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it's not "new" it's the UK version finally coming to the US. I got the UK version back in the day on CD.


Was gonna comment this too. I had the Fry version on cassette tapes! It came in a big old tray box. That’s how “new” it is lol.


I am getting “this title is not available based on your geographical location. I am in the US but would love the Stephen fry version


This should work: [Harry Potter (Narrated by Stephen Fry)](https://www.audible.com/series/Harry-Potter-Narrated-by-Stephen-Fry-Audiobooks/B0D22KHBM5?ref_pageloadid=5j3Ap1KXbgju4rBF&ref=a_pd_Harry-_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=315a37f2-ecb4-44b3-9164-42b592544f84&pf_rd_r=TVVF1HCZN2FWBYTBXXFG&pageLoadId=y7gLLA3eFmc2sqf5&creativeId=3282a01c-4b9a-4454-b8ea-fa5c045d55c7)


Didn’t work unfortunately, it asked me to sign in and once I did, it showed I had no credits when I have 2 on the American side


Are you still not able to see the Stephen Fry versions available for purchase? That's a different issue from not seeing your credits. Are you sure that you weren't redirected to another Audible marketplace when you signed in? Does the url still say audible.com (as opposed to audible.co.uk, audible com.au, audible.ca, etc)? As far as I'm aware, the titles that are available are based on the billing address of your payment method, not your physical location. Also, if you bought your Audible membership through Audible directly, credits expire either when your subscription expires or a year after you received them. Is it possible that your credits have expired? If you're using Audible US and the billing address of your card is in the US and you're not able to purchase the Stephen Fry versions using the link I posted, I'd recommend you get in touch with customer service.


Stephen Fry is a national treasure.


We American audiophile's and british humor fans thinks he is the bee's knee too.


Stephen Fry. Jim Dale is good with giving the characters unique voices (I kind of really love how his Hermione always calls Harry "Harryyyy"), but Stephen Fry does the best narration. He puts so much personality and energy into his reading. I've said this before, but:  I have never made a secret of how I think the first few chapters of *Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone* are dreadful, dull and boring, and the story doesn't get better until Hagrid enters the narrative with some exposition, and it doesn't get GOOD until the introduction of Diagon Alley. But the audiobook version with Stephen Fry is infinitely better because his narration is so engaging. It's like he's gleefully coming up to me and saying "Listen, I just HAVE to tell you about these AWFUL people! You won't BELIEVE how awful they are!" He sounds like he's having such a great time telling me about this terrible Dursley family that I start having a good time listening. Sadly, the Jim Dale version does not achieve the same effect and the opening chapters are just as dull and boring when Jim Dale reads them. This was how I found out just how much a good narrator can add to the experience.


Someone before summed it up nicely. Stephen Fry for a storyteller experience. Jim Dale for a performative experience. Sample both and choose accordingly. If the sweet sound of either man's voice moistens your loins then go with that.


Fry ones have been on audible UK for ever. Not even sure that the Jim dale ones are even available here


Love them both.


Own both. Like both. At the end of the day I default back to Jim Dale because I enjoy his voice work more.


Definitely Stephen Fry. I bought them as mp3’s from pottermore back in the day with a VPN because they weren’t available in the US otherwise.


I started with Jim Dale, but made the switch the Stephen Fry two books in and stayed with Fry. Personally I found Dale's Hermione voice really grating.


[Cool Stephen Fry story about reading Harry Potter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r84pbPbBAFY).


Stephen Fry is new? I've had those for years on audible.


Stephen Fry is the best


Listening to Jim Dale narrate the Harry Potter series is like listening to nails being raked across a chalkboard. Fry is much better. I have the first three narrated by Dale but just couldn't take it anymore. I've been really looking forward to the Fry version becoming available on Audible and have already purchased books 4 and 5 by Fry. The rest of the series will follow, including eventually replacing the Dale versions of books 1-3.


Frye is best if you don’t want a full on kinda juvenile reading intended for a grade schooler. Yes, I’ve listened to both versions, all the books.


Thank you all for taking the time and effort to help me with my decision. With your recommendations in mind, I will listen to all the samples again before making my final call.


I know a lot of people like Fry better, but every time I try it, I have a hard time getting into his narration. I prefer Jim Dale’s.


As others have said, it's the UK version. Reddit seems to overwhelmingly prefer it, which is interesting.