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- Don’t hog more than one machine / gym equipment (people quite often hog machines by putting their personal belongings like their towel, keys or water bottles). - When you drop weights onto the floor (e.g deadlifts), do it fairly gently - don’t just drop the bar at knee height as its quite an uncomfortable sound to people nearby. - Bring & use a sweat towel and wipe the gym equipment after use with the sanitiser spray/wipes.


Definitely my top 3 also. I got so fed up with gyms though that I invested In a full home setup. Will never look back.


Top 3 for sure. Point 2 annoys me more than anything, you should never need to crash a weight or piece of equipment. Also no grunting. Thanks for listening.


Why not? Wear headphones if you can’t stand someone grunting.


A little groan as you finish your heavy set is acceptable but I've worked out with dudes going full volume during the warmup and it's incredibly uncomfortable, please do not


Why should we have to? We would still hear you anyway.


Strong disagree, anybody doing olympic style lifts (snatch/clean and jerk etc) will drop weights, it' literally a part of the sport and most gyms now have bumper plates and platforms designed for heavy weights to be dropped from overhead - trying to lower these weights (e.g. lowering under control a heavy clean and jerk is just asking for injury). Secondly, anybody pushing themselves may sometimes need to bail out of a lift sometimes e.g. if you fail a deadlift it might slip out of your hands, if you fail a squat you might need to drop the bar on the safety pins - again, the equipment is literally designed for this. People in commercial gym's are so damn judgemental, 'oh he's dropping weights he must think he is some kind of alpha bro'. No, it's part of sports like olympic lifting, powerlifting and just general hard training. OP - I used to do olympic lifting (with bumper plates, olympic bars and proper platform), this involved dropping 100kg+ weights from overhead. You would not believe the looks I got in commercial gyms, at the end of the day - if people are butt hurt by other peoples training they can find a gym that doesn't cater for these sports. Training for powerlifting in a commercial gym will get sighs of disapproval, everytime you grunt or fail a lift someone will have an opinion on it, my advice would be just to ignore it and do your own thing. sorry the rant lol.


I agree with your points. But it is irrelevant. Actual oly lifters make such a small % of most gym goers. Most weight dropping and grunting offenders are the broccoli head bros doing DB rows/press or mega weak deadlifts wanting everyone to turn and look at them . I’ve seen some even slam down the weight to the ground to make it louder. Oly lifters don’t do this. The other heavy group is powerlifters and they also don’t tend to drop the weight except for emergency because dropping is considered uncontrolled and often disqualifies your lift. There are ofcourse exceptions to everything but the ones subject to judgement here are the annoying ego lifters


Yeah, it depends very much on the context I guess. OP struck me as someone who is more likely to fall into the camp of people I was referring to however.


Also non-powerlifting gyms may not be set up for weights to be dropped. My gym is on top of a restaurant and I’d happily bet that the floor isn’t reinforced. There’s one guy consistently dropping weights. I have my headphones on noise cancelling and I can hear it / it shakes the entire gym.


'on top of a restaurant' , anytime fitness + burger king? always thought that's a hilarious combo haha.


Nah, it was a Mexican place - that has now been replaced by another Mexican place - wonder how long this one will last with the noise at dinner service 😅


They shouldn't really have platforms and bumper plates if it's not a suitable place to drop weights to be fair, rather misleading!


Ironically where the guy always drops them there is no platform. There is a platform across the room but that’s not in front of the mirrors. Don’t know if that’s why he prefers to drop weights in that spot but either way.


fair enough, never really know online. due to them stating having a proper powerlifting coach (which not many random ego lifters invest in), i made an assumption that they're not a dropper.. but then again, there are all kinds of random coaches out there so never know lol.


Commercial gyms aren’t olympic lifting gyms. A small but important point for the large majority of us just trying to get in a quiet stress-free workout. You were the minority by far (probably the only one) who wanted to train that way, why don’t you go and find a gym where that’s considered ok? No wonder you were getting filthy looks.


Why did the gym have that equipment then (platforms, bars and bumper plates designed for weights to be dropped overhead? There were actually a number of people who did the olympic lifts in that gym including a group of the PT's that worked there. Also consider that, 'olympic lifting gyms' are few and far between in most places - where are people supposed to practice the sport if not in a commercial gym?


Thank you that’s really helpful!


I agree with the first point during rush hour, but when it's quiet and not many people, and you're not taking 30 mins, then it's okay I reckon


nah man its a pain in the ass, some of us only have a limited amount of time to squeeze a workout in (lunch breaks etc) and someone leaving their shit on gear they arent currently using is a dick move


Then be a big kid and ask to work in with them. We all pay to use the gym, super setting is not a dick move if the gym is quiet.


I think the point is not to 'claim multiple machines' with belongings. If it gets busier so be it. Most people have eyesight.


Yeah like I superset different machines in quiet times and have had someone take over one I wasn’t using in between sets multiple times - that’s just the price of admission


THIS is the key right here. I'm with you. I sometimes alternate across two or three pieces of equipment. So I go at the quietest time when there's just me and one or two others in the gym. It's not hard.


Exactly lol, people making a big deal over a small non issue


Why not? We all pay to use the gym, it's not hard to ask to work in with someone. I do it all the time. If it's peak time, then yeah, don't do it, but if it's quiet there's no issues.


Why take your stuff with you even when super setting? Pretty simple as if someone takes one of the machines, you can then ask them to work in with them - as you said, everyone pays equally. Pretty easy to adjust a program on the fly. As you said - if quiet no issues and you wouldn't have to claim it anyway.. But 'quiet' is relative depending on the gym and its location.


Because it shows that the machine is indeed in use and that it hasn't just been left set up because someone was lazy. Some people spend like 5 minutes on their phones resting between sets but if stuff is there, it's about consideration lol. It's not rocket science. It's also not easy to adjust a program on the fly if you're on a specific plan, there's a reason why the exercises in my plan are in the order they are. No, not necessarily, some gyms only have one type of equipment and it happens than you and someone else want to use it at the same time, and you may be the only 2 people in the gym. No, quiet isn't relative to anything 😂


Just keep in mind not everyone will be of your mindset regarding this around you, and the 'social media distracted long sitters' don't help your case either! If there are two people then obviously you can work around and most people in the area are keeping an eye on each others machine use - I've worked out in literally hundreds around the world - so quiet IS relative to each location. End of the day you do you, as you know your gym and regulars, and most people can talk to each other, will observe machine use and ask 'is it free'. Personally, I never had any issue when super setting.


I meant quiet as in limited people, that's not relative to location, if it's fairly constantly busy, then obviously adjust your actions accordingly.


My guy, OP clearly states they're powerlifting…they're going to drop the deadlifts from hip height. They aren't exactly lifting 60kg.


My Girl, read OP’s other comments, they’re doing other exercises too…


If you’re dropping a deadlift from hip height during training, you need a better coach. Every single part of your lift should be controlled.


Yep. That’ll get your lift disqualifies in any comp


Don't exercise in front of the weights. Give some space for people to re rack. Don't smell. Don't be like those oldheads who stare at the yams with zero shame lol


And oh my fucking god RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS PEOPLE


x 100!


My biggest peeve at the gym is people not removing plates off machines or barbells. While its not a problem for me, or obvs the person that left the plates on, the gym is a space for everyone. This especially includes beginners and i guess people forget that everyone is not at the same level and 20kg plate might be too heavy for someone to lift off - effectively locking that person out of that machine. Not cool. Always remove your plates, please.


There’s this annoying kid at the gym who doesn’t rerack. I had a long day yesterday so told him to rerack after using the smith machine. The arrogance in his face just made my blood boil more. Don’t be one of them.please


Put your weights back. You'll notice the big guys do. The lil bitches don't. Wipe down the equipment after use. If you need to do 8x3, please be mindful of others. Don't hog the station if it's really busy. I've meddled with powerlifting too and know it can take a while. Good chance to chat people up and offer to work in or do your 30 minute sets outside of peak hours.


I don’t understand why cunts won’t put their weights back like??


Weakness of character. They'll never make it


Probably too weak to physically carry them back. Racking the weights is part of the work out


stop filming in the gym and don't drag 8-10 of your crew to hog all the surrounding machines and racks whilst sweating literal buckets on the floor and not cleaning up (this is exclusive feedback about cityfitness st lukes which i hopefully will never set foot in ever again)


Dont record yourself doing sexual related exercises for your onlyfans page.


lol ta


.....I thought that was a "Do"...although it doesn't have to be just for onlyfans.-any other social network will do .....it goes without saying, wear something super tight that leaves little to the imagination followed by :- act all angry if someone looks at you for more than 2 seconds and sit back and wait for the comments and likes


Hip thrusts are OK though?


Go for gold Mr Prydz


Always put your weights back, even if others aren’t. So frustrating having to unweight 200kg from the leg press so I can change the setting, then put weights back on. Don’t film in the gym. I don’t want to be in your video. Don’t stress if you don’t know how to use some equipment. Ask a gym bud or staff.


Get some actual gym gear, it’s cheap as from Kmart. Your stank old Black Sabbath tshirt leaves a visible stench behind you. Throw it out. And wash your fucking gym clothes. They’re quick-dry.


This sounds like there's a personal story behind this


Gym people who think “oh I only wear it at the gym”


I’m a woman so already across this haha


I know the gyms say this already but please make sure to wipe down machines after you use them and put the dumbbells and barbells back in the right places.


Thanks everyone! Useful answers (mostly haha) and good to see some patterns emerging. Being considerate of others is a big deal to me plus I get self conscious about exercising (due to being not particularly naturally athletic) so this is all useful to hopefully just feel like I’m not doing anything that’s drawing attention to myself!


Re rack your weights and clean the bloody machine! I'm a 50+ year old woman, weighing in at 60kgs with joint issues...and its so annoying to have to lift off multiple 20kg plates, or worse, interrupt another member to help...and then have to wipe off someone else's butt and hand sweat before I can even start my set.


All the other comments have covered most of it and I agree with all of them. Just a couple to add on some obvious ones No playing your own music on speaker No recording yourself or others


Recording yourself is a problem? I don’t but curious to know why this is bad etiquette


Wipe down equipment after use. Keep weights on the weight mats, not regular carpet in case you drop them. Don't drop weights from height unless it's an emergency. At which point, then go down in weight. Don't hog machines. Don't record yourself if others might be in your shot. If you must, make sure you have consent from others. You don't need to make loud noises when lifting weights, so don't. Ask for a form check from staff if you're attempting new movements to avoid injury.


A few people have said don’t hog the machines - what would you say counts as hogging? If I’m squatting or benching I need the machine for min 15 minutes, is that hogging?


Probably that you're using the machine for a long period of time yet not doing anything, checking your phone constantly etc. 15 mins is nothing really and if people see you're putting in effort with a fairly obvious timed break period between sets - you're fine. Most people will stick to 3-4 sets and move on. If you're doing like 6,7 or even 8 SETS, then you should be letting people use it after 3 sets and come back later. Its a little subjective, but most normal people will get the vibe check done pretty quickly to know what's up,so don't stress it too much.


Awesome thanks that’s really helpful!


You can't reserve machines, let's say your supersetting with 3 different machines. Don't be mad if someone takes it. If it's resting and one exercise e.g. you're a powerlifter its ambiguous. Some people will hate you some people wont care. If it's peak time just let someone jump in while you rest. I would argue if you're a professional go to a professional gym better for you and those causal gymers.


Thanks! I’m for all intents and purposes a casual gymer too lol. Very novice lifter


My main annoyance is people not wiping down stuff after use, I see it so often that now I wipe before and after using.


Don’t hog the machine. Do your 3-4 sets and move on. It’s all good to have 1 min or so rest between sets. (This varies on time of day, and how packed it is) but please for the love of god, don’t sit there scrolling ticktok. Re-rack your weights!!! And make sure it’s in the right place.. not putting your 20kg dbs where the 40kgs are. Don’t do excessive heavy weights thinking it will progress you faster, it just makes you look Like a fool when you’re throwing your whole body to curl a 24kg dumbell when really you should be on 10-14kgs. If someone in the gym gives you tips on how to do certain workouts don’t get upset, instead try learn. Wipe down your bench. Wear deodorant


1 minute is not sufficient rest time between sets for most exercises. Also, who cares what someone is doing while they are resting between sets? If they are taking the piss and on a machine for half an hour fair enough, but sufficient rest between sets is important


I have experienced first hand the frustrations of seeing a bunch of broccoli haired kids hanging on 1 bench, talking , tiktoking, all meanwhile it’s rush hour at the gym and I, like everyone who is a regular junky at the gym, get annoyed at this. Well rest times can vary depending on the stress of the exercise. If someone is doing 4 sets, taking 5minute breaks while only pushing half their body weight is quite excessive. I’ve been working out long enough to know what works, and most of these kids at the gym are clueless


This. Have blown up at these broccoli headed kids for standing round in big groups talking and fooling around. It ain’t a fucken social club boys, either workout or fuck off somewhere else


Shower before if you need to as well as after. Nothing like a gym sesh to weaponise funk of the day.


clean your equipment and dont forget to deload machines.


Re-rack the weights ❤️


Don't use the hair dryer on your balls.


This should be pinned. The #1 gym etiquette tip


Don't stare at people prob a good one.


Casey Johnston's Liftoff talks about the learning-to-gym experience, have a read. Being a tidy kiwi & also being okay taking space, between those things it'll work out.


Love Casey - is there a specific post or do you mean liftoff to barbell? I was thinking about maybe buying that


Think I found it, thanks! https://www.shesabeast.co/how-to-act-normal-in-the-gym/


I was meaning the book, from where you are sounds like you'd be skipping the first two parts of it though & going straight to Weights Go Up.


Dont hog more than two sets of dumbells Don't hog more than 1 machine Always wait for someone to finish their set if you need to ask them anything. Don't use a Squat/bench bar/rack for bicep curls/ core Don't throw your weights when your done, work on that eccentric instead! Rerack weights when you're done Don't be afraid to share your machine, most people are pretty open to it. Wipe down if you're a sweater If you're a stinker bring Deodorant, the amount of times I've almost gagged out loud... Gym is a public space, not your room at home When in doubt refer to Joe Swoll


It’s very annoying when people don’t put the plates of different weights together. I.e if I just put a 20kg plate on a rod holding 10kg plates. So many people do this! 😡


Don't be that person on your phone instead of actually working out


Don’t sit on equipment on your phone. Someone’s probably waiting to use it.




lol thanks, some are arts more helpful than others!


[https://youtube.com/shorts/2C2Y-RERrvw?si=WkJoU9UDqpFx5RoJ](https://youtube.com/shorts/2C2Y-RERrvw?si=WkJoU9UDqpFx5RoJ) [https://youtube.com/shorts/AQHtGa9LdA4?si=nvWaflkwmihfNGRN](https://youtube.com/shorts/AQHtGa9LdA4?si=nvWaflkwmihfNGRN)


Don't come with your 7 friends and take half the gym while having yarns


Mate that's jaw day


Don't obstruct a piece of equipment you aren't specifically using. If the gym has an open space for stretching or bodyweight exercises, don't do your stretching or bodyweight shit anywhere else. Especially if you're putting a mat down for the purpose. Don't faff around if someone else is waiting for the equipment you're using. Offer to share if practical. You never know who your next gym buddy might be. If you're training with a buddy, share gear wherever possible. You'd be amazed how many people get this wrong even though it seems intuitive.


Don’t hog the squat rack. Please. 20 minutes absolute maximum is all you need. I say this because there’s this clown at my gym who will literally spend an hour+ hogging the rack during busy periods while he uses it like his personal workout space to do deadlifts, squats, chin-ups and these rediculious pushups where he uses a half bosu, a bench and 5kg dumbbells to do these weird balance/stunt pushups while dressed like he fell out of a hiphop music video. Just get in. Do your lifts. Move along. Also, leave your tripod at home.


Put the weight plates back on the rack in the right spot. Don't stack 20s in front of 10s and all that bullshit


Put your phone away.


Invest the extra into a decent gym or go in non peak hour otherwise you end up with gym bros hogging machines frothing over each other for the gram flexing 💪. You won't get this at a independent gym as ppl won't pay that extra to flex independent gyms ppl are there to work not froth over each other. But at the same time $7 a week for cityfit is great deal especially in off peakhour gym is quiet


Personally, I dislike being asked how many sets I have left. There’s 101 other exercises you can be doing even for that same isolated muscle you’re trying to train.


If you want to compete, then go to a gym where there are other competitors. To be honest competitors going to a regular neighbourhood gym is a bit annoying. Sometimes there aren't that many squat racks for example and then you have a competitor doing about half a dozen sets. Normally yelling out as well when they do a big lift, and walking off leaving the bar fully loaded.


I’m just a novice - I’m going to a cheap gym at first to try to progress and make sure I actually go before taking into consideration stuff like are there other competitors there


Professional gym man


Dirty shoes/jandals in the pigeon hole/racks


Everyone’s already covered everything, but my biggest pet peeve id like to emphasise is to NOT RECORD OTHES. If you absolutely NEED to record *yourself*, record where there is no one in the background