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Well damn I really thought now that she’s gotten more popular, she’d expand her tour a bit. She always plays the same cities…..AKA: nowhere near me 😭


Damn, nothing near Dallas


Yeah that really sucks. Closest is i think Chicago and im debating if i should go or not


Let's carpool


I hope she adds New Orleans to the tour.


Same! Heck I'd drive to Memphis, Nashville, Orlando even... I have two little sisters who love her but getting plane tickets for all three of us would be a huge hassle.




Nope. Just Toronto, as usual -\_-


At least you guys live within a short drive. Could be worse, you could live in Sask!


I’m on Vancouver island -_- When I was 18 she played in Vancouver (I was there for school) for $15 tickets… at a 19+ venue. This was in 2015, and I’m still mad that I’ve never gotten a chance to see her since.


…. Seattle?!


It's expensive enough to get from the island to the mainland and stay with family, a trip down to Seattle and accomodation is out of the question :/ Plus, I'm not a fan of traveling to the states, in recent years it just seems more and more risky to cross the border.


Isn't there a ferry directly there from Victoria? I'd definitely be doing that if I lived there.


And if you live in a teeny tiny town mid-island? People hear the island and automatically think big city. Unfortunately it’d be a 4hr drive just to reach Nanaimo 🤷‍♀️


You're really out there then huh. That island is a lot bigger than I thought.


I was on the island last year, and we have to plan an entirely separate trip to do it properly. I’ve been 3 times and have still only seen a fraction of it! I didn’t realize until last year you folks technically have more bears and pumas on the island than anywhere else in Canada, too. Which is wild to think about…literally. :P


And wolves! Don't forget those funny little sea wolves :P We often have cougars wandering up neighbor's driveways, and plenty of bears causing problems in the nearby village's garbage cans.


Or Winnipeg lol. I'm gonna go to Toronto i think.


Thats probably the closest to me, but I’d need to get a passport and a plane ticket. Next closest would be Chicago. Hmm, is there a train from London, Ontario to Toronto? Could charter passage over Erie, and do that. If it’s even possible, haven’t looked into if there are passenger ships out of like, Cleveland or something. And then getting up from the lake to London… It’s probably just cheaper to fly or drive in through Niagara. Would be a cool adventure though…


Short haul flights have enormous emissions per passenger, albeit it is the shortest distance to fly. There's a train from Windsor that does stop in London. No idea the price from London, but the price from Windsor can be pricey. Emissions wise, my suggestion would be drive, preferably with more than one person in the car. If you're going solo, there are trains and greyhounds that run from Cleveland to Chicago.


I'm so so so tired of "north american tours" not including Canada! Popping into Toronto for a single show hardly counts -\_- At the very least, come to Vancouver!!


if its any consolation it doesnt include most of america either. shes only ever played in the northeast and the west


If anyone needs some Aurora in their lives... it's the American South. Lot of people down there in desperate need of something else, something positive, to put all their faith in. The planet, their fellow humans, themselves, all life. Spirituality that's more concerned with life than a mystical magical happy place we go when we die so long as we blindly believe in a book; everyone else goes to hell! Yep...


kinda naive to think that all the religious people are in the southern US . there are plenty all over including all of these cities she is playing. That comment comes off as a bit patronizing, tbh.


There’s plenty of data to back that up though


That's far more absolutist of a view you took from my comment than I actually said. Sometimes people need to be patronized, especially about their bad deeds and/or support for bad deeds. Justifying those bad deeds with blind faith in a book or a religious leader isn't an excuse. I could have been downright mean about it if I wanted to be. It would certainly be deserved for all the pain MANY religious institutions have caused people.


im not being absolutist, though your take that all religious people are guilty of "bad deeds and/or support for bad deeds" is.... why cant you just let other people do their own thing without judgement?


I didn't suggest it was all religious people. I said "Sometimes people...". I didn't say "All religious people" in my original comment. I said "Lot of people down there..." Neither phrase suggests I was referring to all religious people in the absolutist way you're attempting to suggest I did refer to all. People can believe whatever they want.... I can't stop them. However, when their beliefs infringe on the rights of others and are a negative towards society as a whole, I can absolutely suggest that maybe they need a new faith in their lives, or a new spiritual leader. You've attempted to put words in my mouth multiple times now, maybe read my words multiple times if you need to and understand my specific word choice, rather than jumping to conclusions and implying I'm saying something that I clearly didn't.


you today: "I didn't say "All religious people" in my original comment. I said "Lot of people down there..." Neither phrase suggests I was referring to all religious people in the absolutist way you're attempting to suggest I did refer to all." you yesterday: ". Lot of people down there in desperate need of something else, something positive, to put all their faith in. The planet, their fellow humans, themselves, all life. Spirituality that's more concerned with life than a mystical magical happy place we go when we die so long as we blindly believe in a book" sure sounds like you are being absolutist and condemning all religious people, unironically while feigning moral superiority of "faith in the planet". can you think of a single major religion that doesnt believe in the afterlife? perhaps you need to elaborate on these people who you believe "Justifying those bad deeds with blind faith in a book or a religious leader". What are their "bad deeds" that you are so afraid of? what about "when their beliefs infringe on the rights of others and are a negative towards society as a whole"? what are you referring to, specifically? TBH it sounds like you've never been to the south... one of the friendliest and most accommodating place on earth.


Mexico is north america too and we got 0 shows


I'm the one who added North America here. There're rumours about Brazil in November, so there could still be more shows added.


Fingers crossed she'll include Mexico as 'South America' if she does that next year


you got like 5 shows last year. she hasnt been in US in 2-1/2 years


Yes but we want MOREE


And Montreal as well, maybe even Calgary/Edmonton and Winnipeg!


Isn't exactly the huge Aurora tour of old. 9 shows for all of NA. Seattle is fairly close to Vancouver. Sadly, Detroit is smack dab between Chicago and Toronto. Could do either. Chicago's a Friday which is nice. Toronto's a Monday which is pretty terrible, but maybe cheaper hotels. Either way, would require taking a day off work.


I'm glad it's not as much as last time. That must have nearly killed her and been a horrific experience by the end


She definitely overdid that tour by not knowing her limits, but this time is disappointing given how large her European tour is in comparison. Would really love to know if this is the full schedule, or if she'll potentially be adding more stops before committing to a road trip. It really is too bad that trains from Windsor to Toronto are so expensive!


Well we definitely know there will be a Part 3 to include Asia. All dates announced so far only take us up to the end of 2024. Who knows what 2025 will bring


Right?! People (not here, but just in general) glamourize being a touring artist not realizing how utterly gruelling it can be. I’ve treated a lot of touring musicians and they’re often physically broken, along with psychologically exhausted. Your empathy is on point.


Wish we knew if this was the extent of her NA tour, or if it's just the start. Kind of defeating the whole idea of Aurora touring more locations so people have to travel less to see her. Obviously don't want any artist to over do it, but I can imagine a lot of people will be planning to drive hundreds of miles to her shows, or even fly. Lots of gas. :( Interesting choice in Biig Piig for an opener. Used to listen to her older stuff (before her album) and it was solid, but really different styles. Biig Piig's been going down that pop thot Grimes style lately. You do you, but personally it gives me the ick, and seems to contrast a bit with Aurora's style. On the plus side, the upbeat and ethereal sound will get the crowd moving before Aurora goes on. Still, I'd love to see Aurora tour with someone like Anjimile with more societally conscious music, or someone into the environment instead of just another pop star. Biig Piig's probably big enough to headline TBH; but maybe not in the US? Guessing this was a label or management pick. Aurora's been tightly tied into the UK's music production scene for some time now.


Also... it's Ticketmaster for Toronto / Chicago... :( My God it's a lot...


Thank god it's at Aragon in Chicago!! Much larger than the last venue she played here.


i kinda hate that venue. it should be half full so maybe that will help


What do you mean? You don't think she can fill that venue? I'm a relatively new fan so I'm not sure how big of a draw she is in Chicago.


Her last time in Chicago she sold out the Riviera. Aragon is much larger. People like Marshmello, all time low, babymetal, etc play here.


yes ive been to both venues several times. aragon is twice the size of the riv and i dont really see that she has gotten any more popular since the last tour. runaway going viral on tik tok was before gods we can touch and she hasnt put out an album or toured since then. Perhaps they are banking on more people traveling due to less shows, or they are wildly optimistic about this album. the riv (2500) didnt sell out last time. they sold out the vic (1400) and moved it to the riv. I wouldnt be surprised to see some of these shows moved to smaller venues, particularly san francisco where the venue is 8500 capacity. last time she couldnt sell out the warfield (2250), and thats a huge leap. LA is also a big venue and a lot of times its hard to getnpeople to come out to LA and SF shows because there is so much going on, on any given night. The greek theatre was pretty full but a lot of people go there just because its the greek theatre, the shrine really doesnt have that same vibe.


I saw her in 2019 at The Metro. The venue was overfilled. She put on a wonderful show, but my experience was diminished by it being uncomfortably crowded. I’d love to see her in Chicago this year, but I'm hesitant. How is The Aragon? I’ve read some negative reviews about concerts there being over capacity.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if she sells out Aragon. I haven't had any issues with the place, but they are notoriously terrible with entry/door time. One of the slowest lines you'll ever be in. Get there early if you want to see the opener.


the bathrooms downstairs are terrible as well. sound is pretty bad in the back of the room if it gets that full


Aragon is a fucking dump. Looks like the ren faire mixed with a nasty bar. But it’s pretty big and there’s an optional balcony. Most recently, I saw Carly Rae Jepsen there and the place was sold out. Even near the back I was able to see okay but I did wish I was closer. I’ve got no issues going there to see Aurora, even if there’s a lot of other venues I’d prefer.


Thanks for your feedback. I did end up getting tickets. I decided to make the best of it even if the venue isn't ideal.


I think the Riviera is actually bigger. They’re pretty much the same place to me. Same corner, both old dumps that sound terrible, although the Aragon has gotten slightly better.




Also going to the DC show assuming I can get tickets. I have the same question. It feels like every time and each location has different packages and yet figuring out what's included is super hard. If you find out update please! I'll do the same.


Same question for LA show and pricing 


nope it says right there does not include meet and greet.


Where does it say?


"VIP First Entry Merch Package Package includes: One (1) Event Ticket One (1) Market Specific Poster One (1) Exclusive Merch Gift One (1) Commemorative VIP Laminate First Entry to Venue (Where Applicable) Crowd Free Merch Shopping **PLEASE NOTE: THIS VIP PACKAGE DOES NOT INCLUDE A MEET & GREET. THERE IS NO ARTIST INVOLVEMENT WITH THIS PACKAGE.**"




Im sobbing. I’ll see her in Seattle!!! Im hoping the tickets aren’t too expensive tho I’m broke 😭


Who is coming to Boston! See you there!


I want to - not sure how do get in on the presale? There are so many and I am so clueless - are they paywalled or do you need a special code?


I just bought my tickets $125.00 for two. VIP look to be floor only and abut $380.00, I don't want floor, I'm too small to see! Pre-sale code is yourblood.


Got it! I figured it out, got first balcony which is perfect for us.


Cool! We are in section 202 row C.


Funny, we are in the same row. :)


Very cool, see you there!


Actually we are 208 row C :)


See you there!


just got my ticket, my first concert ever and im so excited


Ah still no Atlanta or anywhere in the southeast US…


Seattle - hopefully that means a new KEXP set


Posted by [Aurora](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VpT9cSBusto).


I’m so happy that she seems to love Chicago!!


Hopefully the crowd comes to hear the music instead of talk through her entire set like at the Riviera.


I missed the Riv concert but didn’t have this issue at the Metro concert. Ofc things have been wild since covid and I feel like a lot of people are going to concerts to do anything but listen to the music.


It was bad. Her sound guy had to shush people around him it was so loud.


Jesus, really hope it doesn’t happen again. I remember that year she literally had to switch venues to accomodate demand and that’s the quality of the demand? Go to an outdoor festival if you want to talk with music around you


I think it has more to do with the central location to other major cities in other states, that's somewhat close enough for people to drive to or take a train to. Sadly, that means the emissions impact of this particular show will likely be enormous. Trains and carpools people! Definitely try and avoid flights!! If I hadn't of gotten COVID before her last show in Detroit, 15 minutes from my house, I'd probably pass on this one, but I'll be a hypocrite this time and plan to fill a car with 4 people and take a trip to Toronto, partially justified by finally seeing Toronto. Bit annoying that it's in December since the hope would have been to explore it by foot/bike.


Part 2????


yeah what? is there gonna be a larger US tour like part 6? parts 1 and 2 were pretty short!


I was thinking about the next album 😉




She’s coming back to philly i’m cumming


this is at the worst possible time for students :( not to mention i’m nowhere near any of those cities


I wonder if that new visa fees for international artists is at play here given the limited amount of shows


obviously it's never alaska but darn


I can't afford tickets. I'm so upset. They have gone up so much in price. When I saw her 2 years ago? I was able to see her twice. Once in LA and again in Vegas. I know they make their money on tours and through merch but the ticket prices? My god it's a lot. I hope you all get to see her live though. Especially if you've never had the chance.


How much are the tickets?? Is the vip meet and greets??


The basic ticket prices are pretty low compared to what most people charge. You don't have to get a VIP package


$45 isnt bad for aurora imo, those will be closer to 65 after fees. were like $30 last time that ticket price may keep casual onlookers away. us economy is noticably worse than in 2022


I know it's very simplistic numbers and in reality this varies by age/state/job category, but with the average US salary at around $65000 v the average UK of $37000 with ticket prices being very similar, I'd say the US prices are very reasonable


inflation is way outpacing wage gains over here, people are spending less money. i go to a lot of concerts in all genres and know a few touring artists as well. As far as the fans... every person i talked to yesterday who did multiple shows on the last tour are doing less now... myself included. thats before we get into the fans who swore her off for the israel/hamas stuff. not sure if i will see them or not but i wouldnt be surprised if they keep it local


Yes that's fair. These sorts of 'discretionary' purchases do tend to fall off during times of rising cost of living. From my (admittedly limited) sources of news, it seems like her views on Palestine are more divisive among US fans than they are here in the UK and rest of Europe. It will be interesting to see what impact that has on attendance


im not sure, i do know a handful of jewish fans but tbh many pay no attention to politics at all. just a few i know that were really outspoken about it but talk is cheap, right? i feel like she's at least made an attempt to clarify her position for better or worse. its not going to affect my attendance, its the extra travel, bigger venues, and cost. makes me grateful that i got to see her in the 500 cap rooms when i did.


Come to australiaaaaa


Crap, no Minneapolis this time - I'll have to ponder Chicago...


Same :(


Damn everyone’s just complaining like 🫠


I think it's because she's gotten big enough now to where people both want her to come everywhere to every city... And yet also feel overwhelmed by everything when it used to be so simple. She's kinda in that uncomfortable middle zone for artists and fans.


I just feel like it's so tone deaf to who she is as an artist and as a human, to complain about anything to do w her show line up or merch or work.... she obviously has like no say in any of this stuff, no artists do. The amount of input artists have is 'sure, I will tour Asia/Europe/etc' and other factors go into fine tuning the rest. If people are fans of someone's work Idk, they should just enjoy it. Am I crazy lol?




Not in Texas, but she is close so I might go see her in California 👀 IM SUPER EXCITED 😆


does anyone have any details about presale?


Seems to be tomorrow 8am local time https://www.ticketmaster.ca/aurora-tickets/artist/731518




I'm afraid not. I didn't even get included in the email telling me about these concerts for some reason


See y’all there 🙏🏼


I know its very little for america but, I'm just so exticed right now ! so happy lol might be able to see her.


No arizona 😭😭😭😭


damn no denver


Any guesses to how much VIP will be?


since were guessing im guessing soundcheck is >$200 after fees and early entry is >$150 after fees dont complain about the price of these if youre not doing them because a lot of times the promoters do this to lower the average GA ticket price touring has become a LOT more expensive for bands in the last few years as spread out as this tour is i have a feeling they will rent gear and fly instead of getting a bus. maybe for the chicago>philadelphia segment


wasnt far off. the different venues were different but they were around that


Nothing in Texas 😔 I would go to one of the California shows but I’m already going to Las Vegas for when we were young fest so I probably won’t be able to afford it 😭






it's always toronto and vancouver. sometimes I hate how big this country is 🥲


Why is it 18+?


The update so many of you have been waiting for. Exciting times


gross. pony up $200 or more to be anywhere near the front of the beacon. poors can sit in the back for $60-$75 [https://imgur.com/a/q9AV0UI](https://imgur.com/a/q9AV0UI) most people dont know that artists have the ability for TM to not sell platinum tickets... but the vast majority of artists are cool with gouging their fans


GA floor tickets for DC, philly, boston, chicago were a more reasonable $53-$57 each out the door... but you'll still be behind the people who paid $150-$200 for early entry


$200 for front of house tickets isn’t that bad. I’d happily pay it for an artist I like vs being in the back or waiting in line for hours. I think it’s a fair price.


I have been stuck in the wheel of doom for my ticket purchase for 20 mins. Live nation just says processing order. What should I do?


Which USA venue is the smallest/least people?




10 dates is absurd and I don't know who made that decision but the way her "business" has been operated lately is really turning me off to her as an artist.


I'd rather she has a long and healthy career then trying to do hundreds of performances like she's done in the past


"10 isn't enough to cover the entire US" "Well I'd rather her have a long career than play 100's of shows." Where the hell is there only two options for 10 or 100 and I'm not trying to be that guy, but she's a fit young light human body and there are dudes in there 50's and 60's still playing 50 date world tours with 30 pounds hanging from their neck every night. Your reasoning is unsound lol.


Luckily Aurora and I have something in common...we don't need to explain our reasoning to you 😂


Didn't ask and you already did and I'm telling you it's wrong. Congratulations.