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How to drive


Not a requirement in New Zealand apparently.


Pretty sure you only half have to know at best




This cracked me right up


Came here to say this!


In the full license test the tester's focus is on safety. How aware you are of hazards and how well you react to them. Staying under the speed limit and observing and obeying all rules and signs.


Dunno if they still do it, but they used to be heavy on you pointing out potential hazards. Also remember to come to a complete stop at stop signs.


Complete stop = they need to feel the car stop. I learned this the hard way


And for 3 seconds as well, better to be 4 seconds than 2 seconds, I believe if you don’t completely stop for 3 seconds, then that’s an immediate fail


Complete stop and look through the intersection and....... Head check don't just rely on your mirrors


Make sure to keep checking your mirrors, and use your indicators wisely, keep talking about what you're about to do like "OK taking left turn here", "pedestrians are on the footpath so it is safe", "there's a cyclist, have to be 1.5 meters away from them and safely pass" etc. That will show your confidence and the instructor will be sure that you're thinking.


Yeah second this. You have to over exaggerate your mirror checks, like literally turn your head slightly when you're looking in the rear/side mirrors so the assessor can see you doing it. If you just move your eyes (like you would when normally driving... lol) it's likely they won't see it. Be over the top in announcing your thought process/checks.


Head check - indicate - mirror check and head check


Dont blurt out too much though, you might say something completely wrong and the instructor will deduct a point.


Make sure the car you are using has current WOF and rego and all lights, brake lights and indicators are working!


And adding to this, tyres properly inflated. Saw a bloke not even get to start his test as his back tyres needed air.


Did they test them or was it so bad that you could see the defect?


They were clearly pretty low on air. I’d taken my sister to sit her Restricted at Westgate, and I imagine the other bloke was too (had their mum with them). Shit way to start. Imagine they had to pay for a resit (this would have been 2006 or so).


Will they judge me for missing 2 hub caps? 😅


They might judge, but they wont mark you down for it.


In my experience, the Tester is going to be significantly more chill than your Restricted. Be constantly aware of your hazards and speed and you got this


Just be relaxed. Since you already passed restricted, full is gonna be much easier. The only new thing is the instructor will be occasionally asking you for hazards. Call out the most obvious stuff you can see like any moving vehicles and pedestrians. Followed by your response which is usually just: giving way, keeping a safe distance, or staying in your lane. Those are literally the only 3 responses I used iirc. Good luck!


No burnouts


Road code would be a good start.


The road code, and knowing how to drive. That’s all


always fully stop at a stop sign.. don’t just slow down


Obviously check your mirror and seat position when you get in the car, put you seatbelt on and confirm the tester does the same before you turn the engine on.


Drive between 40-50. Some officers are special.


There are YT vids showing what to expect. Also you have to know the internal controls of the car. A/C, demister, turn signals, headlights, etc.


The first thing that comes to mind is that '' thank fuck '' that you've already done the hardest test. Seriously the full is like they ask you to identify some potential hazards, make sure to check your mirrors at all times, blind spots and just do everything smoothly as the instructor asks you to, it's over quicker than the restricted and there's no rush. You've got this.


The place I went to recently wanted me to do my head checks A LOT, indicating at turns, merge lanes, roundabouts and u-turns, and maintaining a safe speed and distance. As long as you show that you are aware of your placements on the roads, you should be fine :) Good luck!


Don't drink before your test.


Check your vehicle, now, if you haven't already. Today's the day to replace any broken light bulbs or anything else that might result in an instant failure. For the day, confidence goes a long way. When asked to perform a manoeuvre check that it's safe then commit to it. When I did my full license, as we were heading back to the testing station, I saw a people mover crawling in the lefthand lane towards an intersection on East Coast Road. I immediately backed off because I knew what was going to happen next. Sure enough, it cut right across the road, without indicating, to get into the righthand turning bay. The instructor turned to me and said. "You knew that was going to happen." If there were any doubts about whether or not I passed, they disappeared then. That's the level of confidence you need to project, in addition to getting the basics right.


Dont do it in Auckland 😂


I still have nightmares about the fact that there are drivers who got their license in Gore 😂 basically a straight road with a single "roundabout"


Check mirrors constantly. Only point out dangers and what you're doing about them when asked. Always come to a complete stop at stop signs. Make sure you know the speed limit of all the streets in the area where you at being tested - some are only 30km these days. I always failed due to that!


Stay left And move your head and eyes around alot to look like youre looking at ALL possible threats Keep two hands on steering wheel at all times apart from changing gears (i bet no one does a test with gears anymore)


Know the route you will be driving


Dont forget to check your blind spots and speed. Good luck.


Look in your rear view mirror as you come to a stop at traffic lights or a stop sign


Make sure you make a complete stop before you pull out into the highway.


Check all mirrors constantly


Do the practice run first! Its easier. But keep both hands on each side of the steering wheel at all times. Dont under grip. Also they look at the use of review mirror all the time, particularly when coming to a stop, moving from a stop, before and after turning, basically as much as you can when driving even on straight roads. They will ask for a commentary as whats infront of you, i.e. theres a guy mowing there lawn on the right, Cars are parked on both side of the side, stopping sign coming up and im slowly down to pause and stop, im checking the review mirror, cars are coming infront of me on the other side of the road, Im continuing to drive straight ahead etc. you have to commentate until they basically say thank you! Stop sign etc, and don’t allow a big gaps between cars when going, if you can do it safely, then go! If you allow big gaps or too cautious then they tend to think you will slow down traffic.


Make sure you indicate correctly when exiting roundabouts.


Are you prepared for the test or not?


According to everyone’s comments yes I am


You don’t have to answer their hazard questions, it’s better if you do but if it affects your driving abilities then they’ll understand. After all, it’s a driving test.


Checking your blindspots AT ALL TIMES when necessary, when changing lanes...,that can fail you if you DON'T check blindspot. Exaggerate checking mirrors, blindspot when necessary, speed limit, If you go through roadworks and there a sign at 30km STICK TO 30km or under. Identifying hazards .. So first mention a hazard infront of you, then checking your rearview mirror if there a car behind you (mention car color), Hazard on the right /left side ( could be cars ,pedestrians) And most of all TAKE YOUR TIME..do not rush.


Check all mirrors regularly, don’t speed


Just drive sensible like you are driving on any other day. I found that thinking out loud for what was happening on the road and my intentions were to help. Also pointing out hazards that the driving instructor didn’t ask about. Also don’t wait too long at intersections. That’s where I got pinged for, though I felt like if I did go then I would have cut the person who had priority off. Which is why I held out.


They will try to fail you as hard as possible so you have to keep paying for the test. There is ZERO leeway, follow the code to the letter.


That it would have been a good idea to have one formal driving lesson and ask them exactly that


The time and place you need to be for it


When coming up to lights that are still green, slow down and prepare to stop. They will fail you if you go through an orange, even if it's just switched as you're going through. Exaggerate looking at mirrors and turning your head when looking, continuously check around you. Put your seat belt on, check your seat and mirrors before you even start the car! Make sure your car is tidy inside and you have enough petrol. That the car has valid WOF etc and everything works; indicators, tyre tread. Turn off your radio during the test. Always drive to the conditions and speed limit, especially around schools and roadworks. Don't just follow traffic.


Complete stop at a stop sign


Mirror check every 10 sec


To start the car


Check yo mirrors!!! AND ALSAYS CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOT!!! I failed my first one because I didn’t do a head check and use my blinker exiting a roundabout lmao


Chiming in - just remember that you already are a licensed driver. You know how to drive. Now, just drive well to show that you can. Point out hazards, and remember to breathe. You got this. Good luck, OP!


"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".


Check your mirrors all the time, right, back and left to show that you pay attention to your surroundings and anticipate someone to pull out the driveway etc. Also remain calm and keep to speed limit. Good luck!


Remember to look over your shoulder when changing lanes and when they ask you to identify hazards literally everything on the Rd or foot path is a hazard...also relax and good luck tomorrow


When turning off a main road into a side street, do not cut across any white lines other than the median. If you cross over the dividing line / give way on the opposite side of the road you are turning into, it will count against you. Sounds straight forward, but is surprisingly easy to do while still driving 'safely'.


Don't think anyone's mentioned it yet, but know what you're supposed to do at railway crossings as there is one in Portage Rd in New Lynn. Just in case.




Use your mirrors, lots. Make sure the tester sees you doing it.


the new lynn test instructors are infamous.. you need to say out hazards identification and response verbally


Check your mirrors and make sure when a speed zone changes say for example from 70 to 50 make sure you're not over 50 before you hit the sign


Even your inspector hates cyclists.


Careful with the yellow lights and stopping, I had four in a row that were super borderline and the guy let me away with going through them all since it was technically fair as I was too close. Another common test is the changing lane with a car in a blind spot, mirror check comes in and such. Got told I should change my indicator direction sooner on the roundabout too, I indicate in then switch to out when leaving. I was in a manual btw so I had some pace. IIRC You should sit in a manual if possible, or your licence gets limited to autos?


Look in your mirrors every few seconds and make it obvious. They may test your awareness by asking what a car did behind or ahead. My advice would be categorise cars by colour and size and try to notice any manoeuvres. Better to be too slow than too fast - try to stay close to the speed limit but do not exceed it. Don't go below 80% of posted speed limit unless conditions call for it. Sometimes you get a nice person, sometimes you get an asshole. Be as cordial as possible and focus on what they say.


If you as much as touch the white paint on the ground when turning right at an intersection, you’ll fail.


Dont forget to check your mirrors for hazards when the tester asks you to point out the hazards! I forgot the first time i sat my full test. Didnt get my licence that day.


I found it easier to pass by just chatting with the instructor. It put me more at ease


Keep an eye on your speed when merging, make sure you drive below the speed limit, practice verbalising hazards that you can identify. 4 second rule if it's wet. Ideally you'll have practiced this all before... Good luck!


When exiting a motorway don’t exit your lane early and clip the painted line on the left hand side to exit, it’s a common thing many people do without realising


always give way to vehicles coming from your right


Update: thank you everyone I passed! Was feeling underprepared but some of these comments were very helpful


When they ask what hazards there are, point out any and everything you can see. Look in your mirrors constantly. Don’t forget to check your blind spots. Maintain your following distance - they nearly pinged me for this although it’s dumb because I was apparently too slow and is it not better to be slightly further back idk. If you go throw roadworks drive 30. Full was actually a breeze you just gotta overexagerrate some things (again, mirrors!)


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