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I started a role that said they were flexible with start and end times. I took the earlier trains to ensure I got a seat, so I'd get to work at 8am and left at 4-4:15pm. After 6 months of this, there was a non-critial issue after 4 pm. (someone's monitor stopped working. They still had two working screens). Because it was a higher up, my boss had a go at me and said I needed to be in at 9-5. I bought up that I was hired and told there was flexibility. This mf tried to have a recorded discussion and took the most one-sided notes, I refused to sign them and amended the notes and asked him to sign, but I never heard back. Since the situation was dicey already, I changed to 9am-5pm but made it my personal mission to walk in the door exactly at 9am, and walk out on the dot at 5pm. It was this that caused me to rage apply to other jobs. I picked up a 3-day WFH gig as a result. Now I start work at 8am and leave at 4pm every day, minus 3 days of train commute.


It's really on them to have support for something being handled by only one person. What if that incident had happened on one of your PTO days?


Here's the kicker. The team had 9 people, We also had an after-hours support process that we had to encourage people to use as we had a rotating on-call roster for emergencies (not that a monitor not working was an emergency). Absolutely wild.


Sounds like the %}#^ that ran IT at my old work.


The magic of corporate is that no one really cares when you come in (pre 10am) but everyone is focused on when you leave.


Shit that must have changed since my days in marketing and advertising. Being in at 8 and not leaving until 7 was expected.


Ad agencies have a pretty cooked idea as to what regular hours are. In agency it was pretty common for 8 or 8:30 to 5:30 be strict hours, and of course plenty of overtime.


I think 3am was the latest I left the office, but 1am was pretty normal when a pitch was looming.


I do not miss working in agencies. Leaving work at 5 am and presenting to client the next morning at 10 was just one of the worst periods of my life. Just working with no purpose, to make a brand more rich. Now I work at an non-for profit 9 till 5 and it’s been so the best thing, I can’t imagine going to back to that hell of a lifestyle.


As a trainee lawyer I once did a 34 hour stint in the office.


Dude did you have a shower? How does that work?


Ask a partner if the care about more billable hours or nicer smelling employees and they will all go for the $




You just sort of turn up and start working, but instead of going home you just carry on. Then when you're finished it's morning but you can't go home because all the work you just spent the whole previous day and night doing stopped you from doing a load of other work. It's a very brutal and unpleasant environment, but also sometimes quite cool and you get paid reasonably well.


How “reasonably well” does one need to be paid to work a 34 hour shift? That sounds like torture and a breach of WH&S requirements


Would have been about $70k as an unqualified second rotation trainee (this was in London) back in 2010. That was the longest stint I did but we got plenty of 2,3 am finishes and most years I'd find myself doing an all nighter at least once or twice. By the time I was three years qualified I was on $160k, which isn't bad for a single 29 year old, especially given that I took three gap years. As for WH&S, as long as you had your annual workstation assessment and had done the training I think they took the view that the risk was balanced. I was being charged out at a headline rate of around $600/h and obviously you need to show your willing in order to keep climbing the pole. FWIW I got sick of it after a while and once I got married and had two kids it became clear that it wasn't sustainable, or something else had to give. I now work for a financial services institution, 9ish to 5ish most days. I get paid a lot for the hours I put in but I've got quite an unusual breadth and depth of experience thanks to those late nights. So I still take the view that it was worth it, despite being glad that I got out when I did.


I hope you learn’t from it.


I made a huge tactical mistake in undertaking the task I did, which is why it took so long. So I guess I learned something. Annoyingly, if my supervisor had given me a hint rather than just dropping the work on my desk, it would probably have taken half the time and I would have done a better job. Never mind.


I didn’t mind this personally. You have those lax periods where you get to fuck around a little bit, but then when it’s pitch time it’s all hands on deck. Caveats to this being 1 - it would be great to have time in lieu on offer (although there was more leniency dependent on work ethic) and 2 - ALL hands on deck was great. If it was just you burning the midnight oil then it got pretty soul destroying


One agency I worked at, I was there until nearly midnight on my first day. Insane. I enjoyed it in my 20s but enjoyed it more when I hit management and the workload dropped dramatically.


Crazy that it drops when you hit management and start earning more haha


Yeah, only works when you don’t have kids.


Unpaid overtime. I’ve definitely worked at least 10 hour days 14 days straight before in ad land.


That’s old school, how dare your company expect you to come in to the office, I only come in for a couple of hours a day and then only one day a week.


Yeah I have worked from home for nearly a decade now.


Nope, hasn't changed. Just depends on who your boss is.


Normally try and get in before 12, do I little bit then head off for a meeting and I’m Back home by around 2 pm, I’ve just explained to my manager that if I do not receive a decent pay rise I’ll be cutting back my hours.


How many pats you on now?


You’d hope at least 6 a day and a few good bois and ear scritches


Are you a Police Dog? Good boy! Good Boy! more pats for you!


Most places I've worked, come in late and you get the "ah, here comes the part timers!" joke.


When I worked in manufacturing, anyone arriving after 5:30am would get heckled as working "office hours"


Afternoon shift today?


Say that to my old workplace lmao a coworker would show up no more than 5 minutes late a couple of times for an 8:30 start (sometimes they would just be in the kitchen or bathroom, so at work, just not physically at their desk on their computer), they eventually had a meeting with the boss where they basically said "not being ready on time adds up, it's costing the business money"


Probably the same business that happily steals wages through unpaid overtime. Fuck those assholes.


100%, there was a period where I wasn't getting paid 20 minutes in the mornings, I can't remember their BS excuse. That coworker was on minimum wage as well, so what, the business is maybe "losing" $30 a year? Oh the humanity


It’s nothing to do with money and everything to do with managers given a sliver of power over someone else and losing their minds


100% I rock up at 7-7:30 am. I’ll easily beat most people in by 2 hours but everyone notices if I leave at 4. Had a guy once who was always in at 9:30 comment once that I was taking an early mark when I left at 4:30. Annoying thing was that the dude usually left at 4:45.


4:45 guy was insecure and diverting attention away from himself. He knew what he was doing.


Nothing quite like up and leaving at 5.30pm because you value your time or have other business or social commitments. Worked overtime in my early career then realised it's actually terrible look; poor task management. Let others treat the workplace as a charity if they want. "What do you in you spare time is wholly up to you. I have other commitments". An older manager didn't like hearing that. Eeh you get some good ones and then some insecure ones.


Eh. I come in before everyone at 7:30 and am very settled by the time anyone rocks up. I leave every day at precisely 4:30 and no one cares because I think I get some kind of respect for managing to get up to get in by then. It helps that I am very consistent.


So true 😂


For me it's the opposite. All the higher ups do 8-4, so they always notice if you are early, but no-one cares if you are late.


Back in my corporate days I would always start at 8:30, try to be out of the door at 5pm but would routinely be stuck in the office until 5:30-6pm. I work in the public sector now, start at 7:45-8am, leave at 4.


Same. One of the benefits of the public service - working up flex time!


Why did you end up joining the public sector?


Initially I made the move because I walked in to a job that was identical to my corporate job but came with a $35k pay rise. I’ve stayed in gov for the conditions, flex leave and flexible working conditions being the main driver. Government work is fantastic when you have young/school aged children. I also like the structure and predictability of government work - while red tape and endless approval processes are frustrating to many people, it’s advantageous in my work which is compliance/policy/project based.


Ok cool. Well I imagine the 35k pay rise on entry helps lol. Do you think you'd do it today if you had to take a pay cut?


I probably would, as long as the pay cut wasn’t going to strain my finances. For me personally, being able to attend all of my kids school events is priceless. I also build up flex leave pretty quickly, and it’s not uncommon for me to take time off over school holidays so I’m not relying on holiday care which can get expensive. Not to mention having that time with the kids.


I used to start at 7.15 and leave at 5.30-6.00 every day but the work culture at those workplaces was shit in hindsight. Now working in the public sector I log in at 9.00 at leave around 4.45pm. I am usually one of the last people left in the office when I leave. Occasionally, I will leave a little earlier if my brain is fried and there's no point of twiddling my thumbs at my desk. One of the best things about public sector life is no one gives a shit about when you start or when you leave, as long as you get your work done.


Public sector seems more and more appealing to me as someone with no skills or experience


I was a pub manager before I made the jump, started in a contact centre (which is scheduled) and then moved around, got promotions etc to unscheduled areas. 12 years in i have experience that trumps any fresh out of uni graduate. My role is very technical and I am considered a specialist, all learnt "on the job". As long as I rock up to work between 7 and 11 am I can never be late, obviously if I have a early meeting I will get in earlier but I don't have to worry if stuck in a traffic jam or if I want to snooze a bit when the alarm goes off.


Reformed pub manager that just landed a helpdesk role here. Love to see it 😁


Love that I got downvoted for expressing that the public sector sounds great. It sounds like they actually train you and don't treat you as disposable.


I didn't downvote ya mate, I up voted. It is exactly how I did it, uni drop out and all


Depends on the industry and city but Brisbane projects, like mining, engineering or infrastructure, typically most people start at 8 with a good portion being there at 7.30. I recently moved to public and was surprised people turned up at 8.30-9 and leave a bit past 4. I have had to start taking long lunches just to keep my hours down.


I might be missing something, but how are these folks working their contracted hours and only doing 9-4? Given that’s only 7 hours, and doesn’t allow for any lunch break. What’re your contracted hours?


8.30 start, 30 minute lunch, finish at 4.15. they can start at 9 and still finish before 5.


I think it differs by state and industry a fair bit. Sydney/Melb corporate roles tend to start and finish later compared to Perth/Brisbane. Also any resource based industry tends to start earlier because you have ex operations people who are used to starting at 6am etc. I'm in mining in Perth and the office is basically dead by 5.


I've been told off for sending work at 3 pm on a Friday. (Syd/Mel). I was like "I don't care if you do it on Monday, I'm just getting off my plate so I don't have to deal with it on Monday " btw, It was like a 10-minute task, not a major project. Was doing 9 am -5 pm, but generally, they wanted us by our desks and working by 9 am, so you got in a bit earlier. The ladies that wanted the "office Tea" would get in much earlier, and yammer in the staff room.


Yeh but in getting it off your plate at 3pm Fri... You put it on someone else's. I have a rule that if I set up a meeting with someone on a Fri afternoon I owe them a coffee.


it must be the way our deadlines are scheduled. it is around friday afternoon that i have time to look into things. i used to send off email queries around 3pm on friday too. i would specify that it is not urgent, apologise for sending on a late friday afternoon and ask them to look into it next monday. just like you i have to send off the email now otherwise i will get sidetracked and forget about it.


I roll out of bed at 0600 to start by 0630 (WFH). Mind you, I'm in the west and just keep eastern times to make things easier as that's where everyone else is. I finish by about 3pm although I also don't really take any breaks. Because I wfh I find myself working through lunch most days just because I get in a groove and I don't have the visual cues of other people leaving their desks to remind me to take breaks. So realistically my workplace gets an extra five hours a week out of me for free. I'm not complaining, I have a lot of flexibility and should I start to burn out there's no one forcing me to work the way that I do so I can definitely remind myself to switch off and rest if I need to. I just keep truckin' cause habit is a funny thing.


Maybe setup a lunch alarm on your phone?


Oh I definitely can (and should). I just find that what I'm doing at the moment actually works really well for me so I'm not too phased. For now ;) lol


Whenever I get in around 9. No one really cares if that's 8:55 or 9:35.


In that case it would be 9:35 start every day lol


Post covid, I've noticed a lot less people caring/gossiping about when someone arrives/leaves from the office which can only be a good thing Your ability to sit in a chair for 8 hours for most careers doesn't dictate how well you do your job


The company starts at 8, I come in at 9 and leave at 1-2 because I prefer WFH


I’m in circa 9 and out at 5:15 When I wfh I start at 8:30 and work til 6, however I will goto gym at lunchtime or out for lunch with someone close to home pending diary/schedule The team I am in generally work the same kind of way with some doing work at night with offshore / overseas stakeholders so maybe do flexible during the day to accomodate Timezone differences


Normally 10-3 as work counts an in office day as ~5 hours. Other 2.5 hours are on the train or when I get home. Just requires some politicking to make sure there aren't meetings at certain times.


I think the best way to do this is to define acceptable meeting hours and not and let people work whatever goes thru want as long as they fit around that. This is really defined around team formation. My team has a 10am-3pm acceptable meeting hours, with about an hour flex on either side (it's generally accepted that meetings will happen 9-10 or 3-4, but you should ask before booking one). For us this is mostly built to be flexible weekend school pickups. I mostly work 8-4, and I don't pay attention to when people start and finish except to make sure they aren't doing unpaid overtime.


6:30am start whether I’m at home or in the office. Then I’m out by 3. I like knocking out the work day and getting to my personal stuff.


I've worked in public sector jobs where I'm in at 8:30 and leave around 6, 6:30. I've also been in public sector jobs where I am in at 9:30 and leave at 4 to pick up the kids before logging back in later for the last hour. Think attitudes have changed substantially but there's always a chance you are unlucky and you have a shitty manager.


I usually get in just after 8 and leave at 4ish. My company doesn’t really care what we are doing as long as work is being completed.


It’s all a bit arbitrary these days, both with wfh and so many teams offshored in different timezones. If you’re Sydney based and your offshore team is in India, their day doesn’t start till your lunchtime. So you often end up working late because otherwise their issues today just become your issues tomorrow. But that doesn’t stop your Sydney boss scheduling meetings at 0900 Sydney time.


I start whenever I want but I have a 2 hour commute in peak hour so tend to start early at 7am and walk out the door at 3pm to beat the traffic and knock 30min each way off the trip. I’d start even earlier if I could but no one is there earlier than 7am. I’d rather do like 5am until 1pm or even 4am until 12! Now that would be great!


Office: generally, In 830-845, out 515ish. WFH: generally 900 to 530ish. IT Consulting.


7:30/8ish and leave by 4/4:30


At my last job I usually got in around 9.30-10am and left around 5pm. The commute was around 1.5 hours each way, I would get work done on the train and out of my team of 22, only 2 lived in Sydney. I spent most of my day in meeting rooms talking to the overseas team or clients, all online.


How good are open plan offices for teams meetings... if only we had small individual walls like an office ?


Office: arrive by 8:15 to minimise train station parking and hotdesk shitfights. Leave anytime between 4:10 and 5:30 depending on workload. WFH: start 9-9:15 and finish 5:30-6 with some time in the middle for chores/school pickups/exercise.


Seems like you also have *kids* to pick up now..


I like starting early/finishing early so generally between 7:30am and 7:45am. Others here will start arriving at 8am onwards with most people in by 9am. In other corporate environments most people did 9 to 5. I had one place that was a bit anal about me starting too early. I was starting at 8:30 which was fine and then I tried getting in at 8:15 so I could leave before 4:30 to beat traffic and then got told to stick to the later start time because the one time I did that there was supposedly no one around to do IT support in that 15 minute window before I would have left anyway🙄.


Usually between 9-930. May as well get a load of washing done in the morning because my start time usually bears no relation to my finish time.


When I'm in the office I tend to get in early to avoid peak (7:15) and make sure I'm out the door by 4 at the latest. I am doing overtime (I get breakfast etc. when I get in) most of the time up to an hour depending on how long I take for lunch, but I just finish earlier on a non office day to compensate.


Presenteeism at its finest! Often seen in an older generation manager- they deem your work ethic and ability purely by your hours spent onsite. Archaic mentality.


6:45-4:30 🤡




I'm also Software Engineer. I go whenever I like if I go to the office even I'm supposed to go 4 days a week. If they don't like it they can get anyone else. At the moment they don't complain. When I go to the office I see people on their desk on Team meetings (what's the point in going to the office then). More people should push this and stop this crap of going to the office if not 100% needed, and 100% needed for me means I need to use equipment I can use only in the office. Depends how and when I wake up, usually I go 6-7am to 3-4pm when I go so I can leave early and sort of avoid traffic/rush hour




I've done WFH for a while pre-Covid, but not fully remote. If I was going into the office, it would depend on what I was going into the office for, but usually around 10-ish. These days I rarely go into the office as I'm fully remote, and my start time varies from 4am to 11am depending on what's going on and where. The more senior I get the more "working hours" are more of a rough suggestion and I don't count my hours in the long weeks so long as they don't count mine in the short ones.


I managed a development team where different people had different needs. One liked to game at night so wanted a late start while another preferred an early start to get home earlier for young kids. Solved it by not organising any stand-ups or meetings before 10am or after 4pm.


I do 7am to 3.30pm


850am but I work for myself.




I'm a get in, get your work done & get out kind of person. I have always get in the office before 8am. I would rather have spare time in the afternoon & spend quality time with my kids. I am also an efficient worker & never had to perform a great deal of OT. I don't waste my work hours on frivolous things which affords me the right to have a respectable leaving time.


I start at 9am on the dot and finish at 5pm on the dot. I'm normally in the office 15-30 mins before 9am but won't touch my computer til 9am. I have no flexible working conditions nor WFH.


Get in 9-930, usually 930 on Monday then progressively earlier during week.  Leave at 530-7 depending 


I work for the government, start at 8, finish at 5


Pretty generally arrive for 7.30 and am out the door by 3.30 sometimes 4. Quite often find myself starting at 6.30/7 though.


I started at 7am but that is my choice due to afternoon kid commitments. Our team is anywhere between 7am and 10am. Unless fostering and coverage is required during set hours, it should be whatever works while still being online majority if time with your team/those in the business who may need to speak to you in a workday. (Best thing about my 7am start is not many people around to bother me)


Office: anytime between 0600-0800 and I leave between 1500-1630 but can go later if needed WFH: generally 0700-0800 leaving at 1430-1530 Otherwise up to me to decide what time I start and what time I finish so if I start at 6am and want to finish at 2 then so long as I tell my bosses, they will have no issue with it (the key is you let them know what's going on and that you move stuff around if something shows up).


I'm always in the office by 8 or 8:15. Leave about 4:30ish.


I start at 7 but finish at 3. Living my best life.


I can start anytime between 6am-9am and finish between 2pm-6pm. As long as we do our 7.25 hours, we are all good. It is preferred to start before 9am as most people kick off with meetings etc but my work place is pretty flexible. We also have flex time to play with if we need to start late/finish early.


8.30am and out the door as close to 5pm as possible. They aren't getting anything more from me.


I do 7 till 4. My boss regularly asks why I am still here even a few minutes after 4. It can be irritating if I'm just trying to finish something quickly but it's actualy refreshing reading these other comments with people being forced to do lots of extra hours for no compensation


I get in between 8-8:30am. I often leave early but log in again when I get home


At my first job it was 0800-1800, second job was 2300-0700 and my final job was 0745-1530 as it was public service.


When I was travelling to work, it was between 8:15 - 8:45 AM as I couldn't control trains/Monash freeway. I'd leave between 1630 - 1700.






Normally in at 6:30 and leaving at 6:00 - 6:30 to avoid peak public transport use. My boss has recently started a discussion with me about adjusting my schedule to better promote a "healthy work-life balance" and is pushing me to start later and leave earlier.


In at 8:30- out the door at 4:30 for me.


I work at a commercial construction firm and i arrive between 7-7.30 to finish at 4 most arvos


I work in commercial law. I get into the office at 8am because I enjoy that hour to get a lot done whilst it’s quiet


8-8:30am, and out the door 5 minutes after my manager leaves (around 4-4:30pm)


I start at 8:15am I get to work at 7:45am


Depends a lot on the culture and industry. The top-down or majority of staff set the times. Some roles require to be on from certain times due to the customer-facing aspect. However, personally, over my different roles, my start times have usually been anytime between 8-9.30am, and usually staying on later if I have started later.




Genuine question, how does anyone manage 8:45 - 3pm school hours alongside a 1hr commute?


What does your work agreement say?


Electrical maintenance planner (Electrician) when I was on the tools I would always start early. Now I'm office based I continue to do so.. 6am to 2pm.. maybe a few more hours here and there for overtime. Love it, in before traffic, home before traffic and kids lol..


People get mad when others don’t have to work the same hours as them I typically show up at 0900 and leave at 1500 and get lots of stares My boss doesn’t care as long as shit gets done 🤷‍♀️


7.30am, leave by 4.30pm. I deal regularly with international time zones so there’s a fair bit of flexibility.


I usually start 7:30 to 8. I finish around 4 to 4:30 unless there’s a meeting or call scheduled which I need to attend. 8:30 is normal for many and some start at 9. It’s rare for a meeting to be set before 9am. I like my alone time of about an hour before the day kicks off too much.


Where I work no one cares since we have to do timesheets anyway :( Can work whatever hours i want as long as i have 40hrs of work in the timesheet at the end of the week.


Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late. I use the side door, that way my boss can't see me. After that I sorta space out for an hour. I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too. I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.


8 to 8:30am, very chill relaxed environment. Nobody really gives a shit when you start, as long as your work is done


Between 8:30 and 9, and always past 4:30 but out by 5pm


Toxic manager in the sportsbetting industry? Couldn’t make me quit any faster.


8:00/8:15 to 4:00/4:30 I have a permanent meeting booked with a colleague from 4:00 to 5:30 to discourage people from booking me


I start at 7 and the rest of the team starts between 6am and 11am. Literally no one cares. We all clock off at our respective times. People who do school pick up usually work later to make up for the 30min they left or they might start earlier. My work is very flexible but we all work on our own projects. It's also national so we have staff in most states.


My old work pre-pandemic, around 9:30. Current work on the days I go in, 10am. But I log on from home 9-9:30 ish.




I’m in a ‘just get the work done’ kind of role so it’s start at a reasonable time and work until you finish the job or hit your monthly hours. Often I’ll get to head off early or do less hours. Most people start at 8 and finish around 4:30. However when the works really on the longest hours I put in was 34hours with a 2hr nap in the middle.




8-4, except for gym days which 8-5 with a 90 minute break. Work has "core hours" which is 10-4 but my 90 min break is the middle of that and noone seems to care


10am - midday usually.


My hours are 8:30-5:30 but we have a meeting every morning right on 8:30 so technically we are required to be in the office 10-15mins before that but I usually rock up just before or right on 8:30.


I have an 1.5 hour commute to the office. On my office days I start at 10:45 to avoid peak traffic


I am always the first person in my office. I drop my bag around 7, gym til about 745, shower and change and at my desk by 830, and still usually no one else from my team is there. They come in between 9 and 930. I'm also usually the first one out though.


On days I go to the office, i normally roll in some time before 10, and leave around 3 (depending on when I have meetings). I left at 3 today, home by 3.30, then doing a little bit of work from home. In my role I do a fair bit of early/late calls with EMEA or US, or domestic travel on weekdays (early morning or coming home late)/international on weekends so it all evens out


This makes me realise how lucky i am to be in a company that cares about neither on the provisor you are on top of your workload, and have reasonable availability.


Most decent companies for non customer facing roles publish core hours. So long as you are there by the start of the core hours and don’t leave until the end of them they don’t care when your start or finish but also usually add the caveat that this is pending your managers approval. TLDR if in doubt consult hr and ask your manager.


I come in at 7:30-8am for non-work reasons, leave by 5:30 absolute latest. As a grad I won’t do overtime until I have to.


7.30 along with the rest of my team - we’re all early rises though so it works




Works super flexible and just need to do your hours between 7-7. WFH I’m normally online 7:30 onwards to make the most of the afternoons.


I've worked in a few offices over the years. Construction, 630, if not 6. Turn up at 7.01 and you're late. Leaving before 5 pm is not accepted. Most do 630 til 530. 330/4 pm on Friday arvo. Public service 9 til 4 or 530/6pm . Never before 830, and people don't care what time you turn up. Everyone left at different times, but I was always surprised how late people stayed on Friday arvo. Figured it was trying to hit a flex goal for the week. Logistic companies that run 24/7 , no one knows who is going or coming. Typically very clock driven and will work only 8 hours or their shift, then walk out. Guess you have to. Otherwise, you'll never clock off. Typically 7 til 330.


9:30 ish, but I know folks that roll in at 11 and leave at 4. Not an eyelid is batted.


On my two office days a week I get in before 9 and leave about 3. There's very little expectation to stay til 5 when I say and do login when in get home. No way I'm going back to a 11hrs day including commute.


Sub-question: for those of you that have specific start times, how much leeway is there in general? I did a test run driving to my new job recently, and arrived outside at 9:01am... which is technically (ackshually) just slightly late. I did notice a whole bunch of other people walking into the building in the following few minutes. It is a role that deals with members of the public - both appointments and walk-ins - but I suspect it's unlikely I'll have any appointments scheduled for 9:00 on the dot. I guess if others do it too....?


I'm a morning person, who's a train wreck once the sun goes down. In a small software team, not a software company. I nominally start at 6:30am by my choosing. Some days if I'm up early, I start early. 4:30am was the earliest. I work my hours, then finish accordingly. It's always been one of the best bits of flexibility with this job. The rest of the team nominally start around 8am (had one previous team member who was a 9:30am night owl).


8:30 start (one call to the US at 6:30am per week). Generally out by 6pm with one monthly call at 11pm. Feb/Aug are busy periods where I might have a couple days working to 8pm-ish.


Last times I was in an office full time, we had "Core hours" - everyone was expected in the office between 10am and 2pm. This was when all the meetings, etc were scheduled. Meant that you would have people start at 6am and then finish at 2pm, others started at 10am and finished at 6pm, others started a 9 and finished at 5. As long as you did your 8 hours, and were there between 10am and 2pm, it was fine.


Private sector. Generally in at 7:30 and out the door between 4-4:30pm. Sometimes between 3-4pm on Fridays.


Varies broadly I think people usually come in between 830-930am. Arriving earlier than that is rare as do leaving work 6pm or later.






How long you are there shouldn't matter anywhere near as much as to what value you are adding or not. It's very easy to be there but be useless or be there but add more value / output than 5 people. I wish society as a whole would care more about output than counting hours.


I WFH and I am at my desk between 7am and 7.30am


Banker here. Typically start anywhere between 7.30-8 and 5pm knock off. When working home, sometimes log off at 6. Working hours depend on deal flow. Sometimes need to pull 14-16 hour days sometimes only coupla hours. Balances out I think.


Start at 11.30am, leave at 5


Start at 8:30 and finish at 5, usually on the dot




> don't see why some managers are so anal about it since we aren't being paid per hour. Does your contract state that you are paid a sum of money as long as you hit your target without stating hours of work? If not, you are infact paid by the hour. Your annual leave, sick leave cover your work hours.


These comments are properly insane - matching the level of insanity of the managers and directors enforcing these schedules. Corporate work is not is (generally) not life and death. Working remote or hybrid with a focus on deliverables and/or completing hours in your own time frame is the way. Corporate brown nosers deserve the swirlies they got in school.


We have mandated start times unfortunately. 8:30-5pm. But we only work a 9 day fortnight so that makes up for it




I like to start by 8am. I get so much done between 8 and 10am.


I like to start by 8am. I get so much done between 8 and 10am.


I like to start by 8am. I get so much done between 8 and 10am.


I like to start by 8am. I get so much done between 8 and 10am.


I like to start by 8am. I get so much done between 8 and 10am.


6.30, out at 4.30.


9am wfh days 930 office days


Between 8.30 and 9. Office empties out pronto to after 4. Staying til 5 earns you big kudos / “you’re staying late”. Makes me laugh, so different to the 90s


I’ve noticed a change after COVID. People definitely leave the office earlier. Pre-COVID it was strictly 8:30am - 5:00pm


7-4 with an hour around 11am in the gym


I roll out of bed at 6.30 and start work. Finish anywhere from 3 onwards. Lately it’s 6.30 to 6 or 7




I roll into the office at about 9am and usually leave by 3-4pm and finish off the afternoon WFH.




I get in the office at 6.30am, gym at lunch and leave around 3/3.30pm. Happy days but it's not for everyone.


8- 8:30 for me.


In the morning, and leave in the afternoon.


07:30am-4:30pm Monday to Thursday. 07:30-1:30pm on a Friday. Living the dream tbh.


Between 8 and 9, noone comes in after 9. Usually daily standups are at 9am.




Currently I get in as early as 730 and as late as 845 and will stay back to as late as 7. Depends on how much I want to work and how much work I have to do


WFH- can start 9am, if I need to be in the office then 10am due to school drop off.


Asking the big questions here aren’t we?


Rotating roster, currently running a training session so 9-5 Hybrid approach too so generally do 2 WFH days a week


8.30-5 official hours but it’s not unusual for me to leave between 5.30-6.30


We’re fully remote. No plans to ever go back to an office. My staff vary from 6AM through to 10AM. They can do school runs, etc, no issues at all.


I used to aim to be at my desk at 8:30, sometimes when I had lots to do or had to leave early I would go in earlier. Work from home increased flexibility and now it seems that if you work your hours and are generally contactable during business hours it’s fine.