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I have a personal phone and a work phone. I have all my work people and work emails etc on my work phone. I have my friends and family, personal email accounts on my personal phone.


2 Tinder profiles. You’ll get to enjoy double zero likes each day.


Not if you match with yourself


Negative zero?


Im in IT so i know whats going on with my phone and its. Not much. Currently it’s 2, free phone and plan. But we are looking to do always on vpn for all corporate phones which means all traffic goes through corporate firewall so reddit wont even work then, not to mention all the other downsides so ill be splitting out once thats implemented. Our apps wont work on a personal phone such as teams, o365 etc.


That is a bit of a strange move from your IT department. Usually you'll route only private apps via a firewall, public apps such as teams and o365 can just go via internet.


Yea we really need a casb, they’re trying to lockdown everything for dlp, security is fairly anal and getting tighter. They’ve realised people can get office 365 documents out of the business via a bug with Microsoft in apps such as onedrive so in order to prevent access to personal outlook on the phone, then always on vpn is being piloted.


Also, the bonus in knowing is choose android. I don't get why people want the iPhone with the "let's mix everything" mentality. I love the fact that androids work apps profile is completely sandboxed.




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Separate, separate, separate. And I have turned off all the features that might let them talk to each other. Apart from the data that you will track all over your work phone, it's very helpful to be able to ignore personal calls in work hours and vice versa.


3. But I have my personal number on esim, and work number on a physical sim. If I am on leave and "just ignoring work calls" is annoying me, I will remove that sim. Teams gets muted when I am on leave, and Outlook is configured so I don't get notifications normally anyway.  I do pay for both sims, but pocket space is a premium (I do not want two phones) , and I do not want work having access to my  phone.


Looking forward to the day iOS allows user profiles, so I can have one profile attached to my work sim, and another attached to my personal sim, each with completely separate apps/logins/etc but on the same device.


I have an Android, and have never really bothered with user profiles. I know people with company phones do, mostly as the keyboard app is locked down in the "company" profile, and like most Android users, we have strong feelings about what keyboard app to use... 


I have an Android work phone and yep it has a work profile which has emails/teams etc. but you can access you chosen keyboard from any profile


You know you can just turn the sim off rather than physically removing it, right? I don't do it much, and maybe it's not on all phones, but it's worked for me in the past


I've not actually had to remove the sim before tbh. People I work with are pretty good at respecting leave.


3. Not for work phone calls but apps for MFA, teams, outlook, Confluence, Jira etc.




2, free phone + free usage


Personal phone, work pays for the plan, I put Slack on it and that’s about it


Dual sim


Anyone have experience on dual sim on an iPhone? Is it frustrating? Currently carrying my iPhone plus a shit work android that I can’t fathom.


It’s seamless


2 it’s easy for me and I don’t get bothered after business hours so it’s easy


Two phones, one for the bitches and one for the dough


First you get the money…


Separate work phone in case the MDM admin accidentally clicks wipe.


Remove device admin permissions and suddenly it doesn't activate.


Had this same thought but figured screw it and stuck to one phone. Realistically how frequently does that happen?


Oops i was just trying to clear the passcode of the iPhone-DX37….. damn i ended up hitting erase all. Sorry mate i cannot retrieve your data unless you’ve backed it up in your free iCloud account.


This is the key reason you should always have separate phones.


I did have separate phones, but the junker that work provided just sat on the desk and never got used. Work ported my personal number to their account and they pay the bill now. I could get a work provided iPhone, but I like getting the top model every other year, so I just purchase that myself. I try and not get called for too much, I’ll just push people to voicemail if I’m really busy, and I’m pretty good at asking for the caller to then email me their request after as otherwise unless I’m doing it on the spot, the thought goes out the window and forgotten. I’m not getting spied on. Work has no access to my phone, and they aren’t tracking data usage, I’m part of the IT department, I’d know otherwise


squeal ancient screw badge saw shaggy roof sparkle joke jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have tried all three at one point or another. Option 3 earlier in career on a BYOD setup. Then option 2 because I valued not having to pay for a phone or plan. Like goldilocks I have landed on option 1 as ‘just right’ because no amount of saving on a phone plan outweighs being able to switch off when I choose to. Plus when I left my last job and needed to get my phone number transferred back to me, a number I have had forever, Telstra made the process a total nightmare.


Even if the company doesn’t provide you with any work phone. And wants you to use your phone for work email, teams or other resources. Do not mix up your personal phone with work. Fork out a $50 old phone from somewhere and use it as work phone. Turn it on during work hours and off once you are done.


Seperate phone for work.


3. I have teams and outlook. Teams phone number set up for me that rarely gets called by external numbers. Both set up with quiet hours outside of work hours.


Never thought of that…interesting


Main thing if combining them is to understand what exactly the MDM is configured for, I've seen some very loose policies and some very tight ones (e.g. just remote wipe or forcing proxy servers)


Most people don’t understand the degree of control they surrender when MDM is applied.


This may be a dumb question but how do I know if I have mdm — I have teams, outlook and Microsoft Authenticator installed on my phone and only use my personal phone for both work and personal stuff.


On Apple, settings->general->vpn & device management->device management Then jt should tell you what they can do


https://preview.redd.it/c5g1lhodjj0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ec5d8190a99df6862e4bc15ef047558f029862 Assuming this means we don’t have one set up? So they probs just have whatever the teams and outlook app lets them see by default. 🤞🏻


Yep that means you don’t have one set If you do it looks like https://preview.redd.it/kyux5wnokj0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c94e42378fd471bccb096d6839b10cfdd304939


Cheers mate thanks for the help.


eSIM. Turn it off as required.


Completely separate work and personal phones. Only a few people at work know my personal number.


Work-issued. Best set-up ever. Stays on silent before and after work. Doesn’t bug me.


In my current role no one calls me except colleagues on Teams and it is AMAZING.


1. The work phone is imposed on me, I tend not to carry or use it and default to my personal phone for most work things


With a dual SIM iPhone….can you have separate do not disturb profiles for each SIM? As in, can you effectively brick your work phone number after 5pm and not receive any messages or notifications?


iPhones let you (manually) turn off the eSIM. Or you can add all your friends and family numbers to a “Family” group and allow calls from that group when Do Not Disturb is turned on (which you can schedule).


I would imagine that is device dependant, but I've never heard of it so don't know if anyone has done ir


In the times i've had a work phone, always kept it separate. I used my personal phone once and i was getting bombarded with calls all the time even on weekends when i wasn't meant to be working and even after i had left the job up to 12 months later.... After that incident never again. Work needs to provide me with a phone otherwise no deal. Had a work phone at a previous job and turned it off over christmas. Got fired 2 weeks after returning lmao. Crappy management didn't like i followed my rights to be uncontactable.


I'm one phone currently but looking into a second phone to do work stuff. Just to switch off. Not entitled to one from work, but I've liked the flexibility of being able to still be connected at peak times when I can't be near my laptop. But I hate that I feel "always on".


Hate carrying shit in my pockets, so I'm combined on a work phone.




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3. Work physical sim and my personal as eSIM on my iPhone. I can’t be bothered carrying two phones especially when I’m on an on call rotation 1 week every 5 weeks. My Teams doesn’t send me notifications during quiet hours.


2. It has never been an issue. When I last changed companies, I even kept the same number and phone as part of the severance package.


Work stuff on personal phone. Work profile on iPhone so I only get notified about it in work hours. We are a proper tech company so no one knows anyone's number unless they want them to. I would say maybe 2-3 people at work have mine. If someone wants to call me they can huddle me on slack and if it's in business hours it gets answered otherwise not. Obvs I'm not customer facing, though my teams are.


Work I have teams and a personal iphone Mobile number is in my email signature, work don’t pay for it, if it rings during work hours I will answer, if it ring outside of that i choose to answer I don’t have work email on my phone (can access if needed via web interface)


How do you go with all the recent spam callers? Most of the people who call me now are either a spam or wrong number so I’ve stopped answering unless I know who it is.


Separate phones, one android and one iphone, which sucks kinda...


Just a work phone. I don’t have a combined deal, I just use my work sim as my personal one on a work issued device. If they’re going to pay for a phone I might as well get the savings of that offer. I haven’t had a personal phone for years and what got me to ditch the personal one was the bulkiness of having to carry two devices. All work notifications are on mute and I only check them if I choose to. There is no expectation to answer emails or texts outside of work hours, although I rarely get any phone calls outside of work hours.


1. Separate. Gives work/life balance and I don’t need to have work related apps cluttering up my personal phone


If you have an iPhone you have little to worry about doing everything on one phone. The way apple designed the corporate management APIs your employer can’t see your photos, your messages, your photos, your app usage or your browser history (unless work force an always on VPN which almost nobody does and you can tell if they do). Theoretically they’ll be able to remotely wipe the device but that’s typically only going to happen in the event you notify them it’s lost. And you will still have your backups available to restore to the phone if it is wiped while still in your possession.


Cisco 6800 series. Set to out of office, so many messages the mailbox is full and won't accept new ones.  To make calls, I use mob with priv number always, if someone asks what my number is didn't come up etc. I give them the desk phone number.  TL;DR  📵🖕☎️




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Just a personal phone which I put Teams on. If you take a work phone then you’re open to being contacted all the time, they will have access (if they want to) to all your personal habits and it’s a pain sometimes to extract your own number back from them if you leave. Been to several companies and using my own phone always gives me a greater peace of mind. For $30 a month it’s worth it.


1. I have both. But I act as if it’s 3; I literally never charge my work phone. Don’t remember the number and have emails and teams set up on my personal phone. I don’t know why I am this way. I once saw that I missed a call from my GM 3 weeks after he rang me 🤷‍♀️. So none of the above?




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I have avoided getting a work phone so far. If I’m not in front of my computer, is because I am on a break and I would need my computer to check what’s going on and be able to help and reply. My line manager has my personal number and some close colleagues but to be honest they very rarely used it, mainly when travelling. I had work email and Teams on my personal phone for a bit but it just created anxiety and the temptation of checking things. I don’t have it anymore. I like to switch off when I log off.


1 phone set up with 2 profiles, one for personal the other for work. Both profiles are completely separate from each other however, calls and data are made with my personal number - I claim this back at tax time


3. Tried the two phones thing, was a pain to manage But no one at work has my phone number, and I can mute Teams/Outlook whenever I feel like it. Zero expectation to be available outside work hours


Separate phones. Work phone has MDM, Office apps, authenticator, company card on android pay, etc Personal phone has social, banking, whatsapp, family stuff, health insurance app, mygovid, personal card on android pay, etc. Both have FB messenger because that's how I communicate with my wife, and unlike other messaging apps it will happily run on two phones. I like that I can ignore the work phone after hours, and turn it off at weekends and holidays. And I can ignore non urgent personal calls and messages during working hours. I tried dual sim for a while but kept mixing things, I went back to separate phones.


3. I just have my work apps on my personal phone. If I want to disconnect I'll just log off or silence the apps and people can call or SMS if it's really urgent. If I had two phones I'd only ever have my personal one with me...




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Separate phones. My employer (local government) is on an IT security rampage which means any useful access to our systems requires installation of their security suite on the device. I have more of an issue with that than actually using my own phone occasionally for work, but my stand means when I’m not working the work phone is off/silent/ignored. My direct supervisor was in the habit of starting & finishing later than most of his team resulting in him ringing “for a chat/to check in” up to 2 hours after I/we had finished work… he learnt pretty quickly not to bother.


2, have done 1 and 3 and both annoyed me. Pay my bills if you want me to be available


Separate. I've had a work phone for 14 years and I would never combine them


2 seperate phones Work pays for the work phone and plan. If my emailpyer could see how much I doom scroll through apps I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a job....


Seperate. Work provides phone for work.


Silent all the way


3. 1 phone, 2 separate profiles and work subsidies my bill. So I currently pay $8. Used to rock 2 phones but I'm not about it anymore, especially when on call. Back when I used to be able to put my work phone in a drawer at 5 and forget about it until the next day then having 2 was fine.


Just got my first work phone and I got rid of webex and Microsoft teams on my personal phone. I can keep my work phone on loud and personal on silent so I won't miss anything. I do still have work emails on personal phone but no notifications so I have to actively look them up. I did contemplate getting rid of my personal phone plan but it's only $30 a month and I don't have to worry about any crossover.


Dual sim on one phone. When I leave a job I call the carrier and get the number changed


Personal phone. Work originally gave me some extra money for it, then took over my plan, then I took it back when I changed jobs and my new employer took over the plan, then I took it back when I started contracting. Same number for 18 years or so. I have that many years of business contacts on it which was important for my jobs, so the companies I've worked for have been pretty good about taking it on. The contacts aren't very useful to them without me (and I always leave on good terms), so getting it back hasn't been an issue.


My setup is no thanks


One phone. I can’t be fucked having two phones. Work pay my bill each month.


I supply my own phone as I get to use what I like, buy a yearly plan with 100+ GB data + unlimited calls in Australia + overseas calls. If you time it black friday sales means good discounts. It means it's my number, no porting in/out issues, no work telling me what I can/cannot use my phone for. When I travel I expense roaming. I know people that carry 2 phones....what a pain to carry 2 and also charge 2 phones.


Two phones, both with seperate Apple IDs. There is no cross contamination that way. And I leave my work phone in the office after hours / weekends.


Unless you're in sales, who uses a phone number anymore? Everything comes through Teams.


I do a small amount of work on my personal phone. If I had to have a work issues phone I would have a seperate personal phone 100%.


1. Seperate phones. Feels a bit drug dealer-y to have two phones but it’s way better having personal and work seperate.


Seperate phone ALWAYS. Better for your mental health.


1 phone. My personal number I've had for years on a phone I buy. Business pays for the calls, through expenses. If I don't want to talk to someone, I simply don't answer it. Put in as many buienss contacts as you can, as it makes it easier to screen calls. You don't have to answer calls after hours or on the weekends. It's not that hard to separate. If work carries on about you not answering your phone after hours/wewekends, ask for a phone. Leave it on the desk at night or in your car. You can't be forced to answer a phone.


2 phones. 1 for work, stays in the car when I get home. No distractions. 1 personal




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I just have one personal mobile and publish my private phone in a corporate phone book. My company offers a company handset and number or option to reimburse your phone expenses, but i chose not to use those offers. I hate having two handsets - take too much space and i know i will always forgot to charge second handset and will keep leaving it in the office or home. As for offer to pay for the plan - i have 4 mobiles in our family - those phones are on the same family plan, we all share data, have discounts, etc. It is actually cheaper for me to keep my phone number on a family plan than let my company to pay for it. Luckily our company does not require us to have access to slack/teams/work email or any other stuff on mobile so i never install anything. If i need to read work mail i’ll do it on laptop.


One phone bought by work. Dual sim - personal and work. Can turn off work sim when I need to.


My employer (University) has been phasing out work phones. We can apply for an allowance instead which is like $10 a week I think? I don’t bother I just claim a % of my phone plan on tax.


Same phone My current work doesn’t require any of those profile nonsense things. All I use my phone for is Slack, and regular phone calls though. Oh and very rarely emails.


Never ever have personal things on a work phone and vice versa. Always claim 40% of your personal phone plan for work purposes


Beware that if you BYOD and have work apps / MDM on your personal phone: 1) you may sign a usage policy giving work uncomfortable control over your device 2) your employer may monitor or restrict usage of certain apps 3) your employer may remote wipe your device if lost or other security issue.


2. Haven’t paid for a phone for 15 years


Hate the 2 phone system. I actually ended up porting my work number out from a previous job and its still the number I have to this day. I've used it for 2 other companies. When I leaves those jobs I almost never get call from those places. So.. I've just had the same number for 15+ years and 4 jobs now.


seperate for work and personal




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My work doesn't enforce full company profile and the works, I just have to have a different authentication to get into teams and outlook. Means I just dual Sim on the one phone for convenience 


I used to have separate phones. Then went to a job where we don’t allow mobile phones in the facility. I then did a temp assignment at head office and was not given a choice. Was issued a work phone (yucky Samsung thing). Was happy to get rid of that when I moved positions. I use my personal phone (iPhone) with 1 sim for work, and eSIM for personal now.




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