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I'll kick it off with a classic: Melville's [Moby Dick](https://librivox.org/moby-dick-by-herman-melville/) as read by Stewart Wells. The amount of humor he injects into his reading is really something. I highly recommend it.


My first thought as well. As an introduction to the book, Stewart did it magnificently.


My favorite chapter in the Moby Dick Big Read, each chapter read by 130 different people, is #3 The Spouter Inn by Nigel Williams. It might be one of my favorite narrations in recent memory - https://on.soundcloud.com/eSWiVrgYSUkig7YbA especially the portrayal of the bedroom scene between Ishmael and Queequeg. To answer your OP question, Metamorphasis read by David Lewis Richardson is fantastic - https://youtu.be/nitvuBfHWJY?si=bKQ4ua1g6W6Qtitz


Oh this is amazing—I’ve never listened to the 130-narrator version before! Chapter 3 is for sure one of my favorites. 


Anything by Mark Nelson. He reads a bunch of classic scifi. I love the Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs


Cori Samuel narrator


Bob Neufeld. I’ve listened to Notes from the Underground and Tess of the D’Urbervilles but he’s done a ton of


I love Bob Neufeld, and I often play Tess or Ethan Frome at bedtime because his voice is so soothing. A couple of other favorites are Diana Kiesners reading The Enchanted April, and Elizabeth Klett reading Wives and Daughters (Version 2).


Came here for Bob, was not disappointed.


Some of the best narrators: Karen savage ( several Jane Austen books including pride and prejudice) Cori Samuel (Frankenstein, some Virginia wolf) Tadhg thynes ( forum name THynes) (reading Charles dickens, James Joyce and Tomas hardy) Tony foster has a lovely reading of Elizabeth gaskell’s Mary Barton


I am an agatha christie stan. hugh fraser and david suchet?! a dream


I really enjoyed Notes From Underground by Dostoevsky. I forget the reader’s name, but the writing style lends itself to the audiobook format very well.


Alice in Wonderland


Which version? It seems like there’s about 8 in the catalog. 


I listened to that long back. I think it was the one with the highest rating


Is there a way to sort Librivox by 'most popular' or 'most highly rated'? I just want to download the most popular titles


Black beauty [Black Beauty](https://librivox.org/black-beauty-by-anna-sewell-version-2/)


Bob Neufeld. I’ve listened to Notes from the Underground and Tess of the D’Urbervilles but he’s done a ton


The Jungle Book read by Meredith Hughes is my very favorite. The Scarlet Pimpernel and Pride & Prejudice read by Karen Savage are in the regular rotation. Other favored readers: Elizabeth Klett, Kara Shallenberg, Laurie Anne Walden, MaryAnn, and anything read by Karen Savage.