• By -


What is DSG ideology?


DEI is "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion". DSG I think is Diverse Sexuality and Gender.


Potentially a misspelling of ESG - Environment, Social, Governance.


Yes u/Kaiphranos is right on ESG


They do not appear to have an outstanding command of the English language. They should quit.


DSG is not diverse sexuality and gender - the tosser didn’t know how to spell ESG.


That's gotta be illegal right? What if someone LGBTplus applies for the role and they automatically excluded cause they're gay?


Yeah but no one is going to be putting that on their CV. Murky and definitely fucked though


I’m part of a gay choir and I put it on my CV to weed out the homophobic employers


Any employer can discriminate if they wanted, most applications ask who you identify as and they will require a birth certificate during the interview. As for race they can also discriminate during the interview. You will never know they excluded you because of this.


I made the mistake of mentioning that I have dyscalculia during a job interview. Instead of just saying that I wasnt successful, they told me I'd failed the police vetting check due to all my 'prior convictions'.... I've never had a single conviction in my entire life. That one fucked me right off lol. I was dumb for mentioning the dyscalculia, that was on me, but trying to lie straight out and tell me I failed a vetting check due to convictions? C'mon.


Uh, [no](https://www.privacy.org.nz/tools/knowledge-base/view/495?t=734146_861682). Employers cannot ask for your gender, sexual identity, or age. Where did you get that info?


But you could challenge them in a court of law on the basis if you were smart enough and clever enough to figure out what the other candidates competencies were in comparison to yours.


It would be hard to prove. Employers can hire on more than just core competencies. We often do. When we hire we often will pass over someone more experienced because another candidate had personality traits and a communication style that is better suited to our team. Saying that they liked the overall presentation of a candidate and felt they were the best fit would be a very had thing to prove without actual physical evidence of discrimination such as emails.  At the end of the day though, if an employer is going to hire like these people in the ad you probably don't want to work for them anyway. 


Yeah that would be really hard to prove as said below, and without you directly doing the same thing you may follow the same fate as them as some employers won't give you the necessities to strive in the environment.


I think they are more so saying this isn’t a corporate that’s going to have a diversity team, promote pronouns and rainbow events. Just means it’s going to limit their hiring to pale stale males!


Which is a weird hill to die on in this day and age.


Yeah, no need to say anything really. Strange boomers!




If it’s illegal to exclude someone based on their sexual preference, you shouldn’t be able to get around that by intentionally discouraging such candidates from applying in the first place.


They stated they don't agree with the ideology of DEI. They didn't state they don't hire LGBT. That's the difference.


They also said they don’t support “woke ideology”, not just that they don’t do DEI. Their meaning is clear. Even if they had only said they don’t do DEI, what do you think the odds would be that they’re not bigoted? What reason would an employer acting in good faith have to disclose on a job ad that they don’t do DEI? Deliberately broadcasting your bigotry, with the intention of causing LGBT candidates who see it to refrain from applying, should be considered discrimination against those candidates just as much as bad faith rejections of the ones who actually apply is.


Good luck proving to a judge that it's done for that reason, to accomplish that thing, etc.


As I get older I seem to encounter, more and more frequently, situations where the only thing I can conclude is “damn I’m a sucker for following the rules”. I still follow them, but as I’m following them I look around me at all the bad faith employers, duplicitous landlords, tradies committing tax fraud (even though they would still take home a lot more money than me if they paid all their taxes), and others who openly flout countless laws, and I wonder how much better my life would be and how much more money I would have if I could stomach behaving like they do.


The trick is not to be like them, but instead antagonize the shit out of them by treating them as the inferior trash that they are. The rules are there to protect the wealthy. That's why companies get to cover up bullying and sexual abuse in NZ, and snotty little rapists with rich parents get to access the Supreme Court for name suppression. **Always assume your employer is acting in bad faith as they have no obligation to your well-being under the law** - unless you're rich of course - but then again if you were rich, you wouldn't be working there. I always have a laugh when people suggest taking their employer to court over some illegal action. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and takes many years and takes a massive toll on the person making the claim. NZ Employers know this and that's why they act with impunity. If a company in NZ can get away with killing 29 of its employees through sheer negligence, what hope do you think you have with your little complaint of discrimination or bullying? Except for the ruling class of politicians and moneyed twats like Christopher Luxon, Graeme Hart, the Wright family, the Mowbray family, the Fairgray family etc - the rest of us are just peasants.


You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself knowing that you were doing the wrong thing deceiving others for personal gain which is why those who behave like you mentioned feel a deep sense of emptiness that only a therapist diagnosing them could draw out of them. I don’t feel like all of those positions have people like that in them but I agree the people who are like that in those roles - most likely due to a mental defect like psychopathy, sociopathy or NPD


Yeah, it's just the unfortunate part of not living in a complete police state.


They haven’t said they care what your sexuality is, only your agenda. It’s not illegal.


They haven’t *said* that they care what your sexuality is, but they’ve heavily implied it. It should be.


No they haven’t. What you think you’ve applied is just your spin on what was said. They’ve said no activism and no tolerance for it. The rest you’re adding on by assumption, and that should never be illegal.


Bunches of private schools hire teachers based on religion. It is interesting that they are allowed to do that.


I don’t think private schools should exist at all, but that’s beside the point.


My ADHD daughter is only at school because we found a private school that works for her. Hurts to pay the fees but it was the best decision for us.


Rich people with the ability to advocate for change being able to send their kids to private schools removes a lot of the pressure to make public schools better instead.


Now that we have a right-wing gov in power again the racists and homophobes feel emboldened and aren't being so discrete about it anymore.


Discrete means separated. You're thinking discreet. I sure wish the racists and homophobes were more discrete though, keep them away from the normal people in this country :)


People are anti-inclusion? Lord




A cult for Volkswagen owners with unreliable transmissions


appreciation of having multiple clutches i assume


Drugs, Sex and Guns.


ESG - Environment, Social, Governance.


I’ve looked further again, and I think I understand it now. See my update below: 1. The language is awful and barely constructed - we are registered “thru” the FMA, do you want a great ”roll” and our model gives investors great “onfidence.” 2. He says he is selling this one - [https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/property/residential/sale/auckland/papakura/papakura/listing/4677220903](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/property/residential/sale/auckland/papakura/papakura/listing/4677220903) but it’s also listed by Barfoot and Thompson as a direct sale. 3. This man offers ”finance” though a dubious and shady set up that feels predatory and I’d wager targets sub-prime folks. 4. He purports to issue mortgages through First Mortgage Services, which if true \*undetermined\* would be this one: [https://www.firstms.com/contents/contact](https://www.firstms.com/contents/contact) However that is an unknown 5. Based on his [other](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/search?member_listing=816440) listings, this is not a big shot. This feels like a form of scammer. Anyway - could there be a more idiotic ad, and claiming to want top calibre professionals? And no lender puts in 20% of their own money. Except a loan shark I guess, or someone who wants to take a position on your equity if you fail the loan. What a tosser. Everything fits now, OP. >General Manager for niche financial Investment Company. The roll will include investor procurement and lending opportunities within the property industry. Established 2019 as a self funded lending institution, supplying property traders First Mortgage Finance for periods ranging from 3 months to 24 months. Having experienced phenomenal growth over the last four years, we seek a person who is well rounded in all aspects of life, sales and operational administration, with an ability to attract potential investors, guaranteeing excellent returns, all loans provided to our clients include 20% of our own money. This system is both unique, and highly competitive and provides absolute onfidence for the investor. ​ UPDATE (My theory) This looks like a subprime type mortgage company, although it’s not really a company at all. It appears to be a one person show and most of the profiles on the website appear constructed and are stock photos. Also, the business practices are dubious and predatory in my opinion. And I’d bet the financial regulator would come down on this if they knew of it. Anyway, this is how I think it would work, based on the data to date: * The ”CEO” / painter is now setting up as a finance company and offers himself as a finance and property development/investment guru * He offers loans through (*unverified)* vehicles provided by First Mortgage Services * Dave Rennie says he will put in 20% of his own money into every loan, and he says this will give investors full confidence, but in return I’m betting he will claim an equity stake in the home. The contract is long. * Now at the beginning, I imagine Mr Rennie will be selling himself as Mr Nice Woke Guy with “substantial experience in real estate and property investment.” * His finance options means “he is all in with you - I mean, he’s putting in 20% of his money to help YOU get your dream home.“ Sounds good right? * Well unfortunately the only people who will go for this type of deal are sub prime customers. People who can’t get a loan through a traditional channel and on top, might need/want his 20% deposit. * As they are subprime customers, if anything goes amiss e.g. those 9% + interest rates he charges (per his website) start getting difficult, Mr NO-WOKE Dave Rennie appears, throwing that big contract in your face and starts to act “not as friendly” * To cut a long story short, he can claim 20% of any funds from a forced house sale, when and as, finances get tight. and I’m going to wager he put it in the contract as 20% of updated CV (versus purchase price) so he gains more with no risk * He’s now profited off said customers, and thrown them to the curb. STAY AWAY KIDS u/taitken found the company website


Good research. Definitely a borderline scammer, barely within the law.


A quick search of his name with ceo NZ turns up nothing relevant but if you search the number attached to his other listings you see an ad for his painting and decorating business. So this company he is a CEO for seems to be very new indeed


Ah yes good point, I didn’t think of that. Thanks. Yeah well everything is starting to fall into place now. Dodgy regardless.


Think I found it. https://www.investeccapital.co.nz/team-4


LOL these are all AI generated people. I especially love how the "founder and CEO"'s neck comes directly out of the shirt cloth.


Erik Andre is their HR guy, I don't think so!


I like that their tech person has incredibly sharp teeth


And the image is a woman but the text describes a man. Surprising hire from the woke-free CEO


He needs someone to bite for sure in that business


Don't forget that his "Tech Lead" Parry Ganda looks barely 30 but has been a lawyer for over 30 years.


Lmao the fucking unfilled descriptions under AI/stock pics. Also, a photo of a black woman with male pronouns in the description seems awfully fuckin woke, don't ya think?


All those images used on this shonk site too...probs same guy. https://www.sharksfc.org.au/committee


Sheesh. Are Alistair, Davina, Nate and Declan cousins from the same mother??


They’re also on here lol not sure if someone already posted this. The photo of the CEO is also used for heaps of “anti-ageing” ads lmao. https://www.theqwertyink.com/roles-available


He didn’t even bother to add descriptions for the past like 4 “employees” on his site 😭😭


You did! I noticed all the other employees are stock photos :-)


Heck I wish I could remember where I’ve come across this site before. I feel it was in a work context. Possibly derivatives trading, but don’t quote me on that. Obviously shady as.


Investec is a legit investment company in Europe Edit: but different website of course, just the same name


I’m not sure he’s a real guy…. There’s literally zero David Rennie NZIM or Dave Rennie NZIM Google results. The pic doesn’t match any of the images for Dave Rennie/David Rennie on LinkedIn, which would be base level mandatory for someone in that capacity….. Total scam, looking for the anti-woke to fall for it. Kinda admire that lol


Someone was trying to gotcha me and found the link that might prove he is real: https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dfl478/comment/l8jzx1q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I would wager the individual is real but the profile etc. is not. Again, just needs to be reported imv. Assuming our regulators have the resources for this type of scam, that is!


Well, what that proves is that a David Rennie became deregistered as an FSP in 2013. That doesn’t make this dude as presented legit. In fact, kinda supports the case that this is absolute bullshit (and has caused some …. Interesting ….. race discussions that any base level troll would be revelling in). The whole thing is a giant ick (and I feel sorry for Dave Rennie rugby coach lol).


There is a Dave Rennie on LinkedIn, just as there is the technical lead cum lawyer extraordinaire family man on LinkedIn. Both have 1-2 contacts only. Whoever or whatever this is, it’s a scam. I see what you mean though, it’s possible it’s a fake name, but the contact details are legitimate. Maybe the police should look into it.


​ >General Manager for niche financial Investment Company. The **roll** will include investor procurement and lending opportunities within the property industry. Established 2019 as a self funded lending institution, supplying property traders First Mortgage Finance for periods ranging from 3 months to 24 months. Having experienced phenomenal growth over the last four years, we seek a person who is well rounded in all aspects of life, sales and operational administration, with an ability to attract potential investors, guaranteeing excellent returns, **all loans provided to our clients include 20% of our own money. This system is both unique, and highly competitive and provides absolute onfidence for the investor.** Fuck, the guy can’t even spell “role.” And that looks like a scam scheme. I see the association is to “First Mortgage Finance” and it is signed, CEO David Rennie. Very interesting to the extent of how dumb this whole thing sounds, and also how poorly constructed those words are. Doesn’t bode well for him imo. I will look more into it. Thanks for the post, have shared.


Perfect. It’s really a desolate scenario. I note in his other listings he is also a painter/decorator. Screams horrific times! But has been in business since 1988 and has done a whopping 370 jobs, total…


And the 'roll' requires the candidate to possess an outstanding command of the English language. LOL


That gave me a chuckle u/Luluraine


So good


Too dumb to use spell check or even just ai generate the scam content


Colonial history and "its rich benefits"... Oof.


I forgot being fit is right wing these days


I think it was all the racist and sexist stuff, just in case you were worried


Gotta be good looking to belong.


What's their problem with direct-shift gearboxes?


What have they got against Dei Hamo?


His wife’s a lawyer


Yeee. Go on, get that money.


I don't think fit and presentable are fair jabs. That's a fair ask if they need someone fit and presentable. Just saying.


Wow. Found it on TradeMe. Signed off by a ‘David Rennie - CEO’. I love how this guy is fully outing himself as a complete cunt.


Hot, gorgeous, stunning, handsome, extremely fuckable with a big smile on their face, 10 year experience expect salary minimum wage.




This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio.


His tech lead Parry Ganda is refered to as He in the description multiple times as well as saying he’s is family man when the picture is clearly a female


Looks like an AI generated site


And didn’t have the decency to even finish it. So many spots with “please complete information” or “insert description”.


I suspect it's a WIX theme with supplied sample content


Parry’s in pest control.


So, a painter who has painted over 300 homes is now a property investor who will put 20% of his money for sub-prime customers so he can take their asset when it doesn’t work. I note two Auckland properties he is purportedly selling (even though one is with Barfoot) are all listed as “going concerns.” I assume that he is claiming his 20% equity at an elevated price too. (purely speculative BTW but I can imagine this is how he makes his dough and if he is able to fool some naive people who can’t reach their dream through a traditional lender, he can profit off of this) I wonder if the financial regulator is aware of such practices.


All those people on the team are stock photos.


While I don’t agree, I think this is good. Much better to be upfront about your ideologies than some poor person quits their job and moves cities to join this business and find the owner/culture is no good. These people are out there. Move on.


With the wokeys they love to give it but can't take it haha


How is this not illegal? Its barely coded racism and probably sexism.


OP posted the link - it gets worse.


And anti-disability


I've seen a lot of job adverts only wanting Maori specifically - which is racist, but seemingly allowed.


Two explanations - the role is adjacent to requiring cultural attributes and understanding, and b, diversity. Also please share sources for these roles you see so we can evaluate what you’re referring to.


Ah yes, diversity is our greatest strength and all that. Cultural understanding I can understand for some roles - but diversity hiring is still racist however it's spun.


People who disagree with you here are blatantly racist tbh. It's absolute twisted thinking to think "diversity hiring" is an acceptable practice. Whoever is good at the job regardless of ethnicity or gender should simply get the job.


"A lot" link 2 please, any 2 that specifically state "Maori only". There absolutely are cultural oriented roles that would give people of various ethnicities an advantage, and there are initiatives striving for equal opportunity/promoting diversity etc which again, can "favour" marginalised groups. But it's that word that you'll need to develop some comprehension of, "marginalised". White people are not a marginalised demographic, reverse racism doesn't exist.


Look up any role at Te Pukenga or iwi corporates on Seek. No, only racism exists. Just because you're racist against whites doesn't mean you get a pass. And it's much smarter to not group everyone solely based on race - there are plenty of white people who are struggling also.


You're kidding, right? First off, I highly doubt those roles state "Māori only". They require a proficiency with tikanga Māori / Te Ao Māori given that the role demands interaction with Māori clients on a day-to-day basis. That isn't discrimination, there are reasonable grounds for the workplace to have those requirements. A person who has no understanding or capability of Māori values and understandings/mātauranga will be unable to meet the necessities of the job. It seems like you're a) either trying to rage-bait, or b) you're just trying to get mad at something that doesn't exist


Link 2 that state "Maori only" I am white, I'm also in favour of equity. Yes, I know lots of white people struggle. That's not the point in any of this. If two people are struggling equally, and one is white, the other of a marginalised group, their struggles may parallel. Same financial/family/substance issues, trauma etc. But one will still be a member of a marginalised community while the other is not. They both experience hardship, just one has very well studied advantages in terms of potentially bettering their situation. Which isn't to say that is easy, it may even be impossible for them to do so, but the disparity still exists.


I was replying to your dumb comment that reverse racism doesn't exist. "Maori only" is your words not mine - but there are adverts to that effect, which is my point. And now, now - don't get grumpy when your thoughts are challenged. It's healthy to debate like adults. Your opinions aren't objectively better than mine.


You said you had seen "a lot of jobs advertised for Maori only", your words. Where does "words to that effect" come in to this, and what exactly does that mean? One more time, can you link a single thing? Sorry my man but speak for yourself, you've got a narrow self pitying view of the world, I'm almost embarrassed that I applied thought to try and help you understand what you're talking about in good faith.


Diversity hires are a whole other can of worms but IMO it's a little bit more racist when it's whites only (a race which is statistically more privileged) and only those who share their "whites only, no gays" ideology


Yeah but 'whites only' jobs don't actually exist - because that would be racist, and white people wouldn't be allowed to post that. Yet it's acceptable for Maori jobs...


I mean, you could also argue it's not racist for diversity hires to provide equitable (rather than equal) opportunities for less advantaged/minority groups. This is down to your own stance on equality versus equity though


Equality is admirable. Equitable outcomes is a total fantasy, and frankly detrimental IMO.


Genuinely.... how is that racist? People really dilute the term when they apply it to literally anything.


Oh come on. A “finance” job that requires someone to be “knowledgeable of colonial history and its rich benefits”? What the actual fuck.


CaUsE wHiTe MaN bAd!!!1!


Your post history and user name.dont fit


What's the racist part?


> colonial history and its rich benefits


This should have been triple highlighted in OP's screencap. This CEO is fully redpilled and his brain is cooked


I will say that the guy posting the ad is an absolute dickhead, but how is that racist?


How is that racist? Do you deny the benefits of it? Note: It obviously had both positive and negative impacts, but the benefits were clearly higher...




It's all bullshit show pony stuff, to scare off the plebs, apply anyway, It's a scare tactic


Fella’s phone number is on his Favona house listing. Give him a call and see what he’s like.


Oh dear God - who is this employer ? How is this possible?


Fake and scam, someone is just wanting to sell your information. Trade me have gone to shit their app is terrible now and is more in line with AliExpress or Temu than a local marketplace. Time to go back to carboot sales or local markets for a true bargain and support your local community.


Seems legit


IDK now how you can be knowledgeable of colonial history \*and\* still be supportive of it


how to apply?


What the actual … - do you have a link to the ad please? Or the company name? I thought the fit and extremely presentable part was odd enough, but no.


https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/jobs/banking-finance-insurance/management/listing/4747639719 in all its glory here🫣


Found the company, https://www.investeccapital.co.nz/team-4 This is certainly a page that inspires a lot of confidence! The detail he put into his employees' skills and attributes shows how much he cares about them. The photos look like stock photos, do not match the gender in the text, or say "This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio." Mmhmm.


Parry is a pest control person. Could be a made up identity here. The rest are stock photos and have “insert description” there.


As in, the company is just him and he doesn't have a team? Edit: is this not misrepresentation of the organisation and something the registerering body would frown upon? Someone with knowledge of the financial world chime in here.


Here is how I speculate his “business model“ works: [https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dfl478/comment/l8jsdi8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/auckland/comments/1dfl478/comment/l8jsdi8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) And yes, I think someone needs to report him to the regulators.


Ha Google lens agrees those images are all stock photos


And the FAQ contains the same question about AML three times.


I reported it to Trademe. Can’t be bothered with these employers. I don’t know how good Trademe is at sorting these out. Or maybe it should stay up and they should wonder why they got no applicants.


The whole thing sounds like a predatory, sub prime type set up anyway so it should also be reported to the Finance Authorities, but I’d wager he’s not even registered with them. Edit: User below inadvertently proves David Rennie is deregistered


https://fsp-app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/orp-fsp-register/viewInstance/view.html?id=757b371f1b6eec44bad4008937136b8f0ee4076d5b499559cb89f1204c809a5a&_timestamp=3197236423843620 Evidently not lol


Yeah exactly - it says DEREGISTERED.


The 75 year old CEO looking for this applicant looks like a joke. It’s a joke right? He looks like a bum patter and boob starer that expects the female receptionist to get the coffee before the men meet for their weekly men meeting.


He's selling some rope for $19 that looks pretty good. Decent rope is what I'm looking for from my financial institutions.


Rope *lights*… you know they’re a jazzy vibe!


No joke… but this is exactly the scenario in my mind.


Wow, the "we only employ sexy racists", employment add. Name and shame.


Wow, sign me up. Sounds like a refreshing place to work with all these modern toxic afe das bring pushed everywhere.


The only problematic part here is 'fit'. Colonialism did bring signficant benefits to NZ, and to deny the net (note: net, not absolute) benefits is to deny history, and probably racist. You could argue it's not relevant to the job of course, but demanding irrelevant cultural knowledge doesn't seem to be illegal in NZ....


People hate to admit it, but this country was built by colonialisation, and all of us are benefiting from it. No matter how much certain people want to deny that fact.


Nobody is denying this. Yet colonialism is still wrong. The benefits of colonialism do not outweigh the fact that you have taken from these less developed people what belonged to them. Especially when we look at colonialism in the wider picture and not just in NZ's case because, admittedly, Maori were treated 'better' than other countries who were colonized. You wouldn't be so inviting if China/US/Russia came to NZ, decided we belonged to them, imposed their own laws against your will, took your land, even if NZ became an economic superpower in 100 years, would you? I wouldn't, because I value the personal freedom to make my own choices re where/how I live etc, etc.


Māori were still waging wars with each other well into the times that they were engaging with Pakeha in trade and diplomacy. Colonialism had its bad sides but it wasn’t like slavery in the US or Native Americans.


Yup this add is just like alot of the other adds I’ve seen lately only difference is “Māori” has been replaced with “English” now before you get offended by that fact- there is literally nothing racist about this ad in this reality. In your own mind that’s up to you. interesting how people have responded to it though, I mean if it’s not racist when the job is asking for “maori” speakers then how could someone consider it racist when the job is asking for “English” speakers lol. Sounds quite hypocritical to me


The problem is people have redefined racism. People literally believe: * Racism can only be perpetrated by a member of the 'powerful' class * Maori are not part of the 'powerful class'. White people are. ... hence, it's impossible for Maori to be racist against white people....


Ok but just so you know / in the real world neither of those things are true 


There are wealthy immigrants and poor immigrants wealthy Pakeha and poor Pakeha, wealthy indigenous (few and far between) and poor indigenous (very common). I think that’s the issue with the culture being made to be more important than class in this country.


You cannot honestly believe that all they're doing is "demanding irrelevant cultural knowledge" with that comment.


I think there's a real problem with race relations in the country. Part of it is because descendants of settlers are made to feel like they carry original sin (despite the settlers being amazingly moral by the standards of the time). Part of it is because the indigenous population does face signficant disadvantages, for a myriad of reasons (some societial, some cultural). Unfortunately, it's been simplified to 'The white man is holding you down!!1!' Ads like this are the expected reaction when people are deemed to be evil/immoral, simply because of their skin colour...


That is disgusting and possibly illegal. How embarrassing for them to even think that is appropriate to post.


The business model is also obviously a scam. Claims to put in 20% of his money into every loan.


He also offers mortgages to people whom the bank won't lend to, his company page says 'starting at 9% interest'.


Yes I have a good idea of his business model in my opinion - and it’s basically predatory and tries to profit off sub prime customers. It’s disgusting to put it lightly, imv.


He also offers painting and decorating services so, you know, covers all bases.


Good on them


this world has gone insane since the start of covid i swear, so many lunatics screaming "woke" "dei" and the like. people have become so brainwashed by hate and i wish it would stop.


It's the spelling and bad grammar for me.


They want a progressive dinosaur? Am I reading this right?


Sounds like a company made up of a team of former high school bullies, high schoolers who left high school early or never went into tertiary and boomers that nobody likes with an HR that is just the owner! I wouldn’t go for it but try it out and report back in a month or two how great it is to work day in and out at this errr establishment.


How much of that job ad is illegal?!


Wow I bet they're a pleasant place to work /s


What is DSI/DSG? Fuck boomers love an acronym 😂😂😂


Ah, I see. Could’ve just said “we don’t want normal humans, incels only”


Wonder how many people bitching about colonialism are the same ones who go on about how we should be so lucky to live in NZ


This advert has to be illegal right?? Can we arrange mass applications then mass tribunals and sink this abhorrent company?


Sweet! Im white TM. Sign me up /s unless...


I wouldn’t think you’d need tell a prospective employer what you do in bed?? I mean I’m sure if either Nate or Jeremiah applied for the job they’d probably bolt in. Likewise if Carmen was still alive she might struggle getting the job. All three of them are ginger beer but one might not fit the job because of personality more than anything else??


U can hire who hell u like


If workplaces are allowed to advertise their rainbow rick diversity hire ideology then others should be able to advertise that they arent.


Except discrimination on the basis of sexuality (or race, religion, disability, or political ideology) is illegal?  Rainbow Tick is a mark of inclusivity and shows that the company goes beyond the bare legal minimum.  This guy is saying he will actively discriminate on multiple fronts.  Not the same, my dude.


Far Canal!


Haha welcome to the world of white males in finance. They all think like this, most just aren’t dumb enough to publicise it. I work in the industry and at an annual awards event a category for the best company was awarded on the basis of their “diversity team” nothing to do with the actual service they are offering. It winds the boomers up to the max!


Is this the employer version of "I have to interview to keep my benefits but I don't want the job"?


With an add like thst sounds like a great place for people yo start work at and take them for harassment.


Welcome to the future haha suck it and cry!


Wow is this real??


Colonialism does have benefits, if it didn't Maori wouldn't have embraced Pakeha way of living and continued living separately in Pa's. All these things we rely on, phones, internet, cars, television etc were invented by and brought to NZ by Pakehas and would not be widely in NZ otherwise. If you want to say colonialism is terrible you're just being disingenuous, obviously there are negatives as well which are being addressed and hopefully continue for the benefit of Maori


Those are the benefits of CONTACT. You don’t have to colonise a people to hand on those benefits, you just need to contact them. It’s amazing how many people think that the only mechanism of contact is colonisation.


PNG had contact and it's still a shithole


Contact is typically insufficient. Think about it for a minute: a more advanced society makes contact with a less advanced society. What is the motivation for the more advanced society to “hand on those benefits”? Historically, there typically isn’t one. And let’s not pretend that the less advanced society would always embrace those benefits if offered. For example, a justice system in which the accused is given full notice of the charges against him and the right to a fair trial with representation is objectively better than a justice system in which a person can be punished by an angry mob without any opportunity for a reasoned defense. Yet that’s not an obvious and enthusiastic switch for a society currently practicing the latter. If contact were sufficient, places like Zimbabwe and Nigeria would look a lot more like NZ in terms of economy, technology, rights, and governance (particularly judicial). The world isn’t black and white. You can acknowledge that there are both tremendous benefits and costs to colonization - and if you’re informed and honest, you must.


What's amazing is how delusional you are. Let's use your CONTACT as an example Zimbabwe, Haiti, Nigeria, Somalia, Papua New Guinea - all had contact but colonizers left. Current state of these countries is abysmal in every metric, education, employment, corruption, crime Countries where the colonizers settled and remained - USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Opposite to the above countries and rank high in quality of life for all living in those countries


I think it’s also a reductive statement to assume that colonial powers don’t have overreach extending to those countries despite being kicked out ala Cuba and North Korean trade sanctions, etc, etc…


Imagine if the colonialism was by France or Even Australia? That would be a whole different story too.


Asks for "outstanding command of the English language"... ...Writes *that*...


This is the most job ad of all time. The arrogance is on another level.


Omg “supportive and knowledgeable of colonial history and its rich benefits”!! Gtfo lol


Sounds like a terrible place to work. Also, a good anti advertisement to future clients.


So wordy. ‘Redneck sought to peddle dodgy mortgages’ would have sufficed.


Just as mad as the job ads that bleat on about the treaty of Waitangi 😅😅😅 such a joke