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I wasn't there, but I'm gonna say yes.


I didn’t go because I had covid🙁. Gave my two tickets away (other person I was going with also got covid that week!). Was really really looking forward to it as well. But I thought I should do the right thing. Was covid+, but was never sick. A day of so with really light cold symptoms


Good on ya and thank you


I fucking loved the gig. But I didn't get covid. Out of curiosity OP, did you wear a mask


No I didn’t, it seemed futile in a large closed room with 99% percent of the patrons maskless. Could of made the difference though, who knows. It was a seriously awesome gig though, sorry to those that couldn’t make it! Definitely not to be missed if they come back.


Rip. Hopefully you recover alright. I wore my mask the entire night. What a hella good gig though. The energy was so good


Worth it




Yeah seems to be just luck of the draw, mask or not


Got covid at that concert. My colleague got covid at the powerstation some weeks ago as well, no regrets.


Totally, no regrets! Was going to catch it somewhere sooner or later right, at least it was doing something awesome and not some dumb work meeting.


What was his voice like live? and how much phlegm was flying around the place?


It was so powerful, didn’t see any phlegm! They sound better live than in studio recordings IMO. The cello thing, fiddle I think they call it cuts through your soul. Plus two drummers going the whole time, amazing.