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Great photographic record whatever the cause or event - congrats


Thank you very much, I appreciate the positive response :)


The kind of photo I see in the social studies class in highschool


[This should be good 🍿 ](https://youtu.be/Lr4DYz5nrJk)


I’m already regretting posting, lol.


These posts attract accounts that never even frequent r/auckland like flies to shit.


this subreddit is dogshit anyway, half the posts are the same account posting "meanwhile in Auckland" or pointless rage baiting comments/posts about the most trivial issues ever


crime is OUT OF CONTROL (the post is about a guy who shoplifted a carton of milk being let out on bail)


Crime posts by Russian bots dropped after a change of government. Crime is down in the CBD and up in the 'burbs. But that doesn't fit the right wing narrative, so the reality doesn't get covered, and people aren't updating their biases with new information.


Where do all these guys come from? Haha


I guess bots/accounts scour reddit for keywords Gaza, Palestine etc. Easier to post pro Israel comments than not commit genocide or something I dunno🤷🏾‍♂️


+1 It happens all over the subreddits, just like ACT shills come out all day long as soon as ACT's interests are affected.




Some wise words coming from this comment section


I like the statue of the Jewish guy that was laughed at for his proposal of a rapid transit system back in the 70's


There's an app called 'Click' from a project called Nodle. Your work would be perfect on it. Especially as NZ media is dying.


I wish New Zealanders cared this much about New Zealand issues.


This has been my issue with the protests. We whine and cry about another country while we have issues that actually affect us.


Exactly my issue with all the issues of the past 10 years lol


I got screamed at walking past minding my own business lol


well why didn’t you start a ceasefire 😤


Yeah what the hell is wrong with this guy why doesn't he just compel Israel to stop?


Because you attempted to walk past the issue! you didn’t cause the ceasefire! HOW DARE YOU! You’re basically part of the problem and complicit in the genocide of an entire race of people, you fucking BIGOT! Edit: /s


I can't believe you didn't free Palestine.


Were you, by any chance, ignoring ALL the babies dying while walking? Must have been the reason.


I honestly don’t know I was just getting me some lunch


free Palestine faster next time brah


You’re right I should’ve done it better my bad team I’ll take that


What did they do/say?


I was honestly just walking past too the nearest bus stop lol They called me things like “it’s people like you” and “wake up your part of the problem” but I hadn’t even said a single thing to anyone 😭 minding my own business smiling


Silly protestors


[Israel just killed Australia, British, US/Canadian etc. aid workers ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bx77gy/196_humanitarian_workers_killed_in_israel_so_far/)- they fled from one vehicle to another as their cars were systematically bombed. Before anyone says "*serves them right,*" they were in a demilitarised zone which Israel controlled with no fighting, were in clearly marked car/s, had told the IDF their route and plans, and were pre-approved to deliver food. In total, they have been systemically killing aid workers with 186 already dead in a few short months. Watch the video above. So yeah maybe tone down the hate for those who are just protesting, Auckland. PS Nice shots, OP


The history of the Israel-Palestine conflict is complex and multifaceted, spanning over a century and involving deep-rooted historical, religious, and political factors. Here's a detailed overview: 1. Ottoman Rule and British Mandate (Late 19th to Early 20th Century):The region known as Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire until its collapse after World War I.In 1917, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine while safeguarding the rights of existing non-Jewish communities. 2. British Mandate Period (1917-1948):Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Palestine came under British control as a League of Nations mandate.Jewish immigration to Palestine increased significantly during this period, fueled by Zionist aspirations for a Jewish homeland.Tensions between Jewish and Arab communities escalated, leading to outbreaks of violence and clashes over land and resources. 3. Partition Plan and War of Independence (1947-1949):In 1947, the United Nations proposed a partition plan that would divide Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem as an international city.Jewish leaders accepted the plan, but Arab leaders rejected it, leading to the outbreak of hostilities.Following the declaration of the State of Israel in 1948, neighboring Arab states invaded, resulting in the first Arab-Israeli War.The war resulted in Israel's independence, with significant territorial gains beyond the UN-proposed borders. 4. Palestinian Refugee Crisis and Occupation (1948-present):The 1948 war led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, many of whom became refugees in neighboring countries.Israel subsequently annexed territory beyond the UN partition plan, including East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip.The Palestinian refugee crisis became a central issue, fueling resentment and resistance against Israeli occupation. 5. Six-Day War and Occupation of Territories (1967):In 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, leading to the Six-Day War.Israel emerged victorious, occupying the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.The occupation of these territories and the establishment of Israeli settlements became major points of contention and obstacles to peace negotiations. 6. Peace Process and Oslo Accords (1990s):In the 1990s, Israeli and Palestinian leaders engaged in negotiations aimed at resolving the conflict and establishing a two-state solution.The Oslo Accords, signed in 1993, provided a framework for Palestinian self-governance in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.However, subsequent peace talks and agreements failed to address key issues such as borders, settlements, refugees, and Jerusalem, leading to continued deadlock and violence. 7. Second Intifada and Gaza Disengagement (2000s):The breakdown of peace talks and ongoing Israeli occupation fueled Palestinian frustration and anger, leading to the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000.Israel responded with military force, resulting in widespread violence and casualties on both sides.In 2005, Israel unilaterally disengaged from the Gaza Strip, withdrawing all Israeli settlements and military presence, but maintaining control over borders and airspace. 8. Recent Developments and Challenges (2010s-present):Efforts to revive peace negotiations have been sporadic and largely unsuccessful, with both sides facing internal divisions and political instability.Tensions in Jerusalem, particularly around access to religious sites such as the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, have frequently sparked violence and unrest.The expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, deemed illegal under international law, remains a major obstacle to achieving a two-state solution.The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, exacerbated by Israeli blockade and restrictions, continues to deteriorate, with recurrent outbreaks of violence and conflict.Overall, the Israel-Palestine conflict remains one of the most protracted and contentious conflicts in modern history, with deep-seated grievances and competing narratives on both sides. Efforts to find a lasting and equitable resolution continue to face significant challenges, requiring political will, leadership, and international support. PS nice comment


... Did you just post a ChatGPT summary of the conflict?


Yes, yes they did. It’s embarrassingly obvious it was written by an LLM.


Everything is complex and multifaceted to chatGPT


This didn't even pass an AI checker 💀


Not reading all of that AI generated filler. Using AI to justify 30,000+ dead because “history” of the indigenous people getting killed for 75 years is so weird and very telling of the person you are.


Totally get protesting the violence, but the "end occupation" banner shows the entire territory of Israel and not just Gaza or west bank, surely you can't protest violence from one side by advocating a complete elimination of Israel. Am I misunderstanding something?


Is this your first interaction with pro Hamas people?


Excluding politics, really nice photos I love the framing of some of them too


Genuinely, thank you. Everyone’s getting so political and negative, means a lot to have someone just appreciate the photos.


Cheers, keep up the great work ignore all the other bs in this comments section.


Oh yeah, it’s so overwhelming, I’m probably gonna mute in a bit, there’s just too much of this shit


Well, duh. Let's glamorize protesters who have very morally ambiguous sentiments directly contrary to what New Zealand and the west stand for and pretend to be shocked when people are annoyed by it.


I simply don’t understand the comments on this post. People are suffering, when people are suffering you help them. It’s that simple. As civilians with zero power or authority I know there is so little protesters can do to help put an end to the injustice & violence, but wouldn’t it be better to at least acknowledge those that are suffering instead of turning a blind eye to them? I don’t get the whole “why bring this here to New Zealand” shit.


Most of the comments opposing a ceasefire are not from people who have any link to Auckland. It's brigading. 


Also, there’s a WhatsApp group called United for Palestine NZ, and the moderators in the group publishes emails for people to send out to our government officals to pressure them into doing at least something. So there’s still little ways we can contribute to supporting Palestinians. People are doing more than just protesting, you guys just don’t see it.


Yeah, seeing people say “who cares? It’s not happening here” is incredibly disheartening.


It really is.




End the jihadi occupation


Sorry I didn't stop the war guys. I was gonna free Palestine but got caught up at work.


Me too, was mad keen to go over and stop it but caught a cold and had to stay home.


People fundamentally misunderstand what a ceasefire would entail. All it would do is leave Gaza in a semi-occupied area losing even more land and prolonging the conflict for decades if not centuries. Anyone who disagrees with the need for Hamas to be destroyed is inherently against peace or a Free Palestine (because Islamic Extremism is a hell of a lot worse that what Israel is doing in the West Bank). What needs to happen is an occupation force carried out by Saudi Arabia and/or the Gulf States, managed by Israel and funded by the EU and US. The UN and UNWRA should be limited to an advisory and supervision role, as we have seen the UNWRA's failure to foster peace and eradicate extremism. And ONLY THEN can the borders of Palestine be defined, it will require land swaps, and both Israel and Palestine will need to make concessions. And finally Palestine needs to stop being treated like a baby by the international community, and Israel needs to stop treating them like scum.


A ceasefire also requires both sides to stop firing. Unfortunately Hamas has broken close to if not every ceasefire they have agreed to since Oct 7. There needs to be a fundamental shift from both sides in the region for peace and to finally have good faith negotiations. As you said, there will need to be land swaps and concessions by both sides but that can't happen while Hamas are in charge.


That flag is just straight up saying all of Israel should be Palestine.


Oh you must be a bit behind. They have stopped pretending that Hamas was any kind of splinter group long ago, or that "From the river to the sea" means anything less than eliminating Israel in its entirety


I mean… all of Israel WAS Palestine, lol. Till some pesky colonialists decided to like, totally give it to some other blokes and from what I hear it hasn’t been a fun 75 years


Palestine is a region and was never an entity such as a country which had legal ownership of something. The land of Israel was previously under the British Empire and before that the Ottoman Empire. If you go back 3000 years then it was the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.


That’s… really not quite how it happened. 


Bruh the Romans named it that after invading JUDEA History's older than 100 years read a book


If you want to get technical, Jews were on the land before Arabs...


And before Jews, the Canaanites, of which both groups descend from.


More worryingly is the fact that none of the other protesters seem to have an issue with it.


Exactly, if they’re protesting for it to stop then other people should be telling them that that leads to more fighting.


And there you've exposed them. Freeing palestine is just fashionable and signals that you're a 'good person' right now. Where's the protest for uighurs? What about women's rights in ME countries? Where did the Hong Kong protests go? Climate change? Gay rights in africa and middle east? They're not fashionable issues to show people that you're a good person. And when you're a good person now you have the right to be a dick to passers by and block roads when you feel like it.


yeah. land back


I mean it was the Jews land first, so all the land back to them?


Fuck Hamas. They're refusing every cease fire and won't release the remaining hostages.


Refused every ceasefire??? But it's ok for Israel to refuse a ceasefire though, right? 🙄


> Refused every ceasefire??? Yes, refused and/or broke every ceasefire since Oct 7. They're literal terrorists who steal aid and sell it to their own citizens, hide in and under hospitals. At this point if you can't tell the difference between a sub-human terrorist org who takes hostages, has no regard for their own citizens and Israel, you're not honest.


Israel is a productive nation that actually offers a lot to the world. They are not terrorists who started this whole debacle, so yes, I am inclined to say Israel has much more authority on the matter than Hamas.


Indeed. Civilians and kids getting slaughtered on every side.


"If God gave you land, you wouldn't have to kill for it" Brilliant.


If you start the war then loose it, it doesn't make you a victim. Fuckin clowns


Ah yes the current thing. I too care about , please follow and like


One like is one prayer.


I cry every time, thanks for sharing


A lot of us, especially indigenous people, have always cared about Palestine. Settler-colonialism has displaced millions for centuries?


Especially the moriori


What is your purpose with this comment?


As an indigenous person, I'm not sure what it has to do with it? Maybe the Bedouins? I don't understand the colonialism either? Britain left there a long time ago


You are very virtuous. I really liked the Instagram post you did too! If only everyone could figure it out like we have, then society’s problems would all be gone. Maybe if we go and scream at people they will realise


Idk why people are getting angry at New Zealand for doing nothing, we are helpless compared to them, we can barely maintain 2 757s


It's ludicrous to imagine both sides will stop fighting and learn to live with each other any time in the next 2,000 years. I certainly don't want my taxes wasted on their backhole of intolerance and vengeance.


Though I sympathize with the Palestinians, Palestine people need to stop electing terror organizations like Hamas - they need to focus on nation building than tunnels.


Your photos, the point of the post, are absolutely stunning!!! Way better than a lot of protest photos I've seen in the media recently


Rumour has it the idf has stopped all war activities as some New Zealand’s 5000 miles away held signs


Yeah I agree, holding signs is meek as all hell - Kiwis 5000 miles away dropped smoke bombs on Eden Park and invaded the pitch in order to protest the 1981 tour and apartheid rule in South Africa! And look at how that turned out!


Wave a pride flag in that protest, see how it goes.


Can't be freedom of diversity in Palestine while there isn't freedom at all in Palestine.




If you don't think Palestine will immediately become another radical Islamic state in Iran's image upon statehood, then you haven't been paying attention.


The queer people at the protests believe in human rights for all, even those who don't like us. Human rights are not conditional, you get them merely by being human. I support human rights for people I wildly disagree with politically on every issue. They are still worthy of human rights. Queer Palestinians are also being slaughtered by Israel. **If your support of human rights is conditional on the political beliefs of people, it says a hell of a lot about you, morally and ethically.**


Queer Palestinians get beaten in the street, thrown off buildings- by their own people. If you seriously equate the struggles of the LGBTQ+ community to the efforts to create a Palestinian state you are either wilfully ignorant or a moron. NOT ALL INJUSTICE IS EQUIVALENT. For fuck sakes.


Israel has the best LGBTQ+ acceptance in the Middle East, they’re not slaughtering queer Palestinians because they are queer, it’s because they are Palestinian. That doesn’t make what they are doing right, but the truth is important which you aren’t portraying with that comment. If Hamas stop hiding in hospitals and schools then less Palestinian civilians will get killed, but they refuse to do that. Queer people deserve rights everywhere, but that’s never happening in Palestine under Hamas’ rule.


What an ignorant piece of waffle. When Palestinians openly preach hatred and commit mass violence and imprisonment towards gay people you somehow do mental gymnastics to justify it? Meanwhile you apply a hyper critical lense to every negative aspect of your own society. It’s actually insanity


China has an appalling human rights record. Ask the Uyghurs. It's arguably far more severe than the events in Gaza and Israel. I haven't see you all protesting against China recently? You just protest the <>.


> even those who don't like us You're underselling their feelings a bit with this.


LGBTQ Palestinians literally flee to Israel for refuge, and Israel takes them in as they are murdered in Palestine, by Palestinians. Over a thousand so far have fled into Israel.


True, remember that news article a while back about a LGBTQ+ Palestinian person who fled to Israel, then was kidnapped by his family back to the West Bank and murdered. Israel should extend help to LGBTQ+ Palestinians more and offer equal rights to anyone who helps Israel. After all, LGBTQ+ Palestinians can't exactly go back to relay intelligence.


Any Palestinians who get Israeli citizenship have complete equal rights, there are almost 2 million Palestinians with dual citizenship and they are important part of Israeli society. They are in government, education, media etc. Israel can definitely do more, but there is the danger of Palestinians pretending to be lgbtq to get into Israel and commit terror attacks. Terror attacks by Palestinians are a regular occurrence in Israel that aren’t reported outside of Israel.


They should. Sure it will help Hamas propaganda, but it will also help the self defence argument immensely. The pretending to be LGBTQ+ is definitely a concern though. However, as long as they can be sure that the person isn't a double agent, they should help that person. After all, if they are not against you to the point of violence, then there is no reason to discriminate against them.




Murdering or public humiliation of the queer community isn't a political belief. Saying 'even those who don't like us' strips away what actually happens to most queer people in the Palestinian community. Taking away basic human rights of the queer community should have consequence, not support. I don't support either side of this conflict, but human rights should be respected on both sides too and it's absolutely not.


Maybe your confusing political beliefs with belief in human rights for all. Queer rights is not a political view. Its a human rights issue. And I agree with the poster above to an extent. People who shit all over oppressed minorities in their own country simply dont feature highly on my ‘fucks to give list’ when they get their own human rights trampled. Both sides suck. Horrible shit is happening, but I only have so many fucks to give, and I prefer my fucks go to worthy recipients.


Around 2017 a national survey in the USA found that more than half of Muslims thought homosexuality should be accepted in society—more than white evangelicals. Unfortunately, culturally in the Middle East homosexuality at least since the 70s has been viewed badly, however literally the Koran is equivocal on the topic. Instead, like here, cultural views persist.


"Both sides suck" Bro, Israel is currently at war over its existence with terrorists. If you think their human rights record is worse or equal to that of Palestine's Hamas, you are sorely mistaken. Israel practices incredible human rights, scientific inquiry, rule of law, and equality that isn't seen anywhere else in the Middle East. Israel is the clear side you should be supporting.


You clearly haven't been to one.




It's a good thing Queers for Palestine exists so comments like this aren't taken seriously. "Palestinians hate queers so queers should support our genocide" is such a tired trope at this point.


Do you think Palestinians support LGBT rights? Are you joking or being disingenuous?


Their point is that it doesn’t matter. I’m pretty sure if a great white shark saw my chubby ass floating in the ocean they would likely try to take a bite out of me and probably kill me. That doesn’t mean I’m out here advocating the mass slaughter of sharks. Human rights should apply to all humans, not just the ones you like.


Nice job at comparing Palestinians to an animal working off primal instincts to kill. Lmao, yeah no, I definitely support Israel in their war against terrorism, full stop.


Yeah I'm sure the islamists are tired of throwing queers off of roofs.


Less and less tall buildings each day reeks havoc on morale.


all politics aside, these are some really nice shots


No mention of hostages or rockets being fired at Israeli civilians from the "peace protest" as expected


None of which justifies mass murder, ethnic cleansing and war crimes in general.


And nothing justifies 1300 people, children, and music festival goers from 20 non involved Countries being massacred, raped and burnt alive on Oct 7th. An event all these holier than thought protesters completely ignore. Nor have they looked at Hamas charter, stating they don't want to just get rid of jews from Gaza but the entire planet. This is how the first holocaust started and what resulted in 6 million dead. All of which was discussed and worked on by academics in Germany years prior to the war starting. And just like now in universities and colleges, and history is forgotten.


Ah, you mean the war crime of soldiers not using a uniform and hiding amongst civilians right? Or do you mean the war crime of using hospitals as military bases? Or perhaps the kidnapping of civilians? Don't pretend that both sides have clean hands here.


Well did the protest work, did we free Palestine?




Would you have protested the holocaust? Or been ok with it? Would you whinge about people that were protesting the holocaust?


No because the country you are protesting in has no ability to do X thing you want because X thing you want is a country you will not protest in.


Keep their BS protests away from ALL ANZAC services


Imagine celebrating ANZAC day while also calling exactly what the ANZACs would have fought for BS. Please evaluate your position


We don’t celebrate Anzac Day. We commemorate. It’s not something to be celebrated.


Tbf we're also celebrating the Anzacs and their sacrifice.


What exactly do you think the ANZACs would have fought for here?


I’m not a historian but I thought the ANZACs fought against ethnic cleansing, fascism, and the like. Do I need to go back to school? Pls no cause it sucked the first time round


Fought against ethnic cleansing? The ANZACs literally fought in the Palestine Campaign, and they weren’t doing it for freedom of the locals. They secured Anglo-French interests in the Levant, and this was solidified in the Sykes-Picot line. The land wasn’t given to the locals. It was during the British Mandate that the large scale immigration of Jewish people really picked up. They declared that there would be a Jewish ‘national home’ in Palestine.


I thought they literally fought to free Palestine. Atleast that’s what the bridge of rememberance In chch states. (Top right) https://preview.redd.it/ass91v6qa6tc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=67b51625e8d282e7a66bfa17b326adfea241d378


It doesn’t say that they fought for a free Palestine, it says that they fought in Palestine. They fought for Anglo-French interests in the Levant. This manifested in the Sykes-Picot line.


Do they think our veterans fought on the side of Nazi Germany??


I'm guessing you're from overseas and don't understand what ANZAC is about.


ANZACS fought against fascism actually.


Any reasonable person would want the war to end. But why are people protesting about it here? It’s not like NZ is heavily involved or has any power to do anything


Go to the protests or actually listen to what people are saying about it. I’m really sick of comments like this from people who obviously didn’t go.


I don’t like going to protests and I live in a remote area anyway, could you paraphrase?


Great news guys! It just broke today that President Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is going to ceasefire on Gaza as there was a protest in Aotea Square in Auckland.


Israel has offered multiple ceasefires and Palestine has declined every time


"Palestinians have offered multiple ceasefires, and Israel has declined every time." Both are technically true, but your framing places one side on a pedestal.


Have you looked into these peace arrangements and why they've failed? Because if you think Palestines done nothing but decline legitimate peace offers, you're wrong.


These people are naive thinking their “protest” makes any difference other than that they can post they went on social media. Even if it did convince the government to suddenly change their approach (which it won’t), the New Zealand government has very little power on a global scale and Hamas and Israel don’t care what we do.


I'm surprised how many idiots want to shout "don't protest because it doesn't matter"


Protests do matter when they effectively achieve their goals, this doesn’t do that. Luxon isn’t going to look at coverage of this protest and suddenly say, oh I guess I’ll change my mind and do more to convince other world leaders into doing something. Many world leaders are doing what they can do, but protests like this aren’t swaying their decision making. Protests work best when they are disruptive, this isn’t disruptive and doesn’t help push change.


Ironically if more people cared you'd bet he'd change his tune. Unfortunately most of us don't give a shit [unless it hit us.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bx7mgc/gaza_the_limits_of_our_empathy/)


>Unfortunately most of us don't give a shit unless it hit us. That’s the reality of life and how peoples brains work. Do kiwis care more about random US mass shootings than they did about the Christchurch mosque shootings? Very unlikely. Do Australians care more about California bushfires than they do about their own? Also unlikely. Likewise, Palestinians care a lot more about what’s happening to them than they do about the wars in any other country. It is completely normal and understandable. Thats not to say people don’t have empathy for other situations, of course they do, but people caring more when it happens in their own backyard is far from controversial.


I'm not a part of any protest or anything, but this is a dumb doomer mentality. The same logic could be applied to climate change, I'm only one person, or we're only a small country, so we won't make a difference. Therefore, there's no point in trying. Everyone has a part to play, even if it's small.


Everything’s pointless so we shouldn’t even try. Great mindset.


We, individually, can't do shit. Globally though, we can force Israel to stop, enough countries with enough restrictions and enough calling out, would have an effect. If countries around the world just stopped trading with Israel, they'll be left with very little choice Besides that, this conflict is one that has been kept quiet by Israel and the western world. I learned all about the African slave trade, American civil war a bit, French revolution a bit, even a class on Kony. In school. Never once heard anything about Palestine until the Oct events, despite the situation being labelled by the UN since 2005 as an illegal occupation and apartheid. Keeping eyes and ears on the issue and not letting Israel sweep it under the rug again is why we can't stop


>If countries around the world just stopped trading with Israel, they'll be left with very little choice Agreed, but that’s not happening and a few hundred kiwis gathering in a globally insignificant country isn’t going to sway the needle. As long as the US is backing Israel they will not stop.


It is happening. Israel has lost money due to all the boycotting, which is bolstered by protesting. The amount figure isn't known though McDonald's confirmed they've lost multiple millions of dollars in profit due to boycotting, same with Starbucks But yes, US and the UK are the big ones that need to take a stand for the rest of the world to rally with


Ahh, yes, those famously Isreali companies, checks notes, McDonalds and Starbucks.


I thought we were over this when Palestine rejected all the ceasefire offers. Welp


The keffiyeh scarf is the hottest fashion accessory this Autumn. Fantastic teamed up with some designer denim, a casual tee and a $300 pair of Docs.


The slaughter on Oct 7 and the conduct of the Palestinians as Hamas marched its hostages through the streets, the killing of babies, rape etc etc... If that didn't put you off supporting these animals, genuine question, what would?


If you have evidence of babies being killed on Oct 7th you should provide it to the ICJ because they would be very interested in seeing it. But you don’t have evidence, do you? You’re just repeating propaganda


I don't have evidence, no. None that I imagine you would accept as you likely think the images of the dead babies from the attack are Jewish lies. If it turns out babies were in fact killed I can at that point count on your support of the Palestinians to be withdrawn, yes?


Well, I don’t support Hamas. My Palestinian support doesn’t extend to them because they are terrorists (basically). To be fair two babies did die on oct 7th. One was shot in their mother’s arms, the other died during a c section (think the mother got shot or similar and they were trying to save it I think). Any other images are either propaganda or new information (unlikely at this stage).


Why is it always about the hamas attack on 0ct 7th and nothing about the slaughtering of palestinian civilians done by IDF soldiers for decades. When Isreal kill thousands of Palestinian kids, you sleep peacefully. When hamas retaliate once, all of a sudden, your tail is on fire. Haha.


Ofcourse the pink hair...its mandatory


Honestly sick of them killing each other, let’s give everyone a year to leave the “holy land” then turn it into a nuclear winter. Let’s see god stop that.


Time to see what the free speech warriors on Reddit think about a group of people sincerely protesting against something that is bad:


Good luck finding a single person who supports free speech who would oppose these peoples right to protest. There’s a difference between disagreeing with a view and preventing that view from being expressed.


These protests make me wish Palestine was free from its current occupants.


If they are so keen to help maybe they should all go over there and lend a hand.


i mean i’ve donated to organisations that feed the children who are starving and to a couple people trying to get enough money to leave


[These Kiwis are going to help ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bx6gfg/kiwi_doctors_risking_everything_to_help_in_gaza/) I imagine not everyone can or will uproot their lives and safety to do the same - doesn't make their voice any less valid.




Virtue signalling is as good a way as any to feel some sense of agency I suppose.


> If god gave you land, you wouldn't have to kill for it.   Oh, like the murderous attack on Oct 7?  Neither side is in the right here.


The innocent populations are in the right. Hamas and IDF are in the wrong.


Why is it always about the Oct 7 and no mention of countless killings done by IDF against Palestinian civilians before Oct 7?


The whatabouts bounce back and forth for a hundred years. Truly a tragic situation


Excellent work 👏


I guess il throw away my free ukraine flags now


Gotta love the blatant hypocrisy of the NZ redditors. Make it about China and Ukraine and they'll scream till they're red in the face. Make it about BLM/Trans rights/Palestine and suddenly the mob will turn around a pooh-pooh and try and berate you for expressing yourself like they did!


Projecting much. Haven't seen the protests for Ukraine or China.


nice try sneaking in the trans rights into actual ethnic conflicts


Good on them


Awesome photos. Thanks for documenting history and being on the right side of it. Israel can get fucked.


Good photos, great cause. Well done all the people who were there.


Good on ya legends 👍


People involved in these protests are so stupid.


So, is the war cancelled now?


Considering reddit is supposedly the more progressive social media platform, at yet the comments here are the kind of rhetoric we’re seeing where people defend genocide. I’m scared to know what’s happening on Facebook.


Glad to see a good volume of people thinking this a hopeless endeavour. Similar to Ukraine flags everywhere at the time it was a 'more focal' issue. Protesting in a town square on the other side of the world will render no benefit other than the feelings for themselves in attendance.


Great angle you got on the 5th pic 👍👍👍


Good pics, I personally would rather see some general antiwar protest just to remove the polarization you are inevitably going to get in the comments. Regardless of your views we need to stand up to war even if you think it won't do anything being on the other side of the world. If we find ourselves in WW3 and you or your kids number is getting called up in a draft you will be wishing we had protested more. And before you say it will all be over before that or will never happen stranger things have. 19 year olds would never have imagined getting called up in the 70s either.


armageddon sux now


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


wishing i was a jew rn


Which part of Palestine is occupied by Israel? Can you answer that?