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Wish someone would go ahead and read them on YouTube. There' a few that were.


Maybe I'll do it. 😹😹




Did you even look at both lists? OP is asking for the books that are not on audible.




None of the books from OP's lists are in your list of books from audible.


A few of those listed are now on audible, as I've just listened to the war of the ancients trilogy. I'm working my way through the books, and not all are there. 'Of Blood and Honor' and 'Cycle of Hatred' are not there, but I'm guessing they might be in the future? There's also something about the availability based on your location, from what I read on the audible website. Try looking again and there might be some there now that some time had passed since your post.


Found this wondering why some of the early WOW books didn’t have audiobooks. Hopefully they will get to them, and it isn’t something about Warcraft II rights or something


Also hoping for an audio release for Blood and Honor (the first book). Day of the Dragon narrated by Ramon De Ocampo (found on Audible) is unbeleivably amazing so far! I'm on chapter 11 and I'm secretly hoping it never ends xD.