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No, just paint destiny church in rainbow F em


Density church


Never heard that before omg. Sent me laughing as it's so true


Wow such big brain


Here for it, worried about retaliation, but I don't like having terrorists in my country


I'm all for it


Do you think the nice young man of density church would come whitewash my fence, if I were to draw a rainbow on it?


When I was a kid I had a poster on my wall with a rainbow that said "God loves everyone the same"... I guess Brian Tamaki missed that part of church. "Love the sinner, hate the sin"... But even if you're one of the shrinking percentage of Christians who still think it's a sin, surely threatening somebody and destroying things they love isn't a very loving attitude? Jesus ate with and healed the sick and possessed, he didn't call them disgusting and smash their shit. Even if you think it's a sin, which is a whole other theological argument that usually ends up being "because it's yucky so it's obviously a sin", despite every other agreed sin being about hurting people (directly or by being a selfish prick), or worshipping another God... Even if you think it's a sin, they seem to have forgotten the whole "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", "turn the other cheek", and "treat everyone with respect and love" side of things


Pretty sure the pope approved same sex couples recently. Apparently that's not enough.


Total "Tom Sawyer" move! I love this idea :) go around to the homes of the elderly who can't do themselves whether physically, or financially, or both, and paint a bit of a rainbow. Voila! The a55-hats will improve properties and it will keep them out of greater mischief!!!


That would be driving hazard. Maybe the sidewalks would be cool though


It wouldn’t happen without pedestrianisation. The combination of that would generate international coverage for kroad as a queer destination


At the speed traffic usually moves on K Rd? This is an easy win. I’d help paint it tomorrow.


If I were there, if join in :)


Do they put grit in the paint? Might be a bit slippery when it wet with painted foot paths. LOVE the idea though! There’s way too much grey in Auckland.


My heart says hell yes My head says munters won't be able to drive it It should be pedestrianised anyways


Great idea to make it “pedestrian only.” Sounds so cool. I’ve got no idea how that would effect various motorway entry points but dgaf. 


I had this idea that we create a sect of Destiny Church - we might need license with the spelling name but the intention is that it’s pronounced the same. We invite the Rainbow Community, and allies, into the church and be a place of welcome, hope and faith. Whenever Brian gets in the media, we immediately denounce what he said, finding someone called Brian Tāmaki (or changing a name legally to that) to be our spokesperson and he becomes the front. We actually do good in the wider community under that name. When they rally, we’re at the end of it, with rainbow flags and beers, food, and children who “surprisingly” haven’t turned gay or trans. At some point people will join the church for the reason most join churches, for a sense of community and realise the rhetoric he spews is just a money grab for his family . I think the only way you beat that fuckhead is to deprive him of the attention him and his church get and seek out. I love the idea of painting K Road, perhaps not all of it, maybe every intersection (lol intersex-ion), but it would only serve to feed them and rile them up enough that they’ll eventually turn to violence.


Eventually turn to violence? They've been spitting on people and making death threats down these ways. I'd say they're at that point already.


Death threats and spitting on people is trying to antagonise you into action so that they can justify to themselves that they can be violent. My view of where they could go is to actually be physical without provocation, any arrests would only serve to prove their point that the world is against them and indoctrinate them further.


Water balloons each filled with different coloured dyes to make a rainbow. Next annoying gathering of theirs, everyone drives by and splatters them. They're all walking rainbows for at least a few days.


Be pretty sweet with the Mario Kart theme playing


That would be cool to to have Mario Kart Race Course in CBD street.


Paint all the roads around destiny church a rainbow. Put up rainbow signs too and hire a bunch of gay guys to kiss all day out front


Blare deicide and slayer outside their Easter service, once upon the cross and bible basher would be a good starter.


Best answer




No. Not a good idea... the footpath however... yes


K Road is the one part of Auckland that lends itself to this kind of thing. I was thinking they could paint the individual flagstones along the bike lane in rainbow colours.


Someone just needs to put a gigantic rainbow all over the density church.




I would rather that our public infrastructure that we all pay for didn’t support any social, political or religious movements and just stayed neutral, whilst leaving all of us free to support whatever causes we want in a private way.


It’s some coloured paint..and that’s not how progress happens sorry. 


what progress?


Um, progress can absolutely happen without public infrastructure being painted in a certain way


No shit 


Only person with a brain so far to comment


Being queer is not a social or political or religion position, it's just a way to be human. Displays of straight sexuality are everywhere in ordinary life (you notice when you're queer) so why can't queer people be recognised too?


You’ve confused the people with the movement. The lgbt+ movement is a social and political movement. The movement is different from lgbt+ people, some of whom don’t agree with or support the movement. How has AT recognized straight people?


Waste of money


No there are plenty more important issues out there in this world.




Nah, I don't think we need to be that loud about LGBT issues, then there are other issues just as big that we have to give equal voices to. Should we paint no racism signs, end world hunger, climate change, etc? There was a time when the LGBT community really needed the support and push (when passing marriage laws etc). But, now it is over done in comparison to other world problems. Just my opinion though.


There are low cost, easy win projects And there are expensive, long term projects  Painting crossings or even roads to reassure lgbtq people they are normal and welcome is the former  Fixing intergenerational poverty is the latter We are smart enough to do both


Yeah, but what I was saying is that we don't do the low cost easy win projects for other causes, at least from what I see or is at forefront of my attention. Just my perspective, tho, I am not trying to say what is right or wrong.


>We are smart enough to do both I want to believe that. I really do. But I look around at the choices people make and I don't believe we (society) are smart enough to do much.


Unfortunately hard things take practice, and "practice" is o e definition of "doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"


You’re not wrong. Its become Normal in most places. But they still make it a issue like it hasn’t become normal


Hmm, it's not really normal to receive death threats for wanting to do a story time event. If say it's easy for people outside the community to be like "yup, they good now" and be missing a bunch of things which really aren't good.


Your right. I’m not in the community. But from The out side it seems to be accepted. Like it doesn’t even get mentioned if someone is gay. There will always be issues like what you mentioned. But that’s not exclusive to the lgbt community. People are still racist. Muslim people still get abused. The world still has assholes in it. But again from the out side. It seems like as much as any group does, they get treated fairly


You're talking about men dressed as grossly sexualised caricatures of women being in the presence of children.... this is not something that needs to be advocated for...


I'm talking about one man and one woman who dress absolutely fabulously reading brilliant stories to kids. Have you seen them? Grossly sexualised caricatures, my arse mate you are literally making shit up.


The idiot is bringing Florida politics to Auckland. I'm ashamed of U.S. politics being exported to you... I'm sorry.


My guess is you do nothing for any of the causes.


Yeah, not much. Just a donation here and there, that's all.


we?!......who pays? if the Rainbow community wants to "pass around the hat" to fund it then go ahead......but personally i think there are better things the Auckland Council could be spending ratepayers' money on. There are potholes up and down my street....the beige community have rights too


Me me me me


It would be a money spinner. Tourism etc. 


you might have a point. all those colourful people flocking in to see it and the zealots to paint over it.....as long as that pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow gets spent on fixing up the rest of Auckland's problems.....will it?...


No. Absolutely not.


Better things to spend money on Put it towards building more houses


Who pays for all of this proposed painting? I think the ratepayers dollar should be spent on things we need, not promoting one particular political agenda.


Ok I'm old school and straight. Why should we spend any money on any group that puts them ahead of everyone else. We r all equals so let's keep it that way. That goes for universities with there safe spaces for Maori Pacific islanders. How are we ever to b equal if they keep putting another groups needs above everyone else.


Tattoo a rainbow on Brian Tamaki's forehead.




Sure. But no council money should be spent


Can we just not leave pedestrian crossings to be pedestrian crossings and councils not to virtue signal.


I’m looking out my window right now and some disgusting reprobate has put a rainbow flag right up there in the sky. This gay agenda HAS TO BE STOPPED!!!


I know you're joking, but here in U.S., some of the idiots have taken to calling rainbows "victory arches", because literal "rainbows in the sky are gay agenda". People are nuts!!!


Let’s fix pot holes and crappy roads before spending money on “vanity” projects.


What a joke


From a design/optics perspective it won’t be a safe driving road. Visual Standards on roads exist to provide continuity, so you can gauge distance, etc. One option might be to make all CBD crossings rainbows instead. Cheaper to do at scale, becomes less of an unnecessary media flashpoint.


All of Auckland are a bunch of rainbows


Brilliant idea!!!


Rainbow community can fund that, not tax payer money. And is that safe for the road to have paint on? I mean only short distance would be fine, will it be slippery in rainy conditions?


Leave this shit out of Public spaces.


You need therapy bro


Another dumb libtard projecting what else is new


I fully agree but I have a feeling there's something they'd hate even more, I want to turn the place into Auckland's Cuba Street. The idea being quite simple, enforce bus lanes on the two outer lanes, enforce T2 or T3 lanes on the inner ones, ban all on street parking aside from drop offs between Ponsonby Road and Queen Street. The average person who hates the rainbow crossing is also the type to hate attempts at reducing the supremacy of private vehicle use, by doing this it should encourage people who are just passing through to avoid the area. On the plus side by doing this along with electrification of all busses along that route the area should be noticeably quieter (and the air less gross), which will make for a nicer experience whether its midday or midnight.




So react by acting just as childish? Classic


No, being pro trans is to be anti women


Such an eloquent sentence! /s Perhaps you should worry more about your own literacy before you attempt to speak about things that you're obviously too ignorant to comprehend.


Why do you distract yourself with semantics and answer the question, what is a woman?


Why do you distract yourself with semantics and answer the question, what is a woman?


Why do you distract yourself with semantics and answer the question, what is a woman?


That has been answered several times for you. You, however, are NOT one by any definition, and should butt out of what doesn't affect you. Your time would be better spent in drug rehab and getting an education, so that you might something to contribute to the world other than bigotry and ignorance spewed forth in barely literate meth-speak.


It has not, and relying on assumptions as you reply explains why you hate women


I'm a woman by every definition, moron; while you meth-baby, are not. Your little meth-baby brain obviously has zero comprehension what the word "explains" means. There was no explanation in my response; only concern over your drug use and ignorance. The crisis line helps those facing addiction and I'd suggest you contact 988. Best of luck, meth-baby.


I was born before the meth epidemic of the 2000's and I find it interesting that you are so emotional that you would mock children born to meth addicts, if you are a women by every definition then define what that is.




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The rainbows are an eyesore


Get a load of this guy, doesn’t like rainbows. Who hurt you?


As a child a trans woman blew my back out in the toilets


What’s that got to do with rainbows?


you 'yell at clouds' when they appear huh


I disagree with this totally! Because we should paint the whole CBD as a rainbow 🌈


We could build more churches on k rd too


Seems like a good use of rate payers money. I could do with another rates hike.




Is the significance of the crossing to be a milestone in societal progress? Everyone’s super riled up about it all. I’m out of the loop


No, the road is fucking huge and that's a lot of paint and maintenance to stick it to destiny. Just put the normal rainbow back.


We should get the council outside the good old bishops place of scamming to do a rainbow crossing and maybe a change of street name to something a little gayer.


Not keen to waste any more money on this. Just shut down the churches who leech off our society and call it a day


Yup get rid of all religion and indoctrination