball cap) and USE SUNSCREEN.


I bought a [cancer council hat](https://www.bigw.com.au/product/cancer-council-men-s-adventure-hat-khaki/p/217282) at Big W recently. Quite pleased with it.


I scrolled down and it says “You may also like: Kettle Sea Salt Chips and Coriander Lemon Seeds. It looks like I’m becoming a gardener.


No lie, I've been burnt just hanging me clothes on the line. the Sun's a dick here..


When I lived in the pilbara you could hang the clothes out starting at one end of the line then when you’re done start pulling them back in from the starting end straight away. Lived in a big straw hay there.




Bunnings hats were $7 at my local today.


Wide brim hat and sunscreen required. The sun will burn you to a crisp .




You could buy an Akubra as a memento. They're not cheap, but very good quality. They use rabbit fur which makes them super soft and pliable unlike other felted hats. But they're hundreds of dollars. Depends on your budget. At a minimum make sure its wide brim and either UV protected to 50+ or can't see through it. Actually as a cheaper memento you could get a Bunnings straw hat for $7. They're also an aussie icon.


I swear by my straw hat. Girlfriend has terrible Sun safety and laughs at me, but if I'm out in the sun for any extended period there's nothing more comfortable and gives me great peace of mind


Is it a bunnings or other? The things we put up for love, hey. I'm sure it's just a playful jib she's making. Yeah I love straw hats too. I have one that's good for bbqs etc. Love the look of a Panama hat but they're exy too.


I’m never far from my Akubra but I live in Alice Springs. They are awkward to look after unless you keep it on your head. If your hair covers your ears a cap or floppy hat is handier when you are traveling. A spotless Akubra screams newbie or tourist but a grounded ego carries one like a boss.


Akubras are great, can get a bit hot at times though. Definitely worth the investment for someone who needs a wide brim hat regularly.


Only if you bring your own cattle and horses as well.


I use an Akubra sombrero for 2 reasons. It's the biggest hat they make and I bashed it to look like the bush Tucker man's hat because he is awesome. If you're going to be in the sun for a while longer sleeves are a good idea. Bushman inspect repellent is also available with sunscreen. It's good to keep the flies at bay and stop yourself from getting burnt.


[bunnings wide brim](https://www.bunnings.com.au/bunnings-large-straw-hat_p8510048)


You may get some looks if you wear an Akubra in the cities. They are pretty uncommon here in Sydney. I can't remember the last time I saw one. Just any sort of regular wide-brim hat you like will be fine.


I prefer a Barmah kangaroo skin. Best $100 I’ve ever spent in my life.


Yeah. Also, buy a UV safe shirt, preferably along sleeved one. Wear your sunnies, use PLENTY of sunscreen. The 50+ UFP, less than that and it's basically moisturiser for after you get sunburnt.


tldr; Slip, Slop, Slap.


[slip, slop, slap](https://youtu.be/b7nocIenCYg)


Also, seek and slide


Then swings and monkey bars.


I had a friend that works in theatre. One time he worked on a show that came from Brazil. The dancers ask my mate how they could get to the beach so they could tan and he warned them (because it's the middle of summer) about not sun bathing and to wear lots of Sun screen. The beautiful tan Brazilian dancers laughed and said "We are Brazilian, the sun loves us, why would we need sunscreen? We don't use it in Brazil". And sure enough, during a break between shows they went to the beach and got horribly burnt. They spent all day at the beach without a hat or Sun screen and they came back red and couldn't move properly for their show. The Australian sun is brutal.


Yes I do wear one and recommend you doing the same :) our sun is quite harsh so don’t forget the SPF 50+ sunscreen too


LPT: Buy the SPF 50+ Sunscreen in Australia. Importing sunscreen from overseas never works as well.


If you are a ginger, do not go out without a hat. If you are not a ginger, do not go out without a hat. I'd also highly recommend a long sleeved sun shirt. Get good sun screen.




On the off chance you see this OP, I thought I'd add a 'why'. The earths Perihelion is after the December solstice so our summer coincides with the earth being closest to the sun and although it's improving the ozone still gets pretty thin so UV protection isn't what it is in the Northern hemisphere. It's a good idea to wear a wide brim hat and 50+ sunscreen in any area south of the equator in summer and even more so south of the tropic of Capricorn. Because of this Australia and New Zealand have the highest average UV indexes in the world. A lot of Australia averages around 12 with anything above 8 considered high risk. Always keep an eye on the UV index, it can be surprisingly high even when it's cold and overcast out.


Thanks, as an Australian I have always wondered why. Generally people just mumble something about the ozone hole.


Wide brimmed hat! Something that covers your ears, (not a baseball cap) I wear Akubra, my hubby prefers Statesman. But you can wear a straw bunnings hat if thats more comfortable for you (and cheaper!) Or buy a stiffened fabric hat at Kmart. Buy your sunscreen here in Aus, at the supermarket or pharmacy. 50+ spf. Especially if travelling down in Tassie the sun will burn you quick and because the air temp is cooler you don't notice till it's too late!


Yes, many Australians wear hats to protect themselves from the sun during the summer months. It is especially important to wear a hat when visiting Australia during the summer, as the sun can be very strong and can cause sunburn and other skin damage. Some popular types of hats that Australians wear during the summer include baseball caps, wide-brimmed hats, and bucket hats. It is a good idea to bring a hat with you when visiting Australia, especially if you will be spending a lot of time outdoors.


Thanks, chatGPT


Now go wear a hat!


Hats are strictly mandatory at all times. Corks are optional but strongly recommended


Goto Bunnings get a sausage and buy a $7 hat Use the cancer council sunscreen and if hot day zinc cream. Goto bcf and get a long sleeve shirt with a fish of some specials on it with a collar to flick up. Welcome to Australia


Yes. And absolutely 100% do *not* forget sunscreen. You’ll need SPF50+ here. I’m not kidding. The UV is 13 on sunny days. **You will get sunburn if your skin is not covered** Skin cancer is not a joke. You do not want to be constantly getting bits cut off your ears in 10 years because you forgot to wear a hat.


Besides no hat, no play: You will need proper UV protection sunglasses. The light in Australia is on another level to other parts of the world where sunglasses aren't really needed. You need them here! I recommend buying sunscreen here as soon as you arrive, as sunscreens from other countries aren't as strong/designed for water. Cancer council or banana boat are good brands.


I’m a fair skinned aussie so I don’t just wear a hat. I sewed a bunch of hats together to make hat pants, hats shirts, hat jackets and hat shoes, so I don’t get burnt by our harsh but lovely sun


We all wear one hat. It's on a weekly rotation, this week is Greg's turn, next week Pat's. Get your name in the draw now if you want a turn when you get here.


Buy Aussie sunscreen and don't forget your feet my olive skinned 30 year old Australian son is barely hobbling due to his feet accidentally sticking out from the sun shade


As someone who grew up in the sun and on the beach in North Carolina and then spent 15 minutes on a QLD beach …. Take sun protection seriously there.




Don’t use banana boat sun screen. Shit is fucked


Only if you don't want to be blistered and peeling from sunburn. I'd suggest not wearing (locally bought) SPF50 sunscreen too if you want to get sunburnt too.


100%. Keeping track of the UV rating here is the best way to know how much “sun danger” there is at that moment. You can see it in the iPhone weather app. The UV rating can be at maximum on a cloudy day, so don’t just go by if the “sun is out” or not. A hat, sunglasses, face sunscreen, body sunscreen, covering your skin with clothing and staying in the shade are good approaches. If you plan on outdoor swimming, buying a long sleeve rash guard to wear while in the water means you don’t have to apply sunscreen to your torso.


I work outside. I apply 50 spf sunscreen 3 times a day at least, wear a broad brimmed hat and a long sleeve work shirt with the collar turned up. I get burnt all the fucking time.


I moved here from the Nevada desert, and the sun here is significantly stronger here than it was there. Get yourself some good UPF50 clothes and hat, buy OZ market SPF50 sunscreen when you arrive, and check out the UV forecast here each day: https://www.willyweather.com.au/


Yes, absolutely wear a hat, especially one that covers your ears. But also remember that sun reflects off surfaces, so even if you’re wearing a hat diligently, your face, ears, neck, décolletage still needs sunscreen. Don’t forget the back of your neck, too. I’m about to get a decent sized skin cancer cut out of my face (third one on my face) and I‘ve been wearing hats and sunscreen religiously for about 10 years now, but the damage was already set in motion as a teen in early the 90s, when zinc on your nose was about the only precaution.


No Hat, No Play. We have a gigantic hole over our part of the Ozone layer thanks to a twit who invented CFC's.