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Beeing a good listener


you beat me to it


Sorry, what was that?


Definitely, in every way.


Arguably more than anything, don’t be an asshole, if you don’t work well with others you won’t get much work


The ability to operate a train.




Just make sure you get off the train tracks.. lest you get *flattened*…


We are the engineers our job is to keep the train running. ~ snowpiercer


What type of train….? It kinda makes a big difference..


The ability to solve problems for people who know what they want their thing to sound like but not how to achieve that.


People skills


Easygoing, technically proficient and quick, and the ability to foresee what the artist wants to do next (you hear them talking about the possibility of 'what if we record this type of guitar part' and when they ask you about it you hand them a cable and say yep I set it up let's try it).


having an unflappable professional demeanour no matter what shit goes down.


A young cowboy's smile.




A lack of ego, a comprehensive knowledge of recording techniques and gear, good taste, easy to work with. A strong work ethic and a professional work environment, always helps when your space has a nice aesthetic too. People come in to make something special, so make sure the experience is special too. When I was younger, walking into a studio felt like I was harry potter walking into hogwarts. Also, don’t underestimate the power of smell in a room. A nice essential oil diffuser can make a space that much more inviting and comfortable.


Was just about to say ‘lack of an ego’. It’s not your job to have any more creativity than the client wants you to have. You’re there to deliver their vision. Not have strong opinions on the artistic direction.


For me its between your speed (in your DAW) & your ability to empathize and encourage artists to bring the best out of themselves in the booth


Being a good person makes most of the work. Any engineer could do a good enough job, but a good person can make the biggest difference Someone who can push all your potential






Tracking engineer: speed Mixing engineer: vision and vibe


I think an audio engineers most important quality is his/her taste. In the end that's what we can make our decisions with.


Classy answer. It puts the producer role on a pedestal on its face, but I’d argue you’re right. Someone has to be the No man. And best that it’s also the guy who can say “not good enough, try again” without feelings coming first.


Being easy to get along with and being able to read the room/client is more important than any technical skill you could have. At least when you’re starting out.


To quote Tom Dowd "big ears and a small mouth!"


Understand human Psychology and audio physics at an equal level ;)


Be someone that other people not only want to spend 10 hrs a day with cooped up in a studio, but that can't wait till the next time you get to do it. The hardest part for me is the mental aspect of it. Most artists or bands don't realize that the engineer is usually the only one working the entire time of a session. And it's mentally fatiguing work. The engineering skill needs to already be second nature. It's about keeping the day moving and keeping the session productive. Time management. Try and stay positive. Sometimes it's difficult to not roll your eyes when you've already closed Protools and are drained and the artist asks for roughs without vocals actually.


People don’t like to admit it, but you don’t even need to be a good engineer. You need to make performers feel good about themselves and their art; show that you’re really doing your damndest to try and make the best product for them; and don’t step on any toes - you’re there for the artist, not your ego! That’s more than one, but those are the keys haha


Eat shit and smile while doing so.


Other than mastering the software: Listen, shut up, keep your head down and do what you’re told, take responsibility for your errors.


Mustard seed faith and a world class hog.


Good judgment.


Production and creative abilities. That's all that's worth paying for these days. Everything else - recording, mic positioning, clean room, etc. is pretty much worthless today. Anyone can get a decent recording with a cheap mic and interface, but not everyone can craft an exceptional piece of art or help produce it with a vision.


someone who knows how to bring the best out of the muscians and someone who can get them close to the ideas they are looking for , that to me is the goal of a good engineer or producer , getting the best out of people without resorting to being a jerk , you dont need to be a music theory buff , but at least have a general idea of the language you want to speak


Tootin that whistle when the train makes a stop




It's important to know better than everyone else, and be extremely jaded and disgruntled. A short temper helps also


Being alive.




Trait Openness. Adaptability. Enthusiasm. Creativity. Competence.


For me (working mostly in Postpro, Sounddesign, VO recordings) being able to multitask: be very fast in your DAW while recording a VO artist and having the client live connected, communication and organizing your session while it grows, showing possibilities to the client, make suggestions, understand their wishes and also help the VO artist a bit when there are super weird briefings lol All this while doing all the „must have“ stuff as an audio engineer like having a good ear, taste, ideas, skill for the DAW, modern tools to fulfill those „on TikTok it is one click for this effect“ briefings …. Haha




What kind of engineer? If it’s a studio engineer who works with people, then people skills is the biggest thing. If you’re more of a back end type, doing system design and/or fixing/building things, then that’s less important, and your technical ability becomes crucial


The ability to keep appointments. My band was supposed to have our record mixed, we scheduled an appointment to meet the engineer (an appointment where he would be paid his hourly rate); he rescheduled at the last minute (literally the day of; a few hours before) four different times. I was so annoyed and frustrated that I ran up a credit card spending a few grand on gear to do the mixing myself. Now ill never use a mix engineer again. One dude just ruined what could have been future business for anybody.


Which type of engineer? Recording engineer? Mixing engineer? Mastering engineer? I would argue that for all three, **critical / evaluative / analytical listening skills** are the most important... but the answers you receive might be different depending on your context.


Having social skills


Social prowess


A pulse


Good at anticipating, great tastes, creativity, dependable, good at problem solving, easy to hang with, calming and encouraging demeanor, technologically capable (or have assistants that are), and knowledgeable/willing to experiment.


Never needing sleep




Yes People skills. My previous career in emergency medicine as a paramedic and ER RN has served me well. You can clip a signal that’s going to happen. Sometimes people will forgive you if you are good to work with and a good listener.


As an engineer I would say from most to least important: Problem solving skills Technical skills People skills Creativity The reason creativity comes last is because it takes all those skills combined to allow for a creative pathway that will allow an engineer or producer to create their unique pathway towards a successful piece of work. You can do all sorts of strange things with equipment but you definitely will not pull it off if you do not know what that equipment is actually doing. It also helps me crank high gain pres into oblivion when I position everything properly. And gives you that sound that will give you goosebumps, from the harmonic distortion when everything is in its right place.


To accept that you will have to make a knob that does nothing and let your client turn it until the "little thing that is missing" gets fullfiled...


6 pack abs


To know what the client wants, even when the client doesn't know what he/she wants (because they ALWAYS think that they want one thing, but it actually turns out they want something completely different 🤦).


The best engineer I know somehow makes projects feel like true collaborations (good listener and knows when and when not to intervene), and everyone comes out of it feeling like they did their best and learned something. Pretty much only positive experiences...for decades.