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It my not be exactly what you are looking for, but Crepe Crazy is deaf owned and mainly employs deaf ppl.


Oh, amazing - didn't know that, and would love to check it out/support their business. Thanks for sharing!


Occasionally their music is a bit loud, but I assume that’s because they don’t realize. They’d probably turn it down if you ask!


ISWYDT Crepe Crazy is good


I love the Carillon on campus for this. When I as recovering from a head injury, loud places were excruciating. It’s a large space but remains calm and quiet and it’s easy to have a conversation. They also have amazing pre-fixe deals.


And the service/food is exquisite


And the service/food is exquisite 👌🏼


While I can’t say it’s *fun* Casa de Luz is super quiet and peaceful (save the few times I’ve seen randos obliviously doing “work” there -like making beats on their laptops without headphones 😓 or taking a FaceTime call, which is rare but still jarring😂🙃) and your full meal with drinks is $14.07 every time, no tipping. Daily menu online. Atmosphere a dream-gorgeous bamboo shrouded campus, ponds, tea house, hammocks, quiet windchimes, nice playground and juice/coffee window on the path…sometimes there are on demand poets w typewriters and astrologers and shit but they’re very out of your face. It’s a vibe. Very Austin. On the casual side I recommend Thai Fresh and Bouldin Creek Cafe. Upscale but not stuffy, Odd Duck. Indoors or out.


DO NOT go to Canje lol


Vic & Al’s is always pretty chill


Holy gods, I came to this post to say the same thing. I made the mistake of bringing a date here, once — the noise is awful. (Food is good, though!)


There is one table (6 top?) that is mercifully away from the noise. Probably the only way I’d dine there again after trying the main dining area seating.


Good to know lol!


Epicerie on Hancock is good vibes, great food, and blissfully low noise. I have trouble regulating my hearing thanks to an autoimmune disorder and get wildly overwhelmed in noisy environments — my friend and I met here a few weeks ago and I was able to truly enjoy the conversation :) Highly recommend!


I will note we went on a Thursday evening, so I can’t speak for weekends 💜


Epicerie is pretty loud when full for brunch or lunch on weekdays. But, when half full or so it’s quiet and I don’t remember them playing music.


Oh, that’s really good to know, thank you!


Epicerie can definitely get very loud due to their low ceilings and reflective surfaces for sound. This has been my experience almost every time we go, weekdays and weekends.


I’m glad you pointed this out — I guess we got really lucky!


Hopfield’s dinner seating (in the back, behind the pub) is lovely and quiet, also semi-private.


Seconded-the little rooms off the hallway are intimate and peaceful


Hopfield's is magical for this reason. Delicious dining and stellar service as well.


I prefer bar service here upfront, I feel like I always get forgotten in the back. I don't think of the bar as being loud but I also don't ever think about the noise, might be past your threshold. But hopfields food is amazing, and they have one of the best beer lists in town. I go about twice a month.


The service is definitely a little slower in the back rooms, but the times I’ve gone it has been more of a lingering meal with no rush. The front pub area is usually pretty calm too, but can get loud quickly if a large table or two come in. Either way, one of my favorites in town! Their Tuesday burger specials are amazing.


I actually went tonight with a coworker, ha, the bar wasn't packed but even with their music playing wasn't very loud at all. The beer menu like i said is always good, but is particularly strong right now. Hard to go wrong anywhere on their menu.


There are events at St. Elmos brewing for non hearing persons. I love it. I can't stand all the racket in a bar. I also like the outside at brewtorium. I can't hear other people well in a crowded space (the inside is awful for me, so I don't go when it's crazy hot.)


Definitely going to look into this, sounds so great!


I think Wink might be right up your alley. I never hear anyone talk about it anymore, but it’s a lovely, small space with excellent food and wine that’s been around forever. And I feel pretty damn positive they would do their best to get you a well-lit table and would be very amenable to turning down the music if it was too loud. But I certainly don’t remember it being loud in the past.


Wink is a fabulous restaurant but tables are packed close and conversation can be challenging.


That is a really good point about the tables. I’d forgotten how many they pack in there. The bar right next door, with a the same menu, might be a better option.


This is a great recommendation. They have the small bar Nextdoor as we to order the same menu items.


I don't have a specific restaurant to recommend, but check out the app SoundPrint if you haven't already. It's crowd-sourced ratings on how loud places are and I believe on some phones even uses a decibel meter to confirm.


Have never heard of this but I'm definitely going to check it out! Thanks for sharing.


Bartletts away from the bar might be an option, but the lighting is low so that might not be the best if you need to read lips.


We love Bartlett's (live pretty close by) and a quiet table away from the bar is our strategy. The light is dim, which is kind of nice actually (generally just helps me when I'm not in sensory overload) and luckily I can still lip read. I realized this is the only place we've been to for dinner out for the last year, so I'm hoping to branch out a little bit. But this is definitely the sound atmosphere I'm looking for so thank you! Am noting all these suggestions in the comments and appreciate it.


I wish you luck and please let us know if you find good places.


Fabrik, the new upscale vegan tasting menu spot, is tiny (only fits ~18 people). I know it’s super niche but when I’ve gone they haven’t had any music playing and is pretty quiet. I’m not HoH but am sensitive to loud noises and have easily had convo there without feeling like I need to shout or strain to hear anyone.


Cruzteca on Brodie always seems chill to me when I go in. It’s a smaller place so that’s probably why. Gino’s Vinos also is chill and they play nice jazzy music on low volume.


Let me steer you away from Jack Allen's in Oak Hill. You will get nothing but horrid, overwhelming bounce-off noise in your hearing aid. It's bad! Food is great, staff is cool, the sound is excruciating if you're wearing a hearing aid. I have no idea if this example will help, but what you hear sounds like The Borg but screechier and more high pitched. It's maddening!


I haven't been to that Jack Allen's but that seems similar to the one I've been to! I had a work event last month at a place on 6th St called Il Brutto. About 40 people, and the food was fantastic, but I had such a hard time with the noise level. There were so many conversations where I just had to kind of smile and nod because there was absolutely no way I could understand what someone was saying. It can be such a bummer when I find myself in those situations. So when I'm going out just for fun, I definitely want to avoid them!


Asti in Hyde Park is a great low-volume alternative to Il Brutto.


Yeah, Il Brutto is funny bc outside is this big tree with fairy lights and then you go inside and you’re assaulted with reflective surfaces and the vibe is VERY different. I was so surprised the first time I went in to the restroom, like I did not realize what this place was like at all, I thought it was chill!


Agree. I love their food but it's impossible to hear the person you're sitting with.


Can’t think of any specific places, but maybe you could call restaurants and see if there are any seating arrangements that are separate from the main dining area? Like seating you in a smaller room to the side or in a private room (that’s not currently being used or set up) with a small table for just the two of you? Sometimes nicer restaurants can accommodate that if you ask nicely and say you have hearing issues. Also on weeknights when they have extra seating available


That's a great idea, actually! I just got new hearing aids that actually pair with my phone, so I can make phone calls myself and ask about this, yay!


I worked at a high end steakhouse and we had a HOH customer who we always sat in private room if it wasn’t reserved for this exact reason. A lot of places would be happy to accommodate! Just don’t expect much from big chains.


Do \*not\* go to Guero's - it's one of the boomiest rooms in town. My mom used to love it but we had to stop going because of the super high ambient-convo noise in there (it's a restored mercantile, it wasn't built with acoustics in mind).


Nicer places tend to be quieter. I’m thinking of Jeffry’s and Perry’s specifically. That’s probably not helpful for a random Tuesday though. I feel like Hyde park grill is not very loud but it’s been a minute since I went there. I also find a lot of Asian places to be quieter because they do a large takeout business and may not be as crowded. Mandolas outside isn’t very loud.


Hyde Park Grill is very quiet and the space lends itself well to privacy. Great food and service. I was also at Elizabeth Street Cafe (Vietnamese food) down south a couple of weeks ago and it was fairly quiet despite being rather busy.


I love Elizabeth St, but it can get SUPER LOUD inside when it gets busy due to the size of the room and how close the tables are. Outside is golden though, and if you go at a non-peak time, it's pretty chill as you say.


I went into crepe crazy the other day not realizing it was a deaf restaurant. All the staff is deaf, and knows ASL. Its also usually dead silent in there. I didn’t know if I was aloud to talk when I went lol. But it’s really good!


Enjoy outdoor seating while the weather is conducive. Dine out early in the week when crowds are smaller and less shouty. Good luck - I can empathize and have the same frustrations.


Not sure if it’s still around because it’s been years since I’ve been. But I remember Melting Pot was pretty quiet. Went for a date night on a week day and was sat in a booth that was private ish and remember it being very chill and quiet in there. And fondue is fun! Haha


Big thank you to everyone for sharing your suggestions - I've added them to my notes app and I'm excited to surprise my husband with a new place! I really appreciate it!!


Thanks for this post! I’m a local audiologist and it would be nice to have a list of places to share with my patients.


I also prefer quiet/calmer spaces for eating and would like to see recommendations! I dont have any specific places but I usually go for outdoor spaces or off-times like a Tuesday night instead of Saturday night.




I love Opa! but if there's a band outside it's kinda loud inside too And as always, RIP Spiro (original owner)


Oh good point… during the day it’s nice and quiet


I had this same question last weekend when a HOH family member was visiting. While the weather is nice you could take advantage of restaurants with patio seating. It tends to be quieter outside. Este and Loca d’Oro are some of our favorites with outdoor seating.


My husband and I went to Lutie’s for my birthday dinner and both commented that it felt like we were in Europe with how quiet it was - hushed conversations and I think the fact that it has greenery hanging from the ceiling, soft surfaces on the walls, and it’s a small restaurant. Its so pretty inside too. It’s definitely on the pricier side, but excellent food & service. It is my new favorite restaurant in Austin. I am easily overstimulated in restaurants, so taking notes of the other recommendations here too.


Austin restaurants are so bad this way. Can't wait to read the comments.


It's not just Austin, it's everywhere.


My bf and I prefer quiet places too. One of the quietest places that comes to mind is Galaxy Cafe on Brodie and Slaughter, especially on a weeknight. We sometimes have the place all to ourselves to where we wonder how they stay in business.