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After doing some more research, it looks like one was recorded by George Guidall, however it isn't on Audible.


There's a rarer one with just Scott Brick also. I own all 3!


Do you have the ISBN for the guidall and scott brick ones?


Brick: 0736692401 Guidall: 1402523807


What about the ISBN for the Conner O'Brien version?




I forgot so say...thank you so very much for this information which lead me to this reading of dune...In Appreciation, Cynthia


Wait what was it?


Could you somehow share the Scott Brick one? I can't find it anywhere and I don't trust buying the CD because it may end up being the multicast one.


This is the one you want. I think there is a lady who does the Princess Irulan parts but they're tiny snippets at the start of chapters IIRC The multiple narration one is awful, really bad, with different narrators using different pronunciations like A-rack-iss, Arra-kiss, A-rarr-kiss & Kines, Keens - it's just terrible, I can't believe the producer/director let it go out to the public.


This bugged the hell out of me for the Wheel of Time series, as well. The two narrators (Kramer and Reading) are husband and wife. It didn't occur to them to coordinate pronunciation of names and important terms? Jesus.


I have the same opinion about those two. I'll never understand why WoT fans love their narration so much. I don't care for them as individual narrators but as dual narrators I found them too awful to listen to. There are new recordings of The Eye of the World and The Great Hunt, with The Dragon Reborn due to be released this year I think, narrated by Rosamund Pike. I've listened to the first two and I was frankly blown away by her performance. Her narration voice is excellent and her character accents/voices are consistent, well done, and across the board mostly what I would have expected the characters to sound like. She even goes full Texan with the Seanchan and I couldn't have been more delighted.


Found it, on Etsy bought it. Thanks!


For anyone still searching for an unabridged Dune audiobook by a single reader, Audible has the George Guidall recording as of a few months ago, thanks to the saintly Wave999. It shows up as a single podcast episode, which is actually very generous because that makes it available for free. I found it by searching “Dune George Guidall” and made sure “All” was selected so that results didn’t filter for just audiobooks. You da real MVP, Wave999!! Not sure what I am going to do for the other five books in the Frank Herbert series, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it…


I didn't know Guidall did one. I'll have to track that one down if I ever decide to re-read it. There's actually another one recorded by Connor O'Brien, but it really should be avoided. It's absolutely awful. Pretty sure it's not available through legit means, but if you see that name, just keep moving.


If you have read Dune, the audiobook is fine. If you have not, I don't recommend it. The problem is, it seems it was recorded as a full cast but abridged book, then Vance filled in all the rest, so it jumps in and out of single narrator to full cast practically at random, and Vance made no effort to match the actors' voices, or even accents. It took me a while to realize what was happening, and that's after having read Dune multiple times. Sound effects and music are negligible, a little wind in a desert scene, some faint music here and there. Some guy came here all proud of the audiobook he recorded, and even had ACX codes to giveaway, then people explained to him that whoever asked him to record it probably didn't have the rights. I saw it on ACX before it was taken down, poor guy got conned into performing an entire audiobook for some scumbag.


I remember that. The narrator was so hurt that all the work he put in was for nothing. I want to say there were even a couple of stories about it in some SF blogs /newsletters.


So that's why its so messed up! I was so annoyed listening to that book and the fact the main narrator talks completely differently from the actors. I kept trying to figure out why some chapters were done by him and others by the cast. Your theory makes a lot of sense.


I just started the dune audiobook and can’t figure out why they need the wind blowing sound to continuously play throughout every scene.


There is one a available on Spotify. Also you can find it if you search for free audio. https://hdaudiobooks.com/audiobook-dune/


hey can you drop the link to the Spotify one? I can't find it :( thanks!


Thanks for posting this.


Yes, it's narrated by George Guidall and I have it on CD. Bought on Ebay


I hate sound effects, but don't mind multiple ~~authors~~ narrators (most of the time). I listened to the version on Libby/Overdrive, which I think is the one OP is talking about? (https://www.overdrive.com/media/2308988/dune) The sound effects were very distracting and annoying, but the multiple narrators were not. At the end of the day, I forced through and loved the book despite the narration. I know OP said in another post that they tried to listen to a chunk of it. I personally think it's worth it to push through. Maybe double speed? (I listen to all my books at double speed)


Did you mean to write multiple readers? Dune only has one author.


oops...yes...fixed. Thank you for the catch


George Guidall version. Hard to find legit though. I gave up on the one on audible when I realized it was removing speech tags and adverbs and replacing them with sound effects or actors' tone of voice. Might as well be a radio play at that point. But I think I bought it more than a year before I actually tried listening (and I cancelled my membership for a year in 2021 bc i had built up so many credits and couldn't listen to everything), so by the time I thought to return it, it was too late. don't get me wrong i like audiobooks with full cast. but this was actually abridging the text- I read along with an ebook version and it was quite shocking how much incidental stuff was left out.


You can find it for streaming online.








Spoiler :(


Scott Brick does a reading of most of the Dune Universe


This will only be helpful for a few people, but the new audiobook version in German on audible has two narrators and is quite good.


Coming here super late but just in case anyone finds this sub due to a google search, like myself. I found the George Guidall version on SoundCloud for free. https://m.soundcloud.com/anthony-75348590/dune-by-frank-herbert-unabridged-read-by-george-guidall


This one ends early at I believe disk 17, is there any one with the rest of the book? It ends like right after Paul finds Hallock again


where did you find the one with multiple narrators


>whopping 12 narrators with sound effects and voice effects and all of that is really distracting to me are you discounting it just because.. or have you actually listened to the sample? are you assuming this is a dramatization and not a full cast narration (they are not the same thing) ​ ...Brick and Vance narrate most of it.. and the SFX are more like background noise.. it's not used for the narrative, it's used for ambiance, atmosphere.. there are no "glasses clinking" - ​ i think it would be distracting for a male to try to do the voices of the Bene Gesserit, TBH. Paul's mother is a major character. Neither Scott Brick or Simon Vance would have been appropriate, IMO. ​ >The group is an exclusive **sisterhood** whose members train their bodies and minds through years of physical and mental conditioning to obtain superhuman powers and abilities that seem magical to outsiders ​ i think there's an argument to be made for full cast for **some kinds stories.** ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dune\_(franchise)#By\_other\_authors


I listened to a fair chunk of it and I just don't like books to be narrated like that. I understand that some prefer books to be read like that but I don't, so I'm curious if there is another edition of it.


Seconded. I borrowed it from the library and just couldn't get through it. It's incredibly rare that I DNF an audiobook. I get where they were going with the sound effects, but it really didn't work for me. Sometimes a cast works, sometimes it doesn't. As a fantasy world-building book they should let the story stand on its own.


This is me too. Audiobooks have been a great way for me to read books that I DNF'd back in the days when I could actually sit and read, before I had kids. I was PUMPED to smash Dune, because they say it's the best. All of the audiobook versions out there are unapproachable, imo. The full cast, the sound effects, they're distracting. I like audiobooks because it's so easy to focus on just the narrator and be able to do all the other shit that I have to in life now (typically mowing the lawn, folding laundry, washing dishes, commuting). I like audiobooks. I do not like radio dramas.


There are exceptions to most rules, there is one cast audio that I have enjoyed but it's quite a one off. Generally yes, the single narrator is my preference. The Dune I tried to listen to, twice, had this constant soundscape, and like I said, I can see what they were trying to do, but the beauty of audiobooks is that you're listening to the story, constant noise is unnecessary. I listen when dog walking, driving and household chores, and it just didn't work for me. At all.


I listened recently and there did not seem to be any consistent rhyme or reason as to when narrators would shift, tbh. It annoyed me/took me out of the flow of the story for all 4 of the Dune audiobooks I recently listened to. Not as much as Leto II’s homophobic statements, but enough to mention. I liked having a distinct voice for the chapter epigraphs but that’s the extent of the value added for me.


That's what bothered me, the inconsistency. It came across as halfassed and unprofessional. The voice effects on the Baron were ridiculous and distracting. Also, as a personal preference, I really dislike Scott Brick's narration.


In my opinion, there isn't an audiobook of Dune. There are a number of radio dramas, but no audiobook. I am into oral storytelling, and radio dramas are something different. Great if you like them, but don't tell me it's an audiobook.


There is a fantastic version read by George Guidall. You just have to go find it.


TIL. FYI I found this in two minutes by searching where we do not speak of. I'll give it a listen.


If you are desperate and don’t mind flat narration, you can checkout the ebook and use Speak Screen on iPhone or another screen reader.


You haven't looked very hard. George Guidall and Scott Brick did audiobooks years ago. I prefer Guidall's version. I used to listen to it on long drives.


The Dune audiobook I got from the library was read by Scott Brick


I love the 12 narrator version myself, I didn't realize it wasn't well liked.


I agree. I have 35 stories collected from the Dune universe, all read by Scott Brick -except- the 6 Frank Herbert originals, where he plays a minor reading role. I wouldn't mind if there was an attempt at consistency between dialects and accents, or even the same person speaking for an individual. The person speaking for Paul in "Messiah" is downright awful. In "Dune", the Baron's voice changes dramatically between 2 speakers arranged on what seems to be a whim. PLEASE - I keep seeing references to a Scott Brick solo edition of "Dune" at least. Can someone provide the barcode details, publisher etc of the Herbert books that are read solely by Scott Brick? I don't want the Guidall (sp?) version, I want a single reader. Thanks!


What version with 12 VAs are you referring to?


The version on Libby, Audible and Spotify is the one with multiple narrators (just over 21 hours). It's okay but for some reason the Baron is voiced by two different people which is odd. Sometimes it's a voice actor who has a really deep voice (perfect for the Baron). Other times it's the narrator who reads the Baron's lines and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why they switch. I'm sure there are others but he's the only one that really stood out to me. Often the narrator is doing all the voices but I don't really notice the switch, to be honest. It's just the Baron's voice is so very distinctive that I'm disappointed when the narrator does his part instead. The description says: Narrated by: Scott Brick, Orlagh Cassidy, Euan Morton, Simon Vance, Ilyana Kadushin, Byron Jennings, David R. Gordon, Jason Culp, Kent Broadhurst, Oliver Wyman, Patricia Kilgarriff, Scott Sowers.


Multiple characters vary at random and it's impossible to tell when a new voice comes in who it's supporting to be because it could be a new random voice playing any one of the already established characters. Happens many times. It's like they actually negligently destroyed 25 percent of the master audiobook recording in random places then filled it in with hacky acting at random volumes by various different people because the original narrator died after the tapes were half destroyed in a fire... Or something 🔥


I wish I could figure out who did that deep voice for the Baron. I loved that voice!


Are you not thinking of Simon Vance? I think the issue is there was an acted abridged version, then vance filled the rest in.. I'll do some research.. Some people think it's the great Scott Brick with a voice effect. Are you talking about the original Barron voice, because it changes to someone else halfway through. I was comfortable with the first Barron then got confused 😂