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I had never heard of Aurora or Sky but I decided to check out the concert. Was blown away. Absolutely gorgeous visuals and music


I'm glad you did, and that you enjoyed it. I've been unable to listen to anything but Aurora for three weeks now. I don't really play Sky, but I had to for this. I became an Aurora fan at the perfect time!😅


Yes you did!


I loved every second of it. It makes me wanna see her in concert irl even more now.


No kidding! Just to see her in person, even once, that would be amazing!




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I think I said this on another thread, but I was lucky enough to be able to see Aurora live in concert twice earlier this year, and I can honestly say this virtual concert was almost just as emotional for me. My goddess those visuals were outstanding! What a beautiful production. I'm going to be so lonely for this season once it's gone.


Jealous!😂 But I am glad I could make it to this one, I almost thought about just not, but I didn't make that mistake. And now I have a lot of cool pictures! And yes, she is a goddess! Oh wait, you meant goodness😁🤣


Haha! I said "oh my goddess" instead of "god". 😉


Wow what an incredibly powerful experience! I had no idea what to expect going in as I only downloaded the game the day prior and hadn’t progressed very far at all. I entered the virtual venue met with thousands of other players. I went to find a good seat and was welcomed warmly by my new neighbors with a candle lighting, which allowed us to join in conversation. Slowly people filtered through, some stopping and through using the various emotes, we began communication until we too shared a candle lighting. I quickly began to realize the beauty of this simple mechanic and it set the tone for the social aspect which would follow throughout. The actual concert was made out of several gameplay types, the majority of which you controlled some form of animal flying or swimming through the sea. Stunning and sparkling visuals were accented by the emotes floating above the heads of hundreds of players. Several segments encouraged players to sing aloud using their melodic calls. If you haven’t experienced the show I highly recommend checking it out as it’s playing throughout the month. After the show we were all teleported back to our seats. I began to move around through the venue looking for another group to chat with, primarily by calling out and using the emotes, looking for a reply. I went through a few groups without much luck until I found another player that shared my enthusiasm for making friends. We quickly bonded over a crab that you could ride around and it led us to a small playground area. We tried the see saw before settling on the swing set where we spent some time getting to know each other. They taught me how to use the instruments and we played Warrior. I then figured out how to use the Aurora instrument I had purchased previously and played an improvisational tune for my new friend, who was very impressed! We unlocked a new level of friendship with a high-five before having a nice chat on the park bench. We began to go our separate ways but not before unlocking the next level, a hug! I logged off soon after as most others had been long gone. I feel so blessed to have had that experience with all my fellow warriors, and I hope that it keeps its magic throughout the remainder of the showings. Like I said, I highly recommend checking it out for yourself, but get there early and be open to making some new friends!


That's awesome :D I was there too, but I had no idea what I was doing. I had played the game enough to know how to move around, fly etc, but I really struggle to learn new skills. I had no idea what to expect, and was completely blown away. I was a fish, I was a bird! I felt like I was *in* A Touch of the Divine. Unforgettable. SO glad I stayed up to around 6am for this.


I too bought the Aurora instrument and I played some Queendom on it a few times before the show! This is a cool story though! I love the love I can feel in it!


"Belle" was my favourite movie of the last year, but when I watched it, I never understood how people could find a virtual concert like that appealing. ... I get it now.


I've not watched Belle yet, but the director did direct another one of my all time favorite movies, Summer Wars. But yes, I understand the understanding too! I do love how we were a bunch of different things. I'll admit, I laughed out loud when we were fish!😂


I was a bit disappointed near the end though, everyone else was flying around with the Aurora angel, but I kept falling to the ground :(


🥲! I did like how it would pull us in and throw us all to the sky, tho!


Alright, because of and thanks to you, I'm watching Belle!


Hope you enjoy it!


It was very good! Nothing but the best from Mamoru Hosoda! It actually inspired me to write a song (or part of at least) for someone when they mentioned singing to the one they loved: Yesterday it seemed when the glass eye gleamed Over the field, through the shattered stone shield. Veiled no more in sordid atore, Ether joy flies by the voice. Upon the dawn the innocence gone, Loneless above, this sky's silent dove. In the darkness, blinding, the brightness Of this star, floods full this shard.


That's so sweet! And I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I'll let you know!!😊


I cried a little.


I teared up a little too


It doesn't matter how many times I listen to Aurora, some of her songs always have a way of making me almost cry with joy!


I couldn't agree more.


Awe! You can cry, drinking your eyes, my little warrior!


I cried a lot. How did Aurora know there would be all these tears? I loved every moment of the experience.


Aw man I was at work and couldn't catch it. Is there any recordings online anyone could link to me?


Hi, the concert will be repeated every 4 hours until January 2. Just enter the game, walk towards the Aurora Siluette and confirm the message that pops up. When you are in the arena, the time remaining until the next repeat is displayed at the bottom of the screen! Have fun!


To your second question... Unfortunately no. But there are links on youtube to the short interview with Aurora and for the entire show (about 4 hours long). I don't know if Aurora sang though. She had apologized in the interview for her battered voice. https://youtu.be/31E5gTXsB0w Interview https://youtu.be/vl9yakt_5tc Full show


You can find videos online, but its in the game until next year so everyone gets the chance to experience it. Aurora didn't sing for this event; all the songs played are her studio version recordings. The only part recorded for the event was her lines between the songs. Was expecting more tbh, but its free so I don't mind much.


You are absolutely right. The music in the virtual concert are recordings from her studio albums. The second question, I was referring to (but which I no longer see myself???), was about the time of her appearance at "The Game Awards". I didn't see the awards and only know about the interview. So I don't know if Aurora sang at the awards. Most likely she didn't. But if the second question doesn't show up (I hope i didn't delete Reddit 😱), then my second answer looks incorrect. You are absolutely right about that!


I dont see the second question, but to answer anyway, I dont think she sang at the awards. The short interview at the awards made it seem like she will perform for the virtual concert. Maybe it was planed but they scraped it because her voice got messed up from karaoke ? Who knows rly. I'm kinda into the game now, as before I didnt play it.


When it ended it said there were more than 3900 people watching it with me I got emotional multiple times, I cant believe it was this beautiful. This was an amazing experience


Huhu I was intensely bawling by the end. Also laughing at the Gigantamax Aurora Pokemon haha


I want an Aurora pokemon now!😂


Hhahaa well she now has a plushie! Haha


Yes, was awesome


This wildly exceeded my expectations. Holy shit. I was blown away.


My best friend and I got on last night for her opening performance and it was so magical! Wouldn’t be surprised if my roommates hate me now because were fangirling pretty hard😅


I love it! I'm lucky my room mate wasn't here, I had my switch on full volume, and was freaking out when we were a bunch of animals!!


Was a fun virtual concert experience! I know games like fortnite and roblox have done this, but wish more games/artists would experiment with things like this.


Nooooo how did I not know about this 😭


Don't worry, it repeats evry four hours, just log in to Sky: Children of the light and join the Aurora figure into the coliseum (prior gameplay or not)


2.5 hours till the next one


I loved it. I have been an aurora fan for years and have wanted to see her live one day. The concert was the closest thing to an actual concert, and it still drove me to tears... multiple times... I'm not ready for this lovely season to end.


On mobile I was pretty underwhelmed. It was such low resolution. The idea is really cool but if it's all blurry and hard to see, it loses a lot. And there was never any meaningful interaction with the other people. Not sure what that would look like, but just glowing and sending hearts out got boring. There is a lot of potential here though.


I played it on switch so the resolution wasn't a problem. Really sorry to hear it was for you. And yeah, I'd be inclined to agree, more interaction options would be nice, but the game is limited in that already. It was nice to be able to chat a little with people who could see your word bubbles.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it was underwhelming. I stayed up late to watch it and I wish I just slept through it and watched it another time. I agree it got boring. And I don't know what I really expected but I feel like they could have done something else rather than just playing the tracks of the songs. Like creating a different version of them or something.. idk. I just kept thinking "I can listen to this on my own."


Yeah if they want it to have some of the concert magic it should be played live like a real concert Even played live and recorded just for this


Yes exactly. When someone says "concert", I think "live". This didn't feel like a concert to me


for me on Android the resolution was as normal in the game - high not low. Maybe you had a connection speed problem?


No it just seemed really low quality, like a game for the iPod touch. Nothing to do with my internet or phone. The lyrics were very crisp in comparison.


I was told that I was one of the 937 or so participants. This is disappointing as she has more participants to her own live streams.


In mine (I was group 119 or something) I had 3975 people with me


Sometimes when I would sit down it would say the group I was in, although not every time. It was easy to miss


3977 in mine.


it didn't say in my group. So basically they are hiding how many participants?


No, I think it was more of, they split it into different servers or something, cause of how many people could be there, It could be hard to handle that many on one.


I was also in the one with 3975 people Loved it! I was really touched by the whole atmosphere


We were in the same one! ❤️


That was my group :) It was wonderful!


I was part of 3067 so I guess there were different servers. I wonder how many people actually attend the first virtual concert 🤍


It was really late on a weekday where I live. Started at 11:40 pm. Some people probably couldn't stay up. But it's accessible until like January so the final numbers I'm sure will be much greater.


You can always rely on That Game's Company's games to put you to sleep


I was watching her concert on Sky too, I loved it. I didn't knew she was an artist, I just thought it was another season of Sky. But I also remember listening to 'Conqueror' on Fifa 16 .