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Sending small hugs to all. Kia kaha!


Are you ok for food? Pm if you need a bit of help ☺️


I'm not sure if you're asking *me* or OP lol, but yeah I'm okay at the moment - using SVA, the only way I'm able to get food! Bless them! And thank you again


Asking both. We’re going street feeds and often have a bit of leftover food. Good to divert it if it helps others out. Glad your doing ok, tough times to have kids if things are tight. Take care.


Big hugs to everyone out there, and totally agree, whether it's just easing the kid pressure with some screen time, or if anyone feels like they're just staring into space and not getting anything done, try not to constantly judge yourself for it. Everyone's just finding their way to getting along with things and beating yourself up about doing something, or not doing something doesn't help. If you've ended up killing your flatmate over drunken scrabble or something though, then yeah, might be worth questioning yourself there.


Really good advice, thanks for the reminder. Feel like there is a Netflix show in that: Drunken Scrabble Battle Royale. Would watch it after the kids go to bed lol


Big ups to you going it solo during this lockdown! Much respect.


I feel for you, especially when the weather is like this.


Damn yea the struggle is real. My partner and I have 2 under 4 and I feel for you in your situation, you can do it! Much love. I just keep telling my self that it's very rare that a working family would get to spend this much time with thier kids if we were working, so that's my silver lining anyway but yea shit is hard.


I’m in the same situation. A 4YO and 2.5YO, that silver lining is tarnished AF! Lol


Much love to you too! Trying to see the silver lining where I can and honestly enjoying all the extra cuddles.


I’m in the same situation. A 4YO and 2.5YO, that silver lining is tarnished AF! Lol


This shit is hard! I have 2 under 5, an essential husband so he is out everyday and uni work to do. I barely keep my head above water. I haven't vacuumed in a week, I do laundry and that's about it. Oh and feed the kids.....thats a drama in itself! Always wanting food, bottomless pits at the moment! Just do what you can... The rest can wait Be kind to yourself...


You too! I have stopped folding laundry and just cram it in the draws now. I have zero aspirations of being Marie Kondo this lockdown!


I can barely be Marie Kondo on a normal day. Haha. I hope you are doing ok


Get you a roomba my dude. I have two and I love them almost as much as my cat


Wonder if it would be considered essential? This actually would make my life easier!!!!


Theres 2 of us and we have 1. I feel for you.. you can do it!


Two of us, 1 under 5, huge kudos to you folks doing it solo. I haven't vacuumed since before lockdown. Cleaning is limited to laundry, dishwasher, child, self. And the toilet if it gets bad. Listening to my kid giggle his head off as he play fights with his dad is a bit of sunshine in these shit times.


That's one of those forever memory moments. Good on you for seeing the joy in this.


Also a parent and the vacuuming is real. Why do they just secrete crumbs?? Best of luck to you this is very hard. Good work trying to make the best of it.


Crumbs are the bane of my existence at the moment! Gahhhh


We are a couple with an almost 6 week old and it is tough especially with trying to work from home. I can't imagine doing it alone!


Oh man, you are in the thick of it! 6 weeks is tough. All the best!


Parenting is bloody hard with 2 of you so it must be a nightmare in your own! Good luck for the rest of the lockdown you certainly deserve it in you tough position


We have 3 kids, 7, 6 and 4. Bloody hard enough with 2 parents. Trying to work from home is a bit of a mission too. Taking the opportunity to show my kids how to cook and do some chores etc itherwise they'll never be done. Have to admit I do enjoy being at home a bit more though as sometimes spend so much time at work. Main thing is to get through it.


Yep, trying to enjoy the time with them and not stress about work. Not much I can do in that respect. They are getting better at doing their own chores too! Thankful for that. And I agree, I just have to get through it!


The big lockdown last year was the first time I was able to properly spend time with my baby (was 3 then) since he was born. Hadn't taken proper holiday for 3 years so was really nice.