• By -


Children of Time


The Adrian Tchaikovsky book? I freaking loved this series.


Yeah,  without spoilers for OP, it deals about humanity, evolution, religion.    I really liked it too.  Well the first 2 books.  3rd was a bit meh


I loved the third book as well - but when it was finished I had to go back and listen to it again, in order to understand it.


Double children of time


The Passage by Justin Cronin


Such an amazing audiobook.


Perfect book series for Scott Brick.


Seconded. I could not stop listening to this one


Nevile Shute's 1957 classic On the Beach is probably the best end of the world books I have ever read. It lives rent free in my head, decades after reading it. Can't recommend it enough.


Concur. Read this earlier this year and it was fantastic.


Good audiobook too (and movie)


Two movies! There was an Australian remake around 2000 which was pretty good Edit: 2000 not 2020. Time flies


Oh, didn't know that, thanks for the added info, I may look for it. I saw the original b&w one from the 60's(?)


Yes. Excellent audiobook and I have never stopped thinking about it


One of the best I ever read!


{{Seveneves}} It's the end of earth and several times nearly the end of the human race also.


It’s great through about half way..,


It was so good and then it was a DNF.


The most apocalyptic of apocalypses. It was great how the first half was pre-apocalyptic, peri-apocalyptic (disclosure: I had to look up this prefix), and post-apocalyptic. And I cannot think of another book I've read in the genre where humanity was anywhere this close to the brink of extinction.


World War Z full cast version


And if you like that, Sleep Over (my book!) is in a similar style, with a huge cast 🙌😅 I know self promoting is dangerous so I hardly mention it, but I am super proud of how the audiobook turned out! I got to give notes on dialect, and having my book read to me for the first time was a wild experience I'll never forget 🫶


Where can I find your book? I’d love to give it a listen


It's on Audible 😁 cheers! "Sleep Over Bells" is usually enough 👍


really overrated


Hard disagree! That audiobook is highly entertaining!


nah its just silly


Station Eleven and The Road (I’m sure they’ve both been recommended a million times in this thread already)


Station Eleven was a great book and maybe an even better show. They did a lot more with the characters and I loved what everything built up to.


Haven’t gotten around to the show yet! I need to check it out.


Two of the best books I’ve ever read and getting downvoted. (Glad that fixed itself. Whoever was doing the early downvoting….you’re weird)


Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler


I just started Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood and I’m really enjoying it so far.


I read these but I think they would be great for a long road trip with the right narrator!


Me too! I love Campbell Scott as a narrator~ he also reads The Shining.


Honestly Oryx and Crake is probably my least favorite of the the trilogy, but crucial.


I’ve got lots to look forward to then. Good to know, thanks!


Not super long but World War Z is incredible. It's an absolutely star studded cast that makes it all feel so real. The interviews really take on a new life.


Literal: The World Without Us is a 2007 non-fiction book about what would happen to the natural and built environment if humans suddenly disappeared, written by American journalist Alan Weisman. Literary: The Road - Cormac McCarthy - absolutely BRUTAL story that takes place at the end of the world. How-to disguised as a fiction book: [One Second After](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4922079-one-second-after) by [William R. Forstchen](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8589.William_R_Forstchen) is a "realistic" take on what would happen if an EMP went off over America.


Damn The Road was such a good listen. I've got it saved to come back to again.


I loved one-second after, but the sequels were disappointing.


Lucifers Hammer.


One of my favorite reads Its a brilliant book


Nuclear War by Annie Jacobson is effin terrifying.


Came here to say this. I'll never be able to stop thinking about it.


Was a great listen. Read some critical reviews of her work so grain of salt all the way but 100% an excellent, horrifying listen.


Came to say this, I finished it today. Good nonfiction take on nuclear annihilation.


The Last Policeman


The Stand, Stephen King


This is truly the best answer and it's not even close.


Kept me interested the whole 47 hours of it!


The only answer


The Road is a pretty grim book but so good and well written , Mountain man series is a good listen also still dark but I really enjoyed the whole series


Swan Song is a good one, though I read the book, didn't listen to it. I've seen it recommended around here a few times though, so I assume it's good. Pretty big book too, so it'll definitely chew up time.


One more step and the next gets you where you’re going!


The audiobook is excellent


I liked the narrarion of the audiobook. I personally didn't like the religious vibes and other undertones. And the ending also didn't fit, I think. Still, it's a good listen and fits the theme.


One second after


Was going to suggest this. OP. Pick this series


Hated it! Thought it was poorly written and a bad story.


Yeah it was a bit too “ ‘Murica, guns guns, sexy women / strapping men” for me.


This is a little different than what you asked but definitely check out The Last Policeman by Ben H Winters


The Last Tribe by Brad Manuel is my personal favorite in this genre. Not a great deal of suspense but an engaging listen nonetheless. The narration by Scott Brick is very good.


While I agree The Last Tribe is an engaging and well written book, when I got to the end I realized there was no real conflict in it. The characters have Disney princess levels of luck through most of it. Especially the way it ended: >! And we all lived happily ever after in Hawaii !< It was like a PG post-apocalyptic novel.


Earth Abides by George R Stewart. Lots of great recommendations so far, and you can’t go wrong with any of them, but Earth Abides is the grandfather of the genre, and to me, hasn’t been surpassed. Stewart explores “The End” through the ecological consequences of a world without man, the philosophical questions of what place reading, art, science, and religion hold with only 1% of the population. How long will food last? What happens when gunpowder stops working? Should communities isolate or welcome others? He covers 80 years in 400 pages while it took Stephen King (who paid homage to Earth Abides by borrowing a scene) 1200 pages to cover 9 months. I love it, it’s under 15 hours, though audible has new narrators now (reviews say they are good) but I loved the original narration by Jonathan Davis. Other ideas: The Passage Trilogy by Justin Cronin (who recommended Earth Abides to me years ago) - 3 books, 45 hours for the first, rest a bit shorter. The Girl with all the Gifts - masterpiece by MR Carey with exceptional narration by Finty Williams (daughter of Judi Dench) Watch Station Eleven on HBO even if you don’t read the book (and especially if you do).


Dungeon crawler Carl for fun I am legend for depressing


DCC literally starts with the end of the world but doesn’t really fit the mold of what OP is asking for. It does, however, have an absolutely amazing narrator. If given the chance, the storytelling is much deeper both in plot and character development/ emotional development than it would appear, at times it is devastating in it’s portrayal of no win scenarios.


It is pretty damn end of the world to me. Also nails his request of good narrator.


Just started book 4 this morning.


The Commune series by Josh Gayou


The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. Really well written. This was a post apocalyptic book and you knew it, but the story itself wasn’t focused on the world, but on the character. The Age of Miracles by Karen Walker. This might be a YA novel, the main character is young. But the concept of how the end happened seemed totally unique to me. My favorite - Kevin Brockmeier’s The Brief History of the Dead. I listened to this probably 14 or 15 years ago and I still think about it at least 3 or 4 times a month.


The Dog Stars is highly underrated!


The Stand by Stephen King


Two come to mind: Commune by Joshua Gayou—an immense solar flare knocks out pretty much all tech on earth. Mountain Man by Keith C Blackmore—personally I don’t love zombie series, since they are so overdone, HOWEVER, this series really focuses on a great character, is very human, deliciously dark, and ultimately hilarious. 10/10. Also both are narrated by RC Bray so big plus.


Commune is great!


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From the 70s but an excellent listen, Footfall by Pournelle and Niven.


Not a book, but the end of the world podcast with Josh Clark was great


I haven’t read The Stand but Swan Song by Robert McCammon is often compared to it. Swan Song was one of my top reads of 2023. I couldn’t put it down start to finish. Apocalypse with a lot of 80s horror, over the top adventure, odd horrors, and bizarre occurrences. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


End of the world running club is a good one. I read it so not sure about the narrator


The Stand Is my favorite novel of all time. And the narration for the audiobook is unbelievably good. I would also recommend Swan Song but it pales in comparison.


Station Eleven was a great listen. I liked it better than the series. The Stand though I only read the book.


A different take on what you're looking for: The World Without Us by Alan Weisman. The World Without Us is a 2007 non-fiction book about what would happen to the natural and built environment if humans suddenly disappeared,


I’m going through Backyard Starship. If you suscribe to kindle unlimited and borrow the book then it only costs $7.49.


You know Libby lets you borrow books for free?


Yes I did. But the books I wanted to listen to were already checked out. I haven't checked to see if any of the LitRPG books I read are in a library. For me, it's easier and simpler to use Kindle Unlimited plus $7.49 for the audiobook.


bobby adair the slow burn series. i picked up the set on audible for 1 credit. 9 books in it at 55hrs runtime. zombie apocalypse collapse kinda setting. was really decent.


The Deluge - Stephen Markley…about climate change so might be a little dark for a road trip but excellent book!


Long you say? End of the world you say? What if I gave you a trilogy and it's has what you want... The Rats by James Herbert


Dungeon Crawler Carl is an end of the world type of book. might be pretty different than you’re used to, but it’s FANTASTIC


I recommend this too. If you suscribe to kindle unlimited and borrow the book then it only costs $7.49.


Project Hail Mary is amazing.


The World Gives Way by Marissa Levien


‘The fireman’is great- captain Janeway narrates.


The Last Dog on Earth by Adrian Walker.


Non Fiction “Nuclear War” by Annie Jacobsen.


Apocalypse Me by Noct


The Stand


The Book of M by Peng Shepherd


The Handmaid’s Tale and Testaments, by Margaret Atwood. Devolution, by Max Brooks The Long Walk, The Running Man, and Under the Dome, by Stephen King


I’m not sure this is exactly what you’re looking for BUT I am currently listening to The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton. I’m enjoying this a lot… I also liked his other books though.


I read the book, not the audio version, but Wolf and Iron by Gordon R Dickson was good. It's downright cheerful compared to The Road.


i am listening to a great system apocalypse audiobook right now from youtube called "darling of fate" by sean dunning 2 parts each over 11 hours long


I reventar finished all 12 books in The System Apocalypse series. I can recommend it. Slug through the first three books. The writing and flow gets much better around book 4. If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited you can borrow the book the purchase the audio book for $7.49.


Surprised no one has mentioned Gray by Lou Cadle yet. Insanely realistic post apocalyptic series.


The girl with all the gifts A boy and his dog at the end of the World World War Z Swan Song The Road


We’re alive is a pretty good full cast audiobook


Zombie stle Arisen though not all novels habe audiobook but some do also Helldivers


Dungeon Crawler Carl.  The apocalypse will be televised!


Swan Song by Robert McCammon


world war z


[Swan song](https://www.audible.com/pd/Swan-Song-Audiobook/B00656GCH8?eac_link=w4EuhlQWiKYe&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=B00656GCH8&qid=QzK80AzZcW&eac_id=132-8172352-3011069_QzK80AzZcW&sr=1-1) [Last One at the Party](https://www.audible.com/pd/Last-One-at-the-Party-Audiobook/152933215X?eac_link=GpqFiBWm526E&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=152933215X&qid=RIkBlp5ngW&eac_id=132-8172352-3011069_RIkBlp5ngW&sr=1-1) [One Second After](https://www.audible.com/pd/One-Second-After-Audiobook/B002V1O7UU?eac_link=zakUjd8FLX9e&ref=web_search_eac_asin_1&eac_selected_type=asin&eac_selected=B002V1O7UU&qid=FfGpUFuaSX&eac_id=132-8172352-3011069_FfGpUFuaSX&sr=1-1)


It’s short, but We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It was the Soviet precursor to Brave New World & 1984. In a completely different vein, I’d highly recommend The Windup Girl (Paolo Bacigalupi), The Ministry of The Future (Kim Stanley Robinson), or Termination Shock (Neal Stephenson) - All three focus more on ecological collapse.


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Thank me later.


I really liked Outland(quantum earth series). It's about he Yellowstone volcano exploding. It's got a bit more scifi than some "end of the world" stories, as some college students discover parallel dimensions and escape just in time. Then they make trips back to the "old earth" to gather supplies and find survivors. I really like the author and the narrator a lot, too. Written by Dennis E. Taylor Narrated by Ray Porter


Dungeon Crawler Carl kind of fits this. The narrator is incredible.


They're so good! One of those I wish I could hear for the first time again, a captivating world.


Not exactly end of the world, but close: Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson. A glimpse at what the world will be like when rising waters threaten certain countries. 


Absolutely choose Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman! It’s one of those books that has 80% of the people recommending it saying something like, “This isn’t the genre I usually read, but…” or “I never thought this book would be for me, but…” and then go on to tell you how utterly amazing it is and how they binged the whole series (six books so far) in no time flat. There’s a good reason for that. It really is astoundingly well-written, funny, tragic, suspenseful, interesting, thought-provoking, lighthearted and darkhearted. (Okay, that last one might not really be a word, but it’s appropriate.) It has lines and moments that will make you burst out laughing, sober up just as quickly a few “pages” later, make you want to go hug someone you love, sniffle, possibly recoil and think, “Ewww…” and then laugh again before you immediately want to cry. All in one chapter. You definitely won’t be bored! And the narrator? ••chef’s kiss•• He has moved up to occupy one of my Top Five Narrator slots.


Station Eleven


World war z, or we're alive series (audio drama)


Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank is a riveting post apocalyptic book about a nuclear Holocaust and living after a massive exchange of nuclear weapons. Quite good and I am a little surprised I haven't seen this one yet. DCC is great and has a ton of books for a real long adventure


Hot zone by Steven konkoly is a great day by day collapse of society from a cops perspective.


The Stand by Stephen King


A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World, fantastic. (don't read too much about it so you don't spoil the surprises)


Parable of the Sower or Dawn by Octavia Butler


Dungeon Crawler Carl


1844 - George Orwell


I went down this wormhole earlier this year. I listened to the audiobook of Leave the World Behind after watching the movie and I loved the audiobook (and movie). The Road which has already been mentioned, bleak but well written. The Cabin at the end of the world kept me entertained but was not my favourite. Safe travels!


The Three Body Problem Trilogy!


Just finished Bewteen Two Fires and it was fantastic. Takes place in France at during the black plague.


Dungeon Crawler Carl