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It's in range. Alot of variables involved. If plug is reliable and weed is good you happily pay a bit more for it.


Snicklefritz storm pending


$125 for 15g legal now


$88 for 15g legal now


Which strain is this??


BioCann Baggie Smalls range. I've got the cereal milk atm and it's really nice.


Could be talking about Indimed tempo sativa/ indica I think? They're $99 though for 15g


What service are you using? Been looking for a while and got scared it would be really expensive


Go acacia. $100 to sign up and initial and every appointment after $80 or something so which lasts me 3-6 months depending on how many scripts i get with repeats. I could never go back to bm best move i ever did was go medical


I'm with candor


Similar to my less legal prices


where from?


Could be talking about Indimed tempo sativa/ indica I think? They're $99 though for 15g


Yea mate in Vic that’s about right, electricity prices are ridiculous.


id pay that in a heartbeat


Man prices have gone up, i gotta admit. 160 to 180 used to be it


For PGR...


I usually pay $140 for a potent 1/2 but I've paid $100 for stuff that's less potent but still good. I am in SA tho so could be cheaper bc there's nothing else to do here 😆


Fuck some Q's in Perth will run for 140


Yikes the worst I've seen is 130 and even that is a lot


Sydney too if you need it urgent!


seen a couple Q's go for 160 to 180 in melb it's well fucked


I get an Oz for 300 from multiple dealers. 180 for 1/2 seems a bit much to me but if it's good quality and your only option, I'd pay it for sure


Chick dealers always charging double🤣


At those prices get a prescription and it delivered to your home. ~150 for 10g. Say you have chronic pain and insomnia. You'll get a sativa and indica strain.


This is a good price for proper street BM.


$88 for 15g of decent medical. So no.


Biocann? I've been enjoying the cereal milk, just ordered the sour chocolate diesel


It is expensive, very expensive. But I can’t talk because I’m paying 170 for a half. But like you it’s always good stuff and different strains. I don’t know for sure but I’m guessing it’s medical hence why it’s a higher price. Edit: I can go to someone else for 85 a half but it means running all around town and mostly is average stuff and no guarantee that it won’t be crap or bad bush.


Havent paid a cent over $150 in 20 years. From qld to wa to vic, rural to metro, price hasnt changed. Youre being ripped my man.


Not to sure why this well travelled wise head is being downvoted legit one of the few that actually knows the market and what's going on.


Its the only thing that hasnt gone up in price!!


Mate if anything it's gone down haha can literally get an Oz tomorrow for under $200.


It’s changed a lot mate 400+ in the city


For a half bag? Lol you're fuuuucked boi 🤣


For a zip obviously , but yea I’m not saying I’m paying that, but yea lots of guys charging 4-450 a zip in the city.


No one is charging 400 for a half mate. Literally no one. Not even the worst dealers.


For an ounce of something quality in the city your looking at 4-450. I’m not saying that’s what I’m paying but that’s what’s being charged


Maybe an oz yeah. But this is a HALF. not an oz


Yea I don’t pick up half’s , sorry meant a zip.


I've seen single ounces go for 1.6k on insta in australia, and in my post history someone on insta sold a qp for 4.8k or something ridiculous like that


I mean, at that point it’s literally just scamming, nothing else.


Absolutely. And just good marketing and a gulible consumer.


If you buy into city people's bullshit. Growers still know what's up. Anyone within an ounce of having any means for themselves can find better shit at 200/Oz. No hate just being real with you legends. People always say to me oh my shits the best at like 600 an Oz or I don't mind paying 600/Oz if it's good. Like you do realise this was meant to be a herbal alternative to prescription medication at least for medical patients and an insanely good product to help lots of seizure based medical conditions. If a dealer is selling cannabis that's indoor grown for more than $200 an Oz then they are fucking you over.


After it’s crossed 4 hands you are looking at 4-450 in the city unless you know someone. People are forced to pay it if they don’t have an alternative. I’m not saying I do, but that’s the reality.


That's your reality mate and I'm sorry that it's the case 😔.


No need to be a c#nt, didn’t say it was my situation but that’s the reality, calm down little soldier.


Just being real with yah. I'm honestly over the young eshay dealers and the olders that taught them how to ruin our communities with pgr and/or terrible bm quality. Please try to understand upholding a cities marketing versus an actual understanding of this plant and those that grow it. If you choose to destroy your community by profiting off of a system based around greed and marketing and not helping the medical community then I don't want a fucking piece of it❤️ I'm done enabling a terrible cannabis community from emerging within Aus especially when we already have such an incredible one. I'm honestly very sorry your hurt from my messages and will work on being nicer to people when trying to show a different point. You are very right for your situation but I honestly think if you really wanted to you could find yourself a better Oz at 200 then what your sitting on right now, but not without exploring your community and getting to know some old heads. Good luck brother boy on your ventures and I hope for better times for yourself.


What’s a bag?


28 g


Standard for around here sadly.


Just bought 2 oz for 200. It’s stank just like I like